@UTF8 @Begin @Languages: eng @Participants: CYNT CYNTHIA Speaker, MANY MANY Speaker, AUD AUD Speaker, AUD2 AUD_2 Speaker, AUD3 AUD_3 Speaker @Options: CA, caps, bullets @ID: eng|SBCSAE|CYNT|||||Speaker||| @ID: eng|SBCSAE|MANY|||||Speaker||| @ID: eng|SBCSAE|AUD|||||Speaker||| @ID: eng|SBCSAE|AUD2|||||Speaker||| @ID: eng|SBCSAE|AUD3|||||Speaker||| @Media: 54, audio @Comment: 'That's Good', Said Tiger @Comment: Public storytelling event recorded after a church potluck in Chicago, Illinois. The speaker, a professional storyteller in her mid forties, tells several stories and interacts with the audience. *CYNT: (..) Um 0_1497 (..) any of you who find that you really enjoy storytelling 1497_4944 I would like to mention 4944_6139 that the last weekend in July . 6139_8180 *CYNT: &=in In Spring Grove Illinois 8180_10098 there is a festival 10098_11273 &=in children under twelve are free 11273_13448 &{l=PAR I'll just mention that to all you parents &}l=PAR 13448_15305 &=in &=lengthened U:m 15305_16493 a:nd it's called the Illinois storytelling festival 16493_19295 (..) Have any of you ever gone ? 19295_20905 *CYNT: (..) I know you have . 20905_23392 *CYNT: (..) ⌈ Alright ⌉ . 23392_24120 *MANY: ⌊ &=LAUGHTER ⌋ &=lengthened . 23642_24370 *CYNT: Put your hand down . 24370_25038 *CYNT: &=in Uh ʔuh +/. 25038_25820 *CYNT: When I found out I was telling here 25820_27420 I didn't realize 27420_28170 that Dusty 28170_28849 ʔuh had attended your church a number of times 28849_30724 he's also a storyteller 30724_32033 (.) uh 32033_32534 (.) &=in from the (.) Illinois storytelling festival . 32534_34837 *CYNT: &=in &=lengthened And uh 34837_36048 (.) we would love to have you all come . 36048_37661 *CYNT: (.) There are four tents 37661_39030 a children's tent 39030_40120 &=in an adult tent 40120_41294 &=in a general tent 41294_42488 and then a (.) traditions tent . 42488_43923 *CYNT: Where everyone can come and just 43923_45364 share their memories of growing up 45364_47089 or 47089_47372 &=in world war whatever 47372_48997 o:r 48997_49522 &=in (.) f- first time you ever rode in a train 49522_52140 (.) all of those things 52140_52940 it's a won:derful family event . 52940_54748 *CYNT: (.) A:nd I hope that some of you would be able to come . 54748_56912 *AUD: (..) &=COUGH &=COUGH . 56912_58396 *CYNT: (..) The next story that I have 58396_60251 ʔis from 60251_61119 (.) the Native Americans . 61119_62651 *CYNT: (..) &=in It's called how the star:s got in the sky: . 62651_66488 *CYNT: (..) Did you ever wonder how the stars got in the sky ? 66488_68663 *CYNT: (..) This is the way the Indians think that the stars got in the sky . 68663_73280 *CYNT: (..) &=in And I learned this story 73280_75180 from 75180_75600 (..) a white man 75600_76735 who had been adopted into a tribe in Michigan . 76735_79180 *CYNT: ʔIn (.) Wisconsin 79180_80548 (..) he has (.) taken on a:ll of the Native American ways . 80548_83743 *CYNT: And the people thought so much of him 83743_85268 that they have given him 85268_86193 (..) uh 86193_86693 also a Native American name . 86693_88318 *CYNT: (..) And he gave me permission to tell the story . 88318_90684 *CYNT: (..) &=in Long ago 90684_93667 (..) in the sky there was only the su:n and the moo:n . 93667_97864 *CYNT: (..) &=in And on the nights 97864_100052 (.) when the moon didn't shine 100052_101670 it was very dark . 101670_103100 *CYNT: Indeed . 103100_103776 *CYNT: (..) &=in Well all of the animals got together 103776_107202 &=in and decided they were going to go to the creator . 107202_109740 *CYNT: (..) To see if he could help with the problem . 109740_112293 *CYNT: (..) Well 112293_113932 when they arrived 113932_114682 the creator said 114682_115732 (..) I will help you 115732_117217 but first you: must do something . 117217_119217 *CYNT: (..) &=in All of you are to go down to the lake . 119217_122450 *CYNT: (.) And gather stones . 122450_123940 *CYNT: (..) &=in Now not round stones 123940_126365 like the moon 126365_127331 (..) but jagged stones . 127331_129986 *CYNT: (..) &=in And when you have got as many as you can carry 129986_133204 &=in bring them to me 133204_134125 and then &{l=MRC I will help you &}l=MRC . 134125_135650 *CYNT: (..) And so: 135650_138050 (..) all the animals went (.) to the lake . 138050_140846 *CYNT: (..) All except (.) coyote . 140846_143563 *CYNT: (..) Because &{l=L coyote was laz⌈y &}l=L ⌉ . 143563_147248 *AUD: ⌊ &=COUGH ⌋ &=COUGH &=COUGH . 146998_147820 *CYNT: And he was (.) a:slee:p . 147820_150570 *CYNT: (..) &=in So 150570_152265 all the animals gathered as many stones as they could carry 152265_154840 the large animals had a great many stones . 154840_157393 *CYNT: (..) &=in And the little animals like grasshopper and bumblebee 157393_160681 (..) they could ⌈ only carry ⌉ one . 160681_162622 *AUD: ⌊ &=COUGH &=COUGH ⌋ . 161456_162072 *CYNT: (..) &=in But they all brought them to the feet of the creator . 162622_165724 *CYNT: (..) &{l=L All except (.) coyote . 165724_168532 *CYNT: Because 168532_169407 (..) he was lazy and . 169407_171106 *AUD: &=COUGH &=COUGH . 171106_171704 *CYNT: he was (..) asleep &}l=L . 171704_173279 *CYNT: (..) &=in So the creator looked over all the stones that were brought 173279_177749 (.) &=in and chose one . 177749_179499 *CYNT: (.) Not too ⌈ large ⌉ . 179499_180562 *AUD: ⌊ &=THROAT ⌋ &=lengthened . 180224_180837 *CYNT: (..) &=in and reached up 180837_182320 (..) &=in and placed it in the sky . 182320_184400 *CYNT: (..) And when he did 184400_186248 (.) it began to twinkle . 186248_188125 *CYNT: (..) And he said 188125_189714 &=in (..) this I will call a star . 189714_192170 *CYNT: (..) And this one a special star . 192170_194521 *CYNT: A homing star . 194521_195946 *CYNT: (..) &=in The North Star . 195946_197744 *CYNT: (..) &=in And this evening 197744_199442 a:ll of you animals 199442_200859 (.) are going to go 200859_201959 (..) off: the edge of the Earth 201959_203988 (..) into the sky 203988_205315 to make your pictures . 205315_206665 *CYNT: (..) With stars . 206665_208382 *CYNT: (..) And so 208382_210259 (..) that evening 210259_211482 (..) a:ll of the animals 211482_213178 gathered their stones 213178_214578 (..) and they &{l=MRC walked off the edge of the world &}l=MRC . 214578_217740 *CYNT: (..) Into the sky . 217740_219209 *CYNT: (..) To make their pictures . 219209_221160 *CYNT: &=in With the brilliant dots 221160_223006 (..) that would turn into stars . 223006_224806 *CYNT: (..) They a:ll went except (..) coyote . 224806_229467 *CYNT: &=tsk (..) Because he: was lazy . 229467_231924 *CYNT: (..) And he was (..) asleep . 231924_234695 *CYNT: (..) &=in Well after all the animals had gone 234695_237858 (.) ⌈ &=in the creator call⌉ed to coyote . 237858_239654 *AUD: ⌊ &=COUGH &=COUGH ⌋ . 238054_239000 *CYNT: He said 239654_239804 &{l=VOX Coyote 239804_240629 (..) come on now 240629_241550 get up . 241550_242100 *CYNT: (..) &{l=X Time- &}l=X +/. 242100_242763 *CYNT: Enough of this being lazy 242763_244194 come on over here 244194_244983 I have a jo:b for you &}l=VOX . 244983_246558 *CYNT: (..) And coyote 246558_248562 (..) &=in &{l=VOX &{l=YWN he yawned and &}l=YWN &}l=VOX &=ex 248562_251333 (..) &=in he got up 251333_253504 and he (..) &{l=VOX dra:gged himself to the presence of the creator &}l=VOX 253504_257603 (..) and said &{l=VOX ye- yes 257603_259868 what 259868_260205 (..) what (..) do you need me to do &}l=VOX . 260205_262142 *CYNT: (..) And the creator said 262142_264320 well all of the animals have gone off the edge of the Earth 264320_266815 to make pictures in the sky . 266815_268245 *CYNT: &=in But some of them can't carry very many stones . 268245_271125 *CYNT: (..) ⌈ I want ⌉ you to take this . 271125_273107 *AUD: ⌊ &=COUGH ⌋ . 271600_272007 *CYNT: &=in (..) &{l=VOX this great big ba:g of stones into the sky &}l=VOX 273107_277082 and when any of the other animals need them 277082_279282 (..) then you give them the extras that they need . 279282_281744 *AUD: (..) &=COUGH . 281744_283023 *CYNT: (.) &{l=L Well 283023_283623 coyote was lazy &}l=L . 283623_285373 *CYNT: (..) And he took one look at that bag and thought 285373_288600 &{l=VOX hoh: 288600_289245 (..) I don't wanna do that &}l=VOX . 289245_291385 *CYNT: (..) But you don't argue with the creator . 291385_295286 *AUD: &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh . 295286_296092 *CYNT: (..) And so: 296092_297817 he said he would . 297817_299004 *CYNT: And he 299004_299504 (.) &=in got up and he 299504_301180 (.) took that heavy bag and 301180_302916 &=in (..) put it on his back and 302916_305205 ⌈ he w⌉alked off (..) the edge of the Earth . 305205_308175 *AUD: ⌊ &=THROAT ⌋ . 305205_305775 *CYNT: (..) Into the sky . 308175_309647 *CYNT: (..) &=in ⌈ Well he hadn't ⌉ gone very far . 309647_312180 *AUD: ⌊ &=THROAT ⌋ . 310572_311305 *CYNT: when that bag started to feel (.) very (.) heavy . 312180_315130 *CYNT: (..) &=in And so he looked one way . 315130_317998 *AUD: (.) &=THROAT . 317998_318595 *CYNT: (.) and then he looked the other 318595_320070 (..) and he put that big bag down 320070_323291 (..) &{l=VOX and then he &}l=VOX dug both paws in 323291_326902 &=in and threw a whole bunch of stones behind him one way 326902_329632 &=in and a whole bunch the other way . 329632_331319 *AUD: (..) &=laugh . 331319_331825 *CYNT: and of course 331825_332375 as soon as they hit the sky 332375_334000 ⌈ they all ⌉ began to twinkle behind him . 334000_336050 *AUD: ⌊ &=THROAT ⌋ . 334000_334450 *CYNT: (..) &=in and then he picked that bag up 336050_338706 (..) put it on his back again . 338706_340633 *CYNT: (..) Well it wasn't so heavy now . 340633_342944 *CYNT: (..) So he walked a little further 342944_345398 (..) and a little further 345398_346852 ⌈ but that ⌉ &{l=L ba:g began to feel heavy again &}l=L . 346852_350427 *AUD: ⌊ &=SNEEZE ⌋ . 346852_347552 *CYNT: (..) And he looked one ⌈2 way ⌉2 . 350427_352497 *AUD: ⌊2 &=COUGH ⌋2 . 351952_352497 *CYNT: (..) And he looked the other way . 352497_354693 *CYNT: (..) And then he put that bag down 354693_356647 (..) &{l=VOX and he &}l=VOX dug in again . 356647_358365 *CYNT: (..) Flung one paw full of stones one way 358365_361452 &=in one the other way 361452_363108 (..) and no one had seen him . 363108_365670 *CYNT: (..) But the sky was getting brighter behind him . 365670_368322 *CYNT: (.) &=in He ⌈ put ⌉ that bag right up back on his back . 368322_371242 *AUD: ⌊ &=COUGH ⌋ . 368824_369147 *CYNT: (..) walked a little further . 371242_372853 *CYNT: (..) Well it felt good for about a minute or two 372853_375954 and then lazy coyote 375954_377504 (..) he just couldn't s:tand it anymore . 377504_380354 *CYNT: (..) &{l=L He looked one way: 380354_382945 (..) he looked the other &}l=L 382945_385019 (..) then he put that bag down 385019_387672 (.) opened it re:al wi:de 387672_389972 (..) and like a puppy (.) digging a hole 389972_393030 (.) he just dug 393030_394204 all of those stones 394204_395354 &=in right out of that bag 395354_396554 until he got right down to the bottom . 396554_398785 *CYNT: (..) And a:ll those stones 398785_401127 &=in started sparkling behind him . 401127_403577 *CYNT: (..) Then he took that bag 403577_406060 (..) made sure it was empty 406060_408074 (.) folded it up 408074_409075 (..) made a little pillow 409075_411020 (.) pulled up a comfortable cloud 411020_413105 (..) laid down 413105_414361 (..) and went to sleep . 414361_416119 *CYNT: (..) Well 416119_417844 pretty soon the animals were running out of stones 417844_419663 they started calling . 419663_420588 *CYNT: (.) &{l=VOX coyote 420588_421245 we need some more stones over here 421245_422765 (..) right over +/. 422765_423592 *CYNT: where are you coyote &}l=VOX ? 423592_425148 *CYNT: (..) ⌈ Well ⌉ . 425148_426996 *AUD: ⌊ &=laugh ⌋ &=laugh . 426750_427275 *CYNT: (.) coyote didn't hear them . 427275_428755 *CYNT: (..) Because he was lazy 428755_431161 (..) and he was 431161_432858 (..) a:sleep . 432858_434637 *CYNT: (..) &{l=WH Well &}l=WH 434637_436380 (..) the first rays of morning 436380_438865 started peeking over the edge of the Earth 438865_440640 &=in and a:ll the animals had to scurry 440640_442825 (..) back onto the Earth . 442825_444170 *CYNT: Before day broke . 444170_445195 *CYNT: (..) Some of them had to leave their pictures 445195_448189 (..) half done . 448189_449641 *CYNT: (..) So:me had only had one stone . 449641_452549 *CYNT: (.) They could just (..) put up in the sky . 452549_454492 *CYNT: &=in A few were finished 454492_455797 like the swan 455797_456764 (..) and finally when a ray of light hit coyote in the eye 456764_461193 (..) he woke up and 461193_462584 (.) he realized 462584_463506 he too had to hurry back onto Earth . 463506_465456 *CYNT: (..) So he did . 465456_467258 *CYNT: (..) But that night 467258_469430 (..) &{l=MRC when he looked up at the sky &}l=MRC 469430_472469 (..) that's when he learned how to howl . 472469_476111 *CYNT: (..) Because he saw &{l=L all the other animals with their pictures in the sky &}l=L 476111_482100 (..) and &{l=MRC his wasn't there &}l=MRC . 482100_484622 *CYNT: (..) Because he'd been lazy . 484622_487352 *CYNT: (..) And he had been (.) asleep . 487352_490356 *CYNT: (..) And that's the story 490356_492620 (..) of how a:ll the stars got in the sky . 492620_495470 *MANY: (..) &=APPLAUSE . 495470_503728 *AUD: (..) &=THROAT ⌈ &=lengthened ⌉ . 503728_504996 *CYNT: ⌊ We⌋:ll . 504778_505371 *AUD: (..) &=THROAT . 505371_506307 *CYNT: (.) Some of my favorite kinds of stories 506307_508950 are stories where the audience gets to help a little bit . 508950_511432 *AUD: (..) &=THROAT . 511432_512094 *CYNT: (..) A⌈nd this is ⌉ a story that has a tiger . 512094_515519 *AUD: ⌊ &=COUGH ⌋ . 513169_513619 *CYNT: (..) And I need you: to be the tiger . 515519_517651 *CYNT: (..) &=in Now this tiger keeps changing his mind about things 517651_521640 &=in sometimes you're going to say 521640_523602 (..) tha:t's goo:d said tiger . 523602_526862 *CYNT: Can I hear you say that ? 526862_527863 *MANY: (..) ⌈ Tha:t's goo:d said tiger ⌉ . 527863_530972 *CYNT: ⌊ Tha:t's goo:d said tiger ⌋ . 528219_530808 *AUD: X: . 530972_531330 *CYNT: And sometimes 531330_533055 (..) that tiger changes his mind . 533055_536050 *CYNT: (..) And he says 536050_537574 (..) tha:t's ba:d said tiger . 537574_540472 *MANY: (..) Tha:t's ba:d says tiger . 540472_543822 *CYNT: Al:right . 543822_544524 *CYNT: Well let's see: 544524_545595 &=in what keeps flipping this tiger back and forth . 545595_548407 *CYNT: Shall we ? 548407_549025 *CYNT: (..) &{l=L Boy was sitting on a big rock &}l=L . 549025_553636 *CYNT: &=in In the middle of the jungle . 553636_555030 *CYNT: (..) Just sitting . 555030_556425 *CYNT: (..) When along (..) came (..) tiger . 556425_560317 *CYNT: (..) &{l=VOX R::un boy &}l=VOX . 560317_563688 *CYNT: (..) Said tiger . 563688_564918 *CYNT: (.) &=in &{l=VOX R::un &}l=VOX . 564918_566259 *CYNT: And then 566259_567009 (..) &{l=VOX I will: (.) chase you: . 567009_569343 *CYNT: (..) And I will (..) catch you . 569343_572318 *CYNT: (.) &=in (.) And then 572318_573812 hm-hm-hm-hm . 573812_574837 *CYNT: &=in I will: eat you . 574837_577018 *CYNT: &=in So r:un &}l=VOX (..) said tiger . 577018_580195 *CYNT: (..) Well (..) said boy 580195_583325 (..) &=in Eat me then &=ex . 583325_585440 *CYNT: &=in I have no run left in me . 585440_587954 *CYNT: (..) &{l=VOX What ? 587954_589998 *CYNT: (..) You won't run ? 589998_591576 *CYNT: (..) Tell me why you won't run . 591576_593838 *CYNT: &=in and then I will eat you &}l=VOX . 593838_595657 *CYNT: (..) Said tiger . 595657_597025 *CYNT: (..) &=in Well it's like this said the boy . 597025_600040 *CYNT: (..) I: was walking . 600040_602744 *CYNT: (..) Just walking in the jungle when 602744_605964 (.) &=SLAP (..) I bumped into rhi:no . 605964_609930 *CYNT: (..) &{l=PAR You know what a rhino is 609930_612377 don't you &}l=PAR ? 612377_613099 *CYNT: (..) &=in A great (..) ⌈ big (.) animal ⌉ with a horn . 613099_617129 *AUD: ⌊ &=COUGH &=COUGH ⌋ . 615099_616004 *CYNT: (..) &=in Or rhino bumped into me . 617129_619603 *CYNT: (..) I was willing to forget it . 619603_622320 *CYNT: (..) But no:t rhino . 622320_624558 *CYNT: (..) &=in So he got mad 624558_625875 and I ran away from there fast . 625875_627845 *CYNT: (..) Now this is where you say 627845_629317 (..) tha:t's goo:d said tiger- . 629317_631644 *CYNT: (..) ⌈ Tha:t's goo:d said tiger ⌉ . 631644_634946 *MANY: ⌊ Tha:t's goo:d said tiger ⌋ . 632115_634867 *CYNT: (..) &=in Well I ra:n 634867_636693 and I ran and I ran and I ran 636693_638643 (..) but all the while 638643_640204 there was rhino . 640204_641504 *CYNT: &=in Running (.) right (.) after me . 641504_644226 *CYNT: &=in He can't see very well but [% laugh] 644226_646468 (.) boy: can he run fast . 646468_648568 *CYNT: (..) ⌈ Tha:t's ba:d said tiger ⌉ . 648568_652571 *MANY: ⌊ Tha:t's ba:d said tiger ⌋ . 649415_652640 *CYNT: &=in Well I ran and I ran and I ran and I ran 652640_655013 until I found a low tree: . 655013_657223 *CYNT: (..) And I climbed up in that tree 657223_660114 &=in and I sat on a branch 660114_661847 (..) and rhino 661847_663397 &=in he ran right under me 663397_665390 and he kept right on going . 665390_667715 *CYNT: (..) &=in ⌈ Tha:t's goo:d said tiger ⌉ . 667715_671386 *MANY: ⌊ Tha:t's goo:d said tiger⌋: . 668670_671386 *CYNT: (..) But 671386_673003 (..) &{l=L he came back (.) looking for me &}l=L . 673003_675928 *CYNT: (..) &=in ⌈ Tha:t's ba:d said tiger ⌉ . 675928_679439 *MANY: ⌊ Tha:t's ba:d said tiger ⌋ . 676894_679331 *CYNT: (..) &=in So I got down 679439_681034 and I picked up a stone 681034_682554 &=in and I threw it at rhino to scare him away 682554_685809 (..) ⌈ Tha:t's goo:d said tiger ⌉ . 685809_689200 *MANY: ⌊ Tha:t's goo:d said tiger ⌋ . 686717_689191 *CYNT: &=in (..) But 689200_690405 (.) &{l=L it didn't scare him away &}l=L . 690405_693000 *MANY: (.) Tha:⌈t's ba:d said tiger ⌉ . 693000_696285 *CYNT: ⌊ Tha:t's ba:d said tiger ⌋ . 693777_696175 *AUD: &=THROAT . 696285_696550 *CYNT: &=in So I got down 696550_697700 and I ran a little more . 697700_699196 *CYNT: (..) A little slower now 699196_701066 because I was so tired but 701066_702770 (.) &=PFEW 702770_703234 at least rhino was getting tired too . 703234_705809 *CYNT: (..) ⌈ Tha:t's goo:d said tiger ⌉ . 705809_709157 *MANY: ⌊ Tha:t's goo:d said tiger ⌋ . 706677_709148 *CYNT: (..) And then 709157_710540 (..) then 710540_711760 I was running 711760_712677 ʔand I tripped 712677_713757 into a shallow ditch 713757_715482 (..) right in front of rhi:no . 715482_717738 *MANY: (..) ⌈ Tha:t's ba:d said tiger ⌉ . 717738_721265 *CYNT: ⌊ That's ba:d said tiger ⌋ . 718611_721265 *AUD: &{l=X Yes &}l=X . 721265_721861 *CYNT: Well 721861_722386 &=in but rhino was going so fast this time 722386_724829 (.) he ran right &=in o:ver me . 724829_728055 *CYNT: (..) ⌈ Tha:t's goo:d said tiger ⌉ . 728055_731124 *MANY: ⌊ Tha:t's goo:d said tiger ⌋ . 728501_730944 *CYNT: (.) &=in But I got up 731124_732551 (..) and 732551_733402 (..) there was rhino . 733402_734799 *CYNT: Right there (..) back again . 734799_737060 *CYNT: (..) ⌈ Tha:t's ba:d said tiger ⌉ . 737060_740691 *MANY: ⌊ Tha:t's ba:d said tiger ⌋ . 737907_740680 *CYNT: (.) &=in So I ran and I ran 740691_742372 &=in until I saw ʔuh (.) a vi:ne . 742372_744259 *CYNT: &=in and I grabbed the vine 744259_745525 and I swu:ng across the river 745525_747550 to the other si:de . 747550_748825 *MANY: (..) ⌈ Tha:t's goo:d said tiger ⌉ . 748825_751974 *CYNT: ⌊ That's goo:d said tiger ⌋ . 749585_751974 *CYNT: (..) But on the other side 751974_754761 (..) was crocodile . 754761_756628 *CYNT: (..) With his mouth (.) wi:de open . 756628_759480 *MANY: (..) ⌈ Tha:t's ba:d said tiger ⌉ . 759480_762799 *CYNT: ⌊ Tha:t's ba:d said tiger ⌋ . 760027_762681 *CYNT: &=in So I swa:ng back 762799_764902 &=in and I let go of the vine 764902_766287 and I landed with a thump 766287_767887 (..) and I didn't see rhino anywhere . 767887_771414 *MANY: (..) ⌈ Tha:t's goo:d said tiger ⌉ . 771414_774403 *CYNT: ⌊ Tha:t's goo:d said tiger ⌋ . 772151_774359 *CYNT: &=in So I got down 774403_775957 (..) and then I realized 775957_778179 (..) I had been (..) on (.) rhino's (.) back . 778179_781797 *AUD: (..) &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh . 781797_782537 *AUD2: ⌈ Tha- ⌉ +... 782537_782829 *AUD3: ⌊ Tha- ⌋ +... 782537_782829 *MANY: ⌊ Tha:t's ba:d said tiger ⌋ . 782829_785712 *CYNT: ⌊ Tha:t's ba:d said tiger ⌋ . 782992_785675 *AUD: &=laugh &=laugh . 785737_786177 *CYNT: (..) So I got behind a tree . 786177_788317 *CYNT: &=in And I picked up another stone 788317_790198 and I threw it just as far as I could 790198_792369 &=in rhino can't see very well 792369_794095 &=in but he heard that stone 794095_795710 and he ra:n off after it . 795710_798060 *MANY: (..) ⌈ Tha:t's goo:d said tiger ⌉ . 798060_801106 *CYNT: ⌊ That's goo:d said tiger ⌋ . 798811_801106 *CYNT: (..) And then tiger said 801106_803345 &=in (.) And so then 803345_804815 &=in you (.) ran away ? 804815_806654 *CYNT: And you got away from rhino ? 806654_808463 *CYNT: (..) And boy said 808463_810554 (..) &{l=L well ? 810554_811963 *CYNT: (.) N:o 811963_813183 (..) I (.) was so tired 813183_815183 I (.) just sat down (..) here 815183_817913 and 817913_818597 (..) &=in and 818597_819925 &=in and now I'm going to get behind this big stone 819925_824322 because 824322_825266 &=in (.) here comes ⌈ rhino ⌉ now:⌈2: &}l=L ⌉2 . 825266_829555 *AUD: ⌊ rhino [% laugh] ⌋ . 827454_828118 *MANY: ⌊2 &=LAUGHTER ⌋2 &=lengthened . 829380_830363 *CYNT: ⌈3 Tha:t's ba:d said tiger ⌉3 . 830363_833211 *MANY: ⌊3 Tha:t's ba:d said tiger ⌋3 . 830562_833211 *CYNT: And he took off running fast . 833211_835155 *CYNT: And the little boy 835155_836448 &=in got up 836448_837193 (.) &{l=P not tired anymore &}l=P 837193_838558 &=in and he ran away home 838558_840170 as fast as his little brown legs would carry him . 840170_843070 *CYNT: (.) &=in &{l=P And that's good 843070_844482 (..) that's bad 844482_845457 is the name of that story &}l=P . 845457_846807 *MANY: &=LAUGHTER 846807_848592 &=APPLAUSE . 848592_854742 *CYNT: (..) Now I know storytelling is a new thing for a lot of you 854742_859479 but it +/. 859479_859833 *CYNT: (..) Um 859833_860380 (.) if you do have enjoyment of it 860380_862105 I hope you will join us another time 862105_863945 at (.) at the storytelling festival . 863945_865749 *CYNT: (..) &=tsk &=in I have one more story for you 865749_868691 (..) &=in ⌈ And ⌉ +... 868691_871228 *AUD: ⌊ &=COUGH ⌋ . 870750_871228 *CYNT: (..) How many of you already know the story the frog prince . 871228_874242 *CYNT: (..) The frog prince 874242_875737 (..) the prince who is 875737_877247 (..) turned into a frog by a witch 877247_879625 and 879625_879897 &=in and then 879897_881103 ⌈ in order to ⌉ . 881103_881975 *AUD: ⌊ &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋ &=laugh &=laugh . 881103_882224 *AUD2: &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh . 882224_882858 *CYNT: Is it reminding you of someone you know ? 882858_884340 *MANY: &=LAUGHTER ⌈ &=lengthened ⌉ &=lengthened . 884340_886060 *CYNT: ⌊ I h- ⌋ +/. 884790_885225 *CYNT: U:m . 886060_886520 *AUD: &=COUGH ⌈ &=COUGH ⌉ . 886520_887353 *CYNT: ⌊ and then in ⌋ order to (.) regain his form 886845_888953 he has to 888953_889750 (..) be kissed by a beautiful princess . 889750_891653 *CYNT: You've all heard that story I'm sure . 891653_893340 *CYNT: (.) &=in Well . 893340_894222 *AUD: &=COUGH &=COUGH . 894222_894940 *CYNT: this is the story (.) of the other (..) frog (..) prince . 894940_899599 *AUD: &=laugh . 899599_899774 *CYNT: (..) &=tsk &=in (..) It was a beautiful day at the pond . 899774_905664 *AUD: &=THROAT . 905664_906316 *CYNT: (..) But the frog prince 906316_908916 (..) who was sitting (..) on his lily pad in the middle of the pond 908916_912292 huh 912292_912688 (..) &=in was he lonely . 912688_914572 *CYNT: (..) &=in I mean the &{l=MRC bir:ds were flying above him 914572_918117 (..) the fish were swimming below him 918117_920888 (..) but no one was paying a bit of attention to him &}l=MRC . 920888_925705 *CYNT: (..) &=in &{l=VOX When &}l=VOX 925705_927983 (..) who should he see 927983_930223 (..) walking along the path with a book under her arm 930223_934000 (..) but &{l=L the: most beautiful princess he had ever seen &}l=L . 934000_939756 *CYNT: (..) &{l=VOX Well uh 939756_942322 (..) finally a little company &}l=VOX . 942322_944533 *CYNT: (..) He said to himself . 944533_946661 *AUD: (..) &=THROAT . 946661_947600 *CYNT: (..) And he took off his little gold crown 947600_949960 (..) put it next to him on the lily pad 949960_952393 (..) &=in hopped into the water 952393_954337 &=in and swam across 954337_955683 (.) poking his little head up (.) through the reeds . 955683_958049 *CYNT: (..) &{l=VOX Oh uh 958049_960392 (..) pardon me . 960392_961870 *CYNT: (.) Beautiful princess &}l=VOX 961870_963195 (..) he said in his most pitiful (.) and pathetic voice . 963195_966826 *CYNT: (..) &=in &{l=VOX But uh . 966826_968162 *AUD: &=in &=lengthened . 968162_968836 *CYNT: I was wondering if 968836_969936 (.) if you could help me &}l=VOX . 969936_971485 *CYNT: (..) Well 971485_973625 the princess was quite surprised to be spoken to by (.) a frog 973625_977178 (..) but she felt so so:rry for his pitiful (..) and pathetic voice 977178_982120 (..) that she said 982120_983434 &=tsk &=in (..) &{l=VOX Why 983434_984648 (..) you dear little frog . 984648_986524 *CYNT: (..) &=in Whatever can I can I do to help you &}l=VOX . 986524_989281 *CYNT: (..) And he said 989281_991341 (..) &{l=VOX Oh 991341_992854 (..) well you see 992854_994117 &=laugh &=laugh 994117_994517 (..) &=in I am not really a frog . 994517_996928 *CYNT: (..) &=in (.) I am really a handsome prince . 996928_999755 *CYNT: (..) Who has been turned into a frog by 999755_1002457 &=in the spell of a wicked witch . 1002457_1004382 *CYNT: (..) And in order to break the spell 1004382_1007203 (..) I must be kissed 1007203_1009267 &=in by 1009267_1010217 (..) a beau:tiful princess &}l=VOX . 1010217_1013115 *CYNT: (..) Well 1013115_1015964 (.) &{l=L somehow the princess 1015964_1018014 (.) had the feeling that he was gonna say that &}l=L . 1018014_1021089 *AUD: &=LAUGHTER . 1021089_1023545 *CYNT: &{l=L but she looked down at him 1023545_1025270 and felt (..) so sorry for him &}l=L 1025270_1027845 (..) and she thought 1027845_1029170 (..) &{l=VOX Well . 1029170_1030107 *CYNT: (..) What do I have to lose &}l=VOX . 1030107_1032480 *CYNT: (..) &{l=VOX And so &}l=VOX 1032480_1034239 (..) she reached down . 1034239_1036174 *CYNT: (..) And she picked him up 1036174_1038482 (..) &=in and she brought him &{l=MRC right up close to her face &}l=MRC . 1038482_1042740 *CYNT: (..) &=in and she closed her eye⌈:s ⌉ . 1042740_1044965 *AUD: ⌊ &=COUGH ⌋ &=COUGH . 1044593_1045450 *CYNT: &=in and she gave him 1045340_1046894 (..) a great (.) big (.) kiss . 1046894_1049338 *CYNT: (..) Do you wanna help me make kiss sounds 1049338_1051135 (..) Okay 1051135_1052024 here we go . 1052024_1052336 *CYNT: (..) &=KISS &=lengthened &=lengthened . 1052336_1055460 *MANY: &=KISS &=lengthened . 1055460_1056455 *CYNT: (..) But when she opened her eyes ? 1056455_1061275 *CYNT: (..) She was surprised to see 1061275_1064465 (..) the frog 1064465_1065960 still sitting there . 1065960_1067335 *MANY: (..) &=LAUGHTER . 1067335_1068070 *CYNT: (..) With a great big smile . 1068070_1070250 *MANY: &=LAUGHTER . 1070250_1071372 *CYNT: ⌈ On his face ⌉ . 1071372_1072812 *MANY: ⌊ &=LAUGHTER ⌋ &=lengthened . 1071372_1073715 *CYNT: (..) And he said 1073715_1074805 (..) &{l=VOX nice kiss sweetie . 1074805_1077280 *CYNT: &=in (.) I was just kidding about the prince part . 1077280_1080414 *MANY: &=LAUGHTER ⌈ &=lengthened ⌉ . 1080414_1082548 *CYNT: ⌊ Ta ⌋ ta: &}l=VOX . 1081962_1082933 *CYNT: (..) ⌈2 and he hopped ⌉2 into the water . 1082926_1084972 *MANY: ⌊2 &=LAUGHTER ⌋2 . 1083148_1084340 *CYNT: (..) And she: (..) wiped (.) the frog slime . 1084972_1088287 *MANY: (..) &=LAUGHTER ⌈ &=lengthened ⌉ . 1088287_1089817 *CYNT: ⌊ off her lips ⌋ . 1088921_1089817 *CYNT: (..) &{l=VOX Ugh &}l=VOX . 1089817_1090488 *CYNT: (..) And that's the story of the other ⌈ frog prince ⌉ . 1090488_1094231 *MANY: ⌊ &=LAUGHTER ⌋ &=lengthened 1092950_1094231 &=APPLAUSE . 1094231_1102427 *CYNT: Thank you very much . 1102427_1103626 *CYNT: Um 1103626_1104045 (..) there are (..) a couple of other storytelling events 1104045_1108025 (..) that I'd just like to share with you 1108025_1110104 (..) one is in Elgin tomorrow evening . 1110104_1112498 *CYNT: Jim May is going to be 1112498_1113875 um 1113875_1114170 (.) doing some (.) stories 1114170_1115895 &=in uh 1115895_1116524 for a church group there 1116524_1117999 and you +/. 1117999_1118466 *CYNT: (.) It's a public uh (.) occasion 1118466_1120541 and you'd all be welcome 1120541_1121557 I'll leave some fliers for you here if you'd like them . 1121557_1124035 *CYNT: (.) &=in And uh next Saturday 1124035_1126430 &=in at the McHenry County Conservation District 1126430_1129360 which isn't really all that far . 1129360_1130965 *CYNT: (.) &=in Um 1130965_1131965 (..) Rosalee Sorrells 1131965_1133798 who is a well-known (.) folk singer and storyteller 1133798_1135977 will be doing a program 1135977_1137234 &=in and 1137234_1137992 ʔuh at seven-thirty 1137992_1138820 and you'd all be welcome to come . 1138820_1140020 *CYNT: (.) We'd love to have you there . 1140020_1141100 *CYNT: (..) So I thank you (..) very much 1141100_1143886 if any of you have occasions to use storytellers 1143886_1146588 I'd be happy to talk with you 1146588_1147747 or to find you an appropriate storyteller for 1147747_1149947 &=in any other group you might belong to . 1149947_1151947 *CYNT: (..) Thank you very much . 1151947_1153362 *MANY: &=APPLAUSE ⌈ &=lengthened ⌉ . 1153362_1161725 *CYNT: ⌊ You guys are awesome . 1159856_1161143 *CYNT: (.) What a great ⌋ audience . 1161143_1162471 @End