@UTF8 @Begin @Languages: eng @Participants: BREN BRENDA Speaker, ANDR ANDREW Speaker, DARL DARLENE Speaker, CIND CINDY Speaker, ENV ENV Environment, X X Speaker @Options: CA, caps, bullets @ID: eng|SBCSAE|BREN|||||Speaker||| @ID: eng|SBCSAE|ANDR|||||Speaker||| @ID: eng|SBCSAE|DARL|||||Speaker||| @ID: eng|SBCSAE|CIND|||||Speaker||| @ID: eng|SBCSAE|ENV|||||Environment||| @ID: eng|SBCSAE|X|||||Speaker||| @Media: 52, audio @Comment: Oh You need a Breadbox @Comment: Phone conversation between family members at Christmas. Andrew and Cindy, a couple in their mid forties in Albuquerque, NM, are calling Andrew's sisters in San Antonio, Texas. Discussion centers primarily on Christmas and Christmas gifts, and topics prompted by recent television news shows. *BREN: Bu⌈:t anyway . 0_1180 *ANDR: ⌊ &=in Hm ⌋ . 346_1465 *BREN: He's ⌉ a good kid . 1180_2088 *ANDR: (.) N_Yeah . 2088_2605 *ANDR: (.) &=in Well listen . 2605_3497 *ANDR: You have a merry Christ⌈mas . 3497_4586 *BREN: ⌊ Well you too ⌋ . 4457_5292 *ANDR: Who else is there ⌉ . 4586_5292 *BREN: (..) Hunh ? 5292_6077 *ANDR: (.) Who else is there . 6077_7042 *BREN: (..) I don't know 7042_7557 I don't know who you've talked to or no⌈t &{l=X yet &}l=X ⌉ . 7557_9122 *ANDR: ⌊ I talk⌋ed to Jenny 8806_9632 Danny 9632_10194 and now you . 10194_10885 *ANDR: Now who el⌈se ⌉ . 10885_11599 *BREN: ⌊ Oh ⌋ . 11440_11599 *BREN: Here's Darlene . 11599_12210 *BREN: &=laugh &=laugh ⌈ &=laugh &=laugh ⌉ . 12210_12768 *ANDR: ⌊ Okay ⌋ . 12379_12768 *BREN: Okay ? 12768_13184 *BREN: She's coming out here and making herself comfortable . 13184_14724 *BREN: And &=laugh 14724_14876 ha ha . 14876_15242 *BREN: &=in Here she is . 15242_16079 *ANDR: ⌈ Okay ⌉ . 16079_16593 *BREN: ⌊ Have a merry ⌋ Christmas . 16199_16956 *ANDR: (.) Merry Christmas . 16956_17815 *ANDR: &=in ⌈ &=lengthened ⌉ . 17815_18671 *DARL: ⌊ I didn't wanna ⌋ sit on all the birdie poop on the 18123_20315 (..) on the swing ? 20315_21272 *DARL: (..) ⌈ Yeah &{l=X possibly &}l=X ⌉ . 21272_22415 *ANDR: ⌊ You what ⌋ ? 21657_22279 *ANDR: (.) Oh 22415_22696 you're out ⌈ on the swing ⌉ . 22696_23500 *DARL: ⌊ Oh: the ⌋ birdie [% laugh] +/. 23042_23885 *DARL: Yeah: . 23885_24482 *ANDR: &=tsk . 24482_24702 *DARL: Yeah 24702_24926 you got birdie poop . 24926_25680 *DARL: (..) It's dry . 25680_26652 *DARL: It's just (.) like a (..) chalk mark . 26652_28547 *BREN: &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh . 28547_29047 *ANDR: &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌈ &=laugh ⌉ &=laugh . 29047_30004 *DARL: ⌊ &=laugh ⌋ 29600_29797 (..) &=in ⌈2 &=lengthened Uh: ⌉2 . 30004_31534 *ANDR: ⌊2 &=in Well ⌋2 30758_31532 merry Christmas . 31534_32324 *DARL: Merry ⌈3 Christmas ⌉3 . 32324_33106 *ANDR: ⌊3 &=in &=lengthened ⌋3 So what you been doing . 32648_34007 *DARL: (..) Oh: 34007_34802 running from phone to phone 34802_35701 answering it . 35701_36241 *DARL: When every time you hung up . 36241_37659 *ANDR: (.) What ? 37659_38180 *DARL: (..) Didn't you call 38180_39597 b- d- have to dial about four or five times ? 39597_41275 *ANDR: (..) &=tsk &=in I sta- ʔuh +/. 41275_42780 *ANDR: (..) And (.) ʔuh no one ʔuh: ever picked it up . 42780_45182 *ANDR: It rang +/. 45182_45623 *ANDR: It'd ring ten times 45623_46537 and then quit . 46537_47043 *DARL: (..) Oh . 47043_48175 *DARL: (.) See 48175_48641 &=in something was wrong 48641_49623 you need to call the telephone company then . 49623_50858 *DARL: Because 50858_51234 I 51234_51640 &=in &=lengthened either me or ans- +/. 51640_53308 *DARL: uh Jenn answered it about five times . 53308_55083 *ANDR: You did ? 55083_55801 *DARL: Yeah . 55801_56174 *DARL: The ⌈ phone ⌉ +... 56174_56557 *ANDR: ⌊ Cause ⌋ we literally started 56342_57496 the minute (.) Darlene s- +/. 57496_58458 *ANDR: &{l=PAR Uh 58458_58808 not Darlene &}l=PAR . 58808_59233 *ANDR: Janine said 59233_59983 &=in &=lengthened (.) call at one thirty . 59983_61855 *ANDR: (.) O⌈kay ⌉ . 61855_62418 *DARL: ⌊ Yeah ⌋ . 62100_62468 *ANDR: &=in (.) A:nd 62468_63778 abo:ut every tenth time 63778_65791 we'd get past the (.) busy circuit thing . 65791_68142 *DARL: (.) Yeah ? 68142_68674 *ANDR: (..) But we got through now . 68674_70459 *ANDR: What's the difference . 70459_71367 *DARL: (..) ⌈ The bu⌉sy circuit time . 71367_73380 *ANDR: ⌊ Si- ⌋ +... 72393_72607 *DARL: and then 73380_73715 did you get a busy signal here sometimes ? 73715_75526 *ANDR: (.) Sometimes ? 75526_76610 *DARL: Yeah 76610_76839 because 76839_77182 (.) Doug called at twelve thirty and 77182_78682 (..) &=in I think it was quarter to two before we got off . 78682_80920 *ANDR: &=in But we called (.) until 80920_82824 we called from 82824_83894 &=in m- uh: one thirty 83894_85715 until two your time . 85715_86690 *ANDR: I literally sat there 86690_87886 ʔuh and 87886_88296 punched it out 88296_88950 and r- +/. 88950_89267 *ANDR: and hit redial . 89267_90045 *ANDR: Eve⌈ry time ⌉ . 90045_90704 *DARL: ⌊ Well until ⌋ quarter to two the line was busy . 90280_92066 *ANDR: (..) &=in But after that we never got through . 92066_95440 *ANDR: (..) That's what I can't figure out . 95440_96962 *ANDR: ⌈ &=in ⌉ . 96962_97265 *DARL: ⌊ Oh I ⌋ don't know . 96962_97735 *ANDR: &=in I mean 97735_98224 ʔuh literally 98224_98754 my ⌈ thumb was sore fro- +... 98754_99759 *CIND: ⌊ We tried Brenda's 98971_100095 and got the:m ⌋ . 100095_100895 *ANDR: (.) &=in (.) In fact ⌉ 99759_100898 we- we were wondering if our machine was working 100898_102804 so we called Brenda's 102804_103836 and Mason 103836_104508 (.) &=in is on the answering machine . 104508_106108 *DARL: Yeah ? 106108_106562 *ANDR: &=in A:nd we: said 106562_107585 Yep 107585_107841 worked 107841_108167 and hung up . 108167_108882 *ANDR: (..) We didn't leave a message 108882_110117 we- we were- +/. 110117_110699 *ANDR: (..) You know . 110699_111307 *ANDR: We were concerned we couldn't get through . 111307_112681 *ANDR: &=in &=lengthened But ⌈ we never ⌉ +... 112681_114043 *DARL: ⌊ Uh: ⌋ 113624_114043 (..) W- it was probably something with the telephone lines here in San Antonio then . 114043_116714 *DARL: ⌈ Because ⌉ uh . 116714_117381 *ANDR: ⌊ Hunh ⌋ . 116714_117155 *DARL: (..) ⌈2 Well ⌉2 . 117381_118843 *ANDR: ⌊2 So you ⌋2 answered it ? 118456_119542 *ANDR: (..) And no one was there ? 119542_120598 *DARL: (..) Yeah 120598_121013 me and Jenn both 121013_122027 (.) and then I says 122027_122841 well don't answer this time 122841_123800 let it ring a couple times 123800_124856 (..) &=in see cause we'd answer it 124856_126393 (..) &=in and I could hear you . 126393_127958 *ANDR: (..) ⌈ You could hear me ⌉ ? 127958_129361 *DARL: ⌊ I heard you ⌋ 128328_129361 (.) &=in I heard you say something 129361_130990 (..) &=in uh 130990_131740 what d- what did you say . 131740_132563 *DARL: Uh: 132563_132932 (..) S- ʔuh you said something to the effect 132932_135331 something's wrong here . 135331_136387 *DARL: (..) I think that's exactly what you d- +/. 136387_137922 *DARL: Something's wrong here . 137922_138774 *ANDR: (..) Hunh . 138774_139590 *DARL: (..) A:m 139590_140747 (.) you must've been telling Cindy or 140747_142091 (..) Lisa or somebody . 142091_144160 *ANDR: (.) Mhm ? 144160_144642 *DARL: (..) &=in And the:n 144642_145808 uh 145808_146262 (..) we hung up again 146262_147597 (..) and it rang again 147597_148979 and I said let me run get it in the bedroom . 148979_150698 *DARL: (..) A:nd 150698_151627 &=in maybe it's something with this phone . 151627_153184 *ANDR: (.) Yeah ? 153184_153767 *DARL: &=in And 153767_154431 I got to the other phone 154431_155213 and it was the same thing . 155213_156167 *ANDR: (..) Hm . 156167_157021 *ANDR: (..) See I ⌈ never ⌉ heard you . 157021_158681 *DARL: ⌊ You ⌋ +/. 158012_158190 *DARL: (..) &=in Well I screamed one time . 158681_160759 *DARL: ⌈ Pretty loud ⌉ . 160759_161514 *ANDR: ⌊ &=laugh &=ex &=lengthened &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋ &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh . 160759_162069 *DARL: (.) Hoping ⌈2 you'd just get a ⌉2 hint of my voice . 162069_163839 *ANDR: ⌊2 &=in &=lengthened ⌋2 . 162470_163081 *DARL: a:nd kn:ow 163839_164674 (.) something was wrong 164674_165483 and ⌈ maybe just try later ⌉ . 165483_166705 *ANDR: ⌊ &=in We: tri:- ʔm- ⌋ +/. 165526_166705 *ANDR: My thumb was sore from r:- +/. 166705_168221 *ANDR: I says 168221_168537 we're gonna wait a half hour . 168537_169482 *ANDR: &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh 169482_170262 &{l=@ Let my thumb heal &}l=@ . 170262_171367 *DARL: (..) Do you have ⌈ a redial ⌉ on your phone ? 171367_173226 *ANDR: ⌊ &=in ⌋ 172198_172673 (..) Yeah . 173226_174159 *DARL: (..) Yeah . 174159_174673 *DARL: (..) And just from punching redial it was sore ? 174673_176554 *ANDR: (.) &=tsk &=in Yeah . 176554_177433 *DARL: (..) Mm . 177433_178041 *ANDR: I mean ʔI ʔI ʔI- &=ex +/. 178041_179237 *ANDR: If you 179237_179738 &=in if you hit the button 179738_180885 nn: 180885_181431 and then 181431_181954 (..) you know 181954_182407 as soon as you know: it's ʔuh:uh not a connect 182407_185090 you hit &=in &=lengthened (.) uh redial . 185090_186864 *DARL: (..) ⌈ Yeah ⌉ . 186864_187523 *ANDR: ⌊ &=in ⌋ (.) Uh: 187167_188428 it goes 188428_189200 a:nd uh 189200_190079 (..) &=in &{l=BR God &}l=BR . 190079_191360 *ANDR: We literally 191360_191938 Oh I thought we were gonna wear out the buttons on the phone . 191938_193733 *DARL: (.) Well 193733_194281 ʔuh ʔuh when there was that earthquake out in California 194281_196388 (..) &{l=X sorta close to &}l=X 196388_197591 (..) &{l=X what it what &}l=X 197591_198338 (.) the Bay Bridge 198338_199034 and all that stuff ? 199034_199584 *DARL: A few years ago ? 199584_200334 *ANDR: (.) Mhm ? 200334_200856 *DARL: And they said 200856_201357 don't call out there 201357_202308 tie up the lines 202308_203025 blah blah blah . 203025_203579 *DARL: But I wanted to 203579_204155 &=in (.) try to get a hold of Doug anyway . 204155_205705 *DARL: And I sat there for like two or three hours . 205705_207562 *DARL: In front of the TV . 207562_208393 *ANDR: Hours . 208393_209212 *DARL: (..) Yeah . 209212_209790 *ANDR: (..) That hurts . 209790_210557 *ANDR: &=laugh &=laugh . 210557_210924 *DARL: &=laugh &=ex &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh 210924_211801 &=in Punching . 211801_212662 *ANDR: &=in ⌈ &=lengthened ⌉ . 212662_213813 *DARL: ⌊ Every time it come up ⌋ busy 213086_214121 I'd (.) punch redial . 214121_215122 *DARL: (..) ⌈ And you know ⌉ . 215122_215975 *ANDR: ⌊ Hm ⌋ . 215528_215902 *DARL: disconnect 215975_216470 and then redial . 216470_217154 *DARL: Disconnect 217154_217636 redial . 217636_218029 *DARL: Disconnect 218029_218399 ⌈ redial ⌉ . 218399_218823 *ANDR: ⌊ &=in ⌋ Go:⌈2:d ⌉2 . 218399_219451 *DARL: ⌊2 And ⌋2 then finally I gave up . 219352_220426 *ANDR: (..) Hm . 220426_221124 *ANDR: (..) ⌈ &=tsk &=in ⌉ . 221124_222211 *DARL: ⌊ Well see ⌋ 221842_222247 I've got 222247_222683 (..) tough fingers from ⌈2 all &{l=X that &}l=X ⌉2 (..) stuff . 222683_225558 *ANDR: ⌊2 &=THROAT ⌋2 . 223933_224594 *DARL: when you're working the registers so many years 225558_227337 and the⌈n . 227337_227793 *ANDR: ⌊ Mhm ⌋ ? 227632_228281 *DARL: (.) now ⌉ the- +/. 227793_228566 *DARL: (.) &=in well 228566_229288 I b- do some of my computer stuff at the &=in computer registers 229288_232261 some of it (.) at (.) personal computer . 232261_233814 *DARL: But 233814_234032 (..) ʔUh I got tough fingers . 234032_236293 *ANDR: ⌈ Yeah: ? 236293_236974 *DARL: ⌊ &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh (.) &=laugh ⌋ . 236293_237900 *ANDR: (.) &=in You ⌉ must . 236974_238525 *ANDR: (.) Hm . 238525_239104 *DARL: (.) But I never ⌈ did get through at that time ⌉ . 239104_240658 *ANDR: ⌊ &=tsk &=in So what'd you get for ⌋ Christmas . 239580_241231 *DARL: (..) &=tsk Uh: 241231_242505 Brenda and Danny gave me a pair of earrings 242505_244106 which I have on now ? 244106_245113 *ANDR: Ah: . 245113_245563 *DARL: &=in I was: (.) waiting to put em on 245563_247095 till after I put my shirt over my head 247095_248420 and then 248420_248671 &=in until I saw Patty's earrings 248671_250543 and I said 250543_250758 &{l=VOX Oh my gosh &}l=VOX 250758_251407 &=in cause I saw that hers were pretty 251407_252782 I said oh my gosh 252782_253342 forgot to put my earrings on 253342_254240 so I ran and put em on . 254240_254940 *ANDR: (..) Hm . 254940_255813 *DARL: A:nd this little figuri:ne 255813_257161 with Santa Clau:s 257161_258136 (.) and a little boy and a deer ? 258136_259487 *ANDR: (..) Mm . 259487_260085 *DARL: (.) And 260085_260654 (..) until Brenda pointed it out 260654_261854 ʔi:t didn't dawn on me what it was . 261854_263017 *DARL: &=in S- the little boy had brought (.) the deer (.) to Santa Claus 263017_266183 (.) Santa Claus was bandaging its foot . 266183_267820 *DARL: (..) Its foot was up there 267820_268936 and you could see the 268936_269524 &=in like tape bandage . 269524_270924 *ANDR: (..) Hm . 270924_271514 *DARL: Santa Claus was putting on . 271514_272347 *DARL: It's real cute . 272347_272825 *DARL: (..) And Janine gave me money . 272825_274778 *ANDR: (..) &=in N_good . 274778_276625 *DARL: (.) &{l=VOX And uh 276625_277440 (..) I guess that's it &}l=VOX . 277440_278540 *ANDR: (..) Hm . 278540_279092 *DARL: Oh 279092_279259 Mason gave me: uh 279259_280612 (..) like a ⌈ Chris- ⌉ +... 280612_281737 *ANDR: ⌊ Oh ⌋ thank you for the- 281517_282325 what you sent . 282325_283125 *DARL: (..) &=in Well you're welcome . 283125_284627 *ANDR: (..) She uh sh- +/. 284627_285720 *ANDR: I think she spent it yesterday . 285720_286872 *DARL: (..) ⌈ Yeah &=ex &=lengthened . 286872_287787 *ANDR: ⌊ &=laugh &=lengthened (.) &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋ . 287160_288321 *DARL: Well 287868_288159 I'm ⌉ no ⌈2 good at ⌉2 . 288159_289087 *ANDR: ⌊2 &=in ⌋2 . 288634_289087 *DARL: ʔuh: uh . 289087_289637 *ANDR: (.) &=tsk ⌈ Oh you did ⌉ great . 289637_290660 *DARL: ⌊ I can't ⌋ +... 289912_290414 *ANDR: (..) &=in ⌈2 &=lengthened ⌉2 . 290660_291307 *DARL: ⌊2 I ⌋2 can't +/. 291113_291542 *DARL: (.) I'm no +/. 291542_292114 *DARL: (.) I'm no good at 292114_292994 (..) &=in People tell me stuff 292994_295047 well I knew something Brenda wanted 295047_296419 (..) she wanted (.) a new canister set 296419_298475 like the one she has 298475_299360 (.) &=in for a whole five pound bag of sugar 299360_301142 for a whole five pound bag of flour 301142_302520 &=in (.) ʔa fit in the thing 302520_303842 without being opened up . 303842_304792 *ANDR: (..) Mm . 304792_305533 *DARL: (..) A:nd 305533_306348 I looked around a little bit 306348_307325 but I'm not 307325_307779 I'm the world's worst shopper: . 307779_309024 *DARL: (.) ʔuh Stores bug me 309024_310035 I can't light a cigarette and then: 310035_311358 &=in makes me mad 311358_312504 and I (.) turn around and walk out after a little while . 312504_314383 *ANDR: (.) Mhm ? 314383_315118 *DARL: (..) A:nd um 315118_316248 (..) &=in I knew she wanted that 316248_319979 but 319979_320204 (..) I saw something 320204_321580 (..) that I ⌈ thought she ⌉ needed . 321580_323465 *ANDR: ⌊ &=ex ⌋ . 322830_323240 *DARL: that (.) she hadn't said she'd needed 323465_324990 &=in that way it'd be 324990_326020 (..) a little bit of a surprise 326020_326870 if she hadn't 326870_327495 &=in (..) remembered me saying 327495_329106 Oh 329106_329287 you need a breadbox . 329287_330435 *ANDR: (.) Yeah . 330435_330900 *DARL: (.) Cause she just had loaves of bread up on the counter . 330900_332906 *DARL: (..) &=tsk &=in A:nd 332906_333983 I guess they eat a lotta bread . 333983_335058 *DARL: (..) And there were like two or three loaves of bread 335058_336625 different kinds 336625_337232 open 337232_337525 &=in ⌈ &=lengthened ⌉ A:nd . 337525_338819 *ANDR: ⌊ Mhm ⌋ ? 337941_338219 *DARL: so that's what I wanted to get em 338919_339980 &=in A:nd uh 339980_341298 (..) I kept watching the ads 341298_343341 I thought 343341_343548 well I'll see some place that has (..) the kind I'm: looking for (.) for em . 343548_347401 *DARL: (..) Cause ⌈ they've ⌉ got dark (.) cabinets . 347401_349161 *ANDR: ⌊ Hm ⌋ . 347901_348064 *DARL: Real 349161_349412 (.) real dark brown . 349412_350115 *DARL: &=in ⌈ As op⌉posed to my kinda medium brown ? 350115_352197 *ANDR: ⌊ Hm ⌋ . 350616_350865 *DARL: (..) And so 352197_353450 &=in but all the ones &{l=X in &}l=X the paper were showing 353450_355250 the early American 355250_355875 the lighter (..) maple type wood . 355875_357669 *ANDR: (..) Yeah . 357669_358231 *DARL: (.) &=in Uh: 358231_359606 so 359606_359983 I just gave em a check . 359983_360765 *DARL: And said oh s- 360765_361265 (..) Whe- when you see a dark (..) dark brown (.) breadbox 361265_364314 like your ⌈ cabinets . 364314_365163 *ANDR: ⌊ &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋ . 364737_365789 *DARL: that's my Christ⌉mas present . 365163_366257 *ANDR: (..) &=laugh &=laugh ⌈2 &=in ⌉2 . 366257_367278 *DARL: ⌊2 &=in ⌋2 (..) So: 366953_368010 (..) I need to tell her though 368010_369090 if she sees canisters first 369090_370366 she can do that too . 370366_371498 *ANDR: (.) Yeah . 371498_371961 *DARL: (..) But 371961_373057 (.) I had an idea 373057_374113 (..) of what 374113_374882 (..) they could use 374882_376651 but 376651_376880 (..) &=tsk &=in and then 376880_378763 (..) Janine 378763_380755 the only thing she ever wants is Charlie cologne 380755_382787 (..) &=in ⌈ &{l=X From me &}l=X any⌉way &=ex . 382787_384765 *ANDR: ⌊ Oh really ⌋ . 383600_384151 *DARL: (.) And ⌈2 I never ⌉2 got (.) around to going to the drug store . 384765_387137 *ANDR: ⌊2 Hm ⌋2 . 385003_385327 *ANDR: (..) Hm . 387137_387640 *DARL: My store was out 387640_388575 (..) or I would've picked it up there . 388575_390077 *ANDR: (.) Yeah . 390077_390453 *DARL: (..) &=tsk &=in And so I just gave her a check . 390453_392655 *DARL: ⌈ &{l=X No I gave her check &}l=X ⌉ . 392655_393704 *ANDR: ⌊ So have you tried the ⌋ Vanilla Fields ? 392840_394694 *DARL: (..) Vanilla Fields (..) perfume ? 394694_397437 *DARL: ⌈ Cologne ⌉ ? 397437_397887 *ANDR: ⌊ Mm ⌋ 397525_397816 (..) ʔuh: Either one . 397887_398962 *DARL: (..) Me ? 398962_399893 *ANDR: (..) Yeah . 399893_400334 *DARL: (..) No 400334_400791 I don't use it . 400791_401466 *DARL: (..) ⌈ Any kind ⌉ . 401466_402273 *ANDR: ⌊ You don't ⌋ . 401785_402139 *ANDR: (..) Hm . 402273_402781 *DARL: (.) &=tsk &=in I used to use it 402781_404251 a:nd 404251_404826 (..) found +/. 404826_405504 *DARL: come to find out 405504_406107 that's one of the things tha:t would give me headaches . 406107_407675 *ANDR: (.) Oh really . 407675_408455 *DARL: (..) Yeah . 408455_409073 *ANDR: (.) I didn't know that . 409073_409822 *DARL: &=in For a very special occasion 409822_411773 and I mean 411773_412212 it's gotta be (.) v:ery special . 412212_413987 *DARL: I didn't even wear it to Jennifer or Ann's wedding . 413987_415693 *DARL: &=in &{l=PAR Not Jennifer &}l=PAR 415693_416756 Shelly or Ann's weddings . 416756_417958 *ANDR: ⌈ Yeah ⌉ . 417958_418292 *DARL: ⌊ I didn't e⌋ven put +/. 418025_418553 *DARL: &=in Cause I didn't wanna 418553_419569 (..) go to 419569_420277 &=in (..) a wedding and a reception 420277_422264 and have a headache the ⌈ whole ⌉ time . 422264_423457 *ANDR: ⌊ TSK ⌋ . 422838_423062 *DARL: &=in ⌈2 So I don't know when I'd ⌉2 wear it . 423457_424798 *ANDR: ⌊2 &=tsk I didn't realize ⌋2 . 423840_424448 *DARL: I don't ⌈3 know when ⌉3 . 424798_425620 *ANDR: ⌊3 Hm ⌋3 . 425263_425524 *DARL: (..) &=laugh &=ex &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh . 425620_426420 *ANDR: (.) ⌈ Hm ⌉ . 426420_426736 *DARL: ⌊ &=in ⌋ I've got some here still 426597_427805 ⌈2 but ⌉2 . 427805_428055 *ANDR: ⌊2 &=in ⌋2 And Janine likes Charlie . 427809_429161 *ANDR: Hunh ? 429161_429391 *DARL: (.) Janine uses Charlie all the time . 429391_430996 *ANDR: (..) Hunh . 430996_431746 *DARL: (..) And 431746_432336 you know 432336_432579 ʔuh it's ʔa: nice fragrance 432579_433834 it's not real expensive 433834_434860 and 434860_435010 (.) &=in ⌈ &=lengthened ⌉ &=lengthened I'd give it to her &=ex . 435010_437807 *ANDR: ⌊ Hm ⌋ . 435435_435807 *DARL: most of the time for 437807_438832 (..) her birthday 438832_439932 and then for Christmas and 439932_440861 (..) and then 440861_441993 mommy and daddy used to give her: 441993_443341 &=in (.) uh: 443341_444738 a bottle 444738_445319 or Mary and Hank 445319_446194 or 446194_446519 (..) one time they gave her a little gift set with 446519_448300 &=in (..) cologne and dusting powder in it or something and . 448300_451312 *ANDR: (..) Mhm ? 451312_451900 *DARL: And it's always Charlie and 451900_453040 she said well now: I got my year's supply 453040_454481 I don't have to buy any . 454481_455261 *ANDR: (..) &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh . 455261_456637 *DARL: (..) ⌈ So ⌉ . 456637_457342 *ANDR: ⌊ &=in ⌋ &=lengthened 456935_458402 (..) &=tsk &=in So how's ⌈ Maggie do- ⌉ +... 458402_460480 *DARL: ⌊ Oh uh: ⌋ . 459866_460495 *ANDR: (..) Hm ? 460505_461458 *DARL: Shelly gave me uh 461458_462473 (..) &{l=PAR &=tsk God which one did Shelly give me &}l=PAR . 462473_464800 *DARL: (..) &=tsk &=in Judy gave me a picture 464800_469241 of her: and John together in this 469241_471166 (.) &=in I don't know 471166_472466 I don't think its sterling silver 472466_473508 it might a pewter frame ? 473508_474778 *ANDR: (.) M⌈hm ⌉ ? 474778_475256 *DARL: ⌊ It's real ⌋ nice ? 475063_475863 *ANDR: (.) Yeah ? 475863_476296 *DARL: (..) A:nd 476296_477383 what did Shelly give me . 477383_478362 *DARL: I think she gave me the ornament ? 478362_479592 *DARL: (.) &=in No 479592_480659 the ornament was on the outside of the package 480659_482298 one that they ma:de . 482298_483343 *ANDR: (..) Hm . 483343_483861 *DARL: (.) &=in They made the cutest gingerbread ornaments . 483861_486400 *DARL: (..) &=in They ʔuh +/. 486400_487253 *DARL: Well 487253_487654 they uh 487654_488241 (..) I guess they're: like uh 488241_490144 (..) plaster 490144_491773 or something 491773_492398 they painted em and 492398_493247 they're real cute . 493247_493897 *DARL: Got +/. 493897_494099 *DARL: ⌈ I hung ⌉ mine on the tree . 494099_495117 *ANDR: ⌊ Yeah ⌋ ? 494099_494381 *DARL: &=in &=lengthened I got home and then um 495117_497066 (..) Janine's was still sitting there . 497066_499454 *DARL: So I hung hers on the tree for her . 499454_500658 *DARL: (.) &=in Uh: 500658_501855 (..) I use Oil of Olay products 501855_504307 and she got me Oil of Olay (..) moisturizer 504307_507059 and Oil of away- (.) Olay face wash . 507059_509312 *ANDR: (..) Hm . 509312_509863 *DARL: (..) &=in A:nd 509863_511140 (..) when I opened it up 511140_511909 I said 511909_512126 &{l=VOX Oh wow I use these all the time &}l=VOX . 512126_513509 *DARL: (.) &=in Brenda said 513509_514460 yeah 514460_514722 she stole my idea . 514722_516022 *DARL: ⌈ Cause that's what ⌉ Brenda had given me ⌈2 last year [% laugh] . 516022_517525 *ANDR: ⌊ &=ex ⌋ 516047_516427 ⌊2 &=ex &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋2 . 517106_518102 *DARL: &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌉2 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌈3 &=laugh . 517425_519301 *ANDR: ⌊3 &=laugh &=in &=ex (.) &{l=HI Oh &}l=HI ⌋3 . 518854_520527 *DARL: &=in Yeah 519301_519926 might as well be ⌉3 something somebody'll use . 519926_521770 *ANDR: (..) Yeah . 521770_522369 *DARL: (..) ⌈ So . 522369_523158 *ANDR: ⌊ &=in Hunh ⌋ . 522954_523814 *DARL: How about ⌉ y'all . 523518_524169 *DARL: What'd you all do ? 524169_524784 *ANDR: (..) &=in Ng_let's see . 524784_526159 *ANDR: I got uh:: VCR: tape 526159_528955 the movie 528955_529448 A River Runs Through It ? 529448_530523 *DARL: (..) ⌈ Hm ⌉ . 530523_531988 *ANDR: ⌊ Have you ⌋ seen that ? 531738_532465 *DARL: No ⌈2 I ⌉2 +... 532465_533011 *ANDR: ⌊2 It's a⌋2bout fly fishing ? 532901_533869 *DARL: (..) Oh 533894_534872 &=laugh &=laugh . 534872_535145 *ANDR: ⌈ &=laugh &=ex &=lengthened ⌉ . 535145_536247 *DARL: ⌊ &{l=@ No 535145_535594 I haven't seen it &}l=@ ⌋ . 535594_536168 *ANDR: (.) No [% laugh] 536247_536722 you should ⌈ see it ⌉ . 536722_537400 *ENV: ⌊ &{n=MIC_NOISE ⌋ . 537067_537400 *ANDR: Rob- +/. 537400_537678 *ANDR: (..) Uh-oh . 537678_538332 *ANDR: (..) &=in It's Robert Redford 538332_541048 (..) hold on . 541048_541576 *ANDR: (..) &{l=F Kevin &}l=F ? 541576_543117 *ANDR: (..) &=in It's Robert Redford 543117_545376 and they're: fly fishing and so on . 545376_547056 *ENV: &}n=MIC_NOISE . 547056_547511 *ANDR: (..) &{l=F Kevin &}l=F . 547511_548686 *ANDR: (..) &=in (..) &=tsk &=in (.) Uh: 548686_551789 I bumped something here and 551789_552841 (.) messed up a cord . 552841_553896 *ANDR: &=in Uh 553896_554881 (..) &=tsk (..) Mm &=ex . 554881_557885 *ANDR: And 557885_558160 what else did I have . 558160_558971 *ENV: (..) &{n=MIC_NOISE . 558971_560901 *ANDR: Let's see . 560901_561274 *ANDR: &=in Cindy got me a nice shirt 561274_562891 (..) U:m 562891_564445 (..) ⌈ what do you call it ⌉ . 564445_566116 *ENV: ⌊ &}n=MIC_NOISE ⌋ . 565595_566116 *ANDR: (..) ʔuh- (.) all these +/. 566116_567811 *ANDR: (..) W- plain cotton ? 567811_569192 *ANDR: &=in &=lengthened It's blue with (.) ⌈ white stripes ⌉ ? 569192_571907 *ENV: ⌊ &{n=MIC_NOISE ⌋ . 571027_571907 *DARL: (..) ⌈2 Oh ⌉2 . 571907_572515 *ANDR: ⌊2 &=in ⌋2 ⌈3 &=lengthened ⌉3 . 572107_573141 *X: ⌊3 That sounds pretty ⌋3 . 572490_573141 *CIND: ⌊3 Hundred percent ⌋3 cott⌈4on ⌉4 . 572540_573778 *ANDR: ⌊4 Hundred ⌋4 percent cotton . 573542_574471 *ANDR: &=in A:nd uh 574471_575591 they're comfortable as hell 575591_576714 (.) &=in and she likes the color and so on . 576714_578879 *DARL: (..) Yeah ? 578879_579480 *ANDR: &=in ⌈ And ⌉ . 579480_580220 *DARL: ⌊ Well 579871_580034 you look ⌋ good in blue anyway . 580034_580987 *ANDR: (..) Well . 580987_581529 *ANDR: (..) That's what everybody says . 581529_582534 *ANDR: (.) &=in In fact I ⌈ stopped wearing it to work ⌉ . 582534_584527 *CIND: ⌊ XXXX ⌋ . 583411_584365 *ANDR: (..) &=in because the: uh 584527_586304 (..) &=tsk &=in some of the ladies 586304_588312 uh: 588312_588862 (.) were commenting on my shirt 588862_590104 so I stopped wearing it . 590104_591110 *ANDR: I figure it's none of their damn business . 591110_592606 *ANDR: (.) &=in ⌈ &=lengthened ⌉ . 592606_593369 *DARL: ⌊ They're ⌋ ⌈2 just being ni⌉2⌈3:ce ⌉3 . 593141_594448 *CIND: ⌊ XX ⌋ ⌊2 XXX ⌋2 ⌊3 XX ⌋3 . 593141_594448 *ANDR: ⌊3 &=tsk &=in ⌋3 . 594195_594448 *DARL: &{l=VOX A:ndrew⌈4: &}l=VOX ⌉4 . 594448_595302 *ANDR: ⌊4 &=laugh &=lengthened ⌋4 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh . 595114_596490 *DARL: What do ⌈5 you think . 596490_596791 *ANDR: ⌊5 &=in &=ex ⌋5 . 596591_597567 *DARL: they're putting the make on you ⌉5 or something ? 596791_598059 *ANDR: No . 598059_598460 *ANDR: (..) &=in (..) But I don't wanna give em any reason to . 598460_601466 *ANDR: (..) &=tsk &=in ⌈ So ⌉ . 601466_602338 *ENV: ⌊ &}n=MIC_NOISE ⌋ . 602020_602338 *DARL: ⌊ Oh⌋: . 602020_602574 *ANDR: (..) &=laugh &=lengthened &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh (.) &=laugh 602574_604140 (..) ⌈ I literally ⌉ stopped wearing . 604140_605169 *DARL: ⌊ XXX ⌋ . 604140_604625 *ANDR: one blue shirt to work 605169_606344 (.) because they all commented on it . 606344_607652 *ANDR: &=laugh ⌈ &=lengthened ⌉ . 607652_608164 *DARL: ⌊ Hm ⌋ . 607836_608165 *ANDR: &=tsk &=in &=lengthened (.) Uh: 608165_609367 I mean I'm very sensitive about that 609367_610528 I won't put up with that bullshit . 610528_611612 *ANDR: &=in (.) U:m &=ex 611612_613018 &=tsk Let's see 613018_613397 what else did I get . 613397_613943 *ANDR: &=in I got socks . 613943_614944 *ANDR: I got underwear 614944_615816 (..) &=in a:nd uh . 615816_617896 *CIND: (..) The ⌈ tie ⌉ ? 617896_619048 *ANDR: ⌊ &=in ⌋ (..) Oh . 618377_619549 *ANDR: A tie 619549_620152 (..) The- ⌈ I got the t⌉ie so they can comment on &{l=X it &}l=X . 620152_622437 *CIND: ⌊ &{l=X What &}l=X ⌋ ? 620640_621066 *ANDR: ʔuh: It's got horses and ducks ⌈2 and . 622437_624564 *DARL: ⌊2 &=laugh &=lengthened &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋2 . 624225_625388 *ANDR: &=in ⌉2 I got it specifically so they can comment about it . 624564_627827 *DARL: ⌈3 Hm ⌉3 ? 627827_628245 *ANDR: ⌊3 &=tsk &=in ⌋3 ⌈4 Yeah . 627893_628648 *CIND: ⌊4 A book ⌋4 ? 628351_629121 *ANDR: I mean it's the k- ⌉4 +/. 628648_629021 *ANDR: (.) ʔuh &=ex I got me a book 629021_630672 (.) &=in &=lengthened ⌈ &=lengthened ⌉ . 630672_631298 *CIND: ⌊ A ⌋ saw ? 631182_631850 *CIND: a ha- +/. 631850_632302 *CIND: a ⌈ (.) screwdriver ⌉ ? 632302_633427 *ANDR: ⌊ Oh God 632556_633081 yeah 633081_633333 I ⌋ got a skill saw 633333_634419 (..) &=in and I got a power drill 634419_636217 (..) I haven't tried out my power ⌈ drill yet ⌉ . 636217_637707 *DARL: ⌊ I thought ⌋ you ⌈2 had that kinda stuff already ⌉2 . 637366_639020 *CIND: ⌊2 No a s:crewdriver ⌋2 . 637965_639020 *ANDR: &=in (.) Well the- +/. 639020_639963 *ANDR: the ski- +/. 639963_640663 *ANDR: uh &=ex 640663_641238 &{l=PAR not drill 641238_641680 screwdriver &}l=PAR . 641680_642396 *ANDR: u:m 642396_643124 (.) &=tsk &=in I never would buy the power screwdriver 643124_645823 because I figured they were too expensive . 645823_647750 *ANDR: (..) ⌈ And . 647750_648102 *DARL: ⌊ Yeah ⌋ . 647983_648285 *ANDR: so ⌉ they found it on sale . 648102_649252 *ANDR: Black and Decker 649252_650048 &=in and got me that for Christmas 650048_651735 &=in ⌈ &=lengthened ⌉ . 651735_652286 *DARL: ⌊ Is it a re⌋chargeable (.) ⌈2 thing ⌉2 ? 651945_653122 *ANDR: ⌊2 Oh ⌋2 yeah . 652948_653401 *ANDR: ⌈3 yeah ⌉3 . 653401_653719 *DARL: ⌊3 &{l=X Yeah &}l=X ⌋3 . 653448_653697 *ANDR: (..) And then: u:m 653719_655003 (..) &=tsk (..) uh: 655003_656431 my skill saw: broke &=ex 656431_658096 (..) mm: . 658096_659092 *ANDR: (..) Six or eight years ago ? 659092_661010 *ANDR: &=in So they got me a new skill ⌈ saw ⌉ . 661010_662578 *CIND: ⌊ I guess ⌋ I didn't know it was ⌈2 broken ⌉2 . 662241_663655 *ANDR: ⌊2 &=tsk &=in ⌋2 (.) &=in (.) A:nd uh 663330_665061 (..) what else . 665061_665949 *CIND: (..) Some underwear ? 665949_666851 *ANDR: (.) &=in Yeah 666851_667566 underwear socks . 667566_668445 *ANDR: (..) &=in ⌈ Some- ⌉ +... 668445_670167 *DARL: ⌊ What'd you get ⌋ ⌈2 the kids ⌉2 . 669837_670719 *CIND: ⌊ &{l=X Don't forget ⌋ ⌊2 the thing for &}l=X ⌋2 ⌈3 after you get out of the shower ⌉3 . 669837_671825 *ANDR: ⌊3 &=in What did we get ⌋3 the kids . 670719_672409 *ANDR: Let's see 672409_672725 we got (.) Kevin a camera 672725_674357 (.) &=in And we ⌈ got him . 674357_676059 *CIND: ⌊ You went crazy on Kevin ⌋ . 675439_676918 *ANDR: &=in ⌉ and we got him an upgrade &=ex 676360_678615 (..) from uh: 678615_680327 (.) &=in course he got his new +/. 680327_681327 *ANDR: He bought his new computer . 681327_682400 *ANDR: That's +/. 682400_682658 *ANDR: He bought that . 682658_683260 *ANDR: &=in &=lengthened Bu:t 683260_684541 we got him am upg- upgra:de 684541_686199 o:f Word Perfect 686199_687181 from five point one to six point o 687181_689117 (.) and 689117_689648 put it under Windows . 689648_690540 *ANDR: He's got Windows on his machine 690540_691841 &=tsk ⌈ &=in ⌉ &=lengthened Uh: . 691841_693705 *DARL: ⌊ Hm ⌋ . 692335_692557 *ANDR: So he's: using the current stuff now . 693705_695724 *ANDR: He +/. 695724_695857 *ANDR: I don't even have it that fancy at work . 695857_697619 *DARL: (..) ⌈ Mhm ⌉ . 697619_698237 *ANDR: ⌊ And I got ⌋ a high-powered machine . 697936_699139 *ANDR: ⌈2 &=in ⌉2 . 699164_699671 *DARL: ⌊2 So Wor- ⌋2 +/. 699164_699671 *DARL: At work they: 699671_700582 usually give you the: 700582_701557 least one you can get by ⌈ with ⌉ . 701557_702882 *ANDR: ⌊ &=tsk &=in ⌋ &=lengthened (.) No 702645_703760 they've: learned over the years 703760_705180 they're getting fancier there 705180_706187 I think (.) we're gonna go to six point O next year 706187_707988 but I'm not sure . 707988_708687 *ANDR: (..) &=tsk &=in (.) And let's see . 708687_710299 *ANDR: &=in (.) Uh: what ⌈ did we get ⌉ +... 710299_711361 *CIND: ⌊ Finished ⌋ his afghan . 711013_712014 *ANDR: (..) &=in Oh 712014_713116 Cindy finished off his afghan . 713116_714742 *ANDR: He: started complaining 714742_715831 about three weeks ago 715831_716831 he was cold out there 716831_717818 (..) apparently they: build the buildings 717818_719665 and don't put any insulation in . 719665_720866 *ANDR: (..) &=tsk &=in ⌈ &=lengthened ⌉ Cause they don't expect it to get cold . 720866_723224 *DARL: ⌊ Mm ⌋ . 721400_721617 *ANDR: (.) But he was cold . 723224_724041 *ANDR: &=in (.) A:nd uh: 724041_725470 it was getting down in: . 725470_726639 *CIND: (..) We ⌈ gave him a tape with all the Simpsons on it ⌉ . 726639_729167 *ANDR: ⌊ Mm: 727181_727657 upper thirties: 727657_728607 (..) low ⌋ forties . 728607_729532 *ANDR: &=in ⌈2 &=lengthened Gave him ⌉2 a tape . 729532_730702 *DARL: ⌊2 Y_unhunh ⌋2 . 729779_730234 *ANDR: they've been recording 730752_731681 faithfully re- +/. 731681_732381 *ANDR: every week 732381_732981 recording: all the Simpsons 732981_734540 &=in &=lengthened a:nd uh 734540_735960 editing out all the commercials . 735960_737360 *ANDR: ⌈ So they gave him that ⌉ . 737360_738090 *CIND: ⌊ And a Simpsons ⌋ cal⌈2endar ⌉2 . 737360_738680 *ANDR: ⌊2 &=in &=tsk ⌋2 &=in (.) and a Simpsons calendar 738380_740274 ⌈3 let's ⌉3 ⌈4 see l- ⌉4 +... 740274_740738 *CIND: ⌊3 Oh ⌋3 ⌊4 and a ⌋4 ⌈5 care package ⌉5 . 740310_741651 *DARL: ⌊4 A t⌋4⌊5ape of what ⌋5 ? 740413_741651 *ANDR: (..) Hunh ? 741651_742227 *DARL: (..) With what 742227_743242 (.) the commercials taped out ? 743242_744417 *ANDR: (..) &=in (..) All the Simpsons shows ? 744417_747524 *DARL: (..) Oh Simpsons . 747524_748884 *ANDR: Yeah . 748884_749207 *DARL: (..) ⌈ Okay ⌉ . 749207_750447 *ANDR: ⌊ And- and- ⌋ they edited out all the (.) commercials 750074_752298 (.) &=in so he's got 752298_753475 what . 753475_753734 *ANDR: (.) Three hours 753734_754682 of 754682_754957 (..) or four hours 754957_755933 of nothing but ⌈ solid s- +... 755933_757108 *CIND: ⌊ Could be six ⌋ . 756783_757518 *ANDR: &=in ⌉ Maybe six hours 757108_758539 because they did ⌈2 it +... 758539_759189 *CIND: ⌊2 It's on the slow speed ⌋2 . 759040_759875 *ANDR: (.) &=in ⌉2 (.) on the slow speed 759189_760753 of 760753_761078 (.) nothing but the Simpsons . 761078_762306 *CIND: (.) And ⌈ then he got that ⌉ care package . 762306_764099 *ANDR: ⌊ &=tsk &=in ⌋ 762659_763273 &=in Oh 764099_764460 and then we got him a New Mexico care package 764460_766310 they got a store here: 766310_767355 a New Mexico store 767355_768319 where: all these things made 768319_769799 (..) uh: 769799_770488 you know in the state ? 770488_771191 *ANDR: (.) &=in They sell 771191_772091 so we got him 772091_772727 &=in (.) uh: a little thing of honey: 772727_775325 and 775325_775588 (..) &{l=P what else . 775588_776111 *ANDR: (.) I can't remember &}l=P . 776111_776557 *CIND: Those pistachio nuts 776557_777582 with ⌈ green chili ⌉ . 777582_778532 *ANDR: ⌊ Oh 777747_777899 pistachio ⌋ mu- uh nuts with: uh 777899_780093 the green chili on th⌈2em ⌉2 . 780093_781093 *CIND: ⌊2 And ⌋2 some ⌈3 kinda ⌉3 chili mustard +... 780893_782728 *DARL: ⌊3 Mm ⌋3 . 781338_781655 *ANDR: (..) And a ch- some kinda chili ⌈4 mustard ⌉4 . 782728_784495 *CIND: ⌊4 Chili honey ⌋4 mus⌈5tard . 783959_784875 *ANDR: ⌊5 &=tsk Chili hon⌋5ey mustard or something . 784784_786339 *CIND: or something ⌉5 . 784875_785385 *ANDR: (.) Anyway 786339_786699 so he'll remember . 786699_787454 *ANDR: (.) &=tsk &=in &=lengthened Uh: 787454_788381 let's see . 788381_788857 *ANDR: And then Lisa got a coat 788857_790111 she's been needing a winter coat . 790111_791662 *ANDR: &=in &=lengthened (.) A:nd 791662_792720 some slacks . 792720_793748 *CIND: And a ⌈ pair of sweats ⌉ . 793748_795095 *ANDR: ⌊ &=in Oh 794177_794775 and got ⌋ her: uh Aladdin 794775_796547 (..) she's been wanting ⌈2 Ala- ⌉2 +... 796547_797793 *DARL: ⌊2 Oh the mo⌋2vie ? 797499_798121 *ANDR: (..) Hunh ? 798121_798694 *DARL: (..) The movie ? 798694_799264 *ANDR: Yeah . 799264_799516 *ANDR: (..) Yeah . 799516_800024 *ANDR: (..) &=tsk So 800024_800977 (..) &=in So when she wants to: sit here and blob out some afternoon 800977_804125 if she ever gets one 804125_805000 she can put Aladdin on and wa⌈tch it . 805000_806444 *DARL: ⌊ &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋ . 806239_807166 *ANDR: (.) &=in Rou⌉nd trip and so on . 806671_808326 *ANDR: So 808326_808626 (.) &=tsk &=in &=lengthened let's see . 808626_809948 *ANDR: What did Cathy get . 809948_810625 *ANDR: She got the sweater- red sweater she's wearing now 810625_812660 (..) &=tsk &=in (.) Uh 812660_814063 (..) &{l=P &{l=X oh God &}l=X 814063_814893 so ⌈ much I c- &}l=P ⌉ +... 814893_815543 *CIND: ⌊ Lisa got ⌋ a whole bunch more stuff ⌈2 than ⌉2 +... 815035_816644 *ANDR: ⌊2 &=tsk ⌋2 Yeah 816540_816820 what did: (.) you get though . 816820_817840 *CIND: (..) &{l=VOX Boo:ks &}l=VOX . 817840_818922 *ANDR: (.) Oh . 818922_819325 *ANDR: (..) Books:⌈: . 819325_820406 *CIND: ⌊ And CD's ⌋ . 820315_821195 *ANDR: &=in A:nd ⌉ ⌈2 CD ⌉2 +... 820406_821664 *DARL: ⌊2 What kinda book⌋2s . 821245_821997 *ANDR: (..) What kind⌈3a book- +... 821997_822963 *DARL: ⌊3 Cause 822599_822934 cause you said you got a ⌋3 book too . 822934_824434 *ANDR: &{l=F Hold on &}l=F . 822963_823515 *ANDR: ʔuh ⌉3 +/. 823515_823742 *ANDR: (.) Huh hunh ? 824434_824962 *DARL: (..) You said you got a ⌈ book too . 824962_826588 *ANDR: ⌊ &=in (.) Well ⌋ . 826588_827256 *DARL: &{l=X this Christmas &}l=X ⌉ . 826723_827256 *ANDR: you wouldn't wanna know ʔuh . 827256_828104 *ANDR: Mine is called uh uh: 828104_829623 S:even Habits of Effective People or something like this ? 829623_832686 *DARL: ʔOh . 832686_833000 *ANDR: &=in &{l=X Y:- &}l=X bullshit stuff . 833000_834412 *ANDR: None [% laugh] +/. 834412_834639 *ANDR: No [% laugh] fun [% laugh] stuff [% laugh] . 834639_835304 *ANDR: &=laugh &=laugh . 835304_835529 *DARL: &=laugh &=laugh . 835529_835880 *CIND: ⌈ XX ⌉ . 835880_836181 *ANDR: ⌊ Mine⌋'s pure work . 835939_836810 *ANDR: &=in Hold on 836810_837775 Cindy'⌈s gonna tell you about her books ⌉ . 837775_839205 *CIND: ⌊ &{l=X We didn't send em &}l=X 838103_838759 I don't e⌋⌈2ven know for ⌉2 ⌈3 sure ⌉3 . 838759_840034 *DARL: ⌊2 Okay ⌋2 . 839205_839633 *ANDR: ⌊3 &=in Sh⌋3e's gonna ga- grab her books . 839633_841364 *ANDR: She's got so many +/. 841364_842173 *ANDR: But she got about five or six books 842173_843801 &=in &=lengthened &=COUGH And a bunch of CD's 843801_846919 (..) &=SWALLOW A:pparently Frank Sinatra . 846919_849761 *ANDR: (.) They did duets ? 849761_850882 *DARL: (..) With who . 850882_851859 *ANDR: (..) We:ll 851859_852735 they did a whole bunch of people . 852735_853735 *ANDR: What they did is 853735_854496 Frank did his singing 854496_855496 and then they 855496_856116 &=in had these other people sing along 856116_857966 (..) ⌈ separate⌉ly ? 857966_858820 *DARL: ⌊ &{l=X Oh: &}l=X ⌋ +... 858297_858651 *ANDR: Barbara Streisand and so on ? 858820_860073 *DARL: (..) ⌈ Hm ⌉ . 860073_860617 *ANDR: ⌊ &=tsk ⌋ &=in &=lengthened (.) And it's called Duets 860492_862216 and she's got ⌈2 that . 862216_862993 *CIND: ⌊2 Okay I got ⌋2 . 862756_863500 *ANDR: (.) &=in H⌉2old on . 863417_863991 *CIND: ⌈3 Days of Grace ⌉3 . 863991_864975 *ANDR: ⌊3 I'm gonna 863991_864318 &=in Just ⌋3 a minute 864468_865383 I'm gonna let Cindy tell you . 865383_866670 *ANDR: Hold on . 866670_867072 *DARL: (..) Okay . 867072_867684 *CIND: (..) Hi 867684_869393 Who am I talking ⌈ to ⌉ . 869393_870397 *DARL: ⌊ This is ⌋ ⌈2 Darlee ⌉2 . 870159_870861 *ANDR: ⌊2 Darlene ⌋2 . 870505_870852 *CIND: ⌊2 (.) &=in ⌋2 &=lengthened &{l=HI Hi Darlee 870505_871505 how you doing &}l=HI . 871505_871970 *DARL: Oh ⌈ fine ⌉ . 871970_872546 *CIND: ⌊ &=in ⌋ Merry Christmas⌈2: . 872321_873418 *DARL: ⌊2 Merry Christmas &{l=X to you too &}l=X ⌋2 . 873290_874308 *CIND: &=in Okay ⌉2 . 873418_874300 *CIND: One thing 874308_874700 we joined a book club . 874700_875538 *CIND: And I got it for hardly any money 875538_876759 you know 876759_877011 they'll send you all these free books 877011_878142 all you have to do is do postage 878142_879215 &=in and then supposedly 879215_880520 you don't have to u:m &=ex 880520_882020 (.) &=tsk &=in buy any more books 882020_883645 but they want you to &=ex . 883645_884820 *CIND: ⌈ So I got like f:⌉ive of em . 884820_886217 *DARL: ⌊ Yeah I know ⌋ . 884874_885639 *CIND: &=in Okay 886217_886798 I got Days of Grace Arthur Ashe 886798_888452 and then I got that Molly Ives 888452_890087 uh Nothing but Good Times 890087_891315 &=in and let's see 891315_892660 Medi:eval &=ex Ci- uh Civilization &=ex 892660_895341 (.) ⌈ ʔuh: &=in ⌉ . 895341_896428 *DARL: ⌊ Ew . 895472_895798 *DARL: I didn't know you liked ⌋ that kin⌈2da stuff ⌉2 . 895791_897145 *CIND: ⌊2 Yeah 896722_897077 I ⌋2 like history 897077_897781 and then 897781_898221 uh &=ex 898221_898831 the uh 898831_899255 &=in Official and Confidential 899255_900998 it's a &{l=VOX secret life of 900998_902342 &=in J Edgar Hoover &}l=VOX &=ex ⌈ &=lengthened . 902342_904142 *DARL: ⌊ Oh: . 903882_904364 *CIND: &=in A:nd th- &=ex +... 904142_905772 *DARL: &=laugh &=laugh 904364_904741 That should be interesting . 904741_905772 *CIND: H- ʔuh +... 905772_906058 *DARL: &=laugh &=laugh ⌋ . 905931_906151 *CIND: Yeah⌉: . 906058_906385 *CIND: Th- +/. 906385_906561 *CIND: Oh he's supposed to be 906561_907336 you know 907336_907486 a closet everything . 907486_908287 *CIND: ⌈ &=in ⌉ . 908287_908773 *DARL: ⌊ Yeah ⌋ . 908376_908826 *CIND: ⌈2 &=laugh &=laugh ⌉2 &=laugh &=laugh . 908826_909826 *ANDR: ⌊2 &=laugh &=laugh ⌋2 . 908993_909379 *CIND: (.) &=in and the⌈3:n . 909826_910789 *ANDR: ⌊3 XX ⌋3 . 910622_911275 *CIND: Audrey Hep⌉3burn 910789_911617 (.) &=in A:nd uh: 911617_913397 then the kids got me 913397_914499 uh 914499_914680 Kevin got me one 914680_915700 Don't Know Much about Geography ? 915700_917051 *CIND: (..) &=tsk &=in . 917051_918303 *DARL: (..) ⌈ The name of ⌉ it's . 918303_919332 *CIND: ⌊ &{l=P ʔYeah &}l=P ⌋ . 918737_919140 *DARL: I Don't Know ⌈2 Much about Geo⌉2graphy ? 919332_920557 *CIND: ⌊2 &=in ⌋2 919740_920241 Yeah . 920557_920959 *CIND: Don't Know Much +/. 920959_921626 *CIND: You know that song ? 921626_922447 *CIND: &=in (.) Don't ⌈ know m- ⌉ +... 922447_923574 *DARL: ⌊ Yeah ⌋ ? 923309_923622 *CIND: ⌈2 Yeah . 923622_924003 *DARL: ⌊2 &{l=SING Much about history . 923666_924992 *CIND: Yeah 924003_924340 don't know much about geo- +... 924340_925372 *DARL: Don't know much about ge- &}l=SING ⌋2 +... 924992_926247 *CIND: &=in Yeah . 925372_925983 *CIND: And this ⌉2 guy 925983_926519 ʔuh +/. 926519_926728 *CIND: wrote a book about 926728_927478 Don't Know Much about History either . 927478_928653 *CIND: &=ex &=lengthened So 928653_929411 he's written 929411_929939 you know 929939_930101 quite a few I Don't Know Much . 930101_931355 *CIND: Yeah . 931355_931532 *CIND: (.) &=tsk &=in ⌈ &=lengthened ⌉ . 931532_932255 *DARL: ⌊ &=laugh &=laugh ⌋ &=laugh . 931851_932401 *CIND: Yeah &=ex 932401_932808 so I &=ex &=lengthened think- I got that one . 932808_934061 *CIND: Yeah . 934061_934340 *CIND: &=tsk . 934340_934520 *DARL: Well there's a uh: 934520_935261 I don't know 935261_935694 do you go out shopping very often ? 935694_937120 *CIND: &=in ⌈ &=lengthened ⌉ . 937120_937578 *DARL: ⌊ Like ⌋ to the mall or anything ? 937395_938328 *CIND: Well 938328_938607 we go out 938607_939496 S:aturday morning to breakfast . 939496_941221 *CIND: &=in Every Saturday 941221_942580 a:d the place we go 942580_943658 is on 943658_944208 &=in in the pyramid area 944208_945787 where they have kinda like a food court . 945787_947424 *CIND: (..) So we're (.) in the mall (.) at least once a week . 947424_949792 *DARL: (.) ⌈ Unhunh ⌉ ? 949792_950644 *CIND: ⌊ &=in ⌋ Which is &{l=VOX ba:d &}l=VOX . 949942_951596 *CIND: ⌈2 &=laugh &=ex &=laugh ⌉2 . 951596_952459 *DARL: ⌊2 &{l=X Well I watched don- &}l=X +/. 951596_952250 *DARL: I watched ⌋2 Donahue . 952250_953020 *DARL: Well I didn't watch it 953020_953782 I went to work 953782_954313 I taped it and 954313_955113 &=in when I came home I watched it . 955113_956350 *DARL: And they had a 956350_956967 (..) show on about uh: 956967_958828 (..) mostly about doctors 958828_961807 and then hospitals too ? 961807_963112 *CIND: (.) Unhunh ? 963112_963539 *DARL: (..) Horror-story type things ? 963539_965295 *CIND: Oh joy⌈: ⌉ . 965295_965893 *DARL: ⌊ Remem⌋ber that book y'all sent 965708_966777 Worst Pills Best Pills ? 966777_968064 *CIND: Oh yeah . 968064_968666 *DARL: (..) I don't know if they're the same guys 968666_970659 but this (.) is (..) Best +/. 970659_972260 *DARL: (..) uh 972260_972810 (.) Good Surgery Bad Surgery . 972810_974229 *CIND: (..) &=in Oh is it Wolfe ? 974229_975643 *CIND: Is his last name Wolfe ? 975643_976620 *DARL: I d⌈on't know . 976620_977455 *CIND: ⌊ &=in Is he one of w- . 976883_977950 *DARL: &{l=X He said &}l=X ne:ver ⌉ +... 977455_978534 *CIND: (.) uh Na⌋der's raiders ? 977950_979325 *DARL: (..) It wasn't +/. 979325_980857 *DARL: ʔuh Uh: 980857_981297 Ralph Nader wasn't on the show 981297_982423 and I never heard him mentioned . 982423_983615 *CIND: (..) Oh⌈: ⌉ . 983615_984683 *DARL: ⌊ But ⌋ this guy 984539_985150 was some kinda 985150_985950 (..) &=tsk &=in Oh I wrote it down . 985950_988412 *DARL: Medical society 988412_989530 but it's not connected to the medical profession 989530_991499 it's like a: medical investigating place ? 991499_993797 *CIND: (..) Oh: 993797_994718 that ⌈ sounds like a good ⌉ +... 994718_995399 *DARL: ⌊ U:m ⌋ . 994844_995508 *CIND: (..) &=tsk &=in . 995508_996544 *DARL: (.) Because 996544_996901 like they have one guy on there 996901_998223 (..) &=in Uh: &=ex 998223_1000079 (.) he went in for arthroscopic surgery on his knee 1000079_1002250 almo- +/. 1002250_1002602 *DARL: he had last rites twice . 1002602_1003889 *DARL: And all kinds of stuff . 1003889_1004691 *CIND: Unhunh . 1004691_1005120 *DARL: &=in And he got so bad 1005120_1006453 (..) The doctor di:d him the way that one doctor did you ? 1006453_1009792 *DARL: (.) Operate and then leave ? 1009792_1010979 *CIND: (.) Yeah . 1010979_1011382 *DARL: (.) Town ? 1011382_1011940 *DARL: &=in A:nd 1011940_1013472 (..) &=tsk anyway 1013472_1014041 he almost died . 1014041_1014897 *DARL: &=in &=lengthened Too . 1014897_1015757 *DARL: He almost died twice . 1015757_1016673 *DARL: Evidently 1016673_1017236 (.) they gave him: last rites twice . 1017236_1018586 *CIND: (..) Yeah⌈: ⌉ . 1018586_1019320 *DARL: ⌊ But ⌋ u:m 1019155_1020081 (..) &=tsk &=in uh: 1020081_1023193 (..) just +/. 1023193_1024481 *DARL: (.) They held up the book 1024481_1025611 but they didn't say 1025611_1026336 &=in who wrote it 1026336_1027640 (.) they didn't +/. 1027640_1028291 *DARL: (.) I told Janine 1028291_1029118 I wish they'd (..) given that address 1029118_1031011 you can send a:nd write off for it . 1031011_1032414 *CIND: &=in You know I wish 1032414_1033341 that a lot of times 1033341_1034096 it seems like 1034096_1034671 when I'll 1034671_1035081 &=in I won't care about 1035081_1036253 &{l=X it'll: &}l=X introduce something on the (.) Today Show or something 1036253_1038411 and they'll be talking about a book 1038411_1039602 or an album 1039602_1040357 or a CD 1040357_1040924 or anything you know ? 1040924_1041463 *CIND: &=in And I don't +/. 1041463_1042323 *CIND: They give it in the beginning 1042323_1043199 and I don't really care that much . 1043199_1044341 *CIND: And then 1044341_1044622 &=in when they're done 1044622_1045653 they don't tell you what it is again . 1045653_1046773 *DARL: (.) ⌈ Yeah ⌉ . 1046773_1047325 *CIND: ⌊ And ⌋ then I n- +/. 1047112_1047852 *CIND: Then I care . 1047852_1048507 *CIND: (..) &=in You know ? 1048507_1049098 *DARL: (..) Yeah⌈: ⌉ . 1049098_1049503 *CIND: ⌊ &=in ⌋ Yeah 1049251_1049928 and that ⌈2 s- sounds like- ⌉2 +... 1049928_1050765 *DARL: ⌊2 &=tsk &=in Well beca⌋2use +/. 1050102_1051085 *DARL: (.) No 1051085_1051352 I had this on tape though . 1051352_1052528 *DARL: And they never did 1052528_1053529 (.) &=in ⌈ I think they in⌉troduced the guy . 1053529_1055056 *CIND: ⌊ Period ⌋ . 1053729_1054279 *DARL: but they didn't say he: was the one who wrote the book . 1055056_1057111 *CIND: (..) ⌈ Hm ⌉ . 1057111_1058215 *DARL: ⌊ &=in All ⌋ +/. 1057762_1058275 *DARL: so all I got out of it 1058275_1059200 was the name of (.) the book . 1059200_1060770 *CIND: &=in You know what 1060770_1061509 if you go down to m- +/. 1061509_1062862 *CIND: a lot of those book stores 1062862_1064038 I'll bet you they'd track it by name . 1064038_1065448 *CIND: (.) &=in ⌈ &=lengthened ⌉ And . 1065448_1066536 *DARL: ⌊ Yeah ⌋ . 1065770_1066072 *CIND: you know 1066536_1066795 you could find 1066795_1067290 cause you don't +/. 1067290_1067617 *CIND: You can (.) do it either way . 1067617_1068735 *CIND: Yeah . 1068735_1068998 *DARL: Not that I'm planning on ʔhaving surge- +/. 1068998_1070451 *DARL: &=in Well I th:ought of going back to an orthopedic doctor 1070451_1072847 and seeing if they could do anything about my foot or my ankle 1072847_1074688 whatever it ⌈ is that's ⌉ (.) giving me trou⌈2ble ⌉2 . 1074688_1076330 *CIND: ⌊ Yeah ⌋ . 1075093_1075444 *CIND: ⌊2 &=in ⌋2 You know 1076172_1076743 I thank God 1076743_1077551 be⌈cause they w- +... 1077551_1077964 *DARL: ⌊ &=COUGH ⌋ . 1077683_1078218 *CIND: you know how ⌉ they've been talking about 1077964_1079114 &=in (.) what was it those uh screws 1079114_1080999 that they w- ʔuh +/. 1080999_1081527 *CIND: They're okay 1081527_1082176 for different parts of the body 1082176_1083545 but then they- +/. 1083545_1084047 *CIND: &=in Some of these d- orthopedic surgeons were going and putting em in the back . 1084047_1087060 *DARL: (..) ⌈ Mm ⌉ ? 1087060_1087811 *CIND: ⌊ &=in ⌋ And they're just (.) deadly . 1087516_1089200 *CIND: I mean these people are just in unbelievable (.) agony . 1089200_1091583 *CIND: &=in ⌈ &=lengthened And- ⌉ +... 1091583_1092326 *DARL: ⌊ Well they: ⌋ +/. 1091851_1092352 *DARL: What about that 1092352_1092909 (.) uh: 1092909_1093409 people being operated on on their jaw ? 1093409_1095653 *CIND: (..) Oh⌈: ⌉ . 1095653_1097013 *DARL: ⌊ That tem⌋poral stuff ? 1096628_1097660 *CIND: (..) And they would +... 1097660_1098265 *DARL: (..) And they're putting in this stuff 1098265_1099711 that would- had never been tested . 1099711_1101417 *CIND: (..) I don't understand this s⌈ometimes ⌉ . 1101417_1103568 *DARL: ⌊ It was some kinda ⌋ Teflon material 1102981_1104538 it had never been tested on animals even 1104538_1106843 or anything . 1106843_1107543 *CIND: (..) Hunh . 1107543_1108141 *DARL: And this guy started 1108141_1109119 it was a doctor ? 1109119_1110044 *DARL: (.) &=in He invented it ? 1110044_1111303 *DARL: (.) And started his own business 1111303_1112563 and ⌈ sold it to other doctors ⌉ . 1112563_1114000 *CIND: ⌊ &=GASP &=lengthened Oh ⌋ 1112723_1114000 wait a second . 1114000_1114571 *CIND: U:m 1114571_1115053 (.) Was that just recently on the news ? 1115053_1116600 *CIND: Because that se- +/. 1116600_1117373 *CIND: (.) Or was it okayed ⌈ (.) &=in for- ⌉ +... 1117373_1119226 *DARL: ⌊ &=tsk &=in It was ⌋ on uh: 1118504_1119959 (.) like one of these 1119959_1120662 uh 1120662_1120800 Forty-eight Hours 1120800_1121526 or something like that . 1121526_1122397 *CIND: (..) Yeah . 1122397_1123283 *CIND: I wonder if I saw &{l=X the &}l=X similar report . 1123283_1124917 *CIND: Because that really sounded familiar . 1124917_1126575 *DARL: (..) A:nd 1126575_1127487 (..) they- they had some people there who had had the surgery 1127487_1129791 and like 1129791_1130021 &=in (.) ⌈ this one day- uh ʔuh l⌉:ady . 1130021_1131540 *ANDR: ⌊ &=COUGH ⌋ . 1130345_1131246 *DARL: all she +/. 1131540_1132040 *DARL: (..) She was in so much pain 1132040_1133046 all she could do was curl up in bed all the time . 1133046_1134773 *CIND: (..) Yeah . 1134773_1135324 *DARL: (..) A:⌈:nd ⌉ . 1135324_1136626 *CIND: ⌊ &=tsk &=in ⌋ (.) That sounds like those screws things that 1136144_1138322 the one I was telling you abo⌈ut . 1138322_1139285 *DARL: ⌊ &{l=X Yeah &}l=X ⌋ . 1139265_1139593 *CIND: yeah ⌉ . 1139285_1139592 *DARL: &=in Well I don't know 1139593_1140137 these +/. 1140137_1140492 *DARL: (..) I think they called em hinges or something . 1140492_1142851 *CIND: (..) Hm . 1142851_1143807 *DARL: (..) ʔSo: ʔu:m . 1143807_1145015 *CIND: (..) Terrifying . 1145015_1145952 *CIND: (..) &=tsk ⌈ &=in I don't ⌉ . 1145952_1147805 *DARL: ⌊ &=laugh &=laugh 1146749_1147295 You know ⌋ . 1147295_1147797 *CIND: (.) ⌈2 &=in Well . 1147805_1148620 *DARL: ⌊2 I very (.) brie⌋2fly thought of having my jaw fixed for +... 1148018_1150822 *CIND: ʔUh- ⌉2 +... 1148620_1148850 *DARL: (..) See my bottom jaw doesn't come up quite far enough ? 1150822_1153541 *CIND: (.) Yeah . 1153541_1153945 *DARL: (..) A:nd u:m . 1153945_1155170 *CIND: (..) &=in I ⌈ tell ⌉ you +... 1155170_1156272 *DARL: ⌊ &{l=X that's &}l=X ⌋ +... 1155789_1156040 *CIND: (.) I'm gonna have to be in a really bi- +/. 1156272_1157766 *CIND: I- I- I'll admit 1157766_1158616 I've had bad experience . 1158616_1159661 *CIND: But 1159661_1159835 &=in I'm not volunteering for anything . 1159835_1161862 *DARL: (..) Uh: . 1161862_1162667 *CIND: (.) ⌈ Surgery-wise ⌉ . 1162667_1163569 *DARL: ⌊ Well see 1162831_1163238 mine would ⌋ be more for: looks than anything else . 1163238_1165268 *CIND: (..) Oh 1165268_1165620 ⌈ Darlee it doesn't chang- +... 1165620_1166662 *DARL: ⌊ Cause my jaws don't hurt ⌋ . 1165620_1166816 *CIND: You're ⌉ li- +/. 1166637_1167174 *CIND: Your looks are fine . 1167174_1168227 *DARL: (..) Uh: 1168227_1169652 (..) Don't ever take a picture of me from the side . 1169652_1171622 *DARL: I saw (..) me (.) on television . 1171622_1173611 *DARL: (..) Talking 1173611_1174636 and they had a side angle . 1174636_1175785 *DARL: And it looked terrible . 1175785_1176651 *DARL: (.) &=ex &=laugh ⌈ &=laugh ⌉ . 1176651_1177398 *CIND: ⌊ Yeah ⌋ 1177160_1177416 but you're probably extremely critical too . 1177423_1179165 *CIND: And everybody else ⌈ probably wouldn't even ⌉ . 1179165_1180484 *DARL: ⌊ &{l=P Yeah &}l=P ⌋ . 1179912_1180562 *CIND: You know 1180562_1180887 ⌈ &=tsk &=in &=lengthened &=ex &=lengthened ⌉ . 1180887_1182933 *DARL: ⌊ Because this guy: 1181188_1182393 at work ⌋ ? 1182532_1182933 *DARL: (..) uh 1182933_1184019 well 1184019_1184361 they had they had it on the night before . 1184361_1185671 *DARL: It's back when they had this 1185671_1186600 &=in San Antonio Housing Authority putting 1186600_1188507 &=in (.) the houses in your neighborhood 1188507_1189860 and they put three on my street . 1189860_1191480 *DARL: (..) You know 1191480_1191958 &=in I said hey 1191958_1192802 if you wanna be fair about it 1192802_1193605 spread it around the neighborhood 1193605_1194635 Don't just put em all 1194635_1195496 &=in They put all three on my street . 1195496_1197078 *DARL: &=in ⌈ &=lengthened A:nd ⌉ . 1197078_1198233 *CIND: ⌊ &=in They put ⌋ what on your street ? 1197619_1199099 *ENV: &=MIC_NOISE . 1199099_1200059 *DARL: Uh 1200059_1200260 public housing . 1200260_1201070 *CIND: &=in Oh: yeah . 1201070_1202078 *CIND: They do that a lot in a lotta areas . 1202078_1203838 *CIND: They're doing that around ⌈ here too ⌉ . 1203838_1204992 *DARL: ⌊ Yeah but 1204505_1204886 this ⌋ is +/. 1204886_1205332 *DARL: &=in &=lengthened Usually it's uh 1205332_1206985 (..) uh p- uh: 1206985_1208128 &{l=PAR oh what ⌈ is it . 1208128_1208903 *ANDR: ⌊ &{l=WH &=tsk It's on the cords &}l=WH ⌋ . 1208529_1209681 *DARL: uh &}l=PAR ⌉ 1208903_1209681 (..) Something with a number in it . 1209681_1212080 *ANDR: &{l=WH XX hold this ⌈ XX &}l=WH ⌉ . 1212080_1213035 *CIND: ⌊ Hu- i⌋t's not like HUD ? 1212685_1213881 *ANDR: &=in &=lengthened ⌈2 &=lengthened &=ex &=lengthened ⌉2 . 1213881_1215478 *CIND: ⌊2 Yeah that's how they +/. 1214231_1214853 *CIND: That's public h⌋2⌈3ousing ⌉3 . 1214853_1215803 *DARL: ⌊3 There's ⌋3 HUD 1215579_1216027 and then there's something else . 1216027_1217284 *ENV: &=MIC_NOISE ⌈ &=lengthened ⌉ ⌈2 &=lengthened ⌉2 . 1217284_1220497 *CIND: ⌊ Hm 1218459_1218809 (..) &=tsk I don't really ⌋ ⌊2 know ⌋2 . 1219020_1219776 *DARL: ⌊2 A:nd ⌋2 uh: 1219518_1220520 (..) They check on the stuff and all . 1220520_1223057 *DARL: &{l=X At least &}l=X San Antonio Housing Authority does 1223057_1224587 (..) Well 1224587_1225736 it's real funny 1225736_1226716 (.) One of the guy:s is 1226716_1227803 (..) ʔuh: family is 1227803_1229781 and it's uh 1229781_1230662 (.) husband and wife and two ki:ds . 1230662_1232317 *DARL: (..) He works for the city 1232317_1233811 he works for the city dogcatcher 1233811_1235109 I don't know how much they make 1235109_1236272 &=in But 1236272_1237065 (..) like my house 1237065_1238000 (.) d:amn good thing I bought it when I did 1238000_1239653 &=in My (..) friend up the street 1239653_1241645 she pays almost five-hundred dollars a month (..) house payments 1241645_1245006 (..) this guy gets his for ninety dollars a month . 1245006_1247182 *CIND: (..) Yeah . 1247182_1247799 *DARL: &=in ⌈ I mean . 1247799_1248699 *CIND: ⌊ &=in &=lengthened &=ex &=lengthened ⌋ . 1248095_1250798 *DARL: give the people who aren't maki:ng the money ⌉ (.) a break . 1248873_1251427 *DARL: (..) But one ⌈2 fifth ⌉2 ? 1251427_1253321 *ANDR: ⌊2 &=COUGH ⌋2 &=lengthened &=THROAT . 1252937_1253750 *DARL: You know 1253750_1254153 &=in How much could that (..) person be making less than say Danny right now . 1254153_1258012 *DARL: (..) &=in ʔU:m . 1258012_1259735 *CIND: (..) Yeah 1259735_1260436 I don't really know . 1260436_1261239 *CIND: (..) &=in ⌈ &=lengthened ⌉ . 1261239_1262118 *DARL: ⌊ &=in But ⌋ 1261594_1262197 (.) So ʔuh 1262197_1262978 other than it looking kinda t:acky 1262978_1264854 &=in they just got all kinda planters 1264854_1266793 and all kinda crap piled outside . 1266793_1268045 *DARL: They don't +/. 1268045_1268375 *DARL: (..) They haven't gotten to the point of 1268375_1270554 (..) putting their old water heater out there or anything like that 1270554_1272899 &=in There's one h:ouse 1272899_1274301 when they started all this 1274301_1275181 we +/. 1275181_1275486 *DARL: (..) &=laugh &=laugh Somebody got a list ʔof ʔthe (.) houses on this one 1275486_1279521 (..) u:m 1279521_1281051 subsidized thing ? 1281051_1282104 *CIND: Un⌈hunh ⌉ . 1282104_1282489 *DARL: ⌊ &=tsk &=in ⌋ And 1282235_1283085 &=laugh ʔuh me 1283060_1283889 and about five other people 1283889_1285089 drove around to all these houses 1285089_1285989 to see what they look like . 1285989_1286790 *CIND: &=in . 1286790_1287549 *DARL: (.) A:nd 1287549_1288700 (..) about half of em were as nice as mine or nicer . 1288700_1290999 *DARL: S- kept up . 1290999_1291652 *DARL: (..) &{l=X You know m- &}l=X 1291652_1292483 Then some of em had better uh (..) landscaping . 1292483_1295564 *DARL: (..) But 1295564_1296231 (.) you know like I keep my lawn mowed 1296231_1297691 and trimmed and all that ? 1297691_1298234 *DARL: &=in About half of em were (.) as good 1298234_1299948 (.) or better than mine . 1299948_1300808 *DARL: Which +/. 1300808_1301159 *DARL: (..) That's fine . 1301159_1302011 *CIND: (..) ⌈ Yeah ⌉ . 1302011_1302786 *DARL: ⌊ They ⌋ they ʔuh +/. 1302608_1303060 *DARL: I thought they were doing a real good job . 1303060_1304189 *DARL: (.) &=tsk &=in The other half 1304189_1305970 (..) they &=ex 1305970_1308491 long weeds and stuff (.) was the least of the the problem . 1308491_1310695 *DARL: (..) &=in This one house had 1310695_1312525 (..) it looked like an abandoned junkyard . 1312525_1315032 *DARL: (.) It had so many old appliances 1315032_1316590 and broken down shit out in the front yard . 1316590_1318021 *DARL: I don't know what the- +/. 1318021_1318467 *DARL: (.) what the (..) thing was . 1318467_1320592 *CIND: (..) &=in ⌈ &=lengthened But you find people ⌉ do that . 1320592_1322509 *DARL: ⌊ If they were my neighbors ⌋ . 1320942_1321948 *CIND: that- +/. 1322509_1322772 *CIND: (.) all all +/. 1322772_1323399 *CIND: I mean 1323399_1323748 &=in I hate to say it 1323748_1324858 a lotta times the people in our neighborhood ? 1324858_1326596 *CIND: &=in That (.) do that . 1326596_1327809 *CIND: (.) There's no reason for +/. 1327809_1328828 *CIND: I cannot- +/. 1328828_1329193 *CIND: I don't underst- +/. 1329193_1329766 *CIND: Of course I don't know their finances . 1329766_1331195 *DARL: ⌈ Yeah . 1331195_1331489 *CIND: ⌊ I mean 1331258_1331457 you know . 1331455_1331619 *DARL: &{l=X right &}l=X ⌉ . 1331489_1331722 *CIND: I'm ⌋ not into their books 1331619_1332584 or anything 1332584_1332947 &=in But I I +/. 1332947_1334067 *CIND: There doesn't appear to be any: logical reason for it ⌈ to me ⌉ . 1334067_1336856 *DARL: ⌊ They're ⌋ just pack ⌈2 rats . 1336556_1337534 *CIND: ⌊2 &=in Yeah &=ex &=lengthened ⌋2 &=lengthened . 1337206_1338923 *DARL: or something 1337534_1338013 I don't know ⌉2 . 1338013_1338801 *CIND: Yeah⌈3: ⌉3 . 1338923_1339262 *DARL: ⌊3 But ⌋3 if +/. 1339162_1339658 *DARL: Hey . 1339658_1340025 *DARL: If 1340025_1340287 (.) If people had to come to my house 1340287_1342160 and pass (..) one of these ⌈ houses that look like that ⌉ . 1342160_1344586 *CIND: ⌊ I know 1343528_1343888 it's depressing ⌋ . 1343888_1344591 *DARL: (..) I'd call the health department 1344591_1345964 and tell em it's a health hazard . 1345964_1347015 *DARL: (.) Cause I think it is . 1347015_1347919 *CIND: (..) Yeah . 1347919_1348355 *CIND: ⌈ Well ⌉ . 1348355_1348636 *DARL: ⌊ It's gotta ⌋ breed ⌈2 rats and stuff ⌉2 ? 1348328_1349805 *CIND: ⌊2 &=in &=lengthened ⌋2 (..) Yeah ⌈3 &=ex &=lengthened ⌉3 . 1348842_1351549 *DARL: ⌊3 all those little ⌋3 (..) spaces they can get into and stuff ? 1350592_1354133 *CIND: (..) ⌈4 Yeah . 1354133_1354653 *DARL: ⌊4 I gue- I gue- ⌋4 +... 1354569_1355197 *CIND: probably ⌉4 . 1354653_1355207 *DARL: It'd be a good place for em to get out of the sun or get out of the cold . 1355197_1357537 *CIND: (..) Yeah . 1357537_1358440 *CIND: (.) That's true . 1358440_1359181 *DARL: But 1359181_1359507 (..) evidently 1359507_1360236 that one house 1360236_1361102 I- I went by it 1361102_1361981 about a year after that &=ex . 1361981_1363482 *DARL: (.) A:nd 1363482_1364184 (.) it was still the same way . 1364184_1365235 *DARL: (..) Worse . 1365235_1365885 *DARL: (.) Wo⌈rse ⌉ . 1365885_1366621 *CIND: ⌊ Hm ⌋ . 1366294_1366544 *CIND: (..) Yea⌈2h . 1366621_1367180 *DARL: ⌊2 More thi⌋2ngs . 1367180_1367732 *CIND: it gets ⌉2 +/. 1367180_1367608 *CIND: ⌈3 &=in ⌉3 &=lengthened . 1367732_1368427 *DARL: ⌊3 but ⌋3 . 1367732_1367981 *CIND: ⌈4 &=tsk &{l=X I don't know &}l=X ⌉4 . 1368427_1369906 *DARL: ⌊4 Uh &=ex ⌋4 1369354_1370236 I guess: 1370236_1371105 uh 1371105_1371381 (..) I wish I could think of the name of that other (..) program . 1371381_1375166 *DARL: (..) See this one guy at the store had a house 1375166_1377290 that he bought 1377290_1377934 and then he couldn't afford the house payments anymore 1377934_1379520 &=in so 1379520_1380324 he got (.) with one of these 1380324_1381767 (..) u:m 1381767_1383490 (..) support thi:ngs and 1383490_1384975 (..) uh: 1384975_1386394 (..) like HUD 1386394_1389480 and I can't think of the name of it 1389480_1390633 (..) and they guaranteed him 1390633_1392440 (..) a: residence . 1392440_1394440 *CIND: Section eigh:t are you talking ? 1394440_1395894 *DARL: (..) Section eight . 1395894_1396874 *DARL: (..) ʔYeah . 1396874_1397359 *CIND: (..) ⌈ &{l=P Yeah &}l=P ⌉ . 1397359_1398656 *DARL: ⌊ A⌋:nd 1398453_1399102 (..) it worked out good for him 1399102_1400255 otherwise he would've lost the house . 1400255_1401388 *DARL: Eventually he got it back . 1401388_1402340 *DARL: (.) You know 1402340_1402760 &=in he took it off that and 1402760_1404094 &=in he got his finances back in order 1404094_1405699 so he didn't [% laugh] lose [% laugh] his house . 1405699_1406931 *DARL: &=in &=lengthened So it worked out good for him on that 1406931_1408794 and he said 1408794_1409351 the people that 1409351_1409976 (..) all the people that had rented his house 1409976_1411712 &=in he said Section eight 1411712_1412724 (..) That uh 1412724_1414001 Section eight people kept up good with it . 1414001_1415594 *DARL: And checked on the people . 1415594_1416540 *DARL: (..) But on this other program &=ex 1416540_1419144 (..) it didn't look like they did . 1419144_1421012 *CIND: (..) Yeah . 1421012_1422415 *DARL: (.) ʔSo: 1422415_1423295 (..) a:nyway: . 1423295_1424457 *CIND: Hunh: . 1424457_1424984 *DARL: (..) But &=ex &=lengthened . 1424984_1426935 *CIND: (..) &=in ⌈ So what did you get ⌉ +... 1426935_1429202 *DARL: ⌊ &{l=X And now how did we get on ⌋ that &}l=X . 1428560_1429595 *CIND: (.) Hunh ? 1429595_1430063 *DARL: I don't know how we got on that . 1430063_1431218 *ANDR: (.) &=in &=COUGH . 1431218_1432144 *CIND: (.) I can't understand you . 1432144_1433087 *DARL: I don't know ⌈ how we got on ⌉ that . 1433087_1434367 *ANDR: ⌊ &=COUGH ⌋ . 1433366_1434105 *CIND: No 1434367_1434633 I I don't know +/. 1434633_1435284 *CIND: (.) oh I +/. 1435284_1435705 *CIND: We were talking about books . 1435705_1436826 *CIND: I don't know . 1436826_1437305 *CIND: (..) How we jumped to that . 1437305_1438313 *DARL: (..) ⌈ Uh ⌉ . 1438313_1439121 *CIND: ⌊ &=in ⌋ &=lengthened But 1438504_1439875 what was I gonna 1439875_1440356 oh um: 1440356_1440981 ask you 1440981_1441306 What'd you get for Christmas . 1441306_1442028 *CIND: &=ex &=lengthened ⌈ &=lengthened ⌉ . 1442028_1443236 *DARL: ⌊ Oh 1442930_1443117 some ⌋ earrings from Brenda and Danny: 1443117_1444868 (..) a little Christmas statue from Brenda and Danny 1444868_1447288 that 1447288_1447488 (.) it's um 1447488_1448171 (..) &=tsk &=in I don't know 1448171_1449663 cerami:c 1449663_1450474 ʔor: 1450474_1451076 (.) what it's made out of 1451076_1452305 &=in and it's real cute 1452305_1453522 it's got a 1453522_1453973 (..) little boy 1453973_1455047 with a deer 1455047_1455714 and Santa Claus . 1455714_1456514 *DARL: &=in And un⌈til Brenda ⌉ pointed it out to me . 1456514_1458237 *CIND: ⌊ Hunh ⌋ . 1457226_1457527 *DARL: I didn't realize it . 1458237_1459261 *DARL: &=in It looks like the little (.) boy brought the (.) deer 1459261_1461494 &=in to Santa Claus 1461494_1462446 (..) for Santa Claus to fix its +/. 1462446_1464177 *DARL: &=in Had the deer with its (.) uh: (.) leg up 1464177_1466528 (.) and Sa⌈nta Claus was bandaging it ⌉ . 1466528_1468231 *CIND: ⌊ Aw: 1466856_1467543 &=ex &=in ⌋ ⌈2 &=tsk Oh: &=ex . 1467543_1469196 *DARL: ⌊2 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh . 1468398_1469580 *CIND: &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh . 1469196_1470100 *DARL: &=in &=lengthened So . 1469580_1471111 *CIND: &=in That's cute . 1470100_1471111 *DARL: &{l=X well and &}l=X ⌋2 . 1471111_1471569 *CIND: Yeah ⌉2 . 1471111_1471569 *DARL: That was real cute . 1471569_1472335 *ENV: ⌈ &=KITCHEN_NOISE ⌉ . 1472335_1472835 *CIND: ⌊ &=in ⌋ Did ⌈2 uh ⌉2 (.) Andy mention anything about the uh cards . 1472452_1475580 *DARL: ⌊2 X ⌋2 . 1473130_1473380 *CIND: that (.) we got for Christmas ? 1475580_1476782 *DARL: (..) Unh-un⌈h ⌉ . 1476782_1477404 *CIND: ⌊ The Ch⌋ristmas cards 1477204_1477840 &=in (.) Oh 1477840_1478507 why don't I let (.) him tell you 1478507_1479670 because 1479670_1479975 ʔit was something th- 1479975_1480625 we (.) really got struck by it 1480625_1482028 because it's uh 1482028_1482825 what is the poet ? 1482825_1483603 *CIND: Or something ? 1483603_1484071 *CIND: That did the verse ? 1484071_1484820 *CIND: (.) &=in ⌈ &=lengthened That ⌉ your mom really liked ? 1484820_1486441 *ANDR: ⌊ X ⌋ . 1485154_1485408 *CIND: (..) What was ⌈2 it ⌉2 ? 1486441_1487092 *DARL: ⌊2 Oh⌋2⌈3: u:m ⌉3 . 1486942_1488195 *ANDR: ⌊3 Helen Steiner Rice ⌋3 . 1487092_1488195 *CIND: Yeah . 1488195_1488645 *CIND: What- s- s- +/. 1488645_1489133 *CIND: (..) ⌈ Wait a se- ⌉ +... 1489133_1489819 *ANDR: ⌊ Helen ⌋ . 1489346_1489764 *CIND: &=in Helen ⌈2 Steiner ⌉2 Rice . 1489819_1491275 *DARL: ⌊2 XX ⌋2 . 1490568_1490935 *CIND: or ⌈3 something like that ⌉3 . 1491275_1491920 *DARL: ⌊3 ʔuh Helen ⌋3 (.) Keller Rice . 1491351_1492680 *CIND: (..) Or something like that 1492680_1493598 anyway 1493598_1493948 he was (.) all excited 1493948_1494952 so we 1494952_1495392 (..) ʔuh kinda made sure that we 1495392_1496567 (.) sent em all to you guys . 1496567_1497692 *CIND: &=in Because [% laugh] we [% laugh] were thinking that maybe one of you might remember that . 1497692_1501119 *CIND: &=in ⌈ &=lengthened (.) Yeah ⌉ . 1501119_1502071 *DARL: ⌊ Oh yeah . 1501282_1501721 *DARL: Helen ⌋ Steiner Rice . 1501721_1502849 *CIND: (.) Stei⌈2ner Rice . 1502849_1503549 *DARL: ⌊2 Steiner Rice ⌋2 . 1502965_1503916 *CIND: Yeah ⌉2 . 1503549_1503916 *CIND: (.) I had n- +/. 1503916_1504510 *CIND: &=in I had never heard of her . 1504510_1505740 *CIND: But that doesn't mean much 1505740_1506581 but uh 1506581_1507085 &=in they were nice verses . 1507085_1508613 *CIND: Yeah . 1508613_1508832 *CIND: I ⌈ kinda liked ⌉ her . 1508832_1509559 *DARL: ⌊ Mhm ⌋ . 1508971_1509372 *CIND: Yeah . 1509559_1509922 *DARL: (..) That 1509922_1510605 and then 1510605_1510968 I also got a Christmas card u:m 1510968_1512919 (..) fro:m 1512919_1515408 (.) one of my friends 1515408_1516247 that was from: uh 1516247_1517378 (..) MD Anderson 1517378_1518768 (.) you know 1518768_1519072 the children's 1519072_1519880 &=in (.) uh 1519880_1520914 MD Anderson cancer (..) ⌈ thing . 1520914_1522672 *CIND: ⌊ Oh ⌋ . 1522441_1522811 *DARL: in ⌉ Houston ? 1522672_1523339 *DARL: where they design the cards . 1523339_1524792 *CIND: (..) Oh⌈: yeah . 1524792_1525595 *DARL: ⌊ &{l=X So I thought that was nice too &}l=X ⌋ . 1524955_1526231 *CIND: Yeah 1525618_1525919 that's ⌉ neat . 1525919_1526619 *CIND: Yeah . 1526619_1526919 *CIND: (..) &=in &{l=P Yeah 1526919_1528038 sounds good &}l=P . 1528038_1528620 *CIND: &=in Well listen 1528620_1529168 I'm gonna pass you back to Andy . 1529168_1530284 *DARL: (.) Oka⌈y ⌉ . 1530284_1530863 *CIND: ⌊ O⌋kay . 1530703_1531096 *CIND: Have a nice Christ⌈2mas . 1531096_1531998 *DARL: ⌊2 Y- y'all too ⌋2 . 1531842_1532544 *CIND: Okay ⌉2 . 1532227_1532561 *CIND: (.) Bye ⌈3 bye ⌉3 . 1532561_1532915 *DARL: ⌊3 Bye ⌋3 bye . 1532773_1533073 *ANDR: (..) &=in Who's there . 1533073_1535412 *DARL: (..) Darlene . 1535412_1536115 *ANDR: (.) &{l=HI Yeah: &}l=HI . 1536115_1536820 *ANDR: (..) &=in (..) ⌈ So you had a good Ch- ⌉ +... 1536820_1539281 *DARL: ⌊ &{l=X So she &}l=X said you wanted to ⌋ tell me about that Christmas card . 1538466_1540474 *ANDR: (..) Hunh ? 1540474_1541100 *DARL: (..) She said you wanted to tell me about that ⌈ Helen Steiner R- ⌉ +... 1541100_1543399 *ANDR: ⌊ Well I was gonna ⌋ tell you about it &=ex 1542733_1544151 but she beat me to [% laugh] it [% laugh] . 1544151_1545171 *ANDR: &=laugh &=laugh 1545171_1545561 &=in Well it was Helen Steiner Rice⌈: ⌉ . 1545561_1547319 *DARL: ⌊ Yeah ⌋ 1547088_1547319 that's the one mother liked . 1547319_1548264 *ANDR: (..) I know . 1548264_1548872 *ANDR: That's +/. 1548872_1549160 *ANDR: When we saw that 1549160_1549975 I just grabbed the whole box . 1549975_1551318 *DARL: (..) ⌈ &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌉ . 1551318_1552241 *ANDR: ⌊ &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋ &=laugh &=laugh . 1551518_1552532 *DARL: (..) ⌈2 Yeah ⌉2 . 1552532_1553697 *ANDR: ⌊2 &=in ⌋2 . 1552984_1553697 @End