@UTF8 @Begin @Languages: eng @Participants: DAN DAN Speaker, LUCY LUCY Speaker, AL AL Speaker, JOHN JOHN Speaker, ANNE ANNETTE Speaker, ALLE ALLEN Speaker, LIND LINDA Speaker, X X Speaker, ENV ENV Environment, DAVE DAVE Speaker, JANE JANE Speaker, GLEN GLEN Speaker @Options: CA, caps, bullets @ID: eng|SBCSAE|DAN|||||Speaker||| @ID: eng|SBCSAE|LUCY|||||Speaker||| @ID: eng|SBCSAE|AL|||||Speaker||| @ID: eng|SBCSAE|JOHN|||||Speaker||| @ID: eng|SBCSAE|ANNE|||||Speaker||| @ID: eng|SBCSAE|ALLE|||||Speaker||| @ID: eng|SBCSAE|LIND|||||Speaker||| @ID: eng|SBCSAE|X|||||Speaker||| @ID: eng|SBCSAE|ENV|||||Environment||| @ID: eng|SBCSAE|DAVE|||||Speaker||| @ID: eng|SBCSAE|JANE|||||Speaker||| @ID: eng|SBCSAE|GLEN|||||Speaker||| @Media: 49, audio @Comment: Noise Pollution @Comment: Face-to-face conversation recorded at an outdoor family birthday party near Boston, Massachusetts. There are ten speakers, all related. Four siblings in their mid thirties to mid forties: Dan, Al, Lucy, and Annette. Allen (Sr.), age 76, is their father. Al and Annette are twins. Linda is Al's wife, John is Annette's husband. Dave and Jane are Al and Linda's children. Glen is Lucy's son. Topics center primarily on recent renovations to Lucy's home. *DAN: (..) &{l=X Eventually &}l=X 0_1625 ⌈ XXX X ⌉ +... 1625_2451 *LUCY: ⌊ But it's amazing ⌋ . 1625_2451 *LUCY: And they've done . 2451_3077 *AL: (..) So they all done ⌈ now ⌉ ? 3077_3959 *LUCY: ⌊ my ⌋ whole neighborhood . 3785_4656 *LUCY: &=in Well no 4656_5224 because they ordered the wrong storm doors . 5224_6885 *LUCY: They ordered the wrong color . 6885_7824 *LUCY: So they had to bring those back 7824_9151 and reorder the white ones . 9151_10413 *LUCY: (..) U:m 10413_11643 (..) cause they brought black by mis⌈take ⌉ . 11643_13702 *AL: ⌊ but that's the ⌋ only thing they got left to do ? 13351_14593 *LUCY: (..) ʔuh I think they finished the painting . 14593_17008 *AL: (..) Why what were they paint- ? 17008_18914 *LUCY: (..) Well they put new walls in the living room . 18914_21048 *LUCY: (..) Soundproof walls on the outside of 21048_23885 (..) of the house . 23885_24907 *LUCY: And 24907_25210 (..) we have double windows now in the li⌈ving room ⌉ . 25210_28412 *AL: ⌊ On the out⌋side of the house ? 27932_29000 *LUCY: (..) No +/. 28987_29928 *LUCY: Oh 29928_30218 that was good Dad . 30218_30882 *JOHN: At ⌈ least it's ⌉ ⌈2 not a seagull ⌉2 . 30882_32159 *ANNE: ⌊ &=laugh &=laugh ⌋ . 30975_31385 *LUCY: ⌊2 &=laugh &=lengthened ⌋2 ⌈3 &=laugh &=laugh ⌉3 &=laugh &=laugh . 31385_32846 *ANNE: ⌊3 &=laugh ⌋3 . 32136_32471 *JOHN: I⌈4: ⌉4 +... 32846_33000 *LUCY: ⌊4 But ⌋4 it look⌈5s like it John ⌉5 . 32921_34096 *JOHN: ⌊5 That +/. 33346_33629 *JOHN: that's ed⌋5ible . 33629_34339 *JOHN: I was af:raid th- a seagull ⌈6 got me ⌉6 . 34339_36518 *LUCY: ⌊6 &=laugh &=laugh ⌋6 . 35860_36518 *ALLE: (..) &{l=VOX Boy 36518_37091 ⌈ oh &}l=VOX ⌉ . 37091_37520 *LUCY: ⌊ &=laugh ⌋ &=laugh . 37323_37706 *ANNE: (..) &=laugh &=laugh . 37706_38867 *AL: (..) ⌈ Me⌉ss up poor John . 38867_40356 *LUCY: ⌊ &=laugh ⌋ 39350_39550 They did paint the ⌈2 trim on ⌉2 ⌈3 the outside of the house ⌉3 . 40331_42290 *JOHN: ⌊2 Oh now ⌋2 41132_41399 ⌊3 We'll get a napkin ⌋3 . 41399_42290 *LIND: ⌊3 No: . 41399_41769 *LIND: No . 41769_42056 *LIND: No ⌋3 42056_42290 ⌈4 no ⌉4 . 42290_42512 *JOHN: ⌊4 Oh ⌋4 . 42290_42512 *LIND: ⌈5 Al ⌉5 . 42512_42839 *JOHN: ⌊5 no 42512_42687 we'll ⌋5 get a napkin somewhere 42687_43716 don't worry about it . 43716_44239 *LIND: Hm [% laugh] . 44239_44435 *ALLE: ⌈ X X X ⌉ +... 44435_44960 *JOHN: ⌊ It's me ⌋ . 44435_44960 *LUCY: ⌊ There was a ⌋ ⌈2 whole bun⌉2⌈3ch of them ⌉3 . 44572_45767 *ANNE: ⌊2 What did he do ⌋2 44978_45361 ⌊3 spit on him ⌋3 ? 45361_45837 *JOHN: ⌊3 This ⌋3 +/. 45361_45837 *JOHN: ⌈4 This is ⌉4 +... 45837_46142 *ANNE: ⌊4 What'd you ⌋4 ⌈5 do . 45837_46267 *DAN: ⌊5 Nah he ⌋5 ⌈6 just ⌉6 ⌈7 dropped some uh ⌉7 . 46267_47557 *ANNE: spit ⌉5 ⌊6 on him ⌋6 ? 46267_46800 *LUCY: ⌊6 No ⌋6 46559_46812 ⌊7 he dr- +/. 46812_47079 *LUCY: he dropped ⌋7 ⌈8 S:a- +... 47079_47982 *JOHN: ⌊8 This isn't X ⌋8 ⌈9 XX here ⌉9 . 47557_48920 *LUCY: dressing ⌉8 ⌊9 &{l=@ all over ⌋9 ⌈ John's pants &}l=@ ⌉ . 47982_49850 *ANNE: ⌊9 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋9 ⌊ &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋ . 48383_49850 *DAN: ⌊ S:auce on it ⌋ . 48775_49850 *JOHN: ⌈2 It's just (..) me ⌉2 . 49850_50927 *ANNE: ⌊2 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋2 . 49850_50927 *LUCY: ⌊2 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋2 &=laugh . 49850_51170 *JOHN: You [% laugh] know [% laugh] . 51170_51497 *LUCY: &=laugh &=laugh . 51497_51808 *JOHN: coffee stains ⌈ on the sh⌉⌈2irt ⌉2 . 51808_53189 *LUCY: ⌊ &=laugh &=laugh ⌋ . 52527_52992 *DAN: ⌊2 &=laugh ⌋2 &=laugh ⌈3 &=laugh &=laugh ⌉3 . 53009_53665 *LUCY: ⌊3 &=in ⌋3 This is the ⌈4 guy that we thought ⌉4 had one ⌈5 outfit Annette ⌉5 . 53365_55775 *JOHN: ⌊4 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋4 . 54090_54725 *DAN: ⌊5 John likes it ⌋5 55044_55775 ⌈6 gives it charac⌉6⌈7ter ⌉7 . 55775_56825 *ANNE: ⌊6 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋6 . 55775_56600 *LUCY: ⌊6 for three years [% laugh] ⌋6 55775_56600 ⌊7 un⌋7til &{l=@ you looked in his suit⌈8case &}l=@ . 56600_58329 *JOHN: ⌊7 Yeah ⌋7 . 56600_56829 *DAN: ⌊8 Gives the pants character ⌋8 . 58015_59483 *LUCY: &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌉8 &=laugh &=laugh . 58329_59901 *JOHN: (.) &{l=WH Oh⌈9: &}l=WH ⌉9 . 59901_60714 *LUCY: ⌊9 &=laugh &=in ⌋9 . 60362_60714 *ANNE: ⌊9 Leave ⌋9 him alone . 60598_61283 *ANNE: He's got a tooth⌈ache ⌉ . 61283_62258 *LUCY: ⌊ &=laugh ⌋ &=laugh . 62072_62490 *DAN: You can't talk 62490_63185 if you're not gonna sign my ⌊ form ⌋ . 63185_64540 *ANNE: ⌈ Oh [% laugh] ⌉ . 64182_64540 *LUCY: ⌊ G⌋:eez 64379_64667 I remember ⌈2 a time when ⌉2 . 64667_66057 *JOHN: ⌊2 I tell you 65325_65707 I feel ⌋2 (.) ⌈3 better already . 65707_66933 *LUCY: ⌊3 John's shirts were all cranberry ⌋3 . 66207_67804 *JOHN: just listening to those ⌉3 guys 66933_68082 ⌈4 putting those ⌉4 windows ⌈5 in in one afternoon ⌉5 . 68082_69810 *LUCY: ⌊4 &=laugh &=lengthened ⌋4 . 68082_68575 *ANNE: ⌊5 &=in And his ⌋5 s:ock⌈6s all had double stripes ⌉6 . 68950_71222 *JOHN: ⌊6 I say 70010_70460 better [% laugh] them than ⌋6 ⌈7 me ⌉7 . 70460_71389 *LUCY: ⌊7 I kn⌋7ow it . 71214_71690 *AL: (..) I know that feeling . 71690_72619 *LUCY: ⌈ Oh ⌉ . 72619_73107 *JOHN: ⌊ &{l=X Yi:⌋gads &}l=X . 72619_73350 *LUCY: (.) &=in ⌈2 But they paint- +... 73350_74326 *ALLE: ⌊2 That's like anything ⌋2 . 73650_74558 *LUCY: they p⌉2ainted the inside the wrong color . 74326_76243 *LUCY: We had ⌈3 ordered this ⌉3 +... 76243_77291 *LIND: ⌊3 Well you got it on ⌋3 Jo:hn . 76594_77685 *LUCY: (..) ⌈4 U:m ⌉4 . 77685_78515 *ALLE: ⌊4 Well [% laugh] ⌋4 . 78010_78515 *JOHN: ⌊4 &=laugh &=laugh ⌋4 &=laugh ⌈5 &=laugh &=laugh ⌉5 . 78010_79065 *LUCY: ⌊5 like an ⌋5 eggshell color . 78782_79978 *LUCY: Be- +... 79978_80141 *JOHN: Thank ⌈ you Linda ⌉ . 80141_80763 *LUCY: ⌊ the color ⌋ ⌈2 that we had the ⌉2 woodwork in the dining room . 80300_82301 *ANNE: ⌊2 &=ex ⌋2 . 80738_81200 *LUCY: (.) Similar to that . 82301_83230 *AL: That's good . 83301_83636 *LUCY: (.) Was on their list of ⌈ colors you could use ⌉ . 83636_85721 *AL: ⌊ XX 85013_85419 hm ⌋ . 85419_85721 *LUCY: So that's the ⌈2 color ⌉2 . 85721_86570 *LIND: ⌊2 &=laugh ⌋2 . 86290_86570 *LUCY: We ⌈3 h- ⌉3 +... 86570_86880 *AL: ⌊3 &=laugh ⌋3 &=laugh . 86720_86980 *LUCY: (.) wanted them to paint the inside trim of the new door they put on . 86980_89898 *LUCY: (..) The +/. 89898_90205 *LUCY: (..) the h- +/. 90205_90655 *LUCY: (.) &{l=X Ca⌈sement and the trim &}l=X ⌉ . 90655_91853 *LIND: ⌊ &=COUGH &=COUGH ⌋ 91029_91853 &=in &=lengthened ⌈2 &=COUGH ⌉2 . 91853_93575 *LUCY: ⌊2 But they'd brought the ⌋2 wrong color paint 92925_94392 so they painted ⌈3 it white ⌉3 the first day . 94392_96124 *X: ⌊3 &=in &=lengthened ⌋3 . 95103_95520 *LUCY: and the guy +/. 96124_96623 *LUCY: Pat said he came in 96623_97578 he had (..) been at unemployment 97578_99004 when he came back 99004_99724 he said 99724_100031 the guy said to him 100031_100740 (..) &=tsk (.) &=POUND &{l=VOX oh my God 100740_102411 we painted it the wrong color . 102411_103688 *LUCY: I just realized it . 103688_104628 *LUCY: (.) Don't worry 104628_105383 we'll be back tomorrow &}l=VOX . 105383_106431 *LUCY: They came back the next day 106431_107534 (..) put two more &{l=@ coats of paint on 107534_109519 the right color &}l=@ . 109519_110361 *LUCY: (..) &=laugh &=in &=laugh &=ex . 110361_111243 *JOHN: (..) Mm . 111243_112799 *ANNE: (.) ⌈ Good work⌉⌈2ers ⌉2 . 112799_113653 *LUCY: ⌊ But they ⌋ ⌊2 stai⌋2⌈3:ned the doors . 112899_114098 *ALLE: ⌊2 Yeah ⌋2 ⌊3 but the longer they're there ⌋3 . 113400_115127 *LUCY: and polyurethaned ⌉3 them 114098_115385 ⌈4 and every- ⌉4 +... 115385_115755 *AL: ⌊4 So what ⌋4 did they ⌈5 do- ⌉5 +... 115534_116354 *ALLE: ⌊5 You gotta ⌋5 realize 116034_116808 the longer they're there 116808_117914 (..) the longer their job'll last . 117914_119599 *LUCY: ʔWell- 119599_119749 no 119749_119993 but they +/. 119993_120225 *LUCY: it's done- +/. 120225_120608 *LUCY: it's a money basis . 120608_121525 *LUCY: They get paid 121525_122291 (..) It's it's a +... 122291_123236 *DAN: They get paid per ⌈ job ⌉ ? 123236_124239 *LUCY: ⌊ it was a ⌋ contract bid 123900_125082 so they get ⌈2 paid per job ⌉2 . 125082_126729 *ALLE: ⌊2 Yeah 125580_125858 but I imagine ⌋2 125858_126729 I imagine they also have a little thing called cost plus . 126729_129970 *LUCY: Oh 129970_130179 well probab⌈ly . 130179_130870 *JOHN: ⌊ Yeah ⌋ . 130720_131015 *LUCY: they ⌋ probably do . 130870_131607 *LUCY: But 131607_131816 (..) yeah . 131816_132355 *ALLE: (..) They don't do anything for the government 132355_134567 unless it's ⌈ cost ⌉ plus . 134567_135820 *LUCY: ⌊ No: ⌋ . 135019_135426 *LUCY: (..) But when you c- +/. 135820_137028 *LUCY: I was telling John 137028_138003 (..) I just did an ad for The Patriot . 138003_139946 *LUCY: (..) Yes:terday when I was in work . 139946_141897 *LUCY: (..) Nine-hundred thousand dollars 141897_143805 for thirty-four (..) residences . 143805_145807 *LUCY: (..) In East Boston and Revere . 145807_147474 *LUCY: (..) So our contract was similar . 147474_149436 *LUCY: (..) So it's ⌈ it's an ⌉ average of fifty thousand . 149436_151874 *AL: ⌊ Yeah ⌋ . 150237_150515 *LUCY: You know 151874_152152 between f- (..) thirty and fifty thousand . 152152_153925 *LUCY: Depending on how much they do in each house . 153925_156039 *LUCY: &=in Like some people didn't want the rooms done . 156039_158178 *LUCY: (..) We figured 158178_159139 our living room was so big 159139_160356 why not take advantage 160356_161345 ⌈ and have ⌉ them put new walls [% laugh] . 161345_162522 *AL: ⌊ Oh sure ⌋ . 161345_161662 *LUCY: (.) &=laugh &=laugh ⌈2 you [% laugh] know [% laugh] ? 162522_163276 *AL: ⌊2 Might as well get everything ⌋2 . 162963_163676 *JOHN: ⌊2 XXX fif⌋2ty thousand . 162963_164147 *LUCY: &=in ⌉2 . 163276_163676 *AL: (.) ⌈3 Might as well not ⌉3 take everything they're willing ⌈4 to give you ⌉4 . 164008_165970 *LUCY: ⌊3 Yeah ⌋3 . 164133_164611 *LUCY: ⌊4 That's right ⌋4 . 165408_165970 *LUCY: ⌈5 That's ⌉5 that's what we said . 165970_167079 *JOHN: ⌊5 Gotta ⌋5 +... 165970_166291 *LUCY: ⌈6 so ⌉6 . 167079_167497 *DAN: ⌊6 And al⌋6so 167184_167672 the ceiling fell down already . 167672_169100 *DAN: So . 169100_169343 *LUCY: (..) Well 169343_169838 but they didn't do the ceiling 169838_171040 unfortunately 171040_171777 ⌈ because it's not on a top ⌉ floo:r . 171777_173390 *DAN: ⌊ Are they gonna replace that ⌋ ? 171904_172961 *LUCY: (..) No . 173390_174456 *DAN: (..) That doesn't (..) go (..) with (..) doing over the room ? 174456_177718 *DAN: ⌈ The ceiling ⌉ isn't considered [% laugh] ⌈2 part of the living room ⌉2 ? 177718_179884 *LUCY: ⌊ No ⌋ . 177718_178294 *LUCY: ⌊2 O- no 179294_179641 O:⌋2nly if: 179641_180627 (..) that room 180627_182752 is on the top level of the ⌈ house ⌉ . 182752_184563 *ANNE: ⌊ What did you ⌋ drop . 184038_185022 *ENV: &=PHONE_RINGING_IN_DISTANCE ⌈2 &=lengthened ⌉2 . 185022_186032 *LUCY: ⌊2 If it's on the top ⌋2 level of the house 185272_186857 they would 186857_187217 because they ⌈ needed to soundproof it . 187217_188680 *LIND: ⌊ Al 187705_187890 there's nobody +/. 187890_188378 *LIND: (.) oh the girls are in there ⌋ . 188378_189307 *LUCY: but there's two ⌉ levels above . 188680_190109 *LUCY: (..) So they didn't have to . 190109_191316 *LUCY: (..) Unfortunately . 191316_192431 *ANNE: (..) Hunh . 192431_194277 *AL: (..) So what &{l=X time &}l=X +/. 194277_195138 *AL: (..) I'm curious now . 195138_196961 *AL: What did they do to the walls ? 196961_198044 *LUCY: (.) Oh 198044_198251 wait till you see what they did in the living room . 198251_199807 *LUCY: When- +/. 199807_200170 *LUCY: when we get the walls painted and everything 200170_201935 you'll all have to come over . 201935_203131 *LUCY: And [% laugh] just [% laugh] ⌈ see [% laugh] ⌉ . 203131_203848 *AL: ⌊ Oh ⌋ is the room smaller or something now ? 203604_205120 *AL: Did they +... 205120_205358 *LUCY: They went in five inches 205358_206426 on the two outside walls . 206426_207726 *LUCY: They put in +/. 207726_208396 *LUCY: (..) they studded (..) the outside walls 208396_211130 from the inside . 211130_211931 *LUCY: (..) You know 211931_212709 the inside of the room . 212709_213737 *LUCY: &=in (..) U:m 213737_214898 (..) and then they put insulation 214898_216651 (..) and then they put soundproof boards . 216651_218549 *LUCY: (..) Then they put two layers 218549_220453 of three-quarter-inch (..) drywall . 220453_222276 *LUCY: (..) And then they (..) taped it all 222276_225021 and skim coated it . 225021_225944 *LUCY: It's beautiful . 225944_226745 *AL: Oh they skim coated it ⌈ too ⌉ . 226745_227757 *LUCY: ⌊ Yep ⌋ . 227467_227757 *AL: they didn't just ⌈2 tape ⌉2 it . 227757_228510 *LUCY: ⌊2 Yeah- ⌋2 . 228167_228361 *AL: ⌈3 &{l=X Oh &}l=X ⌉3 . 228510_228783 *LUCY: ⌊3 And then ⌋3 they (.) put a (..) primer coat of paint on it . 228510_231171 *LUCY: So all we have to do is go in and (..) paint it . 231171_233769 *LUCY: (..) They put new woodwork along the bottom 233769_235763 and all new woodwork around the windows . 235763_237365 *LUCY: &=in (.) Danny and I got crap woodwork . 237365_239424 *LUCY: Ev- +/. 239424_239577 *LUCY: (.) All the room- +/. 239577_240200 *LUCY: (..) windows had to have woodwork for them to 240200_242050 (..) So 242050_242897 that room out back 242897_243803 that used to be a porch ? 243803_244890 *AL: (..) M⌈hm ⌉ ? 244890_245723 *LUCY: ⌊ Dan⌋ny and I (.) put wallboard up 245623_247258 (..) and then we got this (..) garbage (..) trim . 247258_250923 *LUCY: (..) That was (.) on sale for three ninety-five ? 250923_253659 *LUCY: (..) They replaced it with the stuff that was thirteen ninety- [% laugh] ⌈ five [% laugh] ⌉ . 253659_257036 *ANNE: ⌊ Mm ⌋ . 256584_257036 *DAN: Yeah . 257036_257407 *ENV: &=THUMP ⌈ &=lengthened ⌉ . 257407_257953 *DAN: ⌊ Had to put the ⌋ +/. 257532_258162 *DAN: You had to go through the aggra⌈2vation ⌉2 . 258162_259683 *LUCY: ⌊2 ʔuh (.) Of ⌋2 put⌈3ting it up ⌉3 . 259257_260551 *DAN: ⌊3 Spending the ⌋3 money ⌈4 on this trash ⌉4 . 259959_261730 *LUCY: ⌊4 It had to be there ⌋4 260851_261744 before ⌈5 they would replace ⌉5 +... 261744_263079 *DAN: ⌊5 putting the trim up ⌋5 262172_263079 (..) before ⌈6 they would ⌉6 work ⌈7 on it ⌉7 . 263044_264612 *LUCY: ⌊6 Mm ⌋6 . 263590_263903 *JOHN: ⌊7 come in and tear ⌋7 it down ⌈8 and replace it ⌉8 . 264135_265605 *LUCY: ⌊7 Although ⌋7 264186_264612 ⌊8 did I tell you ⌋8 that guy ⌈9 that put the ho:le ⌉9 ? 265006_266824 *DAN: ⌊9 just to get an ⌋9 +... 266023_266824 *LUCY: Remember ⌈ the guy that put ⌉ the hole . 266824_268414 *LIND: ⌊ &=COUGH ⌋ . 267381_267916 *LUCY: in the back of his house 268414_269310 because he decided he'd &{l=@ like a picture window in his ⌈ kitchen &}l=@ ⌉ ? 269310_272042 *ANNE: ⌊ &=ex &=in ⌋ . 271531_272042 *DAN: ⌊ &=laugh &=laugh ⌋ 271531_272042 ⌈2 And they wouldn't re⌉2place ⌈3 it . 272042_273005 *ANNE: ⌊2 &=in ⌋2 . 272042_272530 *LUCY: ⌊3 They did ⌋3 . 272830_273362 *DAN: Cause there ⌉3 were +/. 273005_273490 *DAN: (..) Oh they di⌈4d ⌉4 ? 273490_274192 *LUCY: ⌊4 Y⌋4:es 274067_274456 &{l=@ he threatened to take them ⌈5 to court &}l=@ . 274456_275912 *DAN: ⌊5 Oh I thought they told him ⌋5 . 275356_276633 *LUCY: so they re⌉5pla- +/. 276131_276827 *LUCY: they ⌈6 put in ⌉6 . 276827_277617 *DAN: ⌊6 they told ⌋6 +/. 277164_277617 *DAN: (..) didn't they originally tell him 277617_278768 he had to put a- +... 278768_279323 *LUCY: (.) Yeah . 279323_279652 *DAN: ⌈ he had to put ⌉ ⌈2 a window in ⌉2 ? 279652_280691 *LIND: ⌊ ʔuh &=COUGH ⌋ ⌊2 &=lengthened &=in ⌋2 . 279652_280691 *LUCY: ⌊2 Well that was the guy ⌋2 279951_280691 that used ⌈3 to live around the corner . 280691_281890 *LIND: ⌊3 &=COUGH &=COUGH ⌋3 . 280955_282090 *LUCY: from ⌉3 ⌈4 mom and dad . 281890_282680 *DAVE: ⌊4 Now: how much the Patriots losing by ⌋4 . 282040_283325 *LUCY: that died ⌉4 . 282680_283325 *LUCY: (..) ⌈5 He died right after they &{l=@ put the ⌉5 window in &}l=@ . 283325_285826 *AL: ⌊5 It was almost s:eventeen in the fourth ⌋5 ? 283817_285159 *ANNE: Well that'll teach him . 285826_286639 *X: ⌈ Are they winning ⌉ ? 286639_287233 *ANNE: ⌊ &=laugh &=in &=laugh &=ex ⌋ &=lengthened ⌈2 &=lengthened ⌉2 . 286639_287542 *AL: ⌊2 No ⌋2 ⌈3 they're losing ⌉3 . 287424_287992 *ALLE: ⌊3 Is that ⌋3 (.) ⌈4 plugged in yet . 287542_288743 *AL: ⌊4 Buffalo was driving em ⌋4 . 288061_289093 *ALLE: or what ⌉4 . 288743_289093 *DAVE: ⌈5 Of course they're losing ⌉5 . 289093_290154 *LUCY: ⌊5 You might- +/. 289093_289453 *LUCY: Oh +/. 289453_289705 *LUCY: Well well +/. 289705_289984 *LUCY: You know ⌋5 the +/. 289984_290356 *LUCY: You know who I mean . 290356_291062 *LUCY: (..) The guy that used to ⌈ live around the corner ⌉ . 291062_293624 *DAVE: ⌊ XXX X XX ⌋ . 292616_293624 *LUCY: (..) That during bussing 293624_295158 had the illiterate spelt wrong on the side ⌈ of his house ⌉ ? 295158_297591 *DAN: ⌊ Oh yeah yeah ⌋ 296956_297591 the Italian guy that l- +/. 297591_298498 *DAN: ⌈ You mean the ⌉ guy that lived in Charles⌈2town ⌉2 ? 298498_299871 *LUCY: ⌊ Yes ⌋ . 298498_298887 *LUCY: ⌊2 Yeah ⌋2 . 299686_299871 *DAVE: ⌊2 You ⌋2 can watch X 299686_300476 ⌈3 XXXX ⌉3 . 300476_301696 *LUCY: ⌊3 He moved down near me ⌋3 . 300476_301696 *AL: (..) That was in⌈4tentional though Lucy ⌉4 . 301696_303574 *LIND: ⌊4 &=laugh &=ex &=laugh &=ex ⌋4 . 302844_303574 *DAN: (..) Yeah 303574_304337 that was a 304337_304734 ⌈ that was a ga⌉⌈2:g ⌉2 . 304734_305746 *AL: ⌊ Having illiterate ⌋ ⌊2 spelled ⌋2 . 304734_305746 *LUCY: ⌊2 No ⌋2 . 305328_305746 *LUCY: ⌈3 I don't think &{l=@ he did ⌉3 . 305746_306747 *AL: ⌊3 &=laugh &=lengthened &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋3 . 305746_306747 *LUCY: he didn't know how to ⌈4 spell it ⌉4 . 306747_308029 *ANNE: ⌊4 Mm: ⌋4 . 307548_308029 *LUCY: ⌈5 That was &}l=@ ⌉5 . 308029_308451 *DAVE: ⌊5 Jane ⌋5 . 308029_308451 *LUCY: &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh 308451_308995 (..) &=laugh &=in ⌈ &=lengthened ⌉ . 308995_310037 *DAN: ⌊ Well ⌋ it was close . 309874_310691 *DAN: But it ⌈2 was a ga⌉2:g . 310691_311640 *LUCY: ⌊2 &=laugh &=laugh ⌋2 . 310959_311412 *DAN: He probably didn't know himself . 311640_312858 *LUCY: (.) No . 312858_313154 *LUCY: I'm ⌈ sure he didn't ⌉ . 313154_314094 *DAN: ⌊ He went and looked it up ⌋ in the dictionar⌈2y . 313266_314740 *LUCY: ⌊2 &=laugh ⌋2 . 314670_315130 *DAN: so that he ⌉2 could spell it ⌈3 wrong on ⌉3 purpose . 314740_316516 *LUCY: ⌊3 &=laugh &=laugh ⌋3 . 315628_315993 *AL: (..) &=SIGH ⌈4 &=lengthened &=lengthened ⌉4 . 316516_317707 *LUCY: ⌊4 &=laugh &=laugh &=in &=lengthened ⌋4 316900_317707 (..) Yeah: . 317707_318811 *LUCY: (..) But the windows Al . 318811_320412 *LUCY: (..) Are . 320412_321034 *DAN: &=in &=lengthened . 321034_321458 *ANNE: ⌈ Al is smoking ⌉ . 321458_322608 *LUCY: ⌊ This 321458_321858 (.) this wide ⌋ now . 321858_322796 *LUCY: (..) They're 322796_323604 (.) the living room windows . 323604_324975 *LUCY: (..) It's two (.) complete windows . 324975_326877 *LUCY: (..) They have 326877_327946 (..) And 327946_328360 all of the windows are four sheets of glass thick . 328360_330659 *LUCY: (..) There are two levels 330659_331944 (.) on the top 331944_332659 and two levels on the bottom . 332659_333893 *LUCY: (.) With 333893_334277 (..) double glass ? 334277_335718 *LUCY: (..) So 335718_336589 I have to open 336589_337631 (..) in every room I have to open at least two windows . 337631_341008 *LUCY: (..) To get to the screen . 341008_343161 *LUCY: And the screen is full-level 343161_344462 from the top to the bottom of the window ? 344462_346106 *AL: (..) Mhm ? 346106_347185 *LUCY: (..) &=in They're really nice . 347185_349536 *DAN: (..) &{l=P XXX XX XX &}l=P . 349536_352527 *LUCY: Unfortunately . 352527_353533 *ANNE: (.) So ⌈ how is that for washing your win⌉⌈2dows ⌉2 . 353533_355501 *LUCY: ⌊ We're three years too late ⌋ . 353890_355253 *LIND: ⌊2 Did you leave ⌋2 ⌈3 it over there ? 355203_355851 *LUCY: ⌊3 You can pull +... 355501_356001 *LIND: Cause I just ⌉3 brought ⌈4 this one down ⌉4 . 355851_357069 *LUCY: They ⌋3 +... 356001_356277 *ANNE: ⌊4 &=ex ⌋4 . 356369_357069 *LUCY: ⌊4 Each panel ⌋4 comes out . 356369_357613 *ANNE: (..) Oh 357613_358063 ni⌈:ce ⌉ . 358063_358591 *LUCY: ⌊ And you ⌋ wash them from the inside . 358358_359845 *AL: (..) ⌈2 Oh they XX X XX ⌉2 . 359845_361614 *LUCY: ⌊2 &=in Three years ago they put ⌋2 central air conditioning . 360170_362626 *LUCY: (..) But they stopped that . 362626_364294 *LUCY: Because the federal government decided that it was . 364294_366649 *DAN: (..) &=ex ⌈ &=lengthened ⌉ . 366649_367503 *ANNE: ⌊ Extrav⌋⌈2agant use of money ⌉2 ? 367131_368575 *JOHN: ⌊ Oh: ⌋ ⌊2 ma:n . 367131_368082 *LUCY: ⌊2 Cost prohibitive ⌋2 . 367503_368575 *JOHN: Too (.) ⌋2 bad they +/. 368082_369120 *JOHN: (.) C- oh . 369120_369725 *JOHN: (.) Oh ⌈ God . 369725_370417 *LUCY: ⌊ They did it in ⌋ . 370149_370935 *JOHN: (.) Too bad you ⌉ couldn't've ⌈2 got in on that ⌉2 . 370417_371906 *LUCY: ⌊2 Connecticut ⌋2 . 371095_371906 *LUCY: Connecticut and Rhode Island got the central air ⌈3 conditioning ⌉3 . 371906_374689 *JOHN: ⌊3 ʔAh: ⌋3 . 374096_374689 *LUCY: But they didn't 374689_375379 (.) ⌈ They ⌉ +... 375379_375838 *ANNE: ⌊ That⌋'s good for about three grand . 375606_377017 *LUCY: Yeah . 377017_377161 *LUCY: they stopped it by the ⌈ time ⌉ . 377161_378491 *ALLE: ⌊ Could you ⌋ move your house ⌈2 over there (.) ⌉2 John . 378189_380346 *LUCY: ⌊2 they got up here ⌋2 . 379246_379917 *ALLE: and have the planes ⌈3 go over ⌉3 . 380346_381667 *LUCY: ⌊3 I know ⌋3 . 381159_381667 *JOHN: Yeah [% laugh] . 381667_382161 *ANNE: &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh . 382161_382630 *JOHN: &=laugh ⌈ &=laugh &=laugh ⌉ . 382630_383215 *LUCY: ⌊ &=in ⌋ You ⌈2 know actually ⌉2 though . 382902_384154 *ALLE: ⌊2 &=laugh &=lengthened ⌋2 . 383308_383897 *LUCY: you ⌈3 can still ⌉3 hear the planes . 384154_385615 *JOHN: ⌊3 &{l=X We may &}l=X ⌋3 . 384333_384737 *JOHN: (..) I was just ⌈4 gonna ask you ⌉4 . 385615_386716 *LUCY: ⌊4 I mean it's not ⌋4 386059_386716 It +/. 386716_386923 *LUCY: &=in S- +/. 386923_387332 *LUCY: Sabina said 387332_388211 (.) she had hers done last fall . 388211_390345 *X: &=SNIFF . 390345_390628 *LUCY: And she said 390628_391265 (..) she could notice 391265_392680 (.) a b:ig difference in the winter . 392680_394387 *LUCY: (..) But in the summer 394387_395476 when you have your windows open anyway ? 395476_396820 *JOHN: (..) Oh yeah . 396820_397546 *LUCY: It really doesn't make ⌈ any difference for her ⌉ . 397546_399222 *AL: ⌊ Well that's why you should've made a ⌋ case for the air conditioning . 398501_400084 *JOHN: ⌈2 That's right ⌉2 . 400084_400519 *AL: ⌊2 You know I wouldn't have ⌋2 to open my windows . 400084_401294 *JOHN: ⌈3 Yeah ⌉3 . 401294_401664 *LUCY: ⌊3 I know ⌋3 . 401294_401664 *DAN: ⌊3 (.) &=laugh ⌋3 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh . 401294_402207 *LUCY: (..) But that 402207_404184 that was what the d- 404184_404810 (.) the guy that came 404810_405679 (.) the first day from Mass Port said . 405679_407368 *LUCY: &=in boy 407368_407999 unfortunately 407999_409000 (..) you're a couple of years &{l=@ too late for the air conditioning &}l=@ . 409000_412369 *JOHN: (.) Ah: 412369_412770 ⌈ that would ⌉ be ⌈2 beautiful ⌉2 . 412770_413788 *DAN: ⌊ X ⌋ . 412823_413086 *LUCY: ⌊2 &=in &=ex ⌋2 . 413133_413788 *DAN: How much complaining: can you do . 413788_415364 *DAN: What did they spend on your ⌈ house . 415364_416600 *LUCY: ⌊ Oh it had +... 416368_416878 *DAN: probably twenty-f⌉ive thousand . 416600_417920 *LUCY: It has to ⌋ +/. 416878_417317 *LUCY: ⌈2 Oh more than ⌉2 ⌈3 that Dan ⌉3 . 417701_418701 *DAN: &{l=X ⌊2 Thirty⌋2-⌊3five &}l=X thousand ⌋3 ? 417920_418701 *JOHN: ⌊3 More ⌋3 . 418223_418701 *LUCY: (.) More than that . 418701_419350 *DAN: (..) Like I said . 419350_420307 *DAN: (..) ʔuh Just give me the money and . 420307_421926 *LUCY: Mhm . 421926_422246 *DAN: you can have the house . 422246_423093 *DAN: (..) &=in 423093_423971 (..) We'll start somewhere else . 423971_425533 *DAN: (..) It is a really strange regulation though . 425533_429398 *DAN: (.) U:m 429398_430023 (..) did all this work 430023_431234 (..) just so they could . 431234_432282 *JOHN: (..) Come in ⌈ and tear it ⌉ ⌈2 down ⌉2 . 432282_433563 *LUCY: ⌊ So that you ⌋ ⌊2 can't s⌋2:- +... 432845_433740 *DAN: ⌊2 come ⌋2 433240_433563 tear ⌈3 it [% laugh] down [% laugh] ⌉3 . 433740_434385 *LUCY: ⌊3 I know ⌋3 . 433968_434385 *DAN: (.) &=in And [% laugh] get in the carpen⌈4ters' &{l=X way &}l=X ⌉4 . 434385_435985 *LUCY: ⌊4 But they ⌋4 +/. 435677_435985 *LUCY: You s⌈5ign a c⌉5ontract . 435985_437031 *DAN: ⌊5 &{l=X Really [% laugh] &}l=X ⌋5 ? 436323_436567 *LUCY: that you can't sue them for noise pollution . 437031_438989 *LUCY: (..) ⌈ For at least ⌉ twenty years after the work is completed . 438989_441622 *DAN: ⌊ &{l=X But since &}l=X ⌋ +/. 439274_439838 *DAN: But for them it⌈2's uh: ⌉2 . 441622_442835 *LUCY: ⌊2 &=laugh &=lengthened ⌋2 . 442345_442835 *DAN: (.) you know 442835_443199 (.) for the workers themsel⌈ves it's ⌉ like . 443199_444895 *ANNE: ⌊ Hunh ⌋ . 444309_444652 *DAN: (..) The room was b- +/. 444895_446125 *DAN: (..) The room didn't even have anything up John . 446125_448053 *DAN: There was no 448053_448598 (..) No walls 448598_449794 nothing . 449794_450270 *LUCY: (..) We put ⌈ the walls up ⌉ . 450270_451798 *DAN: ⌊ They could've just p ⌋ opped them 451133_452082 Yeah . 452082_452391 *JOHN: ⌈ Yeah ⌉ . 452391_452628 *DAN: ⌊ They c⌋ould've just popped the windows out . 452391_453734 *DAN: Without any trou⌈2ble . 453734_454595 *LUCY: ⌊2 Hm ⌋2 . 454420_454761 *DAN: Put ⌉2 the windows back 454595_455407 (.) put the ⌈3 new win⌉3dows in . 455407_456465 *LUCY: ⌊3 Yeah ⌋3 . 455712_456037 *DAN: (..) &=in They had to come in and tear stuff down . 456465_458381 *LUCY: Yeah . 458381_458724 *LUCY: (..) &=in And of course 458724_459814 (.) the stuff that we put up 459814_461035 (..) wasn't first quality 461035_462532 because 462532_463061 w:- why would we ⌈ spend the ⌉ money . 463061_464476 *JOHN: ⌊ Yeah [% laugh] ⌋ . 463807_464187 *LUCY: if they're gonna replace it if they crack it 464476_466233 (.) &=in so everything they touched . 466233_467948 *ALLE: Did they take the ⌈ woodwork down . 467948_469619 *DAN: ⌊ We made sure we used stuff that they'd crack ⌋ . 468698_470704 *ALLE: that Danny put in your k ⌋ itchen ? 469619_471011 *LUCY: (.) Yes 471011_471351 they put up stuff that was worth three times the ⌈ money ⌉ . 471351_473578 *ALLE: ⌊ And they ⌋ told you to f- +/. 473288_474246 *ALLE: (..) ⌈2 you had to do that ⌉2 . 474246_475328 *LUCY: ⌊2 Well 474520_474869 it had ⌋2 to be existing . 474869_476314 *LUCY: In order for them to replace ⌈3 it ⌉3 . 476314_477732 *ALLE: ⌊3 Oh⌋3⌈4: ⌉4 . 477707_478212 *DAN: ⌊4 We had to fin⌋4⌈5ish that whole second-floor room ⌉5 . 477732_479747 *LUCY: ⌊5 They had to bring out whatev- ⌋5 +/. 478212_479747 *LUCY: (..) You know 479747_480258 the +/. 480258_480521 *LUCY: (..) It was (.) like a tradeoff . 480521_482193 *ALLE: (.) ⌈ Ah: ⌉ . 482193_482726 *AL: ⌊ What did they ⌋ do upstairs Lucy . 482298_483446 *AL: Anything ? 483446_483781 *LUCY: (..) U:m 483781_484769 (..) well 484769_485626 in the 485626_485955 you know the r- +/. 485955_486409 *LUCY: (..) There's a room off my bedroom . 486409_488112 *LUCY: (..) That used to be a porch ? 488112_489759 *LUCY: (..) ⌈ That Dan⌉ny and I put the walls in . 489759_491503 *AL: ⌊ Mhm ⌋ ? 489892_490379 *DAN: (..) That ⌈2 Joe built ⌉2 . 491503_492564 *LUCY: ⌊2 And then we put a ⌋2 cei- +/. 491941_492959 *LUCY: You know 492959_493156 it was the r- +... 493156_493489 *AL: &=laugh &=ex ⌈ &=lengthened ⌉ . 493489_493913 *ANNE: ⌊ &{l=@ The room ⌋ ⌈2 that Joe built &}l=@ . 493681_494568 *LUCY: ⌊2 house that Joe built ⌋2 . 493913_494855 *DAN: ⌊2 With everything in si⌋2⌈3deways ⌉3 . 493913_495366 *ANNE: &=laugh &=laugh ⌉2 . 494568_494855 *JOHN: ⌊3 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋3 . 494855_495366 *LUCY: ⌊3 (.) All ⌋3 ⌈4 the windows were sideways . 494855_496546 *DAN: ⌊4 &=laugh &=ex &=laugh &=in &=laugh &=ex &=laugh &=in &=laugh &=laugh &=lengthened ⌋4 &=laugh &=laugh ⌈5 &=laugh &=laugh ⌉5 ⌈6 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=in &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=in &=lengthened ⌉6 . 495366_499678 *LUCY: they ⌉4 +... 496546_496741 *LIND: ⌊5 Hunh [% laugh] ⌋5 . 497295_497574 *LUCY: ⌊5 We ⌋5 ⌊6 went in 497295_497865 and we just threw up wood 497865_498924 to straighten every⌋6thing out 498924_499996 and put (..) woodwork on . 499996_501589 *LUCY: (..) They came in and they said 501589_503192 (..) while we were ⌈ working on it . 503192_504502 *LIND: ⌊ &=COUGH &=lengthened ⌋ . 503950_504834 *LUCY: they said ⌋ 504502_504834 oh well gee 504834_505445 you really need two sheets of sheetrock . 505445_507642 *LUCY: (.) ʔAt least 507642_508270 for insula- +/. 508270_508983 *LUCY: for soundproof insulation . 508983_510444 *LUCY: &=in (.) If you don't feel like putting it up 510444_512511 we'll put it up when we come in . 512511_513804 *LUCY: So we decided . 513804_514712 *AL: (..) Not to b⌈other . 514712_515634 *LUCY: ⌊ Hey 515415_515634 &{l=@ let them do ⌋ ⌈2 it . 515634_516395 *AL: Why bother ⌉ . 515634_516254 *AL: ⌊2 Let them deal with ⌋2 ⌈3 it ⌉3 . 516254_516937 *ANNE: ⌊2 &=laugh &=lengthened ⌋2 . 516254_516696 *JOHN: ⌊2 (.) Mm⌋2⌊3: ⌋3 . 516254_516937 *LUCY: (.) You ⌉2 ⌊3 know &}l=@ ⌋3 ? 516395_516937 *DAN: ⌊3 Well ⌋3 ⌈4 we put ⌉4 one ceiling up . 516696_518148 *AL: ⌊4 &{l=X Sure &}l=X ⌋4 . 516937_517266 *LUCY: We put one up . 518148_518857 *LUCY: But they put the second ⌈ one . 518857_519938 *DAN: ⌊ ʔuh And they re⌋⌈2qui:re you have a ⌉2 f:- +... 519810_521463 *X: ⌊ &=SNIFF ⌋ . 519810_520343 *LUCY: and they put ⌉ ⌊2 the stuff in between ⌋2 . 519938_521263 *DAN: (.) You had to have it fini- +/. 521463_522552 *DAN: Well you had to have it finished anyway . 522552_523982 *DAN: For them to ⌈ tear it down . 523982_525132 *LUCY: ⌊ Well then we put . 524592_525254 *DAN: &{l=X but they were gonna put in the &}l=X ⌉ +... 525132_526358 *LUCY: we p:ut the baseboard ⌋ heat . 525254_526562 *LUCY: We put electric baseboard heat in . 526562_528146 *LUCY: (.) &=in U:m 528146_529011 because it had to be a heated room . 529011_530502 *LUCY: (..) But they put all new windows in 530502_532902 and we put up the junk (..) woodwork 532902_535207 (.) and they ⌈ put up ⌉ . 535207_536104 *DAN: ⌊ &{l=X That was a &}l=X ⌋ +... 535691_536104 *AL: (..) Hm . 536104_537082 *DAN: It was great working in &{l=X that room &}l=X 537082_538485 We +/. 538485_538738 *DAN: We'd make these measurements . 538738_539937 *DAN: Like 539937_540217 ⌈ you had to measure ⌉ . 540217_540943 *LUCY: ⌊ &=laugh &=lengthened ⌋ 540217_540943 (.) &=laugh ⌈2 &=laugh &=laugh ⌉2 . 540943_541634 *DAN: ⌊2 You put up ⌋2 a [% laugh] piece [% laugh] of plas- . 541267_542691 *LUCY: ʔuh &=laugh (.) &=laugh &=in ⌈3 &=lengthened &=ex ⌉3 . 542691_543597 *DAN: ⌊3 plaster⌋3board . 543226_543895 *DAN: You'd have to measure like . 543895_544933 *ALLE: (.) How ⌈ about ⌉ +... 544933_545621 *DAN: ⌊ every ⌋ two feet along 545258_546498 ⌈2 So they . 546498_547012 *LUCY: ⌊2 &{l=@ Because they had varied so much ⌋2 . 546498_548504 *DAN: &=in you know it'd go from like ⌉2 . 547012_548504 *LUCY: It's ⌈3 just &}l=@ ⌉3 . 548504_549315 *X: ⌊3 &=SNIFF ⌋3 ⌈4 &=lengthened ⌉4 . 548857_549743 *DAN: ⌊3 eight feet l⌋3⌊4ong ⌋4 ⌈5 in one ⌉5 spot . 548857_550516 *LUCY: ⌊5 &=in ⌋5 . 549743_550137 *DAN: to like 550516_550946 seven feet ⌈ six inches o⌉ver here or ⌈2 something ⌉2 . 550946_553684 *LUCY: ⌊ &=ex &=in But ʔy- ⌋ +/. 551611_552609 *LUCY: ⌊2 But that wasn't ⌋2 bad 553053_553910 when you consider that ⌈3 Joe⌉3: ⌈4 used old ⌉4 doors . 553910_556129 *DAN: ⌊3 &=laugh ⌋3 . 554665_554908 *LIND: ⌊4 &=COUGH ⌋4 . 555081_555688 *LUCY: that he ⌈5 found in &{l=@ garbage ⌉5 ⌈6 buckets ⌉6 . 556129_557688 *DAN: ⌊5 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋5 ⌊6 &=laugh &=laugh ⌋6 . 556336_557688 *ANNE: ⌊6 &=laugh &=ex ⌋6 ⌈7 &=lengthened &=laugh &=in ⌉7 . 557280_558550 *LUCY: ⌊7 from other people's ⌋7 homes &}l=@ . 557688_559069 *X: ⌈8 &=ex ⌉8 &=lengthened . 559069_559725 *LUCY: ⌊8 &=laugh &=in ⌋8 559069_559353 &=laugh ⌈9 &=laugh ⌉9 . 559725_560035 *DAN: ⌊9 Oh ⌋9 ⌈ is he . 559850_560329 *ALLE: ⌊ &{l=X Well uh &}l=X ⌋ . 560035_560522 *DAN: did he ⌉ have uh 560329_560887 Frank out uh 560887_561921 (..) ⌈ Did he have ⌉ uh . 561921_562777 *LUCY: ⌊ &=in ⌋ . 562208_562738 *DAN: Frank out hunting ⌈2 for em ⌉2 . 562777_564150 *LUCY: ⌊2 &=laugh &=laugh ⌋2 . 563630_564150 *DAN: &{l=X in the &}l=X . 564150_564353 *LUCY: &=laugh ⌈ He probably did . 564353_565683 *DAN: ⌊ on garbage day ? 564639_565476 *DAN: &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋ . 565476_566263 *LUCY: &=laugh ⌉ . 565683_566263 *ALLE: (..) Can ⌈2 you get them ⌉2 to put some of them toilet seats in . 566263_570643 *DAN: ⌊2 Yeah ⌋2 . 568680_569013 *ALLE: that they put in the: uh (.) Navy ? 570643_572286 *X: (..) &=in &=lengthened . 572286_573469 *LIND: &=SNIFF . 573469_573795 *ALLE: Seven-hundred dollars ap⌈iece ⌉ ? 573795_575376 *LUCY: ⌊ Oh: ⌋ 574995_575376 &=laugh &=ex &=lengthened ⌈ &=lengthened &=laugh &=laugh ⌉ . 575376_576472 *DAN: ⌊ They come close ⌋ Dad . 575699_576707 *DAN: (..) I didn't see in Lucy's house yet but 576707_578819 (..) I don't have to cause 578819_580102 (..) Johny gave me the 580102_581769 (..) the guided tour 581769_583080 I couldn't get 583080_583667 I couldn't get rid of Johny one ⌈ day &{l=X for &}l=X ⌉ . 583667_585562 *LUCY: ⌊ I know it ⌋ . 585005_585562 *DAN: (..) ⌈2 I was out on their porch XXXX ⌉2 . 585562_587534 *LUCY: ⌊2 &=in did Johny didn't have the French ⌋2 doors though . 585902_588003 *LUCY: The French doors are ⌈3 gorgeous ⌉3 . 588003_589359 *DAN: ⌊3 He had ⌋3 doors put on ⌈4 the back ⌉4 . 588887_590546 *LUCY: ⌊4 He had the ⌋4 sli⌈5ders ⌉5 . 590098_591269 *DAN: ⌊5 Yeah ⌋5 . 590998_591269 *DAN: He had ⌈6 sliders &{l=X put on the din- &}l=X ⌉6 . 591269_592623 *LUCY: ⌊6 But these are insi⌋6:de French doors 591596_593475 that they put on the living room . 593475_594726 *LUCY: You know that (..) archway between the living room and the dining room- ? 594726_597448 *LUCY: And ⌈ the um ⌉ . 597448_598295 *LIND: ⌊ &=SNIFF ⌋ . 597510_597878 *DAN: Yeah . 598295_598475 *LUCY: (..) hall ? 598475_599000 *LUCY: (.) &=in (..) They're b⌈eautiful ⌉ . 599000_600967 *DAN: ⌊ He didn't ⌋ have any 600486_601179 (..) ʔuh Johny doesn't have any openings like that in ⌈2 his house ⌉2 . 601179_603854 *LUCY: ⌊2 &{l=X Yeah &}l=X ⌋2 . 603300_603854 *DAN: (..) ⌈3 &{l=X Yeah &}l=X ⌉3 but the doors they put in . 603854_605947 *X: ⌊3 &=THROAT ⌋3 . 604500_604872 *DAN: they removed a 605947_606876 (..) He had like 606876_608585 two-year-old (..) top-of-the-line Andersen sliding glass windows in . 608585_612401 *DAN: (..) Going out to the porch . 612401_614281 *DAN: (..) And they (..) tore them out . 614281_616140 *LUCY: (..) Yeah⌈: ⌉ . 616140_617841 *DAN: ⌊ Rep⌋laced that stuff 617618_618377 they replaced em with was like 618377_619838 (..) five-thousand dollar door or ⌈ something ⌉ . 619838_623028 *LUCY: ⌊ Yeah ⌋ . 622645_623028 *DAN: That was what J⌈2ohny s⌉2aid ⌈3 they're asking for ⌉3 . 623028_624736 *LUCY: ⌊2 Yeah ⌋2 623451_623724 ⌊3 Because the insul⌋3ation is unbelievable in them . 623914_626257 *DAN: (..) Three panes of glass . 626257_628324 *LUCY: Yeah . 628324_628607 *DAN: (..) Fifteen-pound brass handles on them X . 628607_631423 *LUCY: (.) Mhm 631423_631947 (..) Now they use all brass 631947_633828 (..) they put a uh +/. 633828_634974 *LUCY: (..) Our front door has two locks now . 634974_637787 *LUCY: It has the 637787_638432 (..) the one like we had 638432_639924 the deadbolt . 639924_640705 *LUCY: (..) And then it has the knob lock . 640705_642364 *LUCY: (.) But it's 642364_642888 ʔy- you use the same key for both of them ? 642888_644746 *LUCY: (..) And that's all brass . 644746_645994 *LUCY: They put all brass fixtures on the 645994_647662 (..) French doors in the living room . 647662_651982 *DAN: (..) Those aren't even (..) going anywhere . 651982_655694 *LUCY: No . 655694_655950 *LUCY: I know [% laugh] . 655950_656445 *DAN: Did they make you put a door to the 656445_657791 they put a door on the 657791_658769 (..) room going into the dining roo⌈:m ? 658769_660190 *LUCY: ⌊ No 660028_660301 they didn't need ⌋ ⌈2 one there ⌉2 . 660301_661350 *DAN: &{l=X so it wouldn't &}l=X X ⌉ ⌊2 XX ⌋2 . 660301_661350 *ALLE: ⌊2 &{l=X When you &}l=X ⌋2 ⌈3 (.) go to work ⌉3 . 660976_662072 *LUCY: ⌊3 They said 661350_661655 because it ⌋3 was an ⌈4 inside wall ⌉4 . 661655_663223 *ALLE: ⌊4 drop the pants off ⌋4 at the house 662348_663709 and I'll wash ⌈5 them John ⌉5 . 663709_664813 *JOHN: ⌊5 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋5 ⌈6 &=laugh ⌉6 . 664362_664963 *ANNE: ⌊6 &=laugh ⌋6 ⌈7 &=in &=laugh ⌉7 . 664813_665797 *DAN: ⌊7 Yeah but 664963_665297 doesn't that ⌋7 uh . 665297_666083 *JOHN: Don't worry ⌈8 about it ⌉8 . 666083_666912 *LUCY: ⌊8 They said it ⌋8 wouldn't ⌈9 affect ⌉9 the ⌈ soundproof⌉ing one way or the other . 666485_669002 *ALLE: ⌊9 X ⌋9 . 667144_667396 *JOHN: ⌊ Throw some ⌋ 667620_668134 Shout on there . 669002_669949 *LIND: &=SNIFF . 669949_670332 *DAN: (..) Doesn't the noise come in from the room 670332_676220 (..) from the dining room ? 676220_678065 *LUCY: (..) I don't know ? 678065_679018 *LUCY: (..) I'm +/. 679018_680097 *LUCY: (..) I'm not gonna complain . 680097_681705 *LUCY: &=in You [% laugh] know [% laugh] &=laugh 681705_682718 (..) How can I complain . 682718_684079 *DAN: (.) Now all we need to do is 684079_685245 something to make that (..) ⌈ roof stop leak⌉⌈2ing ⌉2 . 685245_687776 *LUCY: ⌊ Leak stop ⌋ . 686850_687495 *JOHN: ⌊2 H- ⌋2 +/. 687495_687776 *JOHN: (..) You have oil heat in your house . 687776_689873 *LUCY: (..) Forced hot air . 689873_690992 *LUCY: (.) Yeah . 690992_691296 *JOHN: Forced hot air . 691296_692010 *LUCY: (..) So the air conditioning would have been a bree⌈ze for them to put in . 692010_695132 *JOHN: ⌊ I know 694083_694344 it would have been a breeze for them . 694344_695366 *LUCY: &=in &=laugh &=lengthened ⌉ . 695132_695897 *JOHN: Yeah . 695366_695658 *JOHN: Just ⌋ throw in a unit outside . 695658_697019 *LUCY: Yep . 697019_697204 *JOHN: Three-ton unit 697204_697990 or what are they ⌈ called ⌉ . 697990_698676 *LUCY: ⌊ M⌋hm . 698441_698955 *JOHN: (..) And uh 698955_699902 (..) hook that right into the (..) central air . 699902_702877 *LUCY: (.) &=in ʔI- +/. 702877_703603 *LUCY: I was talking to Jimmy . 703603_704792 *LUCY: (..) Yesterday . 704792_706012 *LUCY: He was in 706012_706496 (..) at the coffee shop . 706496_708200 *LUCY: &=in And he said 708200_708964 he's been f- (.) fielding calls all week from neighbors . 708964_711841 *LUCY: (..) Who would love to have [% laugh] their house done 711841_713740 &=in (..) but it's a matter of 713740_715615 (..) point two decibels . 715615_717178 *LUCY: (..) The people 717178_718106 (..) dir- (..) directly 718106_720415 (..) across the street (.) diagonally from me . 720415_723893 *LUCY: (..) Couldn't get it done because 723893_726004 (..) their 726004_727808 (..) decibel level 727808_729462 was s:ixty-five point two 729462_731538 and it had to ⌈ be six⌉ty-five . 731538_733209 *LIND: ⌊ &=SNIFF ⌋ . 732088_732539 *LUCY: or something . 733209_733823 *JOHN: Gee⌈: [% laugh] ⌉ . 733823_734357 *LUCY: ⌊ S⌋tupid like that . 734171_735229 *JOHN: (.) W:ow . 735229_735865 *LUCY: (.) So it 735865_736337 it's a matter of percentage points . 736337_738256 *LUCY: (..) &=in And he said there's nothing you can do . 738256_740240 *LUCY: It's a federal regulation . 740240_741522 *LIND: &=SNIFF . 741522_741986 *LUCY: &=in It's FDA 741986_743075 (..) that 743075_743549 (..) o:ne is danger- +/. 743549_746382 *LUCY: (.) is: (..) hazardous . 746382_748308 *ANNE: (.) ⌈ Yeah ⌉ . 748308_748577 *JOHN: ⌊ To your ⌋ ⌈2 ears . 748391_749239 *ANNE: ⌊2 they have a cutoff ⌋2 . 748577_749584 *LUCY: ⌊2 to your hearing ⌋2 . 748577_749584 *JOHN: Yeah ⌉2 . 749239_749584 *LUCY: (..) And the other isn't . 749584_750607 *LUCY: And he said they have to put a cutoff point 750607_752311 &=in and if they start (..) changing their regulations 752311_755953 then 755953_756281 (..) People who 756281_757565 (..) had theirs done three years ago 757565_759735 (..) and their neighbors across the street couldn't 759735_761731 the neighbors across the &{l=@ street are gonna be &}l=@ coming after them . 761731_764257 *LUCY: (.) You know ? 764257_764622 *LUCY: (.) So . 764622_765011 *DAN: (..) Why are they attacking him 765011_766554 because you told him that uh . 766554_768077 *LUCY: (..) No ⌈ no no . 768077_768896 *DAN: ⌊ you know these guys ? 768519_769266 *LUCY: I don't know the neighbors . 768896_770020 *DAN: &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋ . 769266_770736 *LUCY: I don't know those ⌉ ⌈2 people ⌉2 . 770020_771075 *JOHN: ⌊2 Oh ⌋2 . 770736_771075 *LUCY: So 771075_771334 &=in all of my immediate neighbors had it done . 771334_773522 *DAN: (.) &=in &=lengthened ⌈ Oh: ⌉ . 773522_775080 *LUCY: ⌊ Except ⌋ for a few that refused . 774662_776475 *LUCY: Which I 776475_776888 (.) I couldn't understand . 776888_778162 *JOHN: (..) Yeah . 778162_778767 *LUCY: (.) Why they would refuse . 778767_780029 *LUCY: But . 780029_780245 *ANNE: (..) God . 780245_781224 *ANNE: (.) That's ridicu⌈lous . 781224_782163 *LUCY: ⌊ I know ⌋ . 781978_782326 *ANNE: I ⌉ would take it . 782163_782701 *LUCY: I know it . 782701_783207 *DAN: (..) &=in They don't want people investigating their house Annette . 783207_785849 *DAN: (..) &=in . 785849_786333 *JOHN: (..) Yeah . 786333_786948 *JOHN: (..) That or they like the house the way it is . 786948_789317 *JOHN: ⌈ They're just ⌉ . 789317_789865 *X: ⌊ &{l=X Yeah &}l=X ⌋ . 789317_789865 *LUCY: (..) No 789865_790447 because now (.) they're kicking themselves . 790447_792203 *LUCY: (..) There are three or four of them that said 792203_794127 &{l=MRC why did we ever refuse &}l=MRC 794127_795736 ⌊ if we had know:⌋:n . 795736_796896 *ANNE: ⌊ Well 795736_795947 I suppose at the ⌋ +/. 795947_796653 *ANNE: &=in at ⌈2 the time ʔyou- ⌉2 . 796896_798076 *LUCY: ⌊2 At the time ⌋2 . 797270_798077 *ANNE: you think about 798076_798801 having all those workme⌈n ⌉ . 798801_799896 *LUCY: ⌊ Mm⌋: . 799809_800039 *ANNE: coming and going in your house 800039_801448 and are you home 801448_802168 ⌈ and all ⌉ that stuff ? 802168_803010 *LUCY: ⌊ Mhm ⌋ 802168_802467 (.) &=in But 803010_803778 (.) they had (.) big meetings . 803778_805280 *LUCY: (..) And 805280_805699 these people never bothered to go to the meetings . 805699_807637 *LUCY: To find out exactly what they would be ⌈ doing ⌉ and . 807637_809989 *JOHN: ⌊ Yeah ⌋ . 809367_809798 *JOHN: Well y- I c- +/. 809989_810500 *JOHN: Some people just get s⌈tubborn ⌉ . 810500_811726 *LUCY: ⌊ Yeah ⌋ . 811370_811726 *JOHN: ⌈2 You know ⌉2 I could see my mother . 811726_812947 *LUCY: ⌊2 Yeah ⌋2 . 811726_812036 *JOHN: Doing that . 812947_813472 *JOHN: (.) Maybe . 813472_813919 *X: (.) &=in &=lengthened &=ex . 813919_814847 *LUCY: (..) Yeah . 814847_815391 *LIND: (..) Yeah 815391_816774 if it's an older home 816774_817695 you would think they'd 817695_818431 (..) wanna take advantage ⌈ of anything ⌉ they could get . 818431_820530 *LUCY: ⌊ Yeah ⌋ . 819620_819990 *LIND: (..) You know to modernize ⌈2 it . 820530_822430 *LUCY: ⌊2 Mhm ⌋2 . 822378_822690 *LIND: or just ⌉2 to ⌈3 make it ⌉3 more e⌈4fficient ⌉4 . 822430_823657 *JOHN: ⌊3 Yeah ⌋3 . 822762_822969 *JOHN: ⌊4 But 823188_823429 no ⌋4 . 823429_823657 *LIND: ⌈5 or ⌉5 . 823657_823986 *LUCY: ⌊5 Yeah ⌋5 . 823657_823986 *JOHN: ⌊5 Y- ⌋5 +/. 823657_823986 *JOHN: (.) I know what you mean . 823986_824702 *JOHN: But some ⌈ people are just ⌉ ⌈2 so con⌉2⌈3trary . 824702_826237 *LIND: ⌊ You know ⌋ ? 824969_825387 *LUCY: ⌊2 I know ⌋2 . 825387_825720 *LIND: ⌊3 Oh no 825720_826005 I mean 826005_826220 I could see if ⌋3 it's someone that's . 826237_827220 *JOHN: (.) yeah ⌉3 . 826220_826661 *LIND: you know 827220_827502 (.) kinda been . 827502_828055 *JOHN: You know ? 828055_828377 *LIND: there for a hundred years and 828377_829404 (..) &=SNIFF . 829404_829969 *ALLE: (.) I wish ⌈ the planes came over ⌉ our house . 829969_831915 *LIND: ⌊ likes it the way it is ⌋ . 830321_831409 *LUCY: I know it . 831915_832429 *LUCY: ⌊ You'd be all set ⌋ . 832429_833389 *DAN: ⌊ They'd want it falling ⌋ apart around them . 832429_834200 *DAN: as ⌈ they get ol⌉der . 834200_835127 *LUCY: ⌊ &=TS &=lengthened ⌋ 834493_834876 (..) &=in (..) Now . 835127_837000 *LIND: (.) &=SNIFF ⌊ &=lengthened ⌋ . 837000_837752 *LUCY: ⌈ Sab- ⌉ +... 837388_837752 *DAN: Well you g⌊et pl⌋anes coming over the house . 837752_839457 *LIND: ⌊ X ⌋ . 838097_838341 *DAN: Now . 839457_839772 *LUCY: (..) You do . 839772_840488 *LUCY: You have those helicopters too 840488_841928 that land at the hospital ? 841928_842983 *LUCY: (.) They land at the 842983_843848 (.) that landing pad over 843848_845190 (.) by the Charles Ri⌈ver ⌉ ? 845190_846245 *ALLE: ⌊ &{l=X Hell &}l=X ⌋ 845997_846245 we get the ones that do the R- 846245_847331 (..) traffic on Rutherford A⌈venue . 847331_849160 *LUCY: ⌊ That's right too ⌋ . 848863_849572 *JOHN: ⌊ (.) Yeah ⌋ . 848863_849572 *ALLE: Too ⌉ . 849160_849572 *LUCY: (..) &=in I think Sabina said 849572_854101 (..) &=in her heat- (..) heating bill . 854101_855855 *LUCY: (..) Was lower than half . 855855_857921 *LIND: (..) &=SNIFF ⌈ &=lengthened ⌉ . 857921_858571 *LUCY: ⌊ Last ⌋ year . 858269_858810 *LUCY: After she had the win⌈2dows . 858810_859855 *JOHN: ⌊2 I would bet ⌋2 . 859623_860306 *ANNE: ⌊2 No kidding ⌋2 . 859623_860306 *LUCY: because there's ⌉2 no draft . 859855_860960 *LUCY: &=in They insulate ⌈3 all a⌉3round the windows with . 860960_863663 *JOHN: ⌊3 Yeah ⌋3 . 862176_862528 *LUCY: &=in (..) Pat said they b- +/. 863663_864984 *LUCY: (..) First they blew in insulation . 864984_866813 *LUCY: Then they shoved in insulation 866813_868473 then they put more 868473_869499 (..) ⌈ something else ⌉ . 869499_870691 *ANNE: ⌊ There's a bug in your ⌋ hair . 870043_871069 *LUCY: (..) ʔon on top ⌈2 of that ⌉2 . 871069_872553 *ANNE: ⌊2 they're you go ⌋2 . 872035_872553 *JOHN: (..) Well it's ⌈3 gonna make your ⌉3 house much ea⌈4sier to ⌉4 heat . 872553_875352 *LUCY: ⌊3 S:o ⌋3 873686_874198 ⌊4 Yeah ⌋4 . 874761_875060 *LUCY: Be much ⌈5 tighter ⌉5 . 875352_876093 *JOHN: ⌊5 M:u⌋5ch . 875688_876456 *DAN: (..) What's Sab- +/. 876456_878126 *DAN: Sabina's Frank's ⌈ wife . 878126_879181 *ANNE: ⌊ Mhm ⌋ . 879009_879503 *DAN: Right ⌉ ? 879181_879503 *LUCY: (.) Yeah . 879503_879887 *DAN: (..) Frank probably had his house in fairly good shape though . 879887_883384 *LUCY: (.) ⌈ &=in Well their s⌉on is a carpenter . 883384_885016 *DAN: ⌊ I would think ⌋ . 883568_884135 *LUCY: (.) ⌈2 So ⌉2 . 885016_885538 *DAN: ⌊2 Yeah . 885086_885341 *DAN: And ⌋2 Frank's the type that would be puttering around 885341_887815 at all sorts of things ⌈3 usually ⌉3 anyway . 887815_889553 *LUCY: ⌊3 Yeah ⌋3 . 888747_889217 *DAN: He seems to be . 889553_890320 *DAN: (..) &=in &=lengthened Or at least collect⌈ing ⌉ . 890320_892436 *LUCY: ⌊ No ⌋ 892228_892436 he col⌈2lects ⌉2 . 892436_893323 *DAN: ⌊2 &=in At ⌋2 least collec⌈3ting ʔI ⌉3 uh &=ex . 892736_895032 *LUCY: ⌊3 Mhm ⌋3 . 893929_894342 *LUCY: Sabina every +/. 895032_895726 *LUCY: Every &{l=@ time we ⌈ put something out &}l=@ . 895726_897234 *DAN: ⌊ Collecting old sinks ⌋ . 896398_897663 *LUCY: &=laugh &=in &=laugh &=ex ⌉ ⌈2 &=laugh &=in &=laugh &=ex ⌉2 she'll [% laugh] say [% laugh] . 897234_898727 *X: ⌊2 &{l=X &=laugh &}l=X ⌋2 . 897663_898069 *LUCY: &=in ⌈3 &=lengthened Oh no ⌉3 . 898727_899544 *DAN: ⌊3 Put a cover on it ⌋3 . 898875_899544 *LUCY: wait and put it out in the morning 899544_900525 he'll take &{l=@ it in the ⌈ cella:r . 900525_901912 *LIND: ⌊ &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋ . 901370_902072 *DAN: ⌊ &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=in ⌋ . 901370_902072 *LUCY: He ⌉ ⌈2 does ⌉2 . 901912_902365 *DAN: ⌊2 Really ⌋2 . 902072_902365 *LUCY: he brings everything in the ⌈3 cellar &}l=@ ⌉3 . 902365_903847 *DAN: ⌊3 Put a co⌋3ver on it . 903360_904311 *DAN: (..) ⌈4 Well they ⌉4 told you . 904311_905353 *LUCY: ⌊4 &=laugh &=in ⌋4 . 904582_904922 *DAN: that one day 905353_906015 what did we bring out 906015_906804 ⌈ X ⌉ ⌈2 XX ⌉2 . 906804_907558 *LUCY: ⌊ &=in ⌋ ⌊2 The sink ⌋2 . 906804_907583 *DAVE: ⌊2 Da:n ⌋2 . 907004_907583 *LUCY: He took al- +/. 907583_908006 *LUCY: Remember ⌈ he took &{l=X on a &}l=X ⌉ +... 908006_908772 *DAVE: ⌊ It's a great ga⌋:me up here . 908200_909401 *DAVE: Patriots are down by: 909401_910990 (..) seventeen now . 910990_912546 *JOHN: ⌊ Oh: jeepers ⌋ . 912546_913779 *DAN: ⌊ That's alright 912546_913328 they'll come ⌋ ⌈2 back ⌉2 . 913328_914277 *DAVE: ⌊2 They're doing ⌋2 good . 913779_914686 *DAN: (..) They'll come back . 914686_915805 *LUCY: (..) &=laugh &=laugh . 915805_916814 *JOHN: (..) Bring back Doug Flutie . 916814_918312 *LUCY: (..) &=TS_SS_SS . 918312_919530 *DAN: (..) Nah 919530_920881 he:'s not good enough to play in this league . 920881_922636 *JOHN: (..) That's alright . 922636_923674 *JOHN: Put on the (..) Canadian Football League . 923674_925741 *JOHN: Get some entertain⌈ment . 925741_926669 *DAN: ⌊ &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋ . 926483_927587 *JOHN: Rather than handoff ⌉ to Therman this guy . 926669_928761 *JOHN: And handoff to this guy . 928761_930102 *DAN: &=in Actually they had a big problem with that . 930102_932171 *DAN: When they had a 932171_932776 (..) preseason game up 932776_934783 (.) in Toronto this year ? 934783_936073 *DAN: (..) One of the NFL preseason games was there ? 936073_938771 *JOHN: (..) Oh yeah . 938771_939457 *DAN: And it was like a (.) thirteen to ten thriller 939457_941614 with a lot of running 941614_942542 (..) Canadian fans just 942542_945024 (..) went away in droves . 945024_946668 *DAN: (..) So like five-thousand people showed up for it 946668_949559 they were bored 949559_950258 (..) the way that it's played . 950258_953235 *JOHN: Yeah . 953235_953402 *JOHN: Once you get used to Canadian football . 953402_954818 *JOHN: I would imagine you'd 954818_955624 (..) it would (.) be tough to f- +/. 955624_957088 *JOHN: (..) Be like watching ⌈ soccer ⌉ . 957088_960590 *LIND: ⌊ Those cl⌋ou:ds would mo:⌈2:ve ⌉2 . 959986_961899 *LUCY: ⌊2 XX ⌋2 . 961469_961899 *DAN: Well they have midgets up there . 961899_963131 *DAN: (..) &=in Midgets that can't play in the NFL up there . 963131_965947 *JOHN: (..) ⌈ Nah ⌉ . 965947_966551 *DAN: ⌊ S⌋tar and . 966256_967145 *JOHN: (..) They could play . 967145_968827 *JOHN: ⌈ They just ⌉ +... 968827_969283 *ANNE: ⌊ I think ⌋ your face is swollen . 968827_970179 *ANNE: I really do . 970179_970787 *ANNE: &{l=X Look &}l=X at the side of his face . 970787_971906 *ANNE: Doesn't it ⌈ look f- funny ⌉ ? 971906_973065 *LUCY: ⌊ Turn this way ⌋ . 972292_973065 *ANNE: &=in &=lengthened (..) See how his lip goes down a little bit . 973065_976080 *LUCY: (..) right here maybe 976080_977467 (..) yeah . 977467_977873 *DAN: (..) Why 977873_978253 ⌈ what did he do ⌉ . 978253_978858 *ANNE: ⌊ &=in &=lengthened ⌋ . 978253_978858 *LUCY: (.) This- it's swollen right here . 978858_980240 *LUCY: It goes (.) all 980240_980918 right down ⌈ this way ⌉ . 980918_981849 *ANNE: ⌊ Yeah ⌋ . 981438_981849 *ANNE: It's ⌈2 on that ⌉2 side of his face . 981849_983129 *LUCY: ⌊2 Yeah ⌋2 . 982050_982334 *JOHN: (..) No it's it's +/. 983129_984863 *JOHN: (.) Might be swollen from the (.) infection . 984863_986474 *LIND: Let me see . 986474_986867 *ANNE: Yeah 986867_987077 that's what I mean . 987077_987713 *ANNE: Swollen from the infection . 987713_988783 *DAN: (..) Oh that's ⌈ the tooth ⌉ here oh . 988783_991112 *ANNE: ⌊ XX ⌋ . 990228_990612 *LUCY: (.) Yeah . 991112_991455 *LUCY: (..) ⌈ It's right here ⌉ . 991455_992953 *ANNE: ⌊ Don't you think ⌋ ? 992272_992953 *ANNE: (..) ⌈2 Yeah ⌉2 . 992953_993963 *LUCY: ⌊2 Hm ⌋2 . 993551_993963 *DAN: (..) What did you have done . 993963_995418 *JOHN: (..) &=ex 995418_996144 (..) Basically nothing . 996144_997324 *JOHN: He just examined it . 997324_998244 *JOHN: He took an ex-ray 998244_999051 (..) What he did is he 999051_1000503 (..) he put a pro:be in between the gum and the tooth 1000503_1002848 (..) and it's supposed to only go in one millimeter in a ⌈ healthy tooth ⌉ . 1002848_1005702 *DAN: ⌊ Yeah . 1005047_1005351 *DAN: I had ⌋ the whole mouth done &{l=X that &}l=X . 1005351_1006894 *DAN: That's a ⌈2 real fun feeling ⌉2 . 1006894_1008252 *JOHN: ⌊2 A:nd u:m ⌋2 1007303_1008252 (.) it went ⌈3 in s⌉3:ix millimeters . 1008252_1009706 *DAN: ⌊3 &=laugh ⌋3 . 1008639_1008846 *JOHN: To right down in there 1009706_1010518 he says this 1010518_1011070 (..) gum is breaking down . 1011070_1012603 *JOHN: (..) But his analysis is 1012603_1014373 I've got a crown here ? 1014373_1015333 *JOHN: (..) And the tooth under the crown 1015333_1017296 that's that's 1017296_1017901 (.) whatever's left of it 1017901_1018886 (..) is (..) c- +/. 1018886_1019347 *JOHN: I must've cracked it . 1019347_1020336 *LUCY: (..) Mm: . 1020336_1021050 *JOHN: And (.) through a period of weeks 1021050_1022230 bacteria has gotten in there 1022230_1023657 and it ⌈ causes ⌉ +... 1023657_1024418 *LIND: ⌊ So he knows ⌋ it's infected ? 1023883_1024875 *LIND: Did he give you an antibiotic ? 1024875_1025883 *JOHN: Oh yeah . 1025883_1026246 *JOHN: I gi- +/. 1026246_1026486 *JOHN: ⌈ Oh yeah ⌉ . 1026486_1026965 *LIND: ⌊ &{l=X Oh no &}l=X ⌋ . 1026486_1026965 *JOHN: I took my first one 1026965_1027996 go- +/. 1027996_1028208 *JOHN: ⌈ On my way up here . 1028208_1028896 *ANNE: ⌊ &=in &=lengthened ⌋ . 1028208_1029267 *JOHN: I stopped ⌉ at a store . 1028896_1029814 *ANNE: &=in . 1029814_1030049 *JOHN: So I'm just looking at ⌈ my watch ⌉ . 1030049_1031332 *LUCY: ⌊ Now how many ⌋ 1030717_1031332 (.) How ⌈2 many a day ⌉2 . 1031332_1032184 *JOHN: ⌊2 Soon as he ⌋2 hits that grill . 1031611_1033044 *JOHN: (..) I'm gonna take my supper pill . 1033044_1034415 *ANNE: ⌈ &=laugh &=ex &=lengthened ⌉ . 1034415_1034914 *JOHN: ⌊ &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋ 1034415_1034914 ⌈2 &=laugh &=lengthened &=laugh &=laugh ⌉2 . 1034914_1035727 *LUCY: ⌊2 &{l=@ So- (.) so that ⌋2 ⌈3 you can &}l=@ ⌉3 . 1034914_1036198 *ANNE: ⌊3 &=laugh &=laugh &=in ⌋3 . 1035727_1036198 *DAN: ⌈4 &=laugh &=lengthened &=laugh &=laugh ⌉4 ⌈5 &=laugh ⌉5 ⌈6 &=laugh &=laugh ⌉6 . 1036198_1037631 *JOHN: ⌊4 &=laugh &=lengthened ⌋4 ⌊5 &=laugh ⌋5 . 1036198_1037170 *LUCY: ⌊5 &=laugh &=in ⌋5 1036863_1037170 ⌊6 &{l=@ eat in ⌋6 ⌈7 peace &}l=@ . 1037170_1038068 *JOHN: ⌊7 &{l=X Go:ll &}l=X ⌋7 . 1037631_1038313 *ANNE: ⌊7 &=ex &=in ⌋7 . 1037631_1038313 *LUCY: &=in ⌉7 1038068_1038313 ⌈8 &=laugh &=laugh ⌉8 . 1038313_1038921 *JOHN: ⌊8 (.) ʔuh Yeah ⌋8 I don't know . 1038313_1039383 *JOHN: It's really 1039383_1039979 (..) That's why I went out and bought the coffee . 1039979_1042039 *JOHN: &{l=X See it &}l=X seemed to help . 1042039_1043099 *JOHN: Maybe it's the hot . 1043099_1043972 *LUCY: (.) Soothe ? 1043972_1044587 *JOHN: Yeah⌈: ⌉ . 1044587_1044917 *LUCY: ⌊ The ⌋ warmth ? 1044754_1045414 *JOHN: Cause ⌈2 well I ⌉2 just went to . 1045414_1046291 *LUCY: ⌊2 Mm ⌋2 . 1045533_1045812 *JOHN: (..) an endodontist . 1046667_1048081 *JOHN: Cause I have an old dentist . 1048081_1049152 *JOHN: And he doesn't really . 1049152_1049942 *LIND: (..) ⌈ Just a general ⌉ . 1049942_1051412 *JOHN: ⌊ do emergencies ⌋ . 1050772_1051412 *JOHN: He only works three days ⌈2 a week ⌉2 . 1051412_1052591 *LIND: ⌊2 &=SNIFF ⌋2 . 1052271_1052591 *LUCY: (..) ⌈3 Mm ⌉3 . 1052591_1053223 *JOHN: ⌊3 So ⌋3 he sent me to this root canal guy . 1052880_1054875 *JOHN: Like (.) a couple years ago . 1054875_1055959 *JOHN: (..) Who was good . 1055959_1056851 *JOHN: (..) So I called him 1056851_1058700 and he said oh 1058700_1059151 you know . 1059151_1059519 *JOHN: (..) Yeah 1059519_1060432 come on over . 1060432_1060916 *JOHN: I don't know if it's a root canal thing 1060916_1062255 and he said gee 1062255_1062730 it's not a root canal . 1062730_1063697 *JOHN: (..) He ⌈ said that ⌉ +... 1063697_1064590 *DAVE: ⌊ Dan⌋ny 1064272_1064781 you just missed the best play of the game . 1064781_1066636 *DAVE: (..) The Buffalo punt returner 1066636_1068986 just stood up five Patriot guys . 1068986_1070846 *DAVE: And ran it in for a touchdown . 1070846_1072090 *JOHN: &{l=P &{l=VOX Aw: ⌈ God &}l=VOX &}l=P ⌉ . 1072090_1072886 *LUCY: ⌊ &=laugh &=ex &=lengthened ⌋ . 1072464_1072886 *JOHN: What's the score ⌈2 now ⌉2 . 1072886_1073617 *LUCY: ⌊2 &=laugh ⌋2 &=laugh &=laugh ⌈3 &=laugh ⌉3 . 1073387_1074250 *DAVE: ⌊3 Thirty⌋3-eight to four⌈4teen ⌉4 . 1073987_1075000 *LUCY: ⌊4 &=in ⌋4 ⌈5 Oh [% laugh] God [% laugh] ⌉5 . 1074775_1075616 *JOHN: ⌊5 &{l=WH Ah: &}l=WH ⌋5 . 1075000_1075616 *LUCY: &=in &=ex . 1075616_1076353 *JOHN: (..) Depressing . 1076353_1077347 *LIND: (..) Who's ⌈ quarterback ⌉ . 1077347_1078536 *DAVE: ⌊ After ⌋ +/. 1078051_1078536 *DAVE: After they fumbled a snap 1078536_1080123 and Bledsoe recovered ⌈ it in the end zone ⌉ . 1080123_1081861 *LIND: ⌊ &{l=P Oh it's Bledsoe &}l=P ⌋ . 1081066_1081861 *DAVE: (..) And out of pity 1081861_1082846 the ref gave it not a safety . 1082846_1084610 *LUCY: &=laugh &=ex ⌈ &=lengthened &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌉ . 1084610_1086169 *DAVE: ⌊ And let em have it on the half ⌋ yard line . 1084904_1086658 *LUCY: (..) &=ex . 1086658_1091138 *JOHN: (..) Dave . 1091138_1091634 *LUCY: They have that ⌈ TV really loud Linda . 1091634_1093821 *JOHN: ⌊ Find out the Atlanta score for me . 1092195_1094030 *JOHN: If you see it in TV ⌋ . 1094030_1095297 *LUCY: I can hear it 1093821_1094597 (.) down here ⌉ . 1094597_1095297 *DAN: (..) Who they playing John . 1095297_1096934 *JOHN: (..) I don't even know who they're playing . 1096934_1098938 *JOHN: I forget . 1098938_1099432 *LIND: (.) David who they playing . 1099432_1100720 *DAN: I just saw ⌈ some (.) s⌉⌈2cores ⌉2 . 1100720_1102259 *DAVE: ⌊ What ⌋ ? 1101305_1101743 *LIND: ⌊2 (.) Who are they ⌋2 playing . 1101743_1102697 *DAVE: Buffalo . 1102697_1103393 *JOHN: (..) But I finally get into a football pool this year . 1103393_1110122 *JOHN: I got so . 1110122_1110695 *DAN: (.) &=ex . 1110695_1111103 *JOHN: sick of ⌈ everybody ⌉ . 1111103_1111984 *LIND: ⌊ &=in ⌋ . 1111459_1111984 *JOHN: (..) checking scores Monday morning 1111984_1114047 I ⌈ fel⌉⌈2t uh ⌉2 . 1114047_1114784 *LUCY: ⌊ &=laugh ⌋ . 1114180_1114447 *DAN: ⌊2 &{l=P &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋2 &=laugh &=laugh ⌈3 &=laugh &}l=P ⌉3 . 1114447_1115369 *LUCY: ⌊3 Left ⌋3 ⌈4 out ? 1115079_1115659 *JOHN: ⌊4 Left out . 1115369_1116016 *LUCY: &=in &=ex &=lengthened &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌉4 ⌈5 &=laugh &=laugh ⌉5 . 1115659_1117484 *JOHN: yeah I felt uh (.) de⌋4⌊5prived ⌋5 . 1116016_1117484 *DAN: ⌊5 &{l=X right &}l=X ⌋5 . 1117012_1117484 *JOHN: XXX⌈6X ⌉6 . 1117484_1118313 *LUCY: ⌊6 &=laugh ⌋6 ⌈7 &=laugh ⌉7 . 1117959_1118583 *DAN: ⌊6 You wanna ⌋6 ⌊7 waste ⌋7 your dollar 1117959_1119229 like everybo⌈8dy else ⌉8 ⌈9 every ⌉9 ⌈ week ⌉ . 1119229_1120825 *ANNE: ⌊8 &=laugh &=lengthened ⌋8 . 1119862_1120303 *LUCY: ⌊8 Oh⌋8⌊9: ⌋9 . 1119979_1120561 *DAVE: ⌊ Danny ⌋ 1120561_1120825 ⌈2 you wanna play football ⌉2 ? 1120825_1121692 *JOHN: ⌊2 Nah this is just a ⌋2 (.) g- local thing . 1120825_1122357 *DAN: (.) ʔAh 1122357_1122774 ⌈ not ⌉ right now Dave . 1122774_1123888 *JOHN: ⌊ So ⌋ +... 1122797_1123029 *DAN: &=in &=lengthened . 1123888_1124523 *DAVE: (..) Will you play later ? 1124523_1125703 *DAN: (..) I don't know . 1125703_1126771 *JOHN: It was a hundred ⌈ dollars . 1126771_1127824 *DAN: ⌊ I'll keep telling you not right now ⌋ . 1127336_1128966 *JOHN: to cover the whole season ⌉ . 1127824_1128966 *DAN: until ⌈2 the day just ⌉2 goes by ⌈3 maybe ⌉3 . 1128966_1130771 *DAVE: ⌊2 Hunh ⌋2 ? 1129383_1129867 *JANE: ⌊3 I don't ⌋3 care . 1130401_1131228 *GLEN: My turn to play XX . 1131228_1132286 *DAVE: Yeah . 1132286_1132654 *DAVE: (..) Danny just said he might play later . 1132654_1134801 *JANE: (.) XX⌈XX ⌉ . 1134801_1135516 *ANNE: ⌊ I waste⌋d my ⌈2 time ⌉2 . 1135095_1136048 *JOHN: ⌊2 &=ex ⌋2 . 1135816_1136048 *ANNE: It's: too bad the sun didn't come out . 1136048_1137615 *ANNE: (..) . 1137615_1138128 @End