@UTF8 @Begin @Languages: eng @Participants: LAUR LAURA Speaker, LISB LISBETH Speaker, DON DON Speaker, X X Speaker, JENN JENN Speaker, LEAN LEANNE Speaker, BILL BILL Speaker, RICH RICHARD Speaker, MARY MARY Speaker, MANY MANY Speaker @Options: CA, caps, bullets @ID: eng|SBCSAE|LAUR|||||Speaker||| @ID: eng|SBCSAE|LISB|||||Speaker||| @ID: eng|SBCSAE|DON|||||Speaker||| @ID: eng|SBCSAE|X|||||Speaker||| @ID: eng|SBCSAE|JENN|||||Speaker||| @ID: eng|SBCSAE|LEAN|||||Speaker||| @ID: eng|SBCSAE|BILL|||||Speaker||| @ID: eng|SBCSAE|RICH|||||Speaker||| @ID: eng|SBCSAE|MARY|||||Speaker||| @ID: eng|SBCSAE|MANY|||||Speaker||| @Media: 33, audio @Comment: Guilt @Comment: A lively family argument/discussion recorded at a vacation home in Falmouth, Massachusetts. There are eight participants, all relatives or close friends. Discussion centers around a disagreement Jennifer (age 23) is having with her mother (Lisbeth). *LAUR: (..) Look at this . 0_3675 *LAUR: Isn't this pretty ? 3675_4427 *LISB: (.) ʔX . 4427_4936 *LISB: (..) ⌈ &{l=X Li:me (.) ⌉ crea:m &}l=X . 4994_6952 *DON: ⌊ What is that ⌋ . 5877_6347 *LAUR: ⌈2 Mary always wears them ⌉2 . 6952_8008 *X: ⌊2 Wok wok ⌋2 wok wok ⌈3 wok ⌉3 . 7299_8748 *LAUR: ⌊3 She ⌋3 brought so⌈4:me . 8472_9300 *X: ⌊4 Wok wok ⌋4 . 9124_9845 *LAUR: (.) I always ⌉4 comment ⌈5 on them ⌉5 . 9505_10631 *LISB: ⌊5 You ⌋5 have to be nice to me . 10127_11087 *LAUR: ⌈6 She brought ⌉6 some +... 11087_11780 *DON: ⌊6 &{l=X Aw: &}l=X ⌋6 11087_11583 ⌈7 that's a ⌉7 ⌈8 cute &{l=X garden &}l=X ⌉8 +... 11780_12794 *JENN: ⌊7 &{l=VOX &=ex &}l=VOX ⌋7 . 11780_12049 *LISB: ⌊8 Sharing my ⌋8 candy . 12049_13202 *JENN: (.) ⌈9 &{l=VOX ʔuh &=ex &}l=VOX ⌉9 . 13202_13648 *LEAN: ⌊9 &{l=X Neat ⌋9 ⌈ container &}l=X for them ⌉ . 13442_14460 *BILL: ⌊ Not cute at ⌋ all 13789_14653 (.) ⌈2 very elegant ⌉2 . 14653_15448 *LISB: ⌊2 Yes you are ⌋2 . 14859_15448 *JENN: I am 15448_15966 (.) I am &{l=HI no:t &}l=HI mean to you all the time . 15966_18097 *BILL: (..) Look how mean you're being . 18097_20170 *JENN: (..) ⌈ &{l=HI Well look how mean she's be⌉⌈2ing &}l=HI ⌉2 . 20170_23268 *RICH: ⌊ Jenn you're crue:l ⌋ . 21760_23103 *LAUR: ⌊2 Look ⌋2 . 23103_23303 *DON: ⌈3 Oh that's wonderful ⌉3 . 23361_24875 *BILL: ⌊3 &=laugh &=laugh (.) &=laugh &=laugh ⌋3 23683_24875 (.) Guilt . 24875_25486 *MARY: Looks uh . 25486_25946 *BILL: ⌈ Lisbeth ⌉ . 25946_26631 *LEAN: ⌊ Mom it looks ⌋ so good . 25946_27313 *MARY: So good . 27333_27840 *DON: It looks lovely . 27840_28499 *JENN: (..) You know 28499_29346 this family w:orks on guilt . 29346_31401 *JENN: The engine of this family 31401_32995 is a little guilt motor . 32995_34276 *JENN: That goes vroo:m ⌈ vroo:m vroo:m ⌉ . 34276_36316 *DON: ⌊ &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋ . 35232_36316 *LAUR: I don't agree with you . 36316_37306 *JENN: I t:otally agree . 37306_38773 *BILL: ⌈ Right . 39006_39353 *JENN: ⌊ I don't +/. 39006_39353 *JENN: And ⌋ +... 39353_39568 *BILL: We're ⌉ making you ⌈2 feel guilty . 39353_40544 *MARY: ⌊2 &{l=@ I totally agree: &}l=@ ⌋2 . 39909_41058 *BILL: but what ⌉2 . 40544_41058 *LEAN: ⌈3 &{l=@ You totally agree ⌉3 ⌈4 with your⌉4⌈5se:lf . 41058_42728 *BILL: ⌊3 what are we ⌋3 +... 41058_41596 *LAUR: ⌊4 &{l=X &{l=@ Totally agree &}l=@ &}l=X ⌋4 . 41596_42228 *BILL: ⌊4 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋4 ⌊5 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=in &=laugh &=in ⌋5 . 41596_43501 *LAUR: ⌊5 &=laugh (.) &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋5 . 42228_43361 *LEAN: Jennifer ⌉5 42728_43361 you're agreeing with your⌈6self &}l=@ ⌉6 . 43361_45036 *JENN: ⌊6 Yes ⌋6 . 44272_45036 *BILL: ⌊6 I [% laugh] agree [% laugh] ⌋6 . 44272_45036 *BILL: ⌈7 (.) She totally agreed with herself ⌉7 . 45036_46786 *MANY: ⌊7 &=LAUGHTER ⌋7 . 45036_46786 *DON: ⌈8 I totally agree with me ⌉8 . 46786_47939 *LEAN: ⌊8 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=in ⌋8 . 46786_47939 *MANY: &=LAUGHTER &=lengthened . 47939_50752 *DON: Boy if that isn't conceit 50752_52152 n:othing is . 52152_52918 *LISB: ⌈ &{l=X That's why it's &}l=X ⌉ ⌈2 not believable ⌉2 . 52918_54286 *DON: ⌊ &=laugh &=laugh ⌋ . 52966_53336 *LEAN: ⌊2 &=in &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋2 . 53385_54286 *X: XXX . 54286_54751 *BILL: &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌈ &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌉ . 54751_56510 *JENN: ⌊ &{l=@ I totally agree &}l=@ ⌋ . 55369_56510 *DON: ⌈2 Such a ⌉2 great ⌈3 statement ⌉3 . 56510_57721 *LEAN: ⌊2 &=laugh &=in ⌋2 . 56510_56923 *LISB: ⌊3 Fill in ⌋3 the box . 57150_58362 *LISB: It's like giving yourself a survey . 58362_60270 *DON: ⌈ XXX . 60270_60840 *MANY: ⌊ &=LAUGHTER ⌋ . 60270_61549 *DON: (.) Right⌉⌈2: [% laugh] ⌉2 . 60840_61549 *LISB: ⌊2 A⌋2gree with yours- +... 61410_62133 *DON: &=laugh ⌈3 &=laugh ⌉3 . 62133_62539 *LISB: ⌊3 &=laugh ⌋3 . 62273_62539 *DON: (.) ⌈4 Do you think you're a wonderful person ⌉4 . 62539_64738 *LEAN: ⌊4 &=laugh &=in &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh (.) &=laugh &=in &=laugh ⌋4 . 62828_64738 *DON: Yes . 64738_65218 *DON: ⌈ Check ⌉ . 65218_65707 *BILL: ⌊ &=laugh &=laugh ⌋ . 65218_65707 *DON: ⌈2 &=laugh &=in &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌉2 . 65707_67160 *LEAN: ⌊2 &=laugh &=in &=laugh ⌋2 ⌈3 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=in ⌉3 . 65707_67160 *BILL: ⌊2 I totally a⌋2⌊3gree with my⌋3self . 66381_68013 *DON: ⌊3 &=in Yeah ⌋3 . 67160_67713 *DON: ⌈4 Do you think ⌉4 other peo⌈5ple are mis⌉5erable . 68013_69253 *LEAN: ⌊4 &=COUGH &=COUGH ⌋4 . 68013_68646 *BILL: ⌊5 Mhm ⌋5 . 68832_69124 *DON: Yes . 69253_69669 *DON: Check . 69669_70034 *MANY: &=LAUGHTER . 70034_73103 *DON: Do ⌈ you agree ⌉ with me . 73103_74258 *LEAN: ⌊ &=laugh &=in ⌋ . 73336_73755 *DON: Yes . 74258_74638 *DON: Check . 74638_75008 *MARY: &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh . 75241_76673 *BILL: ⌈ &=laugh &=laugh ⌉ . 76906_77362 *JENN: ⌊ Shut up ⌋ . 76906_77362 *DON: ⌈2 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=in ⌉2 . 77362_78952 *LEAN: ⌊2 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋2 &=in . 77362_79231 *MARY: ⌊2 &=laugh &=laugh &=GASP &=lengthened ⌋2 77362_78952 &=laugh &=in &=lengthened . 79231_79565 *DON: &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh . 79565_80158 *MARY: &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh . 80158_80769 *LEAN: &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh . 80769_81788 *DON: ⌈ X: ⌉ . 81788_82452 *BILL: ⌊ &=in &{l=SING We: ⌋ three: 81788_83499 ⌈2 we're all alo⌉2:ne . 83499_85217 *DON: ⌊2 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh (.) &=laugh ⌋2 . 83499_84810 *BILL: &=in ⌈3 living in m:isery⌉3⌈4: ⌉4 . 85217_87771 *DON: ⌊3 &{l=SING Living (.) sery⌋3⌊4: ⌋4 . 85593_87771 *JENN: ⌊4 There's ⌋4 +/. 87425_87771 *JENN: ⌈5 There is a fine line ⌉5 . 87771_89439 *BILL: ⌊5 my echo: ⌋5 . 87771_89439 *DON: ⌊5 my echo: ⌋5 . 87771_89439 *BILL: ⌈6 my shadow⌉6⌈7: ⌉7 . 89439_91172 *DON: ⌊6 my shadow⌋6⌊7: ⌋7 . 89439_91172 *MARY: ⌊7 &=COUGH ⌋7 . 90797_91172 *BILL: ⌈8 and me: &}l=SING ⌉8 . 91172_92437 *DON: ⌊8 and me: &}l=SING ⌋8 . 91172_92437 *MANY: ⌈9 &=LAUGHTER ⌉9 . 92437_93291 *JENN: ⌊9 There is a f⌋9ine line though 92437_93931 ⌈ between ⌉ guilt and responsibility . 93931_96012 *MARY: ⌊ &=COUGH ⌋ . 93931_94416 *JENN: ⌈2 Like you're ⌉2 feeling a respon⌈3sibility ⌉3 towards people . 96012_98413 *DON: ⌊2 &=tsk Ah ⌋2 . 96012_96454 *DON: ⌊3 Mm ⌋3 . 97410_97781 *JENN: And the feeling of guilt 98413_99560 to m:ake yourself do things . 99560_101425 *DON: M⌈hm ⌉ . 101425_101850 *BILL: ⌊ Right ⌋ . 101541_101850 *JENN: And I think tha:t line 101791_102903 is really fuzzy but I think 102903_103747 o:ften . 103747_104649 *DON: (.) ⌈ Talk to me ⌉ . 104649_105413 *JENN: ⌊ The gui⌋:lt (.) strings are t:ugg⌈2ed (.) very hard ⌉2 . 105010_108816 *LEAN: ⌊2 That is the biggest crock ⌋2 of ⌈3 shit I have ⌉3 ⌈4 ever heard [% laugh] ⌉4 . 107633_110358 *JENN: ⌊3 No it's not ⌋3 . 108920_109926 *BILL: ⌊3 &{l=VOX O:ften &}l=VOX ⌋3 . 108920_109926 *JENN: ⌊4 (.) You and ⌋4 ⌈5 I have had a talk about this be⌉5fore . 109926_111998 *BILL: ⌊5 You:'re not an orphan ⌋5 . 110358_111654 *LEAN: (..) No . 111998_113066 *LEAN: Well I happen to think ⌈ yes . 113066_114257 *DON: ⌊ Now tell me ⌋ . 114030_114771 *LEAN: that guilt ⌉ is ⌈2 ʔa very ⌉2 massive ⌈3 part of this fami⌉3ly . 114257_117406 *DON: ⌊2 Jenn- w- ⌋2 +/. 115002_115579 *DON: ⌊3 What happened XXX ⌋3 . 116079_117044 *RICH: (..) ⌈4 &{l=P &{l=@ &{l=X Guilt for &}l=X &}l=@ &}l=P ⌉4 +... 117406_122758 *LEAN: ⌊4 Guilt ⌋4 122274_122758 no 122758_122966 she's right to a certain extent . 122966_123999 *BILL: (..) Bu⌈:ll:sh:⌉i:t . 123999_125912 *LEAN: ⌊ This family ⌋ +/. 124987_125683 *LEAN: i⌈2:s [% laugh] . 125912_126461 *DON: ⌊2 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh (.) &=laugh &=in ⌋2 . 126264_127956 *LEAN: &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=in 126461_127440 To a ⌉2 ⌈3 certain extent . 127440_128654 *LAUR: ⌊3 How: do you ⌋3 +... 127956_128934 *LEAN: I ⌉3 ⌈4 qualif⌉4ie:d . 128654_130089 *BILL: ⌊4 Bullshit ⌋4 . 128934_129635 *LEAN: &=in &{l=HI We &}l=HI believe in gui⌈5lt ⌉5 . 130089_131681 *BILL: ⌊5 B⌋5ullshi:t . 131506_132449 *LEAN: (.) You don't ⌈6 think this fami⌉6⌈7ly uses guilt ⌉7 ? 132449_135013 *LAUR: ⌊6 Well (.) I ⌋6 +... 133035_133790 *BILL: ⌊6 (.) The trou⌋6⌊7ble is 133035_134308 a li:ttle ⌋7 guilt goes a ⌈8 lo:ng way ⌉8 . 134308_137065 *DON: ⌊8 Lo:ng way ⌋8 . 135980_137065 *LEAN: Especially if you're Jewish . 136995_138384 *JENN: (.) ⌈ Yeah ⌉ . 138384_139058 *LAUR: ⌊ Do you ⌋ ⌈2 think ⌉2 +... 138556_139304 *BILL: ⌊ A:nd ⌋ ⌊2 you g⌋2uys feel a little bit guilty 138556_141099 about the way you've treated us all ⌈3 these years of life ⌉3 . 141099_143651 *LEAN: ⌊3 Oh what a cr⌋3⌈4o:ck ⌉4 . 142766_144524 *LAUR: ⌊3 &=laugh &=lengthened &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋3 . 142766_143858 *DON: ⌊4 &=laugh &=laugh ⌋4 . 143858_144524 *LAUR: (..) Now guilt ⌈5 works two way⌉5:s . 144524_146699 *LEAN: ⌊5 That's bullshit ⌋5 . 145199_146327 *LISB: (..) ⌈6 Now I've been looking for the May sev⌉6enteenth New York⌈7er ⌉7 . 146699_150849 *LEAN: ⌊6 Oh please 147403_147882 (.) Mother 147882_148453 I've learned ⌋6 . 148453_149507 *RICH: ⌊7 Hm [% laugh] ⌋7 . 150692_150849 *LEAN: (.) &=laugh &=laugh . 150849_151301 *LAUR: ⌈ &=laugh &=laugh (.) &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌉ . 151301_152457 *LEAN: ⌊ She's like 151301_152111 &=in out ⌋ there . 152457_152941 *LEAN: ⌈2 You're ⌉2 . 152941_153262 *BILL: ⌊2 Liz ⌋2 . 152941_153262 *LEAN: Liz . 153262_153607 *BILL: ⌈ Are you in this convers⌉⌈2ation or not ⌉2 . 153607_155110 *LEAN: ⌊ You're &{l=L2 outre mer &}l=L2 ⌋ . 153607_154509 *LISB: ⌊2 I hear it ⌋2 . 154509_155110 *LEAN: ⌊2 &=laugh &=laugh ⌋2 . 154509_155110 *LAUR: ⌊2 &=laugh &=lengthened ⌋2 . 154509_155110 *LISB: ⌈3 I hear ⌉3 ⌈4 it ⌉4 . 155110_155624 *LEAN: ⌊3 &=laugh &=laugh ⌋3 . 155110_155427 *BILL: ⌊4 Hunh ⌋4 . 155427_155624 *BILL: (.) You ⌈5 hear it ⌉5 . 155624_156328 *LEAN: ⌊5 &=in ⌋5 You're &{l=X uh duh⌈6: &}l=X ⌉6 . 155990_157111 *BILL: ⌊6 Oh ⌋6 I think . 156984_157541 *LEAN: Mom ? 157541_157927 *DON: (.) Uh . 157927_158217 *LAUR: Wait . 158217_158500 *LAUR: My gla- +/. 158500_158906 *LAUR: I have [% laugh] m- [% laugh] +/. 158906_159269 *LAUR: I [% laugh] have [% laugh] +/. 159269_159629 *LAUR: I just go ⌈ without g⌉lasses on . 159629_161053 *LEAN: ⌊ &=laugh &=laugh ⌋ 160049_160410 I need XX +... 161053_161631 *LEAN: (..) Mom ? 161631_162718 *LAUR: (.) What . 162718_163170 *LEAN: Here's the deal . 163170_163693 *LEAN: (..) You guilt me 163693_165047 (..) and in response 165047_166535 I guilt you straight back . 166535_167790 *LAUR: T- [% laugh] +/. 167790_168325 *LAUR: (.) In ⌈ response ⌉ . 168325_169667 *LISB: ⌊ ʔuh To guilt ⌋ . 168906_169667 *LISB: (.) That's now a verb . 169667_170801 *LISB: ⌈ That's like ⌉ ⌈2 Ta⌉2⌈3:ra said today . 170801_172398 *BILL: ⌊ It's a ⌋ ⌊2 new verb ⌋2 . 170801_171558 *DON: ⌊ XX ⌋ 170801_171228 ⌊3 To beguilt 171558_172398 to ⌋3 +... 172514_172824 *LISB: to w- ⌉3 +... 172514_172824 *LEAN: (.) &=laugh &=in . 172824_173184 *LISB: Uh . 173184_173577 *LAUR: (.) &{l=X Got &}l=X +... 173577_173996 *LISB: ⌈ I'll water you ⌉ . 173996_174874 *LAUR: ⌊ Said 173996_174223 I'll water ⌋ you . 174223_175205 *LISB: I'll water you . 175205_175949 *LEAN: (.) Cause 175949_176330 (.) she's gonna &{l=X sprout you know &}l=X . 176330_177414 *LEAN: But 177414_177643 like sometimes 177643_178311 what I'll say to you is 178311_179049 you'll you'll start guilting me ? 179049_180400 *LEAN: (..) And what I'll do in response 180400_181736 is I'll say Mom 181736_182351 you're guilting me . 182351_183131 *LEAN: (..) Whereupon ⌈ you immediately ⌉ . 183131_185326 *LISB: ⌊ Gilting . 184375_184716 *LISB: That's putting a ⌋ little coat of go⌈2:ld on top isn't it ⌉2 ? 184716_187347 *BILL: ⌊2 Gold . 186295_186726 *BILL: Yeah that's right ⌋2 . 186726_187347 *BILL: That's ⌈3 right ⌉3 . 187347_187872 *DON: ⌊3 Cor⌋3⌈4rect ⌉4 . 187559_187977 *LEAN: ⌊3 That's ⌋3 ⌊4 gil⌋4ting 187559_188292 not guilting . 188292_189057 *DON: &{l=VOX &=laugh &=laugh ⌈ &=laugh &=lengthened &}l=VOX &=in ⌉ . 189057_190429 *LISB: ⌊ Excuse me ⌋ ? 189752_190429 *LEAN: (..) Liz ? 190429_191678 *LEAN: (..) Sort of like (.) airplane and 191678_193743 (..) what's 193743_194397 oh plane and plain . 194397_195265 *LEAN: That's it . 195265_195759 *LEAN: (..) Um 195759_196732 (.) Mom ? 196732_197317 *LAUR: Yes . 197317_197806 *LEAN: Oh and plain 197806_198414 (..) and plane . 198414_199231 *LISB: ʔOh 199231_199702 maybe this ⌈ is it ⌉ . 199702_200484 *LEAN: ⌊ Um ⌋ 200111_200484 (..) &{l=X that thought &}l=X 200484_202491 whereupon 202491_203128 you 203128_203590 like 203590_203999 (..) develop (.) guilt . 203999_205547 *LAUR: (..) Well I think what Jennifer said (.) is correct . 205547_209188 *LAUR: ʔuh How do you separate (..) responsibility (..) from (.) guilt . 209188_213909 *BILL: (..) Well if you have no feeling of responsibility 213909_217173 no: amount of guilt will appear in ⌈ your head ⌉ . 217173_219647 *LEAN: ⌊ Exact [% laugh] ⌋ ly . 219190_219989 *LISB: (..) Guilt 219989_220953 (.) in- in fact 220953_222059 (.) the distinction between guilt and responsibility is 222059_225036 you must fee:l that you have responsibility 225036_227348 &=in ⌈ that you have fai:led ⌉ . 227348_228881 *BILL: ⌊ In order to feel guilt ⌋ . 227587_228881 *LISB: then you have +... 228881_229680 *X: &{l=X I agree &}l=X . 229680_230188 *BILL: ⌈ It's a li⌉⌈2ttle bit like s⌉2⌈3:in and confession ⌉3 . 230188_232339 *LISB: ⌊ guilt ⌋ . 230188_230560 *LEAN: ⌊2 You have guilt ⌋2 . 230560_231168 *JENN: ⌊3 No but then 231168_231758 somebody ⌋3 231758_232339 but 232339_232591 but ⌈ that's ⌉ . 232591_233049 *BILL: ⌊ Mhm ⌋ . 232819_233049 *LAUR: ⌊ Mhm ⌋ . 232819_233049 *LISB: ⌈2 Can't have one without ⌉2 ⌈3 the other ⌉3 . 233049_234521 *JENN: ⌊2 that's exactly 233049_233811 that's ⌋2 ⌊3 exactly ⌋3 ⌈4 right . 233811_234833 *LEAN: ⌊3 This thing is ⌋3 ⌊4 leaking ⌋4 . 234034_235108 *JENN: There ⌉4 ca:n be somebody who ⌈5 makes you feel like you ha⌉5:ve a responsibility . 234833_238422 *LEAN: ⌊5 Liz 235966_236365 this is &{l=X moving &}l=X ⌋5 . 236365_237127 *JENN: &=in In a case 238422_239233 &=in when that is not necess⌈arily clear ⌉ . 239233_241180 *LISB: ⌊ &{l=F Ah: &}l=F ⌋ . 240440_241180 *LISB: So ⌈2 guilt ⌉2 is not the issue . 241180_242619 *LAUR: ⌊2 Ah: ⌋2 . 241354_241782 *LISB: the issue is a denial of responsibility . 242619_244985 *JENN: No no no 244985_245636 no 245636_245929 you ⌈ totally turned what I said around ⌉ . 245929_248090 *LISB: ⌊ &{l=P XXX &{l=X where I set those &}l=X &}l=P ⌋ . 246558_248090 *JENN: There's ⌈2 an ac ⌉2 +... 248090_249230 *RICH: ⌊2 &=laugh &=laugh ⌋2 . 248572_249230 *JENN: agent there 249230_250184 who is making you feel responsible 250184_252152 for something that you are not responsible for . 252152_254199 *BILL: ⌈ &{l=X Well how could &}l=X ⌉ +... 254199_255060 *LAUR: ⌊ Then you don't ⌋ +... 254199_255060 *LISB: ⌊ (.) Responsi⌋⌈2bility is n:o:t +... 254199_256203 *LEAN: ⌊2 XXX to how you know you're responsible ⌋2 . 255060_257381 *LISB: ʔuh &=ex +/. 256203_256600 *LISB: is no:t an ob⌉2jective phenomena 256600_258681 Jenn⌈3ifer ⌉3 . 258681_259262 *JENN: ⌊3 It i⌋3:s often when ⌈4 they have been defined . 259021_261104 *LISB: ⌊4 Unless you've signed a contract ⌋4 . 259827_261514 *JENN: (.) No ⌉4 when there have been defi:ned responsibility . 261104_263435 *BILL: (.) Right . 263435_263949 *BILL: ⌈ For exam- ⌉ +... 263949_264547 *LISB: ⌊ Okay ⌋ . 263949_264547 *LISB: In most human relationships 264547_266162 there are no 266162_266709 (.) defi:ned 266709_267726 written in in ⌈ in ⌉ +... 267726_269238 *JENN: ⌊ Mono⌋:gamy is a good example . 268839_270578 *RICH: (.) &=laugh &=ex ⌈2 &=lengthened ⌉2 . 270578_271017 *JENN: ⌊2 I:⌋2⌈3n uh ⌉3 +... 270766_271409 *BILL: ⌊3 What what ⌋3 wha:t are we talking about ⌈4 now ⌉4 . 270960_272428 *RICH: ⌊4 &=laugh &=laugh ⌋4 . 272123_272428 *JENN: ⌈5 No . 272428_272703 *BILL: ⌊5 Monogamy . 272428_272844 *JENN: I'm just talking about ⌉5 +... 272703_273290 *BILL: Why ⌋5 +... 272844_273290 *JENN: ⌈6 I'm trying to think about fami⌉6⌈7ly . 273290_274688 *LAUR: ⌊6 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=in ⌋6 . 273290_274498 *BILL: ⌊7 Trying to make me feel ⌋7 guilty ? 274498_275831 *JENN: situations ⌉7 . 274688_275378 *RICH: ⌈8 &=laugh &=in &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌉8 . 275831_276733 *LAUR: ⌊8 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋8 . 275831_276733 *BILL: ⌈9 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌉9 . 276733_278595 *JENN: ⌊9 I'm tro- talking about family sit⌋9uations . 276733_278953 *LEAN: ⌈ &=laugh ⌉ . 278953_279223 *JENN: ⌊ I'm ta⌋lking about like set- +/. 278953_280200 *JENN: (.) Cleaning up after yourself . 280200_281737 *JENN: Or doing things 281737_282359 that you have clea:rly defined 282359_284407 as ru:les in this ⌈ house . 284407_285571 *LISB: ⌊ That is correct ⌋ . 285326_286075 *JENN: as you:r respon⌉sibility . 285571_286858 *LISB: &{l=VOX Oh excuse me &}l=VOX ? 286858_287781 *LAUR: (.) ⌈ Is ⌉ ⌈2 that bad ⌉2 ? 287781_288784 *JENN: ⌊ As ⌋ +... 287896_288136 *LISB: ⌊2 Whose re⌋2⌈3sponsibility ⌉3 ? 288136_289602 *JENN: ⌊3 As +/. 288622_288933 *JENN: (.) No no ⌋3 . 288933_289602 *JENN: As your 289602_290243 our . 290243_290761 *RICH: Wait I want ⌈ to go back to this mono⌉⌈2:gamy thing ⌉2 . 290761_293028 *JENN: ⌊ The individual person ⌋ . 291164_292354 *LAUR: ⌊2 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋2 . 292354_293028 *RICH: ⌈3 What is +... 293028_293302 *BILL: ⌊3 &=laugh &=lengthened &=laugh &=laugh ⌋3 ⌈4 &=lengthened ⌉4 . 293028_294062 *RICH: What is that ⌉3 ? 293302_293878 *LEAN: ⌊4 &=laugh ⌋4 . 293878_294096 *MANY: ⌈5 &=LAUGHTER ⌉5 . 294096_297259 *JENN: ⌊5 No 294096_294230 I'm just trying- +/. 294230_294716 *JENN: I was just trying to think of examples 294716_296275 of what are assu:med ⌋5 . 296275_297250 *LEAN: ⌈6 &=APPLAUSE ⌉6 . 297250_299086 *JENN: ⌊6 but never 297259_297905 assu:med 297905_298784 but ⌋6 ne⌈7ver (.) delineated ⌉7 . 298784_300134 *LEAN: ⌊7 Good question ⌋7 . 299226_300134 *LISB: And therefore 300134_300766 if it's assumed and not delineated 300766_302645 (.) does responsibility exist or not . 302645_304635 *JENN: (..) It does . 304635_306413 *LISB: (.) Ah . 306413_307070 *LISB: Good . 307070_307330 *LISB: So ⌈ we have +... 307330_307992 *LAUR: ⌊ Wait wait . 307504_307992 *LAUR: I'm ⌋ losing +... 307992_308683 *LISB: Except ⌉ +... 307992_308266 *LAUR: I +... 308683_309035 *RICH: (.) &=laugh . 309035_309535 *LEAN: ⌈ Responsi⌉⌈2bility ⌉2 +... 309535_310735 *LAUR: ⌊ Assu:med ⌋ +... 309610_310368 *RICH: ⌊2 You ⌋2 lost half of us back ⌈3 XXX ⌉3 . 310415_312430 *MARY: ⌊3 &=in &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋3 . 311845_312815 *LEAN: ⌊3 Responsibility ⌋3 can be either assumed (.) or (.) asked 311845_314905 like . 314905_315164 *LAUR: Or⌈: expli⌉⌈2cit ⌉2 . 315164_316190 *LEAN: ⌊ certain ⌋ . 315385_315796 *LISB: ⌊2 There seem ⌋2 to be three categories . 315796_317827 *LISB: (..) There's no responsibility . 317827_319564 *LEAN: (..) ⌈ Assumed XXX ⌉ . 319564_320929 *LISB: ⌊ there i:s ⌋ responsibility 319908_321315 but it's inarticulate . 321315_322426 *LISB: (.) Or it's articulate . 322426_323684 *JENN: That's ⌈ right ⌉ . 323684_324117 *LISB: ⌊ Two ⌋ categories . 323861_324539 *LISB: Okay ? 324623_324925 *JENN: Right . 324925_325162 *LISB: So now we got 325162_325729 ⌈ we're all together now ⌉ ? 325729_326732 *JENN: ⌊ And so when +/. 325729_326364 *JENN: When ⌋ ⌈2 there is ⌉2 +... 326364_326949 *LEAN: ⌊2 So wait ⌋2 326732_326949 ⌈3 can you have g⌉3⌈4uilt for all ⌉4 ⌈5 three for⌉5⌈6ms of responsibility ⌉6 . 326949_329673 *LISB: ⌊3 Should I get a black⌋3⌊4board ⌋4 ? 326949_328025 *RICH: ⌊4 No: ⌋4 . 327566_328025 *LAUR: ⌊5 &=laugh &=laugh ⌋5 . 328025_328607 *JENN: ⌊6 No 328607_328933 and I'm saying- ⌋6 328933_329673 and she ⌈7 said that . 329673_330389 *RICH: ⌊7 I'm still confu:⌋7⌈8sed ⌉8 . 329929_331114 *JENN: she's saying ⌉7 . 330389_330843 *LAUR: ⌊8 &=laugh ⌋8 ⌈9 &=laugh &=laugh ⌉9 . 330843_331413 *JENN: ⌊8 We're ⌋8 ⌊9 not talk⌋9ing about ⌈ guilt ⌉ . 330843_332056 *LEAN: ⌊ He's still ⌋ confused ⌈2 about monogamy ⌉2 . 331812_333416 *RICH: ⌊2 I'm sorry 332510_332922 I'm du⌋2:mb . 332922_333610 *LAUR: &=laugh ⌈3 &=laugh &=laugh ⌉3 . 333610_334169 *MARY: ⌊3 &=laugh &=laugh ⌋3 ⌈4 &=laugh &=lengthened ⌉4 . 333819_334373 *DON: ⌊4 &{l=X I'm sorry &}l=X ⌋4 . 334169_334607 *JENN: ⌊4 We're w⌋4e're not talking about +/. 334169_335352 *JENN: She says 335352_335627 g- oh 335627_335947 we're not talking about guilt 335947_337074 we're talking about responsibility 337074_338508 and denial of responsibility 338508_339664 and I said no . 339664_340323 *JENN: We're talking about somebody who m:akes you feel responsible 340323_342712 for something that is not nece⌈ssarily always going on ⌉ . 342712_345374 *LISB: ⌊ And I said to her 343959_344918 how ⌋ do you know⌈2: . 344918_346120 *LAUR: ⌊2 What was this about ⌋2 . 345892_346994 *LISB: (.) what your respon⌉2s- +/. 346120_347236 *LISB: (..) Her statement about 347236_349186 we'll ⌈ walk back and ⌉ +... 349186_350097 *JENN: ⌊ Well I came ⌋ ⌈2 over here ⌉2 . 349441_350449 *LAUR: ⌊2 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋2 . 349888_350449 *JENN: and she- +/. 350449_350641 *JENN: &{l=@ I said 350641_351093 ⌈ I looked at her ⌉ ⌈2 chocolate ⌉2 . 351209_352517 *LISB: ⌊ &{l=X I admit 351209_351554 I was making &}l=X ⌋ ⌊2 XXX ⌋2 . 351554_352522 *LEAN: ⌊2 &=in We have ⌋2 ⌈3 to go back to where they were . 351977_353917 *JENN: ⌊3 &=in I looked at her chocolate &}l=@ ⌋3 . 352642_354142 *LEAN: You ⌉3 can't just +... 353917_354642 *LAUR: ⌈4 &{l=X Back to the setting &}l=X ⌉4 . 354642_355741 *LISB: ⌊4 &{l=X I bought that cho⌋4⌈5colate &}l=X ⌉5 . 354642_355980 *JENN: ⌊5 &{l=VOX &{l=A &{l=F I looked at ⌋5 ⌈6 her chocolate &}l=F &}l=A . 355741_356431 *LEAN: ⌊6 X (.) XX ⌋6 . 355980_356831 *JENN: I said mm ⌉6 356431_356831 and you said 356831_357176 you can't have any of my ⌈ chocolate . 357176_358563 *LAUR: ⌊ &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=in ⌋ . 358138_358979 *JENN: &=in you've g⌉ot to be nicer to me 358563_360047 ⌈2 if you want some of my ch⌉2ocolate &}l=VOX . 360047_361427 *LAUR: ⌊2 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋2 . 360047_361171 *BILL: ⌈3 &=laugh &=laugh ⌉3 . 361427_362050 *JENN: ⌊3 And then I said ⌋3 361427_362050 (..) &{l=HI what ? 362050_362784 *JENN: And I said 362784_363220 what am I not ⌈ nice ⌉ ⌈2 to you &}l=HI ab⌉2⌈3out ⌉3 . 363220_364949 *LAUR: ⌊ That- ⌋ +/. 363897_364270 *LAUR: ⌊2 That's a ⌋2 +... 364270_364766 *DON: ⌊2 (.) Did sh- ⌋2 +... 364270_364766 *LAUR: ⌊3 That's ⌋3 ⌈4 a statement of guilt ⌉4 . 364766_366426 *LEAN: ⌊3 A way ⌋3 ⌊4 to XX X: X ⌋4 . 364766_366426 *LAUR: ⌈5 &{l=@ &{l=X Respons⌉5⌈6ibility &}l=X &}l=@ ⌉6 . 366426_367473 *JENN: ⌊5 They [% laugh] ⌋5 +... 366600_366802 *DON: ⌊5 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋5 . 366600_367456 *LEAN: ⌊5 &{l=F &{l=@ Dad but wait ⌋5 ⌊6 a se⌋6⌈7cond &}l=@ &}l=F ⌉7 . 366802_368184 *JENN: ⌊6 I [% laugh] ⌋6 +... 367473_367857 *DON: ⌊7 Yeah ⌋7 . 367857_368184 *JENN: &{l=HI &{l=F Well thank you &}l=F &}l=HI . 368184_369186 *BILL: No that 369186_369775 ⌈ you're quite right ⌉ Jennifer . 369775_371113 *JENN: ⌊ &=laugh &=laugh &=in ⌋ 369775_370528 &{n=POUND Ker &=nonvocal chunk &}n=POUND . 371113_371864 *JENN: ⌈ &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌉ . 371864_372626 *DON: ⌊ &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=in ⌋ . 371864_372626 *LAUR: ⌈2 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌉2 . 372626_374227 *BILL: ⌊2 Quite right 372626_373254 it's like when my fa⌋2ther used ⌈3 to say ⌉3 . 373254_374910 *LEAN: ⌊3 &=laugh &=in ⌋3 374517_374910 (.) &=laugh &=laugh . 374910_375510 *BILL: (.) you'll be sorry ⌈ when I'm dead and gone ⌉ . 375510_378481 *JENN: ⌊ &=in &=lengthened Exactly ⌋ . 376890_378481 *DON: ⌊ &{l=X Plea:se &}l=X . 376890_377407 *DON: (.) &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋ &=laugh &=in . 377407_378783 *LISB: But do you n- (.) don't ⌈2 think she has a res⌉2ponsibility to be good to me ? 378783_382097 *JENN: ⌊2 Fu:ck you: ⌋2 . 379665_380547 *JENN: (.) ʔBut . 382097_382596 *BILL: (.) ⌈ No ⌉ . 382596_383248 *LEAN: ⌊ Wait a ⌋ minute wait ⌈2 wait wait ⌉2 . 382853_384098 *BILL: ⌊2 the impli⌋2⌈3cation is ⌉3 ⌈4 she's not ⌉4 . 383627_385597 *LAUR: ⌊3 Oh: no ⌋3 ⌊4 no ⌋4 . 384098_385597 *LEAN: ⌊4 Wait wait wait 384669_385113 whoa whoa ⌋4 whoa . 385113_385676 *LEAN: Wait a second . 385676_386128 *LEAN: ⌈ Ap⌉ro⌈2pos something Jennifer said in ⌉2 May ? 386128_388350 *LISB: ⌊ ʔuh &=ex ⌋ . 386128_386367 *BILL: ⌊2 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=in ⌋2 386539_387995 The implication is that 388350_389680 she's no:t ⌈ good to you ⌉ . 389680_390709 *LISB: ⌊ That's right ⌋ . 390222_390733 *BILL: ⌈2 but not every⌉2⌈3body has ⌉3 agreed with ⌈4 that impli⌉4⌈5cation ⌉5 . 390709_393469 *LEAN: ⌊2 Wait Lisbeth ⌋2 . 390733_391345 *LISB: ⌊3 you didn't ⌋3 +... 391345_391764 *LEAN: ⌊4 Lisbeth ⌋4 . 392422_392952 *LISB: ⌊5 Yeah but you ⌋5 were not in the s- +/. 392952_394160 *LISB: in the . 394160_394796 *JENN: ⌈ ʔuh &=ex ⌉ . 394796_395131 *LISB: ⌊ in ⌋ +/. 394796_395131 *LISB: ⌈2 Christma⌉2⌈3s tree ⌉3 ⌈4 shop ⌉4 . 395131_396316 *JENN: ⌊2 ʔuh &=ex ⌋2 . 395131_395528 *LEAN: ⌊3 Wait wait wait ⌋3 ⌊4 wait wait ⌋4 . 395528_396316 *JENN: ⌊4 ʔuh &=ex ⌋4 . 395935_396316 *LISB: &{l=@ when she ⌈5 carried on &}l=@ ⌉5 . 396316_397786 *DON: ⌊5 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋5 . 396749_397786 *LEAN: ⌊5 Wait 396749_397068 &=in no Jenn ⌋5 397068_397786 sit 397786_398015 ⌈ &=in XXXX X on her ⌉ . 398015_399328 *LISB: ⌊ about my behavior ⌋ 398015_399328 at ⌈2 the checkout ⌉2 counter . 399328_400506 *LEAN: ⌊2 Lisbeth ⌋2 399420_399865 ⌈3 ap⌉3ropos some⌈4thing Jennifer said in +... 400506_402054 *BILL: ⌊3 Oh ⌋3 400506_400721 ⌊4 wait a min- 401189_401563 what did you do at the checkout counter ⌋4 . 401563_402954 *LEAN: &{l=HI Whoa: &}l=HI 402054_402590 &=in a⌉4propos something ⌈5 Jennifer said in May ⌉5 . 402590_404541 *LAUR: ⌊5 Well wait . 403588_404022 *LAUR: You know ⌋5 ⌈6 Liz ⌉6 . 404022_404990 *DON: ⌊6 Ma: ⌋6 404541_404990 ⌈7 we have to hear ⌉7 ⌈8 this ⌉8 +... 404990_405856 *LEAN: ⌊7 &{l=HI &{l=F Wait wait ⌋7 ⌊8 X I &}l=F &}l=HI ⌋8 +... 404990_405856 *JENN: ⌊8 XX ⌋8 . 405474_405914 *BILL: ⌈9 &{l=F Will you let ⌉9 ⌈ Leanne finish &}l=F ⌉ . 405914_407533 *JENN: ⌊9 Did I X⌋9⌊XX: ⌋ ? 405914_407533 *LEAN: ⌊ Wait 406433_406942 &{l=HI ti:me &}l=HI ⌋ . 406942_407533 *LEAN: &{l=HI Can I say something &}l=HI . 407533_408455 *LEAN: &=in Jennifer and I and Dana had a hu:ge argument in May 408455_411695 which created a rift for about a day . 411695_413296 *LEAN: (..) Which was b- (.) concerning you and grandma . 413296_416218 *JENN: (..) No not in May 416218_417691 ⌈ because I wasn't here in May ⌉ . 417691_418782 *LISB: ⌊ Oh 417691_417945 let's not start ⌋ . 417945_418782 *LAUR: (.) Mhm . 418782_419505 *LISB: Let's not start . 419505_420619 *JENN: (..) &=in What 420619_421499 what about the checkout counter ⌈ then . 421499_422879 *LEAN: ⌊ &{l=HI But that's responsibility &}l=HI ⌋ . 422522_423874 *JENN: You were about to 422879_423477 you were about to ⌉ correct my m⌈2other . 423477_425032 *LEAN: ⌊2 So 424798_425254 so ⌋2 . 425254_425615 *JENN: on something a⌉2⌈3bout the checkout- ⌉3 . 425032_426179 *LAUR: ⌊3 Well I ⌋3 425615_426179 I think there is a +/. 426179_427252 *LAUR: ʔUh you see . 427252_427900 *DON: What happened at the ⌈ checkout counter ⌉ . 427900_429410 *BILL: ⌊ What hap- +/. 428669_429048 *BILL: We wanna know⌋⌈2: ⌉2 . 429048_429550 *JENN: ⌊2 Mo⌋2:m ⌈3 says ⌉3 ⌈4 I pounced ⌉4 on her . 429410_431000 *LEAN: ⌊3 &=laugh &=ex ⌋3 . 429769_430062 *RICH: ⌊3 &=laugh &=in ⌋3 ⌊4 &=laugh &=laugh ⌋4 . 430062_430703 *JENN: And all I did 431000_431564 ⌈ this is what I did . 431564_432426 *LAUR: ⌊ I don't know what happened ⌋ . 431768_432743 *JENN: I went ⌉ Mo:m ? 432426_433243 *LISB: (..) Calm down . 433243_434523 *LISB: ⌊ And then ⌋ +... 434523_434787 *JENN: ⌈ No ⌉ 434523_434787 I didn't say it loud 434787_435516 I just went like this . 435516_436332 *JENN: I said . 436332_436651 *LISB: ʔY- ʔuh &=ex 436651_437055 sh- &{l=VOX such a ⌊ lie⌋⌈2: ⌉2 &}l=VOX . 437055_438479 *LEAN: ⌊ &=ex ⌋ . 437946_438180 *LAUR: ⌊2 &=laugh ⌋2 ⌈3 &=laugh &=laugh ⌉3 . 438180_438896 *JENN: ⌊3 ʔuh &=in ⌋3 ⌈4 Did I p⌉4⌈5ounce ⌉5 +... 438479_439685 *LISB: ⌊4 You said- ⌋4 +/. 438896_439328 *LISB: ⌊5 S:⌋5⌈6uch a ⌉6 +... 439328_440015 *LAUR: ⌊5 (.) I ⌋5 ⌊6 was ʔuh ⌋6 +/. 439328_440015 *LAUR: I didn't see what happened in the ⌈7 checkout ⌉7 c⌈8ounter . 440015_441715 *LEAN: ⌊7 &{l=HI What &}l=HI ⌋7 ? 440988_441426 *JENN: ⌊8 &{l=HI I do not &}l=HI pounce on you ⌋8 . 441529_443208 *LAUR: I was gonna offer an opinion a⌉8bout the d- +/. 441715_443614 *LAUR: (.) the d- +/. 443614_443879 *LAUR: the disagreement there . 443879_445103 *LAUR: About (..) the (.) uh⌈: . 445103_446952 *BILL: ⌊ What was she doing ⌋ there why ⌈2 you ⌉2 +... 446813_448180 *LAUR: the trust ⌉ . 446952_447666 *JENN: ⌊2 The ⌋2 trust involved . 448003_449014 *JENN: Do you ⌈3 think that⌉3's true &{l=X any &}l=X . 449014_450201 *LAUR: ⌊3 Yeah ⌋3 . 449221_449487 *LAUR: (..) Yeah I do ⌈4 think that's true ⌉4 . 450201_451453 *LISB: ⌊4 But it was not about ⌋4 Jennifer 450747_451931 it was about the lady . 451931_453349 *LAUR: Right . 453349_453614 *LAUR: But I 453614_453912 I happened to agree with Jennifer . 453912_455818 *LAUR: Because it reminds me of all these old people in the supermarket 455818_458795 (.) who are standing there going 458795_460449 (.) are you sure that's twenty one cents 460449_462115 (.) or twenty two cents . 462115_463017 *LAUR: It's ⌈ programmed ⌉ ⌈2 into the computer ⌉2 . 463017_464812 *LISB: ⌊ I: ⌋ . 463250_463670 *DON: ⌊2 &=laugh (.) &=laugh &=laugh ⌋2 ⌈3 (.) &=laugh &=laugh ⌉3 . 463670_465380 *LISB: ⌊2 &{l=MRC the lady spec⌋2⌊3ifical⌋3ly said 463670_466291 (..) to ho:ld off with putting things on ⌈4 the counter &}l=MRC ⌉4 . 466291_470231 *JENN: ⌊4 Mo:m ⌋4 (.) was getting a h:- 469671_471108 was starting ⌈5 to h⌉5yperventilate . 471108_472478 *RICH: ⌊5 &=laugh ⌋5 . 471424_471643 *JENN: at the ⌈6 checkout &{l=X counter &}l=X ⌉6 . 472478_473376 *LAUR: ⌊6 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋6 . 472713_473376 *LISB: ⌊6 There were so ⌋6 many objects going on the ⌈7 counter ⌉7 . 472713_475813 *JENN: ⌊7 &{l=VOX It was ma⌋7⌈8king her ⌉8 crazy &}l=VOX . 475263_476935 *DON: ⌊8 &=laugh &=in ⌋8 . 475923_476137 *JENN: ⌈9 &{l=@ Just so many ⌉9 ⌈ ob⌉⌈2jects &}l=@ ⌉2 . 476935_478367 *LEAN: ⌊9 &=laugh &=ex &=laugh &=laugh ⌋9 ⌊ &=laugh ⌋ . 476935_477992 *BILL: ⌊9 (.) &=laugh ⌋9 ⌊ &=laugh &=laugh ⌋ . 476935_477992 *LISB: ⌊ And it ⌋ ⌊2 was ⌋2 not ⌈3 cle⌉3⌈4ar ⌉4 . 477639_479343 *DON: ⌊3 &=laugh ⌋3 . 478633_478895 *LEAN: ⌊4 &=THROAT ⌋4 . 478895_479343 *LISB: (..) for a ⌈5 little ⌉5 . 479343_480249 *LEAN: ⌊5 &=THROAT ⌋5 . 479961_480249 *LISB: few minutes there 480249_480947 wh:at was already rung in 480947_482774 (.) &{l=MRC (.) and what was not rung in &}l=MRC . 482774_484461 *LISB: And I did not want: the lady: to get confu:sed 484461_487944 and ring in items more than once . 487944_490329 *JENN: So ⌈ she ⌉ +... 490329_490841 *LISB: ⌊ And sh⌋e specifically said 490564_492281 (.) not to put ⌈2 everything ⌉2 on the ⌈3 counter ⌉3 . 492281_494824 *LAUR: ⌊2 Okay ⌋2 . 493274_493807 *LAUR: ⌊3 Well then ⌋3 494353_494741 I didn't 494741_495136 ⌈ I didn't know that ⌉ . 495136_495946 *BILL: ⌊ Yeah: 495136_495545 and so what ⌋ happened . 495545_496302 *LISB: (.) &=SNIFF (.) Starts putting everything on the cou⌈2nter ⌉2 . 496302_499239 *JENN: ⌊2 No: ⌋2 498797_499239 (..) I w- +/. 499239_499964 *JENN: (..) Acts like I'm a child 499964_501307 like I'm just throwing things on . 501307_502447 *JENN: I was ⌈ no⌉:t . 502447_503286 *LISB: ⌊ No ⌋ . 502761_502960 *JENN: ⌈2 There was an order to how I was doing it ⌉2 . 503286_505145 *RICH: ⌊2 &=laugh &=in &=lengthened &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=in ⌋2 . 503286_505145 *BILL: It was yeah . 505145_505880 *BILL: O⌈:ne at a time ⌉ . 505880_506888 *LEAN: ⌊ Yeah but Jennifer ⌋ . 506127_506888 *LEAN: As- +/. 506888_507058 *LEAN: One person's order is another person's mess⌈: ⌉ . 507058_509499 *JENN: ⌊ No⌋⌈2: ⌉2 . 509302_509796 *LAUR: ⌊2 &=laugh &=laugh ⌋2 &=laugh &=laugh . 509491_510559 *LISB: (..) &=laugh &=ex . 510559_511078 *LEAN: ⌈ Especial⌉ly if ⌈2 you look in my bedroom ⌉2 . 511078_513056 *LAUR: ⌊ &=laugh &=laugh ⌋ . 511078_511681 *JENN: ⌊2 M:o:m was starting to hyper⌋2ventilate 511911_513777 about something that did not require a breakdown 513777_516570 (.) ⌈ and I: ⌉ was ⌈2 trying to pat her ⌉2 ⌈3 on ⌉3 ⌈4 the shoulder . 516570_518895 *X: ⌊ Ts- [% laugh] ʔuh ⌋ . 516570_517112 *LEAN: ⌊2 &=laugh &=laugh ⌋2 ⌊3 &=laugh ⌋3 . 517323_518306 *LISB: ⌊3 It looks ⌋3 ⌊4 a bit +/. 518016_518511 *LISB: And I said to her in the car ⌋4 . 518511_520498 *JENN: and say it was o:kay ⌉4 . 518895_520498 *LISB: that this language 520498_521709 (..) &{l=MRC just makes me angry &}l=MRC . 521709_524362 *LISB: (..) This ⌈ ex⌉aggerated language . 524362_527404 *JENN: ⌊ X ⌋ . 525398_525601 *X: Ts: . 527404_527808 *RICH: (..) What does this have to do with guilt ? 527808_529758 *LISB: &=laugh &=ex ⌈ &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌉ . 529758_530659 *LAUR: ⌊ &=LAUGHTER ⌋ ⌈2 &=lengthened ⌉2 ⌈3 &=lengthened ⌉3 ⌈4 &=lengthened ⌉4 ⌈5 &=lengthened ⌉5 ⌈6 &=lengthened ⌉6 ⌈7 &=lengthened ⌉7 ⌈8 &=lengthened ⌉8 . 530043_535639 *BILL: ⌊ (.) &=laugh ⌋ ⌊2 Right [% laugh] . 530043_530918 *DON: ⌊2 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋2 . 530492_531591 *BILL: (.) &=laugh ⌋2 530918_531409 ⌊3 Right ⌋3 . 531591_531905 *DON: ⌊4 I don't ⌋4 ⌊5 know Rich ⌋5 . 531905_532612 *LEAN: ⌊5 Or mon⌋5⌊6ogamy ⌋6 . 532213_533184 *BILL: ⌊7 What does it have to do with monogamy . 533184_534397 *BILL: That's what I wan⌋7⌊8na know ⌋8 . 534397_535499 *LEAN: ⌊8 &{l=HI Yeah 535056_535298 I wanna ⌋8 ⌈9 come back to &}l=HI the ⌉9 ⌈ monogamy thing Jenn⌉⌈2: ⌉2 . 535298_537806 *DON: ⌊9 &=laugh &=laugh ⌋9 . 535639_536110 *BILL: ⌊ &=laugh &=laugh &=lengthened &=laugh &=laugh ⌋ . 536110_537323 *LAUR: ⌊2 &=laugh &=laugh ⌋2 . 537323_537806 *JENN: (..) That was (.) a slip . 537806_539554 *DON: (.) ⌈ &=laugh &=laugh A [% laugh] slip [% laugh] ⌉ . 539554_541193 *BILL: ⌊ &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋ . 539764_541193 *X: (.) &=HICCUP . 541193_541621 *MARY: (.) ⌈ Where did ⌉ that language of exaggeration ⌈2 come from . 541621_544412 *DON: ⌊ Uh: ⌋ . 541840_542391 *BILL: ⌊2 You know what 543820_544121 there's two sides to this⌋2⌈3: ⌉3 . 544121_545719 *MARY: as a joke ⌉2 ? 544412_545185 *LISB: ⌊3 Uh [% laugh] ⌋3 . 545464_545719 *MARY: Cause it's ʔuh my disease . 545719_547217 *MARY: And 547217_547622 Mimi Fogarty is like (..) the biggest (..) perpetrator of it . 547622_550939 *BILL: Mimi ⌈ Fogarty- +... 550939_551982 *LISB: ⌊ You don't exagg⌋erate . 551500_552533 *BILL: Oh ⌉ . 551982_552250 *MARY: (.) Sh:⌈2e d- ⌉2 +... 552533_553372 *BILL: ⌊2 Oh ⌋2 . 552951_553308 *LISB: You're very cautious . 553308_554500 *LISB: (..) It ⌈ seems to me ⌉ . 554500_555959 *MARY: ⌊ But sometimes ⌋ I do 555355_556412 cause when I'm around other people 556412_557555 I (.) tend to talk ⌈ like them ⌉ . 557555_558896 *BILL: ⌊ Well ʔuh ⌋ +... 558295_558896 *MARY: (..) just like 558896_559506 (.) just little jokey things 559506_560829 just like . 560829_561262 *LISB: (..) Yeah but that's just . 561262_562902 *MARY: ⌈ with ⌉ ⌈2 numbers ⌉2 ⌈3 and stuff ⌉3 . 562902_564327 *BILL: ⌊ Jen⌋⌊2nifer ⌋2 . 562902_563651 *LISB: ⌊2 That's how you m⌋2⌊3ake humor ⌋3 . 563194_564327 *LISB: That's how you ⌈4 make humor ⌉4 . 564327_565445 *MARY: ⌊4 Yeah 564666_564871 that's just hu⌋4mor⌈5: ⌉5 . 564871_565849 *BILL: ⌊5 J:⌋5ennifer and Lisbeth are hyper (..) uh⌈6: sensitive ⌉6 . 565608_570093 *MARY: ⌊6 Like I told you twenty ti⌋6:mes . 568941_570629 *BILL: to one another's language . 570629_572448 *BILL: (..) So 572448_573067 ⌈ if Jenni⌉fer says . 573067_574570 *MARY: ⌊ XXX ⌋ . 573067_573781 *BILL: (..) uh Mo:m 574570_576488 (..) Lisbeth hears 576488_577970 (..) a lot more ⌈ into it ⌉ (.) than Mom . 577970_580473 *MARY: ⌊ Right ⌋ . 579035_579439 *BILL: (..) And if m- (.) Lisbeth says . 580473_582862 *MARY: (..) Jenn⌈ifer ⌉ . 582862_584799 *BILL: ⌊ Jenn⌋ifer 584488_585317 J:⌈2ennifer ⌉2 hears (.) uh (.) paragraphs . 585317_588236 *MARY: ⌊2 Yeah ⌋2 . 585900_586180 *MARY: Sure . 588236_588809 *BILL: (..) So there's a long history here . 588925_591026 *LEAN: (.) ⌈ &=laugh &{l=@ Nine⌉-tenths of that paragraph &}l=@ ⌈2 is ⌉2 ⌈3 guilt ⌉3 . 591026_593095 *LAUR: ⌊ Well that ⌋ +/. 591098_591475 *LAUR: ⌊2 That's ⌋2 ⌊3 like ⌋3 Leanne's . 592516_593491 *BILL: ⌊3 And then ⌋3 +... 592516_592855 *LEAN: &{l=@ XX XX &}l=@ . 593491_594210 *JENN: We'll have ⌈ very short sentences ⌉ . 594210_595757 *LEAN: ⌊ XXXXXX ⌋ . 594409_595757 *LAUR: ⌊ The button that you gave me ⌋ . 594409_595757 *LAUR: ⌈2 Don't look at me in that tone of ⌉2 ⌈3 voice ⌉3 . 595757_597751 *JENN: ⌊2 We'll write very short letters to one another ⌋2 . 595757_597494 *MARY: ⌊3 Did you ⌋3 ⌈4 have that ⌉4 ⌈5 with your mo⌉5ther though ? 597494_599181 *BILL: ⌊4 Right ⌋4 . 597751_598085 *LAUR: ⌊5 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋5 . 598085_598610 *LEAN: &{l=X The other ⌈6 times &}l=X ⌉6 +... 599181_599784 *MARY: ⌊6 Well that's ⌋6 ⌈7 a possibility ⌉7 . 599383_600519 *JENN: ⌊6 No ⌋6 . 599383_599784 *JENN: ⌊7 She didn't talk to her ⌋7 mom . 599784_600744 *LEAN: (.) What Ma 600744_601136 what were you saying about me and you ? 601136_602051 *LAUR: (..) ⌈ That button you gave me ⌉ . 602051_603601 *MARY: ⌊ With thi:s like ⌋ . 602415_603601 *LAUR: don't look at me in ⌈2 that tone of voice ⌉2 ? 603601_605598 *MARY: ⌊2 The to:ne of the ⌋2 voi- +/. 604510_605849 *MARY: ⌈ Yeah⌉: like . 605849_606347 *X: ⌊ XX ⌋ . 605849_606109 *MARY: I don't (.) &{l=P &{l=% &{l=X really (.) think &}l=X &}l=% &}l=P . 606347_607502 *LEAN: (..) It's true . 607502_608681 *LEAN: No . 608681_609099 *MARY: (..) It came with ⌈ the valley girls I think ⌉ . 609099_611633 *LEAN: ⌊ Everything's ripe with ⌋ with 610146_611835 (..) hidden meaning . 611835_613058 *MARY: (..) &{l=% &{l=P &{l=X Where it started &}l=X &}l=P &}l=% . 613058_614304 *LEAN: (..) Start what . 614304_615879 *MARY: (..) That (..) way of j- speaking . 615879_617962 *MARY: Just like 617962_618372 &{l=VOX M:o:m &}l=VOX . 618372_619780 *LAUR: &=laugh &=laugh ⌈ &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌉ . 619780_621096 *MARY: ⌊ like &{l=@ I don't feel like 620177_620993 peo⌋ple say that and I &}l=@ X +... 620993_622182 *LEAN: Jew:s (..) said that in the nineteenth century . 622182_624481 *LAUR: (.) &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh . 624481_625290 *MARY: (..) ʔuh &=ex (.) ʔAh 625290_631035 just ex⌈pressing my- ⌉ +... 631035_631946 *RICH: ⌊ What ti:me ⌋ ⌈2 is it ⌉2 . 631412_632240 *LEAN: ⌊2 &{l=SING In the ⌋2 ⌈3 e:veni⌉3:ng &}l=SING . 631946_633241 *MARY: ⌊3 &{l=P &{l=X Annoying it just &}l=X &}l=P ⌋3 . 632240_632983 *LAUR: ⌈4 Expressing what ⌉4 ? 633241_633823 *DON: ⌊4 Oh about ⌋4 ⌈5 half an hour ⌉5 since you last asked . 633241_635612 *LEAN: ⌊5 Richard ⌋5 . 633823_634388 *X: (.) &{l=X This is hot &}l=X . 635612_636520 *DON: Ten twenty five . 636520_637447 *LAUR: Ten thirty . 637447_638034 *LEAN: (..) If you're bored 638034_641136 (.) do something . 641136_642037 *RICH: (..) I'm gonna go to sleep in a few minutes . 642037_644458 *RICH: (..) . 644458_646684 @End