@UTF8 @Begin @Languages: eng @Participants: TUCK TUCKER Speaker, TOM3 TOM_3 Speaker, TOM1 TOM_1 Speaker, TOM2 TOM_2 Speaker, X X Speaker, ENV ENV Environment, ELAI ELAINE Speaker @Options: CA, caps, bullets @ID: eng|SBCSAE|TUCK|||||Speaker||| @ID: eng|SBCSAE|TOM3|||||Speaker||| @ID: eng|SBCSAE|TOM1|||||Speaker||| @ID: eng|SBCSAE|TOM2|||||Speaker||| @ID: eng|SBCSAE|X|||||Speaker||| @ID: eng|SBCSAE|ENV|||||Environment||| @ID: eng|SBCSAE|ELAI|||||Speaker||| @Media: 32, audio @Comment: Handshakes All Around @Comment: A face-to-face conversation that takes place at an outdoor neighborhood 'block party' in Santa Fe, New Mexico. The three main participants are neighbors, age 60 and upward, all of whom happen to be named Tom. Discussion centers on life histories, World War II experiences, and neighborhood gossip. The three are briefly joined by Tucker (the daughter of Tom_1), and Elaine (the wife of Tom_3). *TUCK: You guys all +/. 0_613 *TUCK: All drinking the same thing ? 613_1623 *TOM3: (.) M-m . 1623_2211 *TOM1: I know Tommy⌈'s having ⌉ the red wine . 2211_3369 *TOM3: ⌊ No ⌋ . 2624_2864 *TOM1: You want some ⌈2 more ⌉2 ? 3369_3927 *TUCK: ⌊2 Tom ⌋2 3673_3927 ⌈3 what do you want ⌉3 . 3927_4382 *TOM3: ⌊3 Mhm ⌋3 . 3927_4382 *TOM3: (.) ⌈4 Yeah I'll ⌉4 have a little ⌈5 more Tuck ⌉5 . 4382_5812 *TOM1: ⌊4 Sure ⌋4 . 4511_4921 *TOM2: ⌊4 Sure ⌋4 . 4511_4921 *TOM2: ⌊5 Course he wants ⌋5 red wine . 5337_6145 *TUCK: Red wine ? 6145_6555 *TOM3: (.) Mhm . 6555_7061 *TOM1: ⌈ Which is right ⌉ there . 7061_8014 *TUCK: ⌊ XXX ⌋ . 7061_7631 *TOM2: Everybody [% laugh] wants [% laugh] ⌈2 red wine ⌉2 . 8014_8982 *TUCK: ⌊2 And P⌋2op 8660_9133 you're drinking cham⌈3pagne ⌉3 ? 9133_10000 *TOM1: ⌊3 &=in &=tsk ⌋3 No: 9726_10461 I'm gonna switch I think ⌈4 and . 10461_11735 *TUCK: ⌊4 What do you want ⌋4 . 11560_12076 *TOM1: (.) I don't ⌉4 know what I'm gonna (.) end up with here . 11735_13312 *TUCK: (.) You want me to get some⌈5thing ⌉5 ? 13312_14422 *TOM1: ⌊5 &=in ⌋5 I was drinking beer 14199_15277 but I've &{l=@ had so many ⌈6 beers . 15277_16494 *TOM3: ⌊6 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋6 &=in . 16171_17362 *TOM1: I don't think I wanna &}l=@ ⌉6 +... 16494_17208 *TOM3: ⌈7 There's a point ⌉7 . 17362_18100 *TOM2: ⌊7 You bringing the bo⌋7ttle 17362_18241 or ⌈8 you ⌉8 bringing the drin⌈9k ⌉9 . 18241_19197 *TOM1: ⌊8 Bring- ⌋8 +... 18299_18502 *TUCK: ⌊9 W- ⌋9 +/. 19035_19257 *TUCK: W- ⌈ which⌉ever you ⌈2 want me to ⌉2 ⌈3 X ⌉3 +... 19197_20447 *TOM3: ⌊ ʔYeah ⌋ . 19257_19504 *TOM1: ⌊2 Bring the ⌋2 ⌊3 bo⌋3⌈4ttle ⌉4 . 19768_20710 *TOM3: ⌊3 Yeah- ⌋3 +/. 20141_20499 *TOM3: ⌊4 XX ⌋4 ⌈5 bring the bo⌉5⌈6ttles ⌉6 . 20499_21638 *TOM1: ⌊5 and another ⌋5 ⌊6 gla⌋6:ss for me⌈7: ⌉7 . 20710_22224 *TOM2: ⌊5 XX bottle ⌋5 . 20710_21280 *TOM2: ⌊7 &=laugh ⌋7 ⌈8 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌉8 ⌈9 &=laugh &=in ʔuh ⌉9 . 22073_23627 *TOM1: ⌊8 You know I'll have some ⌋8 ⌊9 champagne with Tom ⌋9 . 22224_23627 *TUCK: ⌊8 &{l=HI Okay &}l=HI ⌋8 . 22224_22739 *X: XX . 23627_23868 *TOM3: ⌈ &=in I +... 23984_24358 *TOM2: ⌊ &=in Anyway ⌋ . 23984_24818 *TOM3: X ⌉ . 24358_24818 *TOM2: any⌈2way . 24818_25215 *TOM3: ⌊2 X ⌋2 . 25113_25335 *TOM2: in ⌉2 my in my checkered career 25215_26800 (..) when I started off as a young fellow in the war 26800_30242 &=in (..) ʔuh first of all 30242_32438 my father ⌈ was in ʔuh ⌉ +... 32438_33471 *TOM3: ⌊ How old ⌋ are you now 33010_33968 &{l=X live &}l=X +/. 33968_34151 *TOM3: ⌈ N:- +... 34151_34525 *TOM2: ⌊ I I +... 34151_34525 *TOM3: Now let ⌉ ⌈2 me start with the ⌉2 +... 34525_35733 *TOM2: ʔuhʔuh Ne⌋⌊2xt week I'm gonna ⌋2 ⌈3 be seven⌉3ty . 34525_36480 *TOM1: ⌊2 X ʔuh &=ex &=lengthened ⌋2 ⌊3 thirty-eight ⌋3 . 35012_36187 *TOM3: (..) You're ⌈4 gonna be sev⌉4en⌈5ty ⌉5 ? 36480_38084 *TOM1: ⌊4 Are you really ⌋4 ? 37016_37632 *TOM2: ⌊5 Yeah ⌋5 . 37812_38084 *TOM1: Are ⌈6 you really ⌉6 ? 38084_38636 *TOM3: ⌊6 Jesu⌋6s Christ 38279_39167 you're older than I am . 39167_40136 *TOM1: Congratula⌈tions ⌉ . 40136_41027 *TOM2: ⌊ Thank you ⌋ . 40706_41027 *TOM2: (..) Uh 41027_42081 (..) ⌈ and tom⌉orrow Reese is gonna be twenty two . 42081_44269 *TOM3: ⌊ You t- ⌋ +/. 42410_42696 *TOM3: (.) &{l=HI &=laugh &}l=HI . 44269_44737 *TOM1: Tomorrow Reese's ⌈ gonna be ⌉ ⌈2 twenty two . 44737_45905 *TOM2: ⌊ Yeah ⌋ . 45235_45458 *TOM3: ⌊2 Now that I &{l=X don't &}l=X believe ⌋2 . 45458_46584 *TOM2: ⌊2 And &{l=X just is a nice &}l=X ⌋2 +... 45458_46584 *TOM1: Last week ⌉2 . 45905_46584 *TOM2: (.) The conti⌈3nuity of the whole world &{l=X right &}l=X ⌉3 . 46584_48150 *TOM3: ⌊3 That's a nice⌋3⌈4: ⌉4 +... 47323_48327 *TOM1: ⌊4 la:⌋4st week ⌈5 I w⌉5⌈6as ⌉6 sixty . 48141_49457 *TOM3: ⌊5 Yeah ⌋5 . 48621_48837 *TOM2: ⌊6 X ⌋6 . 48837_49007 *TOM3: (.) yeah ? 49457_49900 *TOM2: (.) Good . 49900_50408 *TOM1: (..) I ad- +/. 50408_51309 *TOM1: I: look up to somebody who's seventy . 51309_53204 *TOM3: ⌈ I do too ⌉ . 53204_53910 *TOM1: ⌊ I admire ⌋ ⌈2 somebody who's seven⌉2⌈3ty . 53204_54783 *TOM3: ⌊2 (.) Yeah I ⌋2 . 53910_54622 *TOM2: ⌊2 Well I ⌋2 +... 53910_54622 *TOM3: ⌊3 p- to- ⌋3 +... 54622_55250 *TOM1: Boy that's ⌉3 +... 54783_55250 *TOM3: Well particularly when they're tall . 55250_56673 *TOM2: (.) You know I⌈: have nev⌉⌈2e:r ʔuh p⌉2articularly admired uh President Nixon . 56673_60041 *TOM1: ⌊ Yeah ⌋ ? 57214_57590 *TOM3: ⌊2 &{l=X They don't &}l=X ⌋2 +... 57718_57992 *TOM1: &=SNIFF . 60041_60399 *TOM2: but the other day he had this great quote . 60399_62131 *TOM2: (.) &=in He turned eighty . 62131_63372 *TOM1: &=ex . 63372_63659 *TOM2: (.) And someone came to him and said 63659_65009 (.) &=in what do you think about that 65009_66120 and he said 66120_66457 (.) &{l=F I ha:te &{n=POUND &=nonvocal being &}n=POUND eighty &}l=F 66457_68546 &=in . 68546_68699 *TOM3: &=laugh &=laugh ⌈ &=laugh &=laugh ⌉ . 68699_69430 *TOM2: ⌊ until I ⌋ thought of the alternative⌈2: . 68993_70560 *TOM3: ⌊2 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋2 . 70479_71378 *TOM2: &=ex &=in &=ex And I ⌉2 ⌈3 said ⌉3 . 70560_71735 *TOM1: ⌊3 &=laugh &=lengthened &=laugh ⌋3 ⌈4 &=laugh &=laugh ⌉4 ⌈5 &=laugh &=laugh ⌉5 . 71378_72397 *TOM3: ⌊4 &=laugh ⌋4 . 71735_72085 *TOM2: ⌊4 &=in ⌋4 ⌊5 I'm ⌋5 ⌈6 really beginni⌉6⌈7ng to like ⌉7 ⌈8 old Tricky . 71735_74526 *TOM3: ⌊6 Now the alter⌋6⌊7natives aren't ⌋7 . 72397_73929 *TOM1: ⌊7 &=laugh &=laugh ⌋7 . 73254_73887 *TOM3: ⌊8 aren't really worth much . 73887_75597 *TOM2: &=in Right 74526_74961 &=in yeah [% laugh] 74961_75531 &=in &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌉8 ⌈9 yeah [% laugh] &=in &=lengthened &=laugh ⌉9 . 75597_77432 *TOM3: Yeah . 75597_75859 *TOM3: (.) Yeah ⌋8 . 75859_76365 *TOM3: ⌊9 XXXXX ⌋9 . 76365_77432 *TOM1: ⌊9 And he has thought of the al⌋9ternative . 76365_77842 *TOM1: Did you +... 77842_78102 *TOM3: Yeah . 78102_78440 *TOM3: ⌈ He should have ⌉ . 78440_79172 *TOM1: ⌊ &=in Have you +/. 78440_78736 *TOM1: Are you ⌋ +/. 78736_79172 *TOM1: Have you read (.) Halberstam's (.) Fifties ? 79172_80802 *TOM3: He sh:ould have . 80802_81570 *TOM2: (..) I'm in it right now . 81570_83204 *TOM1: &{l=BR Go:d ⌈ he &}l=BR ⌉ +... 83204_83822 *TOM2: ⌊ I've ⌋ got it home ⌈2 right now ⌉2 . 83610_84782 *TOM1: ⌊2 Did you ⌋2 +/. 84409_84782 *TOM1: Did you read about (.) Nixon's plans for his funeral ? 84782_87154 *TOM1: That he +... 87165_87543 *TOM2: Ye⌈:s yes . 87543_88302 *TOM1: ⌊ That he created ⌋ ? 87839_88614 *TOM2: Isn't that ⌉ mar⌈2velous ⌉2 ? 88297_89017 *TOM3: ⌊2 I ⌋2 ⌈3 did not ⌉3 read that ? 88707_89908 *TOM1: ⌊3 &=laugh &=laugh ⌋3 . 89017_89361 *TOM2: ⌊3 Yeah ⌋3 . 89017_89361 *TOM1: (..) Uh: 89893_91194 &=in well I'll loan it to you when I get ⌈ through ⌉ . 91194_92718 *TOM3: ⌊ Oh ⌋ . 92543_92718 *TOM1: but it's ⌈2 gonna take ⌉2 me a &{l=@ long time ⌈3 to get through &}l=@ ⌉3 . 92718_94739 *TOM3: ⌊2 Okay ⌋2 . 92901_93250 *TOM2: ⌊3 No I've got it ⌋3 ⌈4 right now ⌉4 . 94127_95378 *TOM1: ⌊4 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=in &=laugh ⌋4 . 94739_95688 *TOM3: ⌊4 Alright 94739_95043 I had trouble with ⌋4 &{l=@ World War &}l=@ +/. 95043_96632 *TOM3: &=in ⌈5 &=laugh &=laugh ⌉5 M- th- +... 96632_97462 *TOM2: ⌊5 Hm ⌋5 . 96850_97177 *TOM3: With the Korean War 97462_98536 &=laugh Thomas 98536_99211 &=in ⌈ that took a ⌉ ⌈2 lo:ng time ⌉2 . 99211_100785 *TOM1: ⌊ XX ⌋ . 99401_100032 *TOM2: Tucker 99401_99708 you ⌊2 are just 99708_100402 gotta ⌋2 be okay . 100402_101377 *TOM1: ⌈3 Thanks ⌉3 . 101377_101964 *TOM3: ⌊3 Oh ⌋3 . 101377_101964 *TOM2: ⌊3 For a ⌋3 ⌈4 person that's got o⌉4nly a middle name . 101377_103649 *TOM1: ⌊4 thank you Tucker ⌋4 . 101964_102807 *TUCK: ⌊4 (.) I've had ⌋4 101964_102807 had a lotta practice ⌈5 at this sorta thing ⌉5 . 103649_105739 *TOM2: ⌊5 And no uh first name or ⌋5 last name . 104674_106339 *TUCK: (.) &=laugh &=ex ⌈6 &=lengthened &=laugh &=laugh ⌉6 . 106339_107252 *TOM2: ⌊6 I mean 106672_106987 we ⌋6 just (.) gotta ⌈7 love you . 106987_107989 *TUCK: ⌊7 That's all there is . 107702_108458 *TOM2: right ? 107989_108269 *TOM2: (.) Yeah (.) yeah ⌉7 . 108269_108775 *TUCK: Just Tucker ⌋7 . 108458_109090 *TOM2: (.) um⌈8: ⌉8 . 109090_109596 *TOM3: ⌊8 Hm⌋8⌈9: &=ex ⌉9 . 109363_110084 *TUCK: ⌊8 No⌋8⌊9thing else ⌋9 . 109363_110084 *TOM2: (..) Anyway 110084_111526 when I was a young fellow 111526_112635 (.) living in New Jersey 112635_113856 (.) in nineteen (..) f:orty-one 113856_116429 (.) uh: 116429_117346 (.) I graduated in high school in nineteen forty-one 117346_119387 I went to work in a &=in steel mill . 119387_121132 *TOM2: ⌈ &=in ⌉ (.) And uh . 121132_122578 *TOM3: ⌊ &=in ⌋ . 121289_121668 *TOM2: (.) lo and behold 122578_123393 th- the big war came along . 123393_124414 *TOM3: Mhm ? 124414_124722 *TOM2: (..) And I went (.) to my father . 124722_126935 *ENV: &=CHAMPAGNE_CORK . 126935_127264 *TOM2: and in in these days you know 127264_128645 kids ⌈ &=in always . 128645_130049 *ENV: ⌊ &=CHAMPAGNE_POURING ⌋ . 129141_131348 *TOM2: ʔuh: w- +/. 130049_130722 *TOM2: As opposed to ⌉ ⌈2 today ⌉2 . 130722_131725 *TOM3: ⌊2 Mhm ⌋2 . 131348_131725 *TOM2: you always went to your parents and said 131725_132727 ⌈ I wanna do this . 132727_133309 *TOM3: ⌊ Oh yeah . 132727_133309 *TOM3: M- m:ay I ⌋ . 133309_134148 *TOM2: &=in I said ⌉ ⌈2 to my father . 133309_134787 *ENV: ⌊2 &=CHAMPAGNE_POURING ⌋2 ⌈3 &=lengthened ⌉3 ⌈4 &=lengthened ⌉4 . 134148_136287 *TOM2: I said ⌉2 . 134787_135284 *TOM3: ⌊3 Mhm ⌋3 . 135284_135871 *TOM2: ⌊3 &=in ⌋3 ⌊4 hey look ⌋4 . 135284_136287 *TOM2: I wanna go in the army 136287_137450 and ⌈ be ʔuh: ⌉ an army pilot . 137450_139047 *TOM3: ⌊ Mhm ⌋ . 137691_138066 *TOM2: (..) ⌈2 He . 139047_139927 *ENV: ⌊2 &=CHAMPAGNE_POURING ⌋2 . 139645_141848 *TOM2: (.) absolutely 139927_141163 (.) was ⌉2 141163_141852 (.) so incredibly upset I couldn't believe ⌈3 this . 141852_143897 *TOM3: ⌊3 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋3 . 143605_144343 *TOM2: &=in ⌉3 ⌈4 Because ⌉4 +... 143897_144867 *TOM1: ⌊4 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋4 ⌈5 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌉5 . 144343_145456 *TOM2: ⌊5 (.) He ⌋5 +... 144867_145456 *TOM3: ⌊5 He was horri⌋5⌈6fied . 144867_145845 *TOM2: ⌊6 &=in Well he had been . 145845_146618 *TOM3: &=laugh &=laugh 145845_146238 &=in Yeah ⌉6 ? 146238_146736 *TOM2: he ⌋6 had +/. 146619_147023 *TOM2: he had been in the uh 147023_148278 in the three twe- +/. 148278_149061 *TOM2: three twelfth infantry 149061_150099 in the seventy-eighth ⌈ division ⌉ . 150099_151180 *TOM3: ⌊ Ah:⌋: . 150635_151679 *TOM2: (.) up through the Meuse 151679_153139 and ⌈ the uh . 153139_153795 *TOM3: ⌊ M:- the &{l=X Rainbows &}l=X ⌋ . 153352_154757 *TOM2: &=in then the Argon ⌉ 153795_155190 and the whole trick 155190_156116 ⌈ and uh ⌉ . 156116_156539 *TOM3: ⌊ Yeah ⌋ . 156116_156539 *TOM2: he got wounded 156539_157360 and 157360_157608 &=in and 157608_158297 he w- +/. 158297_158670 *TOM2: You know and he never told me much about this 158670_160211 but I understood 160211_161251 very clearly 161251_162002 &=in &=SNIFF that me: +/. 162002_163324 *TOM2: ʔuh: ʔHe signing my papers 163324_165176 to join the &=in ⌈ &=lengthened army ⌉ air corps . 165176_166958 *TOM3: ⌊ Mhm ⌋ ? 166031_166538 *TOM2: in nineteen &=in (.) f:orty-one 166958_169160 after Pearl Harbor 169160_170125 &=in (.) was sort of out of the question . 170125_171483 *TOM2: So . 171483_171771 *TOM3: ⌈ Mhm ⌉ . 171771_172114 *TOM2: ⌊ &=SNIFF ⌋ . 171771_172114 *TOM1: &=tsk &=in &=lengthened &=tsk And ⌈2 you were on⌉2ly eighteen . 172114_174002 *TOM2: ⌊2 XX ⌋2 . 173110_173396 *TOM1: ⌈3 Or nine⌉3teen . 174002_174655 *TOM3: ⌊3 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋3 . 174002_174434 *TOM1: Right ? 174655_174917 *TOM2: &=in ⌈ ʔW:ell I was probably s:eventeen maybe ⌉ . 174917_178000 *TOM3: ⌊ Well you had to be twenty-one XXX . 175408_177237 *TOM3: &=in &=laugh &=laugh ⌋ ⌈2 &=laugh . 177237_178163 *TOM2: ⌊2 &=in So anyway . 178000_178729 *TOM1: ⌊2 Oh I see: ⌋2 . 178000_178962 *TOM3: (.) Mm: ⌉2 . 178163_179020 *TOM2: I f⌋2⌈3ound out a⌉3bout this merchant marine acadamy at Kings ⌈4 Point ⌉4 . 178729_181370 *TOM1: ⌊3 I see ⌋3 . 179043_179330 *TOM3: ⌊4 Mhm ⌋4 . 181059_181370 *TOM2: so I went home to him and said 181370_182539 &=in one day 182539_183171 hey I got this great deal Pop . 183171_184444 *TOM2: (.) &=in (.) I +/. 184444_185266 *TOM2: They will (.) take me into this acadamy 185266_187106 it's sort of like West Point and all this bullshit 187106_189121 and 189121_189307 &=in they'll train me 189307_190405 and blah blah blah 190405_191165 and so he signed . 191165_191929 *TOM2: Right ? 191929_192156 *TOM2: &=in Well 192156_192832 it turned out 192832_193461 (..) after the last dog was hung 193461_195265 &=in that 195265_195894 (.) that the highest casualties in the war were the merchant ⌈ service . 195894_198755 *TOM3: ⌊ In the merchant marine . 198108_199057 *TOM2: per capita . 198755_199398 *TOM3: &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh Yeah [% laugh] . 199057_199938 *TOM2: Right 199398_199593 &=in but ⌉ . 199593_200186 *TOM3: &=laugh &=laugh ⌋ ⌈2 &=in &=laugh &=laugh Yeah [% laugh] . 200186_201540 *TOM2: ⌊2 he didn't know that . 200469_201154 *TOM1: ⌊2 &=laugh &=ex &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=in ⌋2 . 200469_202549 *TOM2: (.) So . 201154_201802 *TOM3: &=in Yeah . 201540_202110 *TOM2: &=in No big ⌋2 ⌈3 deal . 201802_202891 *TOM3: &=in &=laugh ⌉2 ⌊3 &=in Yeah ⌋3 . 202110_203181 *TOM2: So any⌉3way 202891_203400 I ⌈4 sailed +... 203400_203950 *TOM3: ⌊4 can't shoot back . 203504_204382 *TOM2: ʔuh I sailed off to the war . 203950_205363 *TOM3: you just sail fast ⌋4 . 204382_205521 *TOM2: and ⌉4 &{l=MRC never looked back &}l=MRC . 205363_206671 *TOM3: (.) &=laugh ⌈5 &=laugh &=laugh ⌉5 . 206671_207508 *TOM2: ⌊5 Uh ⌋5 . 206996_207508 *TOM3: (.) &=in ⌈6 ʔUn:hu:nh ⌉6 . 207508_208924 *TOM1: ⌊6 &=tsk So you started in ⌋6 the 208047_209158 in the 209158_209653 (.) ⌈ in the (.) merchants ⌉ . 209653_210915 *TOM3: ⌊ In the merchant marine ⌋ . 209653_210915 *TOM1: Hunh ? 210915_211190 *TOM1: Merchant sea⌈men ⌉ . 211190_212120 *TOM2: ⌊ Oh yeah ⌋ . 211820_212120 *TOM3: ⌊ Oh ⌋ . 211820_212120 *TOM2: And and and ⌈2 and I stayed +... 212120_213957 *TOM3: ⌊2 United States Department of Commerce ⌋2 . 213042_215032 *TOM2: I st- +/. 213957_214419 *TOM2: I +/. 214419_214691 *TOM2: &=in ⌉2 I stayed +/. 214691_215726 *TOM2: I stayed in the merchant navy 215726_217260 u:m 217260_217709 (.) &=in my first trip was around the world out to the Middle East 217709_221096 uh: . 221096_221454 *TOM1: &=in . 221454_221792 *TOM2: I came back 221792_222544 I went to school for a few months 222544_223913 I was involved in uh 223913_225180 &=in I was second mate in a ship at the uh 225180_227730 in Normandy 227730_228651 &=in We made twelve trips from Southampton to uh the beaches 228651_232085 until we were in a collision 232085_233258 &=in and then they sent us home 233258_234890 patched us up 234890_235562 sent us home 235562_236155 (..) &=in and then I came back into Italy 236155_238280 and we went into the invasion of south France 238280_240473 &=in and we went across the uh 240473_242492 &=in the Atlantic and ⌈ Pacific . 242492_244111 *TOM3: ⌊ Mhm ⌋ . 243600_244260 *TOM2: and ⌉ the war ended then . 244111_245116 *TOM2: &=in And so I stayed in the merchant marines ⌈2 for ⌉2 another year or two . 245116_248232 *TOM3: ⌊2 &=SWALLOW ⌋2 . 247080_247315 *TOM2: and then I went to college at uh:: 248232_250127 ʔuh: University of Pennsylvania 250127_252230 (.) &=in ⌈ &=lengthened and then ⌉ +... 252230_253650 *TOM1: ⌊ &=tsk &=in Where my f⌋ather went . 252790_254024 *TOM2: (..) Hm ? 254024_254859 *TOM1: &=tsk Where my father was . 254859_255894 *TOM2: Good . 255894_256173 *TOM2: (.) Good ⌈ school . 256173_256801 *TOM1: ⌊ &=in &=lengthened &{l=P Went to school &}l=P ⌋ . 256475_257858 *TOM2: &=in Uh: 256801_257508 I didn't ⌉ do terribly well there 257508_258850 even though my uncle was a: business manager 258850_261019 an:d ⌈ maybe that was part of the ⌉ problem . 261019_262322 *TOM3: ⌊ &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋ . 261223_261988 *TOM2: &=in ⌈2 um ⌉2 . 262322_263106 *TOM3: ⌊2 &=SNIFF ⌋2 . 262652_263106 *TOM2: &=in &=lengthened I was more interested in 263106_264834 in (.) reliving my youth 264834_266266 or living my youth 266266_267324 and . 267324_267512 *TOM1: ⌈ For the first time ⌉ . 267512_268380 *TOM2: ⌊ &=in anyway ⌋ . 267512_268380 *TOM1: Right ? 268380_268651 *TOM2: (.) make ⌈2 a make a long story short ⌉2 . 268651_270472 *TOM3: ⌊2 &{l=X Sort of get a holding of it &}l=X ⌋2 . 268972_270472 *TOM2: &=in . 270472_270695 *TOM3: M- +... 270695_270813 *TOM1: ⌈ &=in ⌉ . 270813_271114 *TOM2: ⌊ when they ⌋ posted the grades 270813_272232 &=in (.) in forty-nine 272232_273787 (..) &=tsk I 273787_275196 I immediately went to New York 275196_276296 and shipped out as second mate on the African ⌈ Pilgrim . 276296_278389 *TOM3: ⌊ &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋ . 278110_279157 *TOM2: &=in and went ⌉ &{l=@ to: uh 278389_279837 (.) ⌈2 South Africa &}l=@ . 279837_280717 *TOM1: ⌊2 &=laugh &=laugh &=in &=laugh . 279837_280833 *TOM2: &=laugh &=in &=laugh &=in . 280717_281566 *TOM1: (.) &=in On the Af⌋2rican Queen . 280833_282618 *TOM2: I ⌉2 +... 281566_281906 *TOM1: (.) ⌈3 With uh ⌉3 . 282618_283404 *TOM2: ⌊3 No 282859_283116 the African ⌋3 Pilgrim . 283116_283809 *TOM1: Oh . 283809_284101 *TOM1: ⌈ Okay . 284101_284458 *TOM3: ⌊ ʔuh Pilgrim ⌋ +... 284101_284769 *TOM1: I thought ⌉ +/. 284458_284769 *TOM1: (.) I ⌈2 thought you were there with ⌉2 +... 284769_285566 *TOM2: ⌊2 The African Queen ⌋2 284926_285734 actually ⌈3 was a two ⌉3 h- +... 285734_286752 *TOM1: ⌊3 wi- y- ⌋3 +... 286228_286623 *TOM2: (.) Was ⌈4 a two hatched ⌉4 . 286752_287811 *TOM1: ⌊4 Katharine Hepburn ⌋4 . 287054_287811 *TOM2: &=in y- i- it was a it was a story . 287811_289549 *TOM2: &=in But she was a real ship 289549_291092 a two-hatch ship 291092_292045 &=in based in uh 292045_293254 in 293254_293542 (.) in uh 293542_294273 &=in uh:: 294273_296117 in um 296117_297127 (..) ʔuh: ʔuh: 297127_298632 West Africa . 298632_299472 *TOM2: &=in So I sailed on her for a little while . 299472_301476 *TOM2: (.) ⌈ U⌉:m . 301476_302370 *TOM1: ⌊ &=tsk ⌋ . 301798_302037 *TOM2: (..) ⌈2 and ⌉2 then in f::ifty . 302370_305102 *TOM1: ⌊2 &=SNIFF ⌋2 . 302842_303193 *TOM2: forty-nine ⌈3 I guess ⌉3 . 305102_306214 *TOM3: ⌊3 &=in ⌋3 . 305770_306214 *TOM2: (..) &{l=X Uh ⌈4 guy named Near- &}l=X +... 306214_307642 *TOM3: ⌊4 Now let me stop you now⌋4: . 307246_309191 *TOM2: (.) Yeah . 307642_308340 *TOM2: &=in Yeah ⌉4 . 308340_309022 *TOM2: (.) Yeah . 309191_309579 *TOM3: (.) ʔuh:: since you're of re⌈cord ⌉ . 309579_311789 *TOM2: ⌊ Yeah ⌋ . 311452_311789 *TOM2: &=in . 311789_312130 *TOM3: But 312130_312441 n- it's primarily because I wanna know 312441_314374 &=in when you say you were sailing now 314374_316669 (..) what were you doing during these different phases of ⌈ your sailing life- &=in ⌉ . 316669_321797 *TOM2: ⌊ Da- I was sailing second ⌋ mate . 320611_322058 *TOM3: (.) You were second mate ⌈2 then . 322058_323636 *TOM2: ⌊2 Yeah . 323442_323636 *TOM2: I was second mate on the A⌋2frican Pilgrim . 323636_325166 *TOM3: (.) Okay . 323636_324142 *TOM3: (.) Alright ⌉2 . 324142_324585 *TOM2: Yeah . 325166_325374 *TOM2: (.) ⌈ Yeah ⌉ . 325374_325755 *TOM3: ⌊ This ⌋ is my first mate . 325570_326809 *ELAI: (..) Pf- &=laugh . 326809_327556 *TOM2: Hi ⌈ first mate ⌉ . 327556_328366 *TOM3: ⌊ &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋ . 327793_328366 *ELAI: &=laugh . 328366_328459 *TOM2: Uh⌈2: ⌉2 . 328459_328749 *TOM3: ⌊2 &=laugh ⌋2 . 328459_328749 *ELAI: ⌈3 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh Hi . 328749_329556 *TOM2: ⌊3 can we get you a chair my dear ⌋3 ? 328749_330202 *ELAI: &=laugh &=laugh &=in &=laugh &=in ⌉3 329556_330255 No 330255_330634 I just came out to see if you were st- &{l=MRC still going ⌈ strong &}l=MRC . 330634_333540 *TOM1: ⌊ He's still alive ⌋ . 333221_334157 *TOM3: ⌊ (.) &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋ . 333221_334282 *ELAI: And you are⌉⌈2: ? 333540_334410 *TOM1: ⌊2 He's st- +... 333540_334410 *TOM2: ⌊2 Uh ⌋2 . 334282_334584 *TOM3: ⌊2 &=in And ⌋2 ⌈3 he's still XX ⌉3 . 334410_335666 *ELAI: So ⌉2 . 334410_334739 *TOM1: He's ⌋2 ⌊3 doing quite well ⌋3 334584_335460 ⌈4 actually ⌉4 . 335460_335847 *ELAI: ⌊4 I'm gonna go ⌋4 back [% laugh] in [% laugh] . 335460_336461 *ELAI: Be⌈5cause it's chilly ⌉5 . 336461_337406 *TOM3: ⌊5 Alright . 336610_336936 *TOM3: (.) ʔuh &=ex ⌋5 . 336936_337406 *TOM1: (..) You just didn't want to uh 337406_339174 (.) think he might've fallen ⌈ over the (.) ⌉ ⌈2 fence . 339174_341147 *TOM3: ⌊ &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋ . 340341_340703 *ELAI: ⌊2 Right ⌋2 . 340703_341147 *TOM1: Right ⌉2 . 341147_341285 *TOM3: ⌊2 Or just ⌋2 ⌈3 go over the fence in the co⌉3:rn . 341147_342944 *ELAI: ⌊3 Toppled over it . 341575_342423 *ELAI: Right ⌋3 . 342423_342776 *TOM2: (..) &{l=X Anyway &}l=X I was sailing second mate in the Pilgrim . 342944_345713 *TOM3: Right . 345713_346110 *TOM2: um 346110_346636 (..) this was American South African ⌈ lines . 346636_348367 *TOM3: ⌊ Mhm ⌋ . 348096_348551 *TOM2: &=in ⌉ um 348367_349208 &=in and (.) and 349208_350298 ʔuh: in f::orty-nine 350298_352442 I think it was 352442_353151 I got (.) sort of fussy with that 353151_354941 &=in the purser: was a guy named Bob Heins 354941_357549 he and I &=in decided that 357549_359227 well we'd sort of &=in wanna do something more adventuresome 359227_362228 so we (.) we jumped ship in uh: New York 362228_364772 (.) paid off . 364772_365837 *TOM2: &=in And we took a passage in the America 365837_368765 (..) and went to Paris . 368765_370257 *TOM2: (..) I stayed in Paris for (..) seven eight or nine months . 370257_375534 *TOM3: Mhm . 375534_375900 *TOM2: &=in My friend Bob Heins stayed for twenty years . 375900_378151 *TOM3: (.) Ah . 378151_378879 *TOM2: He (.) he sort of got hooked on ⌈ that ⌉ . 378879_381113 *TOM1: ⌊ He g⌋ot +/. 380904_381233 *TOM1: He ʔuh he under⌈2stood what ⌉2 was r- +... 381233_382513 *TOM2: ⌊2 Hmm ⌋2 ? 381811_382011 *TOM1: ⌈3 What was up and what was down . 382513_383792 *TOM1: Right ? 383792_384062 *TOM3: ⌊3 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=in &=laugh . 382513_384862 *TOM2: ⌊3 (.) Oh he ma:rried over the:re and 382513_384518 &=in went to wor:k and . 384862_386114 *TOM1: (.) &=in He knew what was +... 384518_385512 *TOM3: &=in He figured it out . 384862_386352 *TOM1: (.) He knew what the hell &=in &{l=X this world &}l=X is all ⌉3 about . 385512_387596 *TOM3: &=in He figured it out ⌋3 . 386352_387349 *TOM2: (.) XX ⌋3 . 386352_387349 *TOM2: ⌈4 Yeah . 387596_387921 *TOM3: ⌊4 (.) Yeah . 387596_387921 *TOM3: (.) Figured it out ⌋4 . 387921_388907 *TOM2: &=in So uh ⌉4 I had a lot of interesting adventures there . 387921_390824 *TOM2: &=in And finally 390824_391819 when I ran out of money 391819_392993 uh: 392993_393381 &=in I wrote home to my family and said 393381_395239 would you be kind enough to uh 395239_396658 please send me a p⌈assage ho⌉:me . 396658_398167 *TOM3: ⌊ &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋ &=SNIFF . 397454_397929 *TOM2: &=in And they did . 398167_399410 *TOM2: ⌈ &=in Well ⌉ . 399410_400302 *TOM3: ⌊ &=in Ah: ⌋ . 399410_400302 *TOM2: (.) I was then (.) twenty-five years old 400302_402229 so I 402229_402685 um 402685_403015 well I did what any r- red-blooded American boy ⌈ would do . 403015_405242 *TOM3: ⌊ &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=in ⌋ . 404999_405994 *TOM2: I took it down to the A⌉merican +/. 405242_406385 *TOM2: ʔuh uh 406385_407014 &=in (.) to the: uh US Lines and I cashed it . 407014_409896 *TOM2: Right ? 409896_410263 *TOM3: ⌈ (.) Right ⌉ ? 410263_410775 *TOM2: ⌊ &=in ⌋ So I s:tayed on that for another ⌈2 month or two . 410263_412836 *TOM3: ⌊2 Mm: 412378_412836 you stayed for life ⌋2 ? 412836_413940 *TOM2: &=in And then I wrote ⌉2 home and said 412836_414279 ⌈3 gee I'm +... 414279_414738 *TOM3: ⌊3 &=in &=lengthened ⌋3 . 414279_414980 *TOM2: I: ⌉3 need another passage home 414738_416025 ⌈4 an:d then . 416025_416532 *TOM3: ⌊4 Somebody stole it ⌋4 . 416025_416971 *TOM2: &=in they ⌉4 sent it- sent it to me 416532_417920 &=in and this time when I went down to &{l=WH American [% laugh] Expre- [% laugh] &}l=WH +/. 417920_419864 *TOM2: &=laugh ⌈ &=laugh &=in . 419864_420523 *TOM3: ⌊ &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=in ⌋ . 420091_421224 *TOM2: to (.) US ⌉ Lines and they said 420523_421884 &=in well there's a hold on this . 421884_423544 *TOM3: &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌈ &=laugh &=laugh ⌉ . 423544_424381 *TOM2: ⌊ This can be o⌋nly used for ⌈2 passage ⌉2 ⌈3 home . 423788_425792 *TOM3: ⌊2 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋2 . 424990_425465 *TOM1: ⌊3 &=laugh &=lengthened &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=in ⌋3 . 425465_427621 *TOM3: ⌊3 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=in . 425465_426902 *TOM2: (.) &=in I said 425792_426870 oh ⌉3 . 426902_427232 *TOM3: Ah: ⌋3 426902_427232 smart fam⌈4ily ⌉4 . 427232_428129 *TOM2: ⌊4 Oh ⌋4 . 427806_428129 *TOM2: &=in So anyway 428129_428844 I sailed home in the uh old Isle de France . 428844_431045 *TOM2: (.) Uh: 431045_431884 (.) &=in got into New York 431884_433157 there was my mother and father and 433157_434820 &=in and we popped in and it was 434820_436847 things were a little tight 436847_437909 and a little (.) tensy 437909_439201 &=in ⌈ &=lengthened went ⌉ ho:me . 439201_440425 *TOM3: ⌊ Mhm ⌋ ? 439389_439795 *TOM2: my m- (.) grandma was there 440425_441947 my mother was there 441947_442658 we sat around the dinner table 442658_443529 &=in and n:- dinner was served 443529_445428 and finally my mother said 445428_447091 &=in &{l=Q well tell me . 447091_448123 *TOM2: What did you do in a typical day in Paris &}l=Q . 448123_450945 *TOM1: (.) &=tsk . 450945_451390 *TOM3: (..) M:hm: . 451390_452702 *TOM2: Made the most br⌈illiant move of ⌉ my life . 452702_454577 *TOM3: ⌊ &=in ʔuh ⌋ . 453445_454114 *TOM2: ⌈2 I said ⌉2 . 454577_455086 *TOM3: ⌊2 And you: s⌋2:aid . 454577_455461 *TOM3: &=laugh ⌈3 &=laugh ⌉3 . 455461_455965 *TOM2: ⌊3 P⌋3lease pass the butter . 455809_457146 *TOM3: &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌈4 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌉4 ⌈5 &=laugh ⌉5 ⌈6 &=in &=in &=laugh &=in . 457146_459807 *TOM1: ⌊4 &=laugh &=lengthened &=laugh &=laugh ⌋4 ⌊5 &=laugh ⌋5 . 457756_458656 *TOM2: ⌊5 And th⌋5⌊6is ⌋6 subject's never been brought up since . 458458_460293 *TOM3: (.) &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=in &=laugh &=laugh &=in ⌉6 . 459807_462184 *TOM2: &=in Right [% laugh] 460293_460798 &=in &=laugh &=in yeah [% laugh] . 460798_462184 *TOM3: I like that . 462184_462925 *TOM2: &=in ⌈ Yeah . 462925_463385 *TOM3: ⌊ I: like that . 463041_463969 *TOM2: &=in Anyway . 463385_464121 *TOM2: Uh ⌉ . 464121_464400 *TOM3: (.) Very ⌋ good . 463969_464718 *TOM3: (.) ⌈2 Very ⌉2 good . 464718_465415 *TOM2: ⌊2 Yeah ⌋2 ? 464898_465182 *TOM2: So that was forty-ni:ne 465415_466757 fifty 466757_467368 &=in I went to work for Grace Lines in New York 467368_469764 ⌈ as a port ⌉ captain . 469764_470895 *TOM3: ⌊ Mhm ⌋ ? 469764_470301 *TOM2: &=in sailed in a: couple of Grace liners 470895_473669 south 473669_474239 &=in (.) uh 474239_475268 (..) Korean War started 475268_477012 I had the uh: 477012_477940 I decided well shit . 477940_479194 *TOM2: M:ight as well join the war . 479194_480281 *TOM2: &=in Threw in my hat . 480281_481445 *TOM2: D- uh 481445_481938 (..) &=in &=lengthened &{l=WH ʔuh: &}l=WH 481938_484267 (..) when I came back from one of those uh (.) trips from down to Cartagena 484267_489010 I found a big stack of navy orders . 489010_490837 *TOM2: (..) Right ? 490837_491423 *TOM3: (..) Mhm ? 491423_492458 *TOM2: So I went to this 492458_493307 &=in (.) m- what I thought was my friend 493307_495191 um 495191_495614 th- this navy captain down at ah naval headquarters . 495614_498197 *TOM2: &=in (..) &=tsk I said this is terribly awkward . 498197_500800 *TOM2: I've just been promoted from third mate (.) to second mate 500800_503343 &=in and and could we ʔuh: possibly postpone these orders 503343_506601 for a little bit . 506601_507187 *TOM2: (..) &=in My friend stood up behind his desk 507187_510371 (.) in his full: f:our stripes and said 510371_512906 &=in &{l=F Lieu:tenant ? 512906_514020 *TOM2: (..) &=in You: are in the US ⌈ Navy ⌉ ⌈2 now &}l=F ⌉2 . 514020_516435 *TOM3: ⌊ &=laugh &=laugh ⌋ ⌊2 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋2 &=laugh &=SNIFF . 515812_517177 *TOM1: ⌊2 &=laugh &=ex ⌋2 . 516159_516659 *TOM2: ⌈3 I said oh ⌉3 . 517177_517803 *TOM3: ⌊3 XXX ⌋3 . 517177_517803 *TOM2: (..) No one ever explained that to me be⌈4fore . 517803_519736 *TOM3: ⌊4 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋4 . 519572_520034 *TOM2: and a wee⌉4k later I was on my way out [% laugh] to [% laugh] Korea [% laugh] . 519736_521825 *TOM2: &=in ⌈5 &=laugh &=ex &=lengthened ⌉5 &=laugh &=in yeah [% laugh] . 521825_523096 *TOM3: ⌊5 Oo: ⌋5 . 522116_522553 *TOM2: (.) &=laugh (.) ⌈6 &=laugh (.) &=laugh ⌉6 . 523096_524340 *TOM1: ⌊6 Where you got ⌋6 promoted rea:lly rapidly . 523750_525671 *TOM1: Right ? 525671_525892 *TOM1: ⌈ &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=in ⌉ . 525892_527423 *TOM2: ⌊ Well 525892_526224 no 526224_526578 I uh v- ⌋ +/. 526578_527423 *TOM2: Finally uh: 527423_528292 I 528292_528605 you know 528605_528969 after a couple months I got promoted Lieutenant 528969_531165 and you know 531165_531628 and that sort of thing 531628_532210 but uh 532210_532641 &=in ⌈ &=lengthened it ⌉ was all +... 532641_533442 *TOM3: ⌊ Mhm ⌋ . 532863_533167 *TOM2: I lo:ved the Navy . 533442_534624 *TOM2: I rea:lly did like the N⌈avy . 534624_536577 *TOM3: ⌊ Mm ⌋ ? 536391_536690 *TOM2: It ⌉ was just an exciting thing to do . 536577_538068 *TOM1: So how many years there . 538068_539184 *TOM2: (..) I stayed in the US Navy 539184_542816 seventeen years and ten months . 542816_544940 *TOM2: (..) And then I was f:orced out 544940_550260 because I failed a promotion (.) to commander . 550260_552517 *TOM1: (..) So 552517_554186 (..) but all that service time you put in . 554186_556937 *TOM1: (.) Thirty-five 556937_557634 or forty ⌈ years or ⌉ something like that . 557634_558869 *TOM2: ⌊ Well ⌋ 558023_558313 ⌈2 but I'm ⌉2 am ⌈3 p- +... 558869_559495 *TOM1: ⌊2 Right ⌋2 ? 558869_559145 *TOM3: ⌊3 M:hm: ⌋3 . 559340_560048 *TOM2: I'm on the re⌉3tired list for pay 559495_560963 for twenty-three years service . 560963_562303 *TOM1: (..) Twenty-three . 562303_563297 *TOM2: ⌈ Yeah ⌉ . 563297_563608 *TOM1: ⌊ That's ⌋ +/. 563297_563608 *TOM1: That's ⌈2 that's what I was ⌉2 ⌈3 trying to get at ⌉3 . 563608_564770 *TOM2: ⌊2 So after ⌋2 ⌊3 all this happened ⌋3 +... 563807_565021 *TOM3: ⌊3 Now is that be⌋3cause of World War Two 564302_566318 ⌈4 a:nd the: uh: ⌉4 +... 566318_567388 *TOM2: ⌊4 No: it's because of ⌋4 the f- +/. 566318_567813 *TOM2: the way the Navy worked . 567813_568886 *TOM2: A⌈nd of ⌉ uh . 568886_569411 *TOM3: ⌊ Mm ⌋ . 568979_569246 *TOM2: &=in so I went to this guy and uh 569411_570817 and and I was a reasonably hotshot officer in the 570817_573837 (..) Pentagon at the time and 573837_575145 &=in and I went to him and said 575145_576253 hey 576253_576454 how come this is happening 576454_577437 and he said well 577437_578006 &=in there's 578006_578569 happens to five guys like you . 578569_580295 *TOM2: &=in (.) Because the way the law was written . 580295_582150 *TOM2: (..) And we fixed it as of nineteen fifty-four . 582150_585053 *TOM2: &=in Instead of saying you 585053_586508 if you failed a promotion you re- 586508_587957 &=in retire as of twenty years from your pay entry base date . 587957_591668 *TOM2: (..) Mine was forty-nine . 591668_593610 *TOM2: &=in (.) Uh: 593610_594896 (..) they said 594896_596122 &=in what we've now said is 596122_597644 you have to stay twenty years . 597644_599029 *TOM2: So I said fine . 599029_599827 *TOM2: So 599827_600178 (.) handshakes all around . 600178_601198 *TOM3: ⌈ Mhm ⌉ . 601198_601575 *TOM2: ⌊ &=in ⌋ ⌈2 &=lengthened Then I ⌉2 went off and worked for a couple of companies and . 601198_603665 *TOM1: ⌊2 Mhm ⌋2 . 601575_601977 *TOM2: &=in uh 603665_604616 (..) my (.) my success in life 604616_607103 if I can say it is 607103_608217 is is 608217_608894 consists of two things . 608894_610182 *TOM2: Skill and luck . 610182_611225 *TOM3: (..) Min⌈e's primar⌉ily luck . 611225_614944 *TOM2: ⌊ Ten perc- ⌋ +/. 613616_614194 *TOM2: ⌈2 Ten percent and ⌉2 ninety percent's the right mix . 614944_617190 *TOM3: ⌊2 XXXX ⌋2 614944_615696 ⌈3 M:hm ⌉3 . 617190_617662 *TOM1: ⌊3 (.) &=laugh &=laugh ⌋3 &=laugh ⌈4 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌉4 &=laugh . 617190_618700 *TOM3: ⌊4 &=laugh &=laugh ⌋4 . 617848_618491 *TOM2: ⌊4 And uh ⌋4 617848_618491 so ⌈5 anyway ⌉5 . 618700_619460 *TOM3: ⌊5 &{l=X Yeah &}l=X ⌋5 . 619061_619460 *TOM1: ⌊5 &=in ⌋5 . 619061_619460 *TOM2: I ⌈6 uh ⌉6 struggled along . 619460_620817 *TOM1: ⌊6 &=laugh ⌋6 . 619819_620021 *TOM2: and uh 620817_621284 one damn thing another 621284_622170 uh . 622170_622443 *TOM1: &=tsk &=in . 622443_623170 *TOM2: (..) and then one day Debby said we're moving to Santa Fe 623170_626107 and I said well . 626107_626800 *TOM1: Now that was her s- ⌈ choice . 626800_628010 *TOM3: ⌊ Sounded like a n⌋ice ⌈2 idea ⌉2 . 627670_629066 *TOM1: hunh ⌉ ? 628010_628227 *TOM2: ⌊2 Oh yeah⌋2: . 628489_629089 *TOM2: H:⌈3ey man ⌉3 . 629089_629623 *TOM3: ⌊3 Hmm ⌋3 . 629288_629623 *TOM2: it was a binary decision . 629623_630998 *TOM3: Al⌈right . 630998_631336 *TOM2: ⌊ I had no choice . 631134_632018 *TOM3: let me ask you ⌉ a ve:ry important question . 631336_633878 *TOM2: you know ⌋ ? 632018_632290 *TOM3: And ⌈2 this ⌉2 is one that's ⌈3 crucial ⌉3 . 633878_635323 *TOM1: ⌊2 &=tsk ⌋2 . 633955_634205 *TOM2: ⌊3 &{l=YWN Yeah &}l=YWN ⌋3 . 634794_635323 *TOM3: (..) Why did you put the extension on your fireplace . 635323_639399 *TOM1: (..) &=in &{l=@ Oh yeah: &}l=@ . 639399_641735 *TOM1: ⌈ &=in To keep the make the fireplace ⌉ work . 641735_643515 *TOM2: ⌊ Extension in the fireplace ⌋ . 641735_643236 *TOM3: &=laugh &=laugh ⌈2 &=laugh &=laugh ⌉2 ⌈3 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌉3 . 643515_644801 *TOM1: ⌊2 &=laugh &=laugh ⌋2 ⌊3 &=laugh &=laugh ⌋3 . 643764_644801 *TOM2: ⌊3 No I didn't- d- ⌋3 +/. 644265_644801 *TOM2: I didn't put an exten⌈4sion on the fireplace ⌉4 ? 644801_646391 *TOM1: ⌊4 He is- +/. 645623_645917 *TOM1: He is ⌋4 ⌈5 a uh ⌉5 . 645917_646774 *TOM3: ⌊5 No you didn't ⌋5 . 646197_646774 *TOM3: ⌈6 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌉6 . 646774_647411 *TOM1: ⌊6 &=in ⌋6 646774_647411 He is a (.) aer⌈7odynamic uh expert ⌉7 . 647411_649782 *TOM3: ⌊7 &=laugh &=in &=laugh (.) &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=in ⌋7 ⌈8 &=laugh &=laugh &=in &=laugh ⌉8 . 648180_650711 *TOM2: ⌊8 (.) No . 649782_650124 *TOM1: ⌊8 (.) On uh (.) ⌋8 ⌈9 chimneys ⌉9 . 649782_651171 *TOM2: the fireplace ⌋8 ⌊9 is the way ⌋9 we found it . 650124_651612 *TOM3: (.) &=in Oh . 651612_652129 *TOM3: Okay . 652129_652602 *TOM1: (.) ⌈ Yeah ⌉ . 652602_652940 *TOM3: ⌊ Well ⌋ you didn't do that then . 652751_654088 *TOM3: &=in ⌈2 But somebody did before that &=laugh ⌉2 . 654088_656299 *TOM2: ⌊2 No 654332_654510 it's it's a little thing that sticks up above the roof ⌋2 ? 654510_656610 *TOM3: (.) Yeah⌈3: (.) hm ⌉3 ? 656610_657407 *TOM1: ⌊3 Tom think⌋3s that mine doesn't work as well as it should 656883_659341 because it should be: extended like yours . 659341_660911 *TOM1: He thinks it . 660911_661338 *TOM3: Yeah . 661338_661569 *TOM1: that the: . 661569_662096 *TOM2: No it should j- +/. 662096_662706 *TOM2: We⌈: we haven't done a thing with it ⌉ . 662706_664073 *TOM1: ⌊ It needs to be higher: ⌋ . 662934_664049 *TOM3: ⌊ &{l=X You see &}l=X because you ⌋ get a dow:n . 662934_664843 *TOM2: ⌈2 no . 664843_665166 *TOM3: ⌊2 &=in ʔuh: on Tom's . 664843_666518 *TOM2: The outside of the house was exactly the way we found it ⌉2 . 665166_667729 *TOM3: &{l=X the uh &}l=X +/. 666518_666877 *TOM3: &=in (.) Oh . 666877_667504 *TOM3: O:⌋2kay . 667504_667904 *TOM2: Yeah . 667904_668055 *TOM3: Alright . 668055_668371 *TOM2: ⌈ Uh ⌉ . 668371_668643 *TOM3: ⌊ &=in ⌋ Alright 668371_669006 s:ee Thomas 669006_669941 I tr⌈ied . 669941_670600 *TOM1: ⌊ So whoever . 670291_671274 *TOM3: &=laugh &=laugh &=in &=laugh &=in &=laugh ⌉ . 670600_672337 *TOM1: was living there before ⌋ 671274_672337 that's the one who ⌈2 discovered they needed to do that ⌉2 . 672337_674157 *TOM3: ⌊2 Alright 672857_673235 now who was the guy ⌋2 there before you . 673235_675001 *TOM2: Doctor Green . 675001_675647 *TOM3: (..) Alright ʔuh 675647_676489 (.) is he alive ? 676489_677509 *TOM2: (.) No 677509_678252 poor old Green (.) ⌈ shuff⌉led off . 678252_679707 *TOM3: ⌊ Oh ⌋ . 679037_679305 *TOM2: ⌈2 uh ⌉2 . 679707_679952 *TOM3: ⌊2 oh ⌋2 my God . 679707_680470 *TOM1: To Buffalo . 680470_681177 *TOM1: ⌈ Shuffled to Buffalo ⌉ . 681177_682181 *TOM3: ⌊ I can't talk to ⌋ him 681177_682329 Thomas . 682329_682749 *TOM1: (.) &=in . 682749_683385 *TOM2: Yeah uh in fact 683385_684077 ⌈ &{l=X quite a &}l=X ⌉ +... 684077_684515 *TOM1: ⌊ We:ll ⌋ . 684077_684515 *TOM3: ⌊ No it's ⌋ +/. 684077_684354 *TOM3: ⌈2 See I've &{l=@ been trying . 684354_685422 *TOM1: ⌊2 you're probably right . 684515_685422 *TOM3: &=in I think &}l=@ ⌉2 . 685422_686067 *TOM1: You're probably right ⌋2 . 685422_686067 *TOM3: &=in I've been trying to tell him 686067_687742 the reason that 687742_688602 &=in on very still: (.) nights . 688602_691265 *TOM3: When it's co:ld 691265_692677 and everything else 692677_693615 &=in ⌈ he'll get a down⌉draft . 693615_695680 *TOM1: ⌊ &=ex &=lengthened ⌋ . 694105_695099 *TOM3: In his fireplace . 695680_696634 *TOM3: And it's because the co:ld air 696634_698329 (..) &=in builds up . 698329_699765 *TOM3: (..) On the top of his roof 699765_701639 and ⌈ comes down ⌉ . 701639_702510 *TOM2: ⌊ This is what the ⌋ judge does ⌈2 on his ⌉2 ⌈3 spare ⌉3 time ? 701921_703966 *TOM3: ⌊2 the fire⌋2⌊3place ⌋3 . 703178_703668 *TOM1: ⌊3 Yeah ⌋3 703453_703668 Yeah . 703966_704206 *TOM1: ⌈ He's k- ⌉ +... 704206_704803 *TOM3: ⌊ Yeah ⌋ . 704206_704803 *TOM2: ⌊ Pushes ⌋ . 704206_704803 *TOM1: &=in ⌈2 He's actually quite an ⌉2 engineer⌈3: ⌉3 . 704803_706748 *TOM2: ⌊2 pushes fireplaces ⌋2 ? 705019_706049 *TOM2: ⌊3 I see ⌋3 . 706525_706794 *TOM3: ⌊3 Well ⌋3 706525_706794 my ba:ckground ⌈4 is in construction work ⌉4 . 706794_709579 *TOM1: ⌊4 He's an electrical: 707984_709103 and uh ⌋4 . 709103_709579 *TOM2: Oh: . 709579_710316 *TOM1: He's an electrical and carpentry ⌈ engineer ⌉ . 710316_712264 *TOM3: ⌊ &=laugh &=laugh ⌋ . 711737_712264 *TOM2: ⌊ I s:⌋ee . 711737_712583 *TOM2: Okay . 712583_713053 *TOM2: (.) Mm . 713053_713369 *TOM2: (.) ⌈ Now we did⌉n't change a th:ing on the ⌈2 outside ⌉2 of the house . 713369_715963 *TOM1: ⌊ &{l=X He's been &}l=X ⌋ +... 713505_713977 *TOM3: ⌊ XXX ⌋ 713505_713977 ⌊2 Hmm ⌋2 . 715091_715471 *TOM2: &=in . 715963_716177 *TOM3: No- +... 716177_716350 *TOM2: We've done a few tricks inside . 716350_717782 *TOM3: (.) Mhm ? 717782_718211 *TOM1: ⌈ He's pretty good at that stuff ⌉ . 718211_719474 *TOM2: ⌊ We built a garage 718211_719308 but ⌋ that's all . 719308_719912 *TOM3: (.) Yeah . 719912_720216 *TOM2: Uh 720216_720503 (..) our fireplace draws very well by the way . 720503_723473 *TOM2: (.) ⌈ Uh ⌉ . 723473_723925 *TOM3: ⌊ Yeah ⌋ well 723659_724179 I would 724179_724498 ⌈ n- I would think ⌉ it would . 724498_725698 *TOM2: ⌊ Yeah 724498_724742 (.) uh ⌋ 724742_725172 (..) &=in ⌈2 see this is what I've been trying to ⌉2 tell hi:m . 725698_728839 *TOM1: ⌊2 With that extra s- +/. 726603_727310 *TOM1: extra height ⌋2 . 727310_728110 *TOM3: &=in But 728839_729618 (..) but see Thomas 729618_731226 likes the idea that it doesn't match ⌈ in . 731226_733703 *TOM1: ⌊ &=in ʔuh ⌋ . 733410_733903 *TOM3: with ⌉ the design . 733703_734720 *TOM3: ⌈2 &{l=X With the area &}l=X . 734720_735420 *TOM2: ⌊2 Well we gotta 734720_735254 we gotta call up Jack Eaker . 735254_736589 *TOM3: &=in &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=in &=laugh &=laugh ⌉2 ⌈3 &=laugh &=laugh &=in ⌉3 ⌈4 &=laugh &=in &=in ⌉4 . 735420_738620 *TOM2: Right ⌋2 ? 736589_736982 *TOM1: ⌊3 Right &=ex ⌋3 . 736982_737701 *TOM2: ⌊3 You &{l=X remember &}l=X +/. 736982_737417 *TOM2: You ⌋3 ⌊4 know Eaker of course ⌋4 . 737417_738620 *TOM1: ⌈5 Yeah ⌉5 . 738620_739155 *TOM3: ⌊5 (.) Ah ⌋5 . 738620_739155 *TOM2: (.) You know what Eaker's doing right now . 739155_740573 *TOM1: (.) No . 740573_741280 *TOM2: &=in We k- +/. 741280_741953 *TOM2: We have a f- +/. 741953_742706 *TOM2: We we've b- we belong to this uh 742706_744718 we don't belong 744718_745365 but we attend First Church down here ? 745365_747062 *TOM2: (..) &=in ⌈ Uh ⌉ Presbyterian ? 747062_748942 *TOM1: ⌊ &=in ⌋ 748009_748348 ⌈2 Unhunh ⌉2 ? 748942_749379 *TOM3: ⌊2 Presby⌋2terian ? 748942_749698 *TOM3: ⌈3 On the ⌉3 +... 749698_750165 *TOM1: ⌊3 Unhunh ⌋3 ? 749698_750165 *TOM2: ⌊2 (.) And they've ⌋2 been after ungh- I guess 749698_751263 for 751263_751508 &=in (.) three years now to join 751508_753160 ʔuh two and a half years to join the church 753160_754728 and I keep dodging the issue by saying I'm out of town and 754728_757363 &=in blah blah blah 757363_758288 but ⌈ nonethe⌉less . 758288_759047 *TOM3: ⌊ Mhm ⌋ ? 758449_758759 *TOM2: &=in we got a new guy k- 759047_760418 named Mason called up and said 760418_761911 hey 761911_762196 would you join 762196_762830 and we had a nice conversation 762830_763910 &=in and he talked about (.) Jack Eaker . 763910_766217 *TOM2: (..) Said wonderful he said 766217_767656 (.) we (.) talked about n- 767656_768929 &=in he said Jack is reha:bbing a house 768929_771358 like he did this one . 771358_772239 *TOM2: (..) Over by the Mansion now . 772239_774059 *TOM2: (..) Governor's ⌈ Mansion ⌉ . 774059_775352 *TOM1: ⌊ ʔYeah h- yeah- ⌋ +/. 774874_775352 *TOM1: I h- I knew tha⌈2:t . 775352_776274 *TOM2: ⌊2 One ⌋2 point two million he wants ⌈3 to sell it ⌉3 for . 776120_778708 *TOM1: Yeah ⌉2 . 776274_776536 *TOM3: ⌊3 Mm ⌋3 . 777988_778307 *TOM1: (..) &=in . 778708_779995 *TOM3: Mm . 779995_780261 *TOM2: ⌈ I said to ⌉ Debby . 780261_781100 *TOM1: ⌊ XX ⌋ . 780261_780775 *TOM3: ⌊ Mm ⌋ . 780261_780775 *TOM2: ⌈2 I think ⌉2 we're gonna move up to the Rogue Ri⌈3ver . 781100_783143 *TOM3: ⌊2 Mm ⌋2 . 781100_781485 *TOM3: ⌊3 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋3 ⌈4 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=in &=laugh &=in ⌉4 . 783018_784802 *TOM2: by uh ⌉3 . 783132_783667 *TOM1: ⌊4 &=in &=lengthened Hope he does a little better job ⌋4 at 783667_785422 (.) some of the &{l=@ things ⌈5 like electri⌉5⌈6cal ⌉6 &}l=@ . 785422_787298 *TOM3: ⌊5 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋5 . 786225_786990 *TOM2: ⌊6 How'd he ⌋6 ⌈7 do ⌉7 here . 786990_787673 *TOM3: ⌊7 &=laugh &=laugh ⌋7 ⌈8 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌉8 . 787298_788060 *TOM1: ⌊8 &=in ⌋8 . 787673_788060 *TOM2: Hunh ? 788060_788304 *TOM1: ⌈ ʔHe did too much himself . 788304_789678 *TOM3: ⌊ &=laugh &=in &=laugh &=in &=laugh &=laugh &=in &=laugh &=lengthened ⌋ . 788304_791145 *TOM1: that he should've put in somebody else's ⌉ ⌈2 hands ⌉2 . 789678_791653 *TOM2: ⌊2 Oh yeah ⌋2 . 791145_791653 *TOM1: Like he 791653_792044 &=in (..) ⌈ we had ⌉ +... 792044_793284 *TOM3: ⌊ ʔuh: ⌋ . 792762_793284 *TOM2: ⌊ Oh he did ⌋ it a:ll himself⌈2: ⌉2 . 792762_794168 *TOM1: ⌊2 Yeah ⌋2 793967_794273 we had to do a whole bunch of electrical ⌈3 o⌉3:ver . 794273_796018 *TOM2: ⌊3 ʔuh ⌋3 . 795602_795855 *TOM1: because he hadn't done it quite right 796018_797571 and (..) ⌈ stuff but ⌉ . 797571_798689 *TOM3: ⌊ Really ⌋ ? 798159_798689 *TOM2: (..) ⌈2 Oh you pulled the whole ⌉2 ⌈3 kitch⌉3en out . 798689_800889 *TOM1: ⌊2 it's (.) s- ⌋2 +... 799469_800255 *TOM3: ⌊3 Hunh ⌋3 . 800255_800536 *TOM2: (.) Yeah . 800889_801593 *TOM1: (.) Yeah . 801593_802121 *TOM3: (.) ⌈ Mm ⌉ . 802121_802999 *TOM2: ⌊ Mhm ⌋ . 802518_802999 *TOM1: (.) We found 802999_803692 you know 803692_804058 (..) wiring that wasn't what it should have been . 804058_806057 *TOM1: But that's all right . 806057_806653 *TOM1: He ⌊ was- ⌋ +... 806653_807046 *TOM2: ⌈ Yeah ⌉ . 806885_807046 *TOM1: He's a he's an enthusiastic amateur . 807046_808899 *TOM1: You know 808899_809225 he (.) ⌊ worked ⌋ +... 809225_809876 *TOM3: ⌊ &=laugh &=laugh ⌋ . 809462_809876 *TOM1: (.) ⌈2 He worked hard at it ⌉2 . 809876_810717 *TOM3: ⌊2 Well I am too⌋2⌈3: . 810003_810850 *TOM2: ⌊3 Well he's no amateur . 810717_811749 *TOM3: Thomas . 810850_811268 *TOM3: &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=in &=laugh &=in ⌉3 . 811268_813010 *TOM2: This is about the tenth house ⌋3 he's done you ⌈4 know ⌉4 . 811749_813866 *TOM3: ⌊4 X ⌋4 813598_813866 &=in ⌈5 &{l=X Well s⌉5:- &}l=X +... 813866_814741 *TOM1: ⌊5 Yeah: ⌋5 ? 814180_814629 *TOM2: ⌊5 XX ⌋5 . 814180_814629 *TOM3: (.) D- ⌈6 some peo⌉6ple are amateurs for a lo⌈7:ng time ⌉7 . 814741_817668 *TOM2: ⌊6 Yeah ⌋6 . 814995_815457 *TOM1: ⌊6 (.) Yeah ⌋6 . 814995_815457 *TOM1: ⌊7 &=laugh &=lengthened ⌋7 ⌈8 &=laugh &=laugh ⌉8 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh . 817127_818823 *TOM2: ⌊8 Yeah ⌋8 . 817668_818080 *TOM3: I know a ⌈9 bunch of ⌉9 em . 818823_819937 *TOM1: ⌊9 &=in ⌋9 . 819359_819797 *TOM3: (..) ⌈ And they ⌉ ⌈2 get paid for it ⌉2 . 819937_821783 *TOM2: ⌊ Uh: ⌋ . 820658_821146 *TOM1: ⌊ He put too ⌋ ⌊2 much elect⌋2ronics in it too 820658_822515 but . 822515_822812 *TOM2: Yeah⌈: ⌉ . 822812_823158 *TOM1: ⌊ f⌋or me: but . 823003_823686 *TOM2: And and of course 823686_824529 when he 824529_824873 when he 824873_825232 (..) ʔuh he put in 825232_826493 (..) ʔuh he told us four thousand . 826493_828882 *TOM2: I couldn't ⌈ believe it . 828882_829667 *TOM1: ⌊ &=ex &=lengthened ⌋ . 829278_829986 *TOM2: I said ⌉ Debby I can't believe this but 829667_831045 &=in he had these 831045_831935 &=in goddam 831935_832839 (..) pf- uh 832839_833850 (..) perennial flowers here 833850_836176 (.) ⌈ or are they an⌉nuals . 836176_837252 *TOM3: ⌊ &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋ . 836445_836896 *TOM2: Which is which . 837252_837877 *TOM2: (..) Which is that doesn't grow next year . 837877_839994 *TOM2: (..) Annuals ? 839994_840757 *TOM1: (..) Uh: 840757_841864 ⌈ right ⌉ . 841864_842470 *TOM3: ⌊ Oh God ⌋ . 841864_842470 *TOM2: ⌈2 Yeah ⌉2 . 842470_842770 *TOM1: ⌊2 Right ⌋2 . 842470_842770 *TOM3: ⌈3 The annuals . 842770_843372 *TOM2: ⌊3 (.) He had all these ⌋3 flowers around . 842770_844251 *TOM3: yeah ⌉3 . 843372_843588 *TOM2: &=in (..) He had the most beautiful looking place you ever didn't want to see . 844251_849317 *TOM2: ʔUm . 849317_849832 *TOM1: (..) &=tsk . 849832_851763 *TOM2: (..) Did he ever tell you why he put this fence between our ⌈ house ⌉ ? 851763_855075 *TOM1: ⌊ &=in ⌋ 854756_855075 (..) Unh-unh . 855075_855717 *TOM2: (..) This this uh 855717_857040 (.) thing he's put up ? 857040_858092 *TOM2: (..) When we went on a (.) &{l=X to &}l=X trip . 858092_860537 *TOM2: (..) Uh 860537_861752 (..) w- he he'd come over 861752_863307 and we had a few drinks 863307_864217 and we agreed 864217_864925 (..) along this (.) common walk 864925_867465 we were gonna put up (.) fir trees and all this stuff 867465_869826 (.) uh 869826_870636 (..) and then uh 870636_872246 (.) we built the garage . 872246_873939 *TOM2: (.) Which (.) m- meets code and all that . 873939_876184 *TOM2: (.) And Jack was so upset about that 876184_877979 when we came back from the trip 877979_878986 we found he'd built the fence . 878986_880399 *TOM3: &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh . 880399_881440 *TOM1: &=THROAT . 881440_881963 *TOM2: ⌈ And I ⌉ said to Debby . 881963_883034 *TOM3: ⌊ &=laugh ⌋ 881963_882338 &=laugh &=in . 883034_883472 *TOM2: I didn't even see the fence for three days 883472_884996 she said ⌈ what about that ⌉ fence . 884996_886216 *TOM3: ⌊ &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋ . 885191_885745 *TOM2: I ⌈2 said fence ⌉2 fence⌈3: . 886216_887030 *TOM3: ⌊2 &=laugh &=laugh ⌋2 886326_886789 ⌊3 Yeah . 886954_887246 *TOM2: &=in you know me . 887030_887744 *TOM3: What &{l=X fence &}l=X . 887246_887744 *TOM3: &=laugh ⌋3 . 887744_888103 *TOM2: &=in ⌉3 And uh 887744_888530 (..) so ⌈4 I ⌉4 said gee whiz uh . 888530_890208 *TOM3: ⌊4 Hunh ⌋4 . 889070_889266 *TOM2: (.) ʔuh ʔuh- s- so we'd found out that Jack was 890208_893401 &=in f:- thought that that took away from the +... 893401_896095 *TOM1: The aesthetic . 896095_896979 *TOM2: (..) the aesthetics to have this gara:ge 896979_899018 and I said well gee whiz 899018_900065 that's fine . 900065_900500 *TOM2: &=in So that's why he threw up the fence . 900500_902250 *TOM2: And I said hey look 902250_903075 &=in we're a:ll within the code . 903075_904766 *TOM2: &=in I first wanted to build the garage 904766_907245 &=in (..) sort of 907245_908705 with five feet from the property line 908705_910733 and he made a big fuss about it 910733_912021 so I looked it up and said 912021_913113 &=in well we'll make it uh (.) fifteen 913113_915178 what ever they want 915178_915834 &=in We ⌈ moved ⌉ a few ⌈2 &{l=X fractions &}l=X and ⌉2 . 915834_917600 *TOM1: ⌊ &=tsk ⌋ 916410_916664 ⌊2 It works ⌋2 fine 917019_917823 don't you think 917823_918295 the way it ⌈ is ⌉ ? 918347_918989 *TOM2: ⌊ Hey look⌋: 918581_919066 I have ⌈2 no pro⌉2blem at: all . 919066_920409 *TOM1: ⌊2 Looks X ⌋2 . 919357_919960 *TOM2: uh . 920409_920782 *TOM1: &=in except Polly can get right through it . 920782_922578 *TOM2: No⌈: look . 922578_923129 *TOM3: ⌊ &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋ . 922743_923942 *TOM2: hey 923129_923511 Polly and ⌉ I are pals . 923511_924536 *TOM2: (.) ⌈2 Polly ⌉2 has (.) ⌈3 three ⌉3 things . 924536_926387 *TOM3: ⌊2 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋2 924742_925205 ⌊3 Mhm ⌋3 . 925801_926071 *TOM2: &=in He +/. 926387_926805 *TOM2: (.) He +/. 926805_927223 *TOM2: (.) Well he's getting a little long in the tooth . 927223_928813 *TOM2: He can't ⌈ hop the ⌉ fence ⌈2 here . 928813_929870 *TOM1: ⌊ Yes ⌋ . 929067_929436 *TOM1: ⌊2 Yes 929720_930039 she is ⌋2 . 930039_930438 *TOM2: (.) But he ⌉2 comes over there . 930039_931290 *TOM2: ⌈3 Right ⌉3 ? 931290_931753 *TOM3: ⌊3 &=laugh &=laugh ⌋3 &=laugh . 931290_931976 *TOM1: She is ⌈4 getting ⌉4 +... 931976_932497 *TOM2: ⌊4 When I ⌋4 find him back there among my tomato garden 932265_934514 I say Polly you scamp how are you . 934514_936242 *TOM1: (.) She ⌈ can't ⌉ quite jump in the truck anymore . 936242_938544 *TOM2: ⌊ you l- ⌋ +... 936765_937096 *TOM1: She ⌈2 can't ⌉2 +... 938544_938995 *TOM3: ⌊2 Ah⌋2⌈3: . 938793_939199 *TOM2: ⌊3 Oh no: ⌋3 . 938995_939696 *TOM3: &=in ⌉3 939199_939734 ⌈4 well you're gonna have to ⌉4 ⌈5 build steps ⌉5 . 939734_941153 *TOM1: ⌊4 Can't make ⌋4 +... 939734_940402 *TOM2: ⌊4 How old is he ⌋4 939722_940481 ⌊5 how old is poor ⌋5 +... 940402_941153 *TOM1: They're all +/. 941153_941526 *TOM1: (.) All of them are around ⌈ eleven . 941526_943022 *TOM3: ⌊ All of em . 942483_943022 *TOM3: Mhm 943022_943267 all of em were at that age ⌋ . 943267_944607 *TOM1: So they're probably &{l=X are &}l=X gonna die at the s⌉ame time . 943022_945115 *TOM3: (.) ⌈2 Yeah ⌉2 . 945115_945547 *TOM2: ⌊2 No⌋2: 945332_945769 this is a nice dog . 945769_946701 *TOM3: (..) ⌈ Yeah you oughta stairstep em ⌉ . 946701_948630 *TOM2: ⌊ Oh [% laugh] 947199_947488 (.) yeah [% laugh] 947488_947857 &=in we have ⌋ 947857_948868 there's two other dogs in this neighborhood Tom . 948868_950815 *TOM1: &=THROAT ⌈ &=lengthened ⌉ . 950815_951713 *TOM2: ⌊ One is a ⌋ big (.) black dog 951247_953018 and one is a little white +/. 953018_953948 *TOM2: uh black- +/. 953948_954577 *TOM2: a big white 954577_955277 and a little black dog . 955277_956171 *TOM2: ⌈ You ever seen them ⌉ ? 956171_956618 *TOM1: ⌊ Yeah the ⌋ 956171_956717 I've seen the big ⌈2 white (.) ⌉2 one dog . 956717_958145 *TOM2: ⌊2 And they trave- ⌋2 +... 957185_957730 *TOM2: So one day 958040_958684 I'm sitting (.) at my dining room table . 958684_960752 *TOM2: Which means you have to go through the 960752_962330 &=in (.) the workshop . 962330_963793 *TOM2: (..) And an entrance hall 963793_965287 and into the living room . 965287_966306 *TOM1: Unhunh ? 966306_966801 *TOM2: And I'm sitting there with 966801_967875 Lee and Gary's friend 967875_968969 B:- uh 968969_969607 &=in Barney 969607_970389 having a cup of coffee . 970389_971380 *TOM2: (..) &=in And a:ll the doors are open 971380_973751 (.) into the house come [% laugh] these two dogs [% laugh] . 973751_976138 *TOM3: &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌈ &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌉ ⌈2 &=laugh ⌉2 &=laugh &=in ⌈3 &=laugh &=in ⌉3 . 976138_978743 *TOM1: ⌊ &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋ ⌊2 &=laugh ⌋2 . 976668_977464 *TOM2: ⌊2 Yeah ⌋2 . 977164_977464 *TOM2: ⌊3 I said to Debby ⌋3 977987_978743 hey 978743_979073 ⌈ come . 979073_979335 *TOM3: ⌊ &=laugh &=laugh ⌋ . 979073_979478 *TOM2: you ⌉ can't believe this⌈2: ⌉2 . 979335_980414 *TOM3: ⌊2 &=laugh ⌋2 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌈3 &=laugh &=laugh ⌉3 &=laugh &=laugh . 980228_981412 *TOM2: ⌊3 I [% laugh] ⌋3 +/. 980837_981083 *TOM2: (.) ⌈4 &=laugh &=in &=laugh &=in &=laugh &=in &=laugh &=ex &=laugh &=in . 981412_982525 *TOM3: ⌊4 &=in Yeah: [% laugh] . 981522_982221 *TOM3: (.) They moved in ⌋4 . 982221_983201 *TOM2: So I said h⌉4ey 982525_983415 would you ʔuh (..) please (.) mind leaving ? 983415_985570 *TOM1: (.) ⌈ Seranek ⌉ says he's seen so- ⌈2 uh: ⌉2 +... 985570_987868 *TOM2: ⌊ Would you ⌋ +/. 985754_986339 *TOM2: ⌊2 And they ⌋2 lef⌈3t &=laugh ⌉3 . 987442_988420 *TOM1: ⌊3 bunch of ⌋3 coyotes 988108_989047 recently in ⌈4 the &{l=X neighborhood &}l=X ⌉4 . 989047_990176 *TOM2: ⌊4 Oh I haven't seen ⌋4 +/. 989558_990176 *TOM2: ⌈5 Really ⌉5 ? 990176_990646 *TOM3: ⌊5 &=in ⌋5 ⌈6 (.) Well now ⌉6 we hear em⌈7: . 990176_992260 *TOM1: ⌊6 Yeah I +/. 990646_991000 *TOM1: (.) That ⌋6 +/. 991000_991389 *TOM1: ⌊7 That's what he says ⌋7 . 992028_992864 *TOM3: well you've ⌉7 heard em 992260_993362 ⌈8 over at our place . 993362_994658 *TOM1: ⌊8 Oh I hear em all the time 993362_994518 but I haven't s⌋8⌈9een em ever walking a⌉9⌈cross ⌉ the yard . 994518_996526 *TOM3: Yeah ⌉8 . 994658_994952 *TOM2: ⌊9 Is this Richard ⌋9 ? 994952_995726 *TOM3: ⌊ Yeah ⌋ . 995726_996047 *TOM2: ⌈2 Richard ⌉2 Seranek ? 996526_997325 *TOM3: ⌊2 Yeah ⌋2 . 996526_996872 *TOM1: ⌊2 Yeah ⌋2 . 996526_996872 *TOM1: Yeah . 997325_997710 *TOM2: Yeah . 997710_998021 *TOM2: (..) He's the guy that lives right over here . 998021_999560 *TOM2: Right ? 999560_999777 *TOM1: ⌈ Mhm ⌉ . 999777_1000132 *TOM3: ⌊ Mhm ⌋ . 999777_1000132 *TOM2: ⌈2 &{l=X Yeah &}l=X ⌉2 . 1000132_1000367 *TOM1: ⌊2 Up ⌋2 on the hill . 1000132_1000897 *TOM2: (..) ʔuh And your friend on the corner now is named . 1000897_1003293 *TOM1: (..) John (.) Neville . 1003293_1005088 *TOM2: Neville . 1005088_1005534 *TOM2: ⌈ Was he here to⌉night ? 1005534_1006275 *TOM1: ⌊ Down there ⌋ . 1005534_1006001 *TOM1: (..) &=in ⌈2 No: . 1006275_1007548 *TOM3: ⌊2 The banker ⌋2 . 1006999_1007819 *TOM1: Uh he⌉2's been away 1007548_1008415 we did- +/. 1008415_1008710 *TOM1: we y- +/. 1008710_1009047 *TOM1: (..) You know 1009047_1009702 we didn't put this together until the last two or three days 1009702_1011900 ⌈ and we ⌉ haven't been able to reach him . 1011900_1012862 *TOM2: ⌊ Yeah ⌋ . 1011900_1012157 *TOM1: So I think he's (.) away . 1012862_1013919 *TOM1: ⌈ Or somewhere ⌉ . 1013919_1014597 *TOM2: ⌊ Mhm ⌋ . 1013919_1014597 *TOM3: ⌊ (.) Isn't he ⌋ the banker ? 1013919_1015303 *TOM1: ⌈2 Yeah . 1015303_1015636 *TOM3: ⌊2 (.) He was a banker . 1015303_1016277 *TOM1: He was a +/. 1015636_1016206 *TOM1: Yeah ⌉2 . 1016206_1016642 *TOM3: Yeah ⌋2 . 1016277_1016642 *TOM3: (.) Yeah . 1016642_1016909 *TOM1: First ⌈ Interstate ⌉ Bank . 1016909_1017792 *TOM2: ⌊ Mhm ⌋ . 1017179_1017608 *TOM3: Yeah . 1017792_1018035 *TOM1: (.) &=SNIFF &=lengthened ⌈ &=lengthened &=tsk ⌉ . 1018035_1019246 *TOM2: ⌊ When's ⌋ Pat go back to school . 1019003_1020215 *TOM2: Tomorrow ? 1020215_1020462 *TOM1: She's uh 1020462_1020940 ʔuh: uh 1020940_1021412 she⌈:'s in school ⌉ . 1021412_1022355 *TOM3: ⌊ Monday ⌋ . 1021687_1022355 *TOM1: Now . 1022355_1022743 *TOM1: ⌈ She's ⌉ +... 1022743_1023095 *TOM2: ⌊ (.) No ⌋ . 1022743_1023095 *TOM2: What I mean 1023095_1023430 when she go back to (..) ⌈ classes ⌉ are . 1023430_1025402 *TOM1: ⌊ Uh ⌋ 1024676_1025126 (.) Monday Wednesday and Friday are her big class days⌈2: ⌉2 . 1025402_1027747 *TOM2: ⌊2 I ⌋2 see . 1027584_1027970 *TOM1: ⌈3 Monday Wednesday and Friday ⌉3 . 1027970_1028756 *TOM2: ⌊3 Yeah . 1027970_1028261 *TOM2: (.) Yes ⌋3 . 1028261_1028756 *TOM1: So she sort of works Tuesdays ⌈4 and Thursdays ⌉4 . 1028756_1030894 *TOM2: ⌊4 She's a pretty s⌋4quared away kid . 1030240_1031642 *TOM1: (..) Uh 1031642_1032320 She's ⌈ not +... 1032320_1032925 *TOM2: ⌊ How old is she now ⌋ . 1032630_1033495 *TOM1: (.) Right now she's ⌉ not sure ex⌈2actly what she's doing . 1032925_1035274 *TOM3: ⌊2 &=in How's the intertri⌋2bal +... 1034231_1035970 *TOM1: but ⌉2 1035274_1035608 (..) &=in &=tsk that's working okay 1035970_1038091 ⌈ she's just (.) homesick ⌉ down there . 1038091_1039585 *TOM3: ⌊ &{l=X Working out all &}l=X ⌋ ? 1038091_1039173 *TOM1: ⌈2 She's ⌉2 +... 1039585_1039987 *TOM3: ⌊2 Yeah ⌋2 . 1039585_1039987 *TOM1: &{l=X A long &}l=X 1039987_1040337 you know 1040337_1040587 listen . 1040587_1040900 *TOM1: She doesn't ⌈ have any ⌉ friends (.) down there . 1040900_1042361 *TOM3: ⌊ Yeah ⌋ . 1041146_1041463 *TOM1: (.) ⌈2 So she comes up here ⌉2 . 1042361_1043366 *TOM2: ⌊2 (.) H- h- (.) h- ⌋2 ⌈3 how old is Pat ⌉3 . 1042361_1044272 *TOM3: ⌊2 (.) Yeah it makes a dif⌋2⌊3ference . 1042361_1043792 *TOM3: Oh ⌋3 . 1043792_1044272 *TOM1: (..) Uh: eigh⌈4teen ⌉4 . 1044272_1045710 *TOM2: ⌊4 Eigh⌋4teen ? 1045313_1046000 *TOM1: Yeah . 1046000_1046369 *TOM2: (..) You know 1046369_1046881 she's a ⌈ very ⌉ level-headed ⌈2 eighteen ⌉2 . 1046881_1048669 *TOM1: ⌊ So ⌋ 1047343_1047595 ⌊2 oh: 1048114_1048372 she's ⌋2 a wonderful ⌈3 girl . 1048372_1049328 *TOM2: ⌊3 Yeah . 1049059_1049328 *TOM2: Uh ⌋3 . 1049328_1049701 *TOM1: She's a ⌉3 wonderful girl . 1049328_1050328 *TOM1: (..) But uh she⌈4:'s uh: (.) not hap⌉4py in Albuquerque totally . 1050328_1055002 *TOM3: ⌊4 She's a real straight arrow ⌋4 . 1052537_1053849 *TOM1: she'd like to be back up here . 1055002_1056253 *TOM1: (.) You know . 1056253_1056792 *TOM1: (.) Too much . 1056792_1057505 *TOM3: (.) &=in . 1057505_1057985 *TOM1: &=tsk &=in (.) ⌈ She's ⌉ she's ⌈2 cutting class too much ⌉2 . 1057985_1060552 *TOM2: ⌊ Well ⌋ . 1058749_1059146 *TOM3: ⌊2 Well 1059477_1059861 yeah 1059861_1060231 b: &=ex ⌋2 +... 1060231_1060552 *TOM1: ⌈3 But ⌉3 . 1060552_1060771 *TOM3: ⌊3 &=in ⌋3 Yeah but when you live off of campus like that Tom 1060552_1063247 you don't get acquainted⌈4: ⌉4 . 1063247_1064648 *TOM1: ⌊4 Right ⌋4 . 1064434_1064931 *TOM3: (.) You do ⌈5 not get acquainted ⌉5 . 1064931_1066817 *TOM2: ⌊5 Does she uh +/. 1065785_1066218 *TOM2: Is she in dorm⌋5itories 1066218_1067318 ⌈6 or ⌉6 . 1067318_1067696 *TOM1: ⌊6 Uh got ⌋6 ⌈7 a house ⌉7 . 1067318_1068173 *TOM3: ⌊7 No ⌋7 . 1067696_1068173 *TOM1: T- she's living with another girl in a house ⌈8 down there ⌉8 . 1068173_1070041 *TOM2: ⌊8 I see ⌋8 . 1069616_1070041 *TOM3: ⌊8 No: ⌋8 1069616_1070041 ⌈9 and you ⌉9 don't get acquainted . 1070145_1071540 *TOM2: ⌊9 XX ⌋9 . 1070145_1070473 *TOM3: ⌈ When you're &{l=X uh like that &}l=X ⌉ . 1071540_1072746 *TOM1: ⌊ And I &{l=X said dorms &}l=X ⌋ . 1071540_1072746 *TOM2: ⌊ (.) She told me that ⌋ she was enjoying it . 1071540_1073676 *TOM1: (.) &=in ⌈2 Well ⌉2 . 1073676_1074512 *TOM2: ⌊2 But ⌋2 she was . 1074216_1074957 *TOM1: &=in ⌈3 she is enjoying the school I think ⌉3 . 1074957_1076672 *TOM3: ⌊3 But she likes her classes⌋3⌈4: . 1075111_1076750 *TOM1: ⌊4 And the classes ⌋4 . 1076672_1077510 *TOM2: ⌊4 And that she's enjoy⌋4⌈5ing the school and uh ⌉5 . 1076750_1078725 *TOM3: And she likes ⌉4 ⌊5 her classes . 1076750_1078306 *TOM3: Yeah ⌋5 . 1078306_1078725 *TOM1: &=in She just ⌈6 needs ⌉6 ⌈7 some more friends ⌉7 . 1078725_1080652 *TOM3: ⌊6 Yeah ⌋6 . 1079619_1079939 *TOM2: ⌊6 she's got ⌋6 ⌊7 some good cour⌋7⌈8ses ⌉8 ⌈9 and ⌉9 . 1079619_1081238 *TOM3: ⌊8 yeah ⌋8 . 1080652_1080970 *TOM1: ⌊8 and some ⌋8 ⌊9 ac⌋9tivi⌈ties there ⌉ . 1080652_1081744 *TOM2: ⌊ yeah ⌋ . 1081420_1081744 *TOM1: She ⌈2 needs to ⌉2 get into the ⌈3 newspa⌉3per . 1081744_1083309 *TOM2: ⌊2 Yeah ⌋2 . 1081955_1082212 *TOM3: ⌊3 Yeah ⌋3 . 1082682_1083070 *TOM1: and write for it or something . 1083309_1084391 *TOM3: Yeah . 1084391_1084689 *TOM2: Yeah . 1084689_1085127 *TOM1: (..) ⌈ She could ⌉ do that very well . 1085127_1086467 *TOM3: ⌊ But ⌋ 1085491_1085796 but she needs to get into something like that 1086467_1088830 ʔuh otherwise: 1088830_1089771 she is outside of the +... 1089771_1091632 *TOM1: &=in She's an outsider . 1091632_1092630 *TOM1: Yeah . 1092630_1092872 *TOM3: She's an outsider . 1092872_1093791 *TOM1: (..) &=tsk . 1093791_1094155 *TOM2: (..) Well ⌈ yeah ⌉ . 1094155_1095086 *TOM1: ⌊ But ⌋ . 1094841_1095086 *TOM2: but that that'll happen soon . 1095086_1096277 *TOM3: (..) &=in Yeah but 1096277_1098336 ⌈ not when you +... 1098336_1099294 *TOM2: ⌊ (.) When did school start . 1098336_1099532 *TOM3: &=laugh &=laugh . 1099294_1099571 *TOM2: A month ago ⌋ ? 1099571_1100173 *TOM3: Not when you ⌉ start +... 1099571_1100552 *TOM1: (..) ⌈2 Uh: . 1100552_1101554 *TOM3: ⌊2 ʔuh +/. 1100858_1101065 *TOM3: (.) ʔuh About two weeks ago ⌋2 . 1101065_1102527 *TOM1: (.) two weeks ago ⌉2 . 1101554_1102527 *TOM1: Yeah . 1102527_1102961 *TOM1: (.) About two weeks ago . 1102961_1103775 *TOM2: Well 1103775_1104096 for heaven's sake 1104096_1104904 g- uh 1104904_1105257 in in ⌈ six weeks ⌉ . 1105257_1106577 *TOM1: ⌊ Something like that ⌋ . 1105896_1106577 *TOM2: &=in &=lengthened (..) you're gonna say Pat 1106577_1108614 come on home for uh: 1108614_1109785 (..) ⌈ something . 1109785_1110506 *TOM3: ⌊ N:o . 1110068_1110506 *TOM3: (.) &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋ . 1110506_1111145 *TOM2: and she'll say I'm ⌉ busy . 1110506_1111537 *TOM1: ⌈2 I h- ⌉2 +... 1111537_1111803 *TOM2: ⌊2 Right ⌋2 ? 1111537_1111803 *TOM1: That's what I ⌈3 hope ⌉3 . 1111803_1112492 *TOM3: ⌊3 &=in ⌋3 . 1112237_1112503 *TOM1: ⌈4 Yeah: ⌉4 . 1112492_1113026 *TOM2: ⌊4 Sure ⌋4 . 1112492_1113026 *TOM3: ⌊4 Right ⌋4 . 1112492_1113026 *TOM2: ⌈5 Yeah ⌉5 . 1113026_1113375 *TOM1: ⌊5 I think ⌋5 so . 1113026_1113695 *TOM3: &{l=X Now &}l=X 1113695_1114003 she just (..) l:ives off campus . 1114003_1116259 *TOM1: &=in ⌈ She needs to get into something down there ⌉ . 1116259_1118249 *TOM3: ⌊ And that's 1116407_1117041 that's a hard star⌋t . 1117041_1118421 *TOM3: (..) She needs to get into some in: campus group . 1118421_1122089 *TOM3: &=in Like the writing Tom was talking about . 1122089_1124521 *TOM3: Which would r:eally be great . 1124521_1126139 *TOM3: (..) &=in ⌈ Cause she's good at it ⌉ . 1126139_1128024 *TOM1: ⌊ She might a- ʔn ⌋ +/. 1126977_1127966 *TOM1: Might alw- so 1127966_1128805 be a little (.) more helpful to her down there 1128805_1130731 if she had a- (.) a television 1130731_1131880 so when she goes home then 1131880_1132884 there's something to do besides sit a⌈rou:nd . 1132884_1134761 *TOM3: ⌊ &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋ . 1134325_1135121 *TOM1: &=in ⌉ And be lonely . 1134761_1135957 *TOM3: &=in ⌈2 Yeah ⌉2 . 1135957_1136593 *TOM1: ⌊2 XX ⌋2 . 1136228_1136593 *TOM3: (.) &{l=X That too &}l=X . 1136593_1137224 *TOM1: (..) &=in (.) So . 1137224_1139108 *TOM2: Well 1139108_1139410 ⌈ she's gonna ⌉ . 1139410_1139966 *TOM1: ⌊ It'll work out ⌋ . 1139410_1139966 *TOM2: she's gonna do okay . 1139966_1141017 *TOM2: She's really got her head screwed on right . 1141017_1142680 *TOM2: (.) Uh 1142680_1143578 (.) &=in we were talking about 1143578_1145119 I was talking to her at least about her courses and 1145119_1147315 (..) what she's reading 1147315_1148651 and what she's doing 1148651_1149479 and she seemed very enthusiastic about it 1149479_1151384 ⌈ and uh ⌉ . 1151384_1151920 *TOM1: ⌊ &=tsk &=in Yeah she ⌋ likes ⌈2 all that ⌉2 . 1151384_1152625 *TOM2: ⌊2 uh ⌋2 . 1152208_1152625 *TOM1: ⌈3 very well I think ⌉3 . 1152625_1153541 *TOM2: ⌊3 &=in and de⌋3spite the uh 1152625_1154428 (..) uh: 1154428_1155347 the current notion tha:t's going on 1155347_1157263 she was actually reading Jane Austin . 1157263_1158981 *TOM2: Could you believe ⌈ that ⌉ ? 1158981_1159910 *TOM1: ⌊ &=in ⌋ She's reading ⌈2 all ⌉2 kind⌈3s of in⌉3⌈4teresting ⌉4 ⌈5 things ⌉5 . 1159543_1162098 *TOM2: ⌊2 Yeah ⌋2 . 1160394_1160597 *TOM2: ⌊3 Yeah ⌋3 . 1160939_1161219 *TOM3: ⌊4 Mhm ⌋4 . 1161219_1161626 *TOM2: ⌊5 Super ⌋5 . 1161521_1162098 *TOM1: (..) ⌈6 It seems ⌉6 like . 1162098_1163209 *TOM2: ⌊6 Uh ⌋6 . 1162509_1162907 *TOM3: Well she's ⌈7 been s⌉7ort of doing that for a long long t⌈8ime though ⌉8 . 1163209_1166507 *TOM2: ⌊7 Mhm ⌋7 . 1163709_1164044 *TOM2: ⌊8 Yeah ⌋8 . 1166137_1166507 *TOM3: Pat has . 1166507_1167403 *TOM2: ⌈ Yeah ⌉ . 1167403_1167752 *TOM3: ⌊ &=in ⌋ has always sort of 1167403_1168962 &=in ⌈2 &=lengthened ⌉2 . 1168962_1169611 *TOM2: ⌊2 Yeah ⌋2 . 1169252_1169611 *TOM3: uh: 1169611_1170074 (.) ʔuh b:een ⌈ a little (.) d:ifferent than the ⌉ +... 1170074_1172666 *TOM2: ⌊ I I told Pat that I had this huge ⌋ library in my house 1170734_1173985 which I do downstairs 1173985_1175141 &=in that's 1175141_1176029 &=in been sealed up now for six months 1176029_1178031 while we finish this &{l=X thing &}l=X 1178031_1179013 (..) all kinds of books that 1179013_1180918 (..) we discussed that she knew some: of 1180918_1183538 and not &{l=X others &}l=X 1183538_1184065 and I said 1184065_1184444 (..) hey you're welcome to come by any time 1184444_1186620 and snoop ⌈ through that and ⌉ . 1186620_1187820 *TOM1: ⌊ You've been very ⌋ nice to Pat 1187225_1188678 ⌈2 in the (..) liter⌉2ary ⌈3 area ⌉3 . 1188678_1190623 *TOM2: ⌊2 learn some things and ⌋2 1188678_1189848 ⌊3 uh ⌋3 1190159_1190623 (..) cause you know 1190623_1192219 if she's gonna be in communications and writing . 1192219_1194492 *TOM3: Mhm . 1194492_1194970 *TOM2: she can't start from zero base . 1194970_1196729 *TOM3: (..) Mhm . 1196729_1197322 *TOM2: Gotta start from somebody . 1197322_1198328 *TOM2: Right ? 1198328_1198580 *TOM1: (.) Mhm . 1198580_1199076 *TOM2: U:m . 1199076_1199542 *TOM1: Mhm . 1199542_1200079 *TOM2: (.) and whether that somebody is 1200079_1201624 (..) Emily Dickinson 1201624_1203083 or 1203083_1203453 (..) ⌈ u:m ⌉ . 1203453_1204734 *TOM1: ⌊ &=tsk &=in ⌋ She sure is intere⌈2sted in a lot of ⌉2 +... 1204113_1206233 *TOM2: ⌊2 or George Will ⌋2 . 1205581_1206532 *TOM3: ⌈3 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌉3 ⌈4 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh (.) &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌉4 ⌈5 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=in ⌉5 . 1206532_1209711 *TOM2: ⌊3 uh God forgive me for say⌋3⌊4ing that late at night but ⌋4 . 1206532_1209034 *TOM1: ⌊4 George Will ? 1207877_1208433 *TOM1: She was- read⌋4⌊5ing George Will ⌋5 ? 1208433_1209711 *TOM3: ⌈6 Yeah ⌉6 . 1209711_1210046 *TOM2: ⌊6 Hunh ⌋6 ? 1209711_1210046 *TOM1: (.) ⌈7 &=ex &{l=@ Sh⌉7⌈8e's reading Geor⌉8⌈9ge &}l=@ &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=in &=laugh &=laugh ⌉9 +... 1210046_1212981 *TOM3: ⌊7 &{l=X And what- &}l=X ⌋7 +... 1210194_1210450 *TOM2: ⌊8 I ʔuh: ⌋8 +/. 1210450_1211180 *TOM2: ⌊9 I always read George Will . 1211180_1212273 *TOM3: ⌊9 (.) Well he's smart but different ⌋9 . 1211180_1213040 *TOM2: don't you ⌋9 ? 1212273_1212981 *TOM3: ⌈ &=laugh &=laugh ⌉ &=laugh ⌈2 &=laugh ⌉2 . 1213040_1213587 *TOM2: ⌊ Hunh ⌋ ? 1212981_1213315 *TOM1: ⌊2 S⌋2ome⌈3times . 1213436_1214076 *TOM3: ⌊3 He's sm⌋3⌈4art ⌉4 . 1213703_1214547 *TOM1: yeah ⌉3 . 1214076_1214339 *TOM2: ⌊4 Yeah ⌋4 . 1214339_1214547 *TOM1: Yeah ⌈5 I do . 1214547_1215128 *TOM3: ⌊5 He's smart . 1214791_1215452 *TOM1: &=in You want some more of that ⌉5 ? 1215128_1216527 *TOM3: (.) He's smart ⌋5 . 1215452_1216527 *TOM3: (.) &=in Uh⌈6: . 1216527_1217558 *TOM1: ⌊6 It's right here ⌋6 . 1217444_1218113 *TOM3: &=in I don't th⌉6ink so . 1217558_1218442 *TOM3: I ⌈7 think &{l=X I'm gonna &}l=X ⌉7 +... 1218442_1219560 *TOM2: ⌊7 Yeah Tom 1218686_1219178 why not ⌋7 . 1219178_1219560 *TOM3: (..) Well 1219560_1220266 I think I'm gonna go get my 1220266_1222017 (..) my very very bright spouse . 1222017_1226869 *TOM2: (..) Well you know 1226869_1228136 I told you how old I am 1228136_1229371 how old are you . 1229371_1229945 *TOM3: (..) I am sixty: (..) eight ? 1229945_1233174 *TOM2: (..) Sixty-eight . 1233174_1234239 *TOM3: (.) Sixty-nine ? 1234239_1235314 *TOM3: Si⌈xty⌉-eight . 1235314_1236072 *TOM2: ⌊ Good ⌋ . 1235532_1235779 *TOM2: (..) Okay . 1236072_1236869 *TOM2: (..) &{l=X So . 1236869_1237775 *TOM3: Uh⌈: ⌉ . 1237775_1238843 *TOM2: ⌊ it's a wash &}l=X ⌋ . 1238192_1238843 *TOM2: (.) But 1238843_1239492 (..) mhm . 1239492_1240126 *TOM3: (..) Yeah 1240126_1241311 sixty-eight last April . 1241311_1242781 *TOM3: (..) ⌈ And: X ⌉ . 1242781_1244148 *TOM2: ⌊ Well I'm six⌋ty-nine at the moment 1243673_1245265 and then 1245265_1245710 n- next week I'm gonna be seventy 1245710_1247400 (..) u:m 1247400_1248890 (..) and I told you the joke about Nixon and 1248890_1251243 (..) &=in uh ʔuh:⌈:⌉: . 1251243_1253489 *TOM3: ⌊ Mhm ⌋ . 1252722_1253060 *TOM2: (..) so 1253489_1254409 (.) you know 1254409_1254859 we all get that age 1254859_1255689 right ? 1255689_1255868 *TOM3: ⌈ Mhm ⌉ . 1255868_1256368 *TOM2: ⌊ (.) Mhm ⌋ . 1255868_1256368 *TOM3: &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh 1256368_1256925 (.) &=in Well in time . 1256925_1258170 *TOM3: (.) As it goes . 1258170_1258819 *TOM1: ʔuh Here you are . 1258819_1259324 *TOM2: ⌈ Mhm ⌉ . 1259324_1259662 *TOM1: ⌊ I gotta ⌋ check on everybody 1259324_1260395 and see how ⌈2 everybody XXX ⌉2 +... 1260395_1261572 *TOM3: ⌊2 You're so very ⌋2 ⌈3 kind ⌉3 . 1260639_1262033 *TOM2: ⌊3 Yeah ⌋3 . 1261572_1262033 *TOM3: (..) &=in No 1262033_1263564 I was u:m 1263564_1264930 (..) you gave me your history 1264930_1267190 I'll give you sort of mine . 1267190_1268391 *TOM3: (..) Thumbnail . 1268391_1269925 *TOM3: (..) &=in I: was brought up on the Pine Ridge Reservation in South Dakota . 1269925_1275127 *TOM2: (..) In which one ? 1275127_1276436 *TOM3: (..) On the Pine Ridge . 1276436_1277847 *TOM2: (..) Really . 1277847_1278588 *TOM2: In South Dakota . 1278588_1279418 *TOM3: In S⌈outh Dakota ⌉ . 1279418_1280520 *TOM2: ⌊ Are you an Indian ⌋ ? 1279804_1280520 *TOM3: In the Bad Lands . 1280520_1281625 *TOM3: Yeah 1281625_1282021 but not of that 1282021_1283471 (.) &=in I'm an Osage part . 1283471_1285336 *TOM3: &=in &=lengthened . 1285336_1286032 *TOM2: Really . 1286032_1286469 *TOM3: A:nd I was brought ⌈ up up there ⌉ . 1286469_1288132 *TOM2: ⌊ In in South ⌋ Dakota ? 1287406_1288660 *TOM3: Yeah . 1288660_1289006 *TOM2: (..) My wife is ʔuh:: grew up in South Dak⌈ota ⌉ . 1289006_1292306 *TOM3: ⌊ Where ⌋ . 1292108_1292323 *TOM2: (..) In Desmette ? 1292323_1293989 *TOM2: (..) ⌈ Eastern South Dakota ⌉ ? 1293989_1296378 *TOM3: ⌊ Mhm: . 1295292_1295872 *TOM3: ʔuh East⌋ern . 1295872_1296556 *TOM3: D- well mine was totally west . 1296556_1298215 *TOM2: ⌈ Yeah . 1298215_1298478 *TOM3: ⌊ &=in In the Bad ⌋ Lands and⌈2: ⌉2 . 1298215_1299962 *TOM2: Of course . 1298478_1298860 *TOM2: Yeah ⌉ . 1298860_1299104 *TOM2: ⌊2 Yeah ⌋2 ? 1299622_1299962 *TOM2: ⌈3 Sure ⌉3 . 1299962_1300484 *TOM3: ⌊3 &=in ⌋3 . 1299962_1300484 *TOM3: Over ⌈4 in the ⌉4 B:lack Hills . 1300484_1301812 *TOM2: ⌊4 Yeah ⌋4 . 1300688_1300887 *TOM3: a:nd I lived there 1301812_1303177 until 1303177_1304131 (..) &=in I was: +/. 1304131_1306213 *TOM3: (..) Well I lost my family when I was about eleven 1306213_1310409 so I went to live with this other ⌈ &=in ⌉ family . 1310409_1313544 *TOM2: ⌊ Mhm ⌋ . 1312282_1312741 *TOM3: A:nd then I left there in &=in (.) forty-one . 1313544_1317696 *TOM2: (.) Mhm . 1317696_1318263 *TOM3: (..) Came down to the eastern part of the state 1318263_1321323 and worked for a construction company 1321323_1323450 (..) &=in uh: went ⌈ to Oaklan- ⌉ +... 1323450_1326446 *TOM2: ⌊ Eastern part ⌋ of which state . 1325811_1327082 *TOM2: S- the ⌈2 Dakotas or ⌉2 here . 1327082_1328368 *TOM3: ⌊2 This state ⌋2 . 1327474_1327975 *TOM3: New Mexi⌈3co ⌉3 . 1328368_1329156 *TOM2: ⌊3 Down ar⌋3ound Roswell 1328831_1329899 or ⌈4 Carls ⌉4 +... 1329899_1330530 *TOM3: ⌊4 No ⌋4 1330139_1330528 over at Tucumcari . 1330528_1331690 *TOM2: (..) Okay . 1331690_1332823 *TOM3: A:nd then I worked for a rancher over there for a while 1332823_1335640 (..) followed the rodeos for a while . 1335640_1338810 *TOM2: Mhm . 1338810_1339210 *TOM3: (.) &=in (.) uh: 1339210_1341192 (..) and at that point 1341192_1343317 I w:ent into the Navy 1343317_1345368 (.) i:n nineteen forty-two . 1345368_1347225 *TOM2: (.) Mhm . 1347225_1347789 *TOM3: &=in U:m 1347789_1349015 (.) never got (.) past (.) &{l=X f:urgot &}l=X Idaho 1349015_1353359 (..) a:nd they discharged me 1353359_1356278 (..) &=in because I got injured 1356278_1358837 (..) &=in a:nd 1358837_1361008 (..) from (..) there I went to 1361008_1364989 (.) White Sands &=in New Mexi⌈co ⌉ . 1364989_1367888 *TOM2: ⌊ Mhm ⌋ . 1367540_1367888 *TOM3: (..) a:nd 1367888_1370073 from there I w:- +/. 1370073_1371742 *TOM3: (..) I was in the Army . 1371742_1373630 *TOM3: (.) At that point . 1373630_1374576 *TOM3: &=in A:nd after that 1374576_1376765 ⌈ I went ⌉ +... 1376765_1377293 *TOM2: ⌊ Oh they got ⌋ you in the Army . 1376765_1378062 *TOM3: Yeah 1378062_1378379 they got me in the Army 1378379_1379369 ⌈ after I ⌉ +... 1379369_1379996 *TOM2: ⌊ Even though the ⌋ Navy threw you out . 1379369_1380878 *TOM3: Oh yeah . 1380878_1381202 *TOM3: (..) &=in U:m 1381202_1382672 (..) either the: N:avy: was not as fussy 1382672_1388018 or the Army really didn't care 1388018_1390001 (.) &=in &=lengthened which amounts to ⌈ the same thing ⌉ . 1390001_1392464 *TOM2: ⌊ When did you go in the Army ⌋ ? 1391458_1392464 *TOM3: (..) N:ineteen forty-three . 1392580_1394964 *TOM2: (..) Well . 1394964_1396122 *TOM3: (..) A:nd then 1396122_1397772 (.) ʔuh after that 1397772_1399144 I worked at Los Alimos . 1399144_1400901 *TOM2: (.) ⌈ Well how long you ⌉ stay in the Army . 1400901_1402286 *TOM3: ⌊ &=in ⌋ 1401005_1401616 (.) Uh: 1402286_1403390 (..) two years . 1403390_1404713 *TOM2: (.) A:nd did you go overseas with em ? 1404713_1406480 *TOM2: ⌈ Or ⌉ . 1406480_1406860 *TOM3: ⌊ No ⌋ 1406480_1406860 (.) Hm-m . 1406860_1407275 *TOM3: (.) No 1407275_1407805 it was in the States the whole time . 1407805_1408967 *TOM3: &=in I was in construction . 1408967_1410758 *TOM2: (.) Mhm . 1410758_1411510 *TOM3: a:nd 1411510_1412067 so that's why 1412067_1413104 &=in uh: White Sands Proofing Ground was importan:t 1413104_1416064 and that's why Los Alimos &=in (.) was important 1416064_1419109 because I f- (.) fulfilled a need that they had . 1419109_1422356 *TOM2: Mhm . 1422356_1422834 *TOM3: &=in &=tsk (..) Then at that point 1422834_1425044 I: w- got out 1425044_1426687 and I went back to: 1426687_1429063 (..) the University of Michigan 1429063_1431539 I thought it was very important that I . 1431539_1433443 *TOM2: &=YAWN . 1433443_1434556 *TOM3: go to a big ten school . 1434556_1436035 *TOM2: (..) Is this ⌈ Ann Ar⌉bor ? 1436035_1439475 *TOM3: ⌊ XX ⌋ . 1438838_1439226 *TOM3: (.) Ann Arbor ? 1439475_1440337 *TOM2: Yeah ? 1440337_1440604 *TOM3: &=tsk &=in Graduated from there 1440604_1442607 (..) u:m 1442607_1444494 (..) b- got rea:l homesick for this part of the country . 1444494_1447727 *TOM3: (..) Came back out here 1447727_1449428 went through law school at the University of New Mexico 1449428_1452030 &=in &=lengthened this was just shortly after they had started law school ⌈ down he⌉re . 1452030_1456759 *TOM2: ⌊ Mhm ⌋ . 1456272_1456620 *TOM3: (..) &=in And have basically been here ever since . 1456759_1461385 *TOM2: ⌈ Hm ⌉ . 1461385_1461722 *TOM3: ⌊ And I: ⌋ have been in the uh 1461385_1463346 (.) &=in oh I was in construction work 1463346_1466308 (.) a:nd uh 1466308_1467240 &=in had a construction company in Albuquerque: 1467240_1470445 a:⌈:nd ⌉ . 1470445_1471269 *TOM2: ⌊ Mhm ⌋ . 1471013_1471269 *TOM3: &=in a ⌈2 variety of thi- ⌉2 +... 1471269_1472620 *TOM2: ⌊2 How'd you get to 1471801_1472371 how'd ⌋2 you get to be a judge . 1472371_1473500 *TOM3: (.) &=in Uh: 1473500_1474605 elected . 1474605_1475404 *TOM2: (.) I see . 1475404_1476384 *TOM2: Stood for office ? 1476384_1477306 *TOM3: (.) Yep . 1477306_1477677 *TOM3: (..) In ninetee:n sixty⌈:-eight ⌉ . 1477677_1481858 *TOM2: ⌊ Is that a ⌋ nonpartisan vote in this state 1481324_1483543 ⌈2 or is ⌉2 . 1483659_1484031 *TOM3: ⌊2 No ⌋2 1483659_1484031 w- w- well it is now . 1484031_1485746 *TOM2: Yeah . 1485746_1486059 *TOM3: &=in u:m 1486059_1487018 it- +/. 1487018_1487442 *TOM3: At that time it was a very partisan type ⌈ of a v⌉ote . 1487442_1490811 *TOM2: ⌊ I see ⌋ . 1490033_1490530 *TOM3: And I 1490811_1491289 &=in (..) it was real interesting 1491289_1493877 because uh 1493877_1495139 (..) I had n:ever been in politics be⌈fore ⌉ . 1495139_1498083 *TOM2: ⌊ I ⌋ see . 1497886_1498452 *TOM3: I had n:ever been involved ⌈2 in it ⌉2 . 1498452_1500150 *TOM2: ⌊2 Course this is ⌋2 sort of Democratic state . 1499837_1501409 *TOM3: (..) &=in It was the Democra⌈3tic State ⌉3 . 1501409_1503599 *TOM2: ⌊3 So you s:⌋3tood just as a Demo⌈4cratic ⌉4 . 1503065_1505359 *TOM3: ⌊4 As a Demo⌋4crat . 1504807_1505689 *TOM3: (.) ⌈5 Right ⌉5 . 1505689_1506131 *TOM2: ⌊5 f:⌋5:or governor . 1505899_1506856 *TOM2: ⌈6 Right ⌉6 ? 1506856_1507150 *TOM3: ⌊6 Right ⌋6 . 1506856_1507150 *TOM2: For +/. 1507150_1507382 *TOM2: &=in ⌈ For judge rath- ⌉ . 1507382_1508297 *TOM3: ⌊ And ran a⌋gainst four other: D:emocrats in the primary . 1507639_1511371 *TOM2: Mhm . 1511371_1511698 *TOM3: &=in a:nd uh 1511698_1513411 &=in I had worked very actively in the Bar Association . 1513411_1517040 *TOM2: Oh I see . 1517040_1517516 *TOM3: &=in a:nd 1517516_1518368 so I think because ⌈ of that ⌉ . 1518368_1520181 *TOM2: ⌊ Where was ⌋ your 1519775_1520376 where was your private practice . 1520376_1521797 *TOM2: &=in ⌈ Albuquerque ⌉ ? 1521797_1522580 *TOM3: ⌊ In Albuquer⌋que . 1521992_1522895 *TOM2: Oh I see . 1522895_1523250 *TOM3: &=in Albuqurque and Santa Fe 1523250_1524909 ⌈ uh ⌉ . 1524909_1525213 *TOM2: ⌊ Mhm ⌋ . 1524909_1525213 *TOM3: part of it was in Santa Fe . 1525329_1526833 *TOM2: M⌈hm ⌉ . 1526833_1527201 *TOM3: ⌊ &=in ⌋ &=lengthened (.) A:nd u:m 1527077_1529308 so then: um: 1529308_1531107 (.) I was on the appellate court here 1531107_1533395 (.) in Santa Fe⌈: . 1533395_1534371 *TOM2: ⌊ Mhm ⌋ . 1534267_1534708 *TOM3: &=in ⌉ Which is the state-wide . 1534371_1535987 *TOM2: (.) Sure . 1535987_1536576 *TOM3: (.) A state-wide court 1536576_1537845 (..) &=in and then 1537845_1539656 when I retired from there 1539656_1541035 at the end of eighty-six 1541035_1542361 I 1542361_1542750 &=in (..) uh 1542750_1544606 (.) m:anaged a law firm 1544606_1546536 (.) uh here in town 1546536_1548271 but then 1548271_1548823 &=in quit after about 1548823_1550600 about two years 1550600_1551822 and have been 1551822_1552851 (..) uh: 1552851_1554197 sort of doing what I was telling you earlier 1554197_1556556 (.) &=in acting as a judge in a variety of ⌈ cases that people select me ⌉ . 1556556_1561970 *TOM2: ⌊ I See . 1559951_1560636 *TOM2: &=in What law firm ⌋ were you managing uh . 1560636_1563007 *TOM3: Wescott Barry and McCohen . 1563007_1564874 *TOM2: (.) Uh: 1564874_1565713 that's the big outfit next to the 1565713_1567342 (..) uh . 1567342_1569074 *TOM3: (..) The ⌈ temple . 1569074_1570288 *TOM2: ⌊ temple . 1569812_1570288 *TOM2: Yeah . 1570288_1570562 *TOM3: (.) Yeah . 1570288_1570661 *TOM2: Sure ⌋ . 1570661_1571118 *TOM3: (.) Right ⌉ . 1570661_1571118 *TOM3: &=in . 1571118_1571586 *TOM2: I see . 1571586_1571958 *TOM3: A:nd u:m 1571958_1573185 (..) but I have r:eally 1573185_1576074 probably: 1576074_1577218 in my whole life 1577218_1578495 have enjoyed the last &=in (.) two years 1578495_1581473 more then anything 1581473_1582529 in being 1582529_1583318 (..) u:m 1583318_1585064 (..) a ju:dge 1585064_1587321 and a final arbitrator 1587321_1588976 in a variety of types of cases 1588976_1590796 &=in where I am selecte:d 1590796_1593136 &=in a:nd 1593136_1594442 they don't have to take me if they want me . 1594442_1596670 *TOM3: (.) Y- or- if they don't want me . 1596670_1598650 *TOM2: Sure . 1598650_1598986 *TOM2: I ⌈ see ⌉ . 1598986_1599456 *TOM3: ⌊ A⌋:nd 1599211_1599783 a:nd 1599783_1600126 that part I really enjoy . 1600126_1601721 *TOM3: Because 1601721_1602138 &=in I know when I 1602138_1603423 &=in when I get a case 1603423_1605052 (..) &=in it's because they want me to hear it . 1605052_1607735 *TOM2: (..) ⌈ Okay . 1607735_1608640 *TOM3: ⌊ Y:- and- +... 1608359_1608981 *TOM2: both sides ⌉ . 1608640_1609416 *TOM3: &=in ⌋ A:nd that's 1608981_1610799 &=THROAT 1610799_1611214 (.) you know 1611214_1611604 it's a little ego part . 1611604_1612742 *TOM2: Yeah . 1612742_1613067 *TOM2: (.) ⌈ Sure ⌉ . 1613067_1613567 *TOM3: ⌊ No it's ⌋ a big ego part . 1613297_1614450 *TOM3: &=in ⌈2 &=lengthened But I ⌉2 really enjoy tha⌈3:t ⌉3 . 1614450_1616797 *TOM2: ⌊2 Yeah . 1614834_1615157 *TOM2: Okay ⌋2 . 1615157_1615543 *TOM2: ⌊3 Medi⌋3um ego part . 1616749_1617709 *TOM3: (..) No it's a big one . 1617709_1619032 *TOM3: ⌈ &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh . 1619032_1619644 *TOM2: ⌊ Okay . 1619032_1619404 *TOM2: Big e- . 1619404_1619771 *TOM3: No e- ⌉ +... 1619771_1620080 *TOM2: Biggie ⌋ . 1619771_1620080 *TOM3: Ny- +/. 1620080_1620385 *TOM3: No it's a big one . 1620385_1621201 *TOM3: ⌈ &=in Because ⌉ . 1621201_1621974 *TOM2: ⌊ Okay 1621300_1621619 good ⌋ . 1621619_1621974 *TOM3: you know 1621974_1622267 if b- +/. 1622267_1622755 *TOM3: If both sides want you 1622755_1624098 why 1624098_1624486 &=in (..) and so tha:t is 1624486_1627991 is really sort of ⌈ my⌉: uh . 1627991_1630079 *TOM2: ⌊ Yeah ⌋ . 1629133_1629407 *TOM2: And is your wife here tonight ? 1630079_1631393 *TOM3: Yeah . 1631393_1631641 *TOM3: (..) That was her that ⌈ came out ⌉ +... 1631641_1633192 *TOM2: ⌊ Oh 1632695_1632937 she ⌋ came over to see if you were still ⌈2 here ⌉2 . 1632937_1634611 *TOM3: ⌊2 Yeah ⌋2 . 1634367_1634611 *TOM3: (..) Yeah 1634611_1635048 if I w- +/. 1635048_1635510 *TOM3: &=in Well no . 1635510_1636292 *TOM3: Y- if I was alright 1636292_1637287 and hadn't p⌈assed out and ⌉ fallen over the wall . 1637287_1639591 *TOM2: ⌊ Oh 1637869_1638114 okay ⌋ . 1638114_1638458 *TOM2: (.) Oh for heaven's sake . 1639591_1640573 *TOM2: Uh 1640573_1641015 (..) judges in New Mexico don't do something like that 1641015_1643912 do they ? 1643912_1644226 *TOM3: (..) M: 1644226_1645093 well 1645093_1645298 I'm not really a judge 1645298_1646381 uh I'm a retired judge . 1646381_1647739 *TOM3: ⌈ In New Mexico . 1647739_1648653 *TOM2: ⌊ &=in Oh . 1647739_1648235 *TOM2: (.) Even retired judges don't do that ⌋ . 1648235_1649919 *TOM3: X &=in &=lengthened 1648653_1649432 (.) Oh ⌉ yes . 1649432_1650329 *TOM3: ⌈2 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh . 1650329_1650901 *TOM2: ⌊2 Yeah . 1650329_1650658 *TOM2: (.) Okay ⌋2 . 1650658_1651264 *TOM3: Heavens ⌉2 1650901_1651347 yes . 1651347_1651764 *TOM3: ⌈ &=laugh ⌉ &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh . 1651764_1652454 *TOM2: ⌊ Ah ⌋ . 1651764_1651934 *TOM2: (.) Good . 1652454_1652932 *TOM3: &=in Ah . 1652932_1653602 *TOM3: (..) Heavens yes . 1653602_1654969 *TOM3: (..) &=in So but no 1654969_1657305 I m:et you 1657305_1658576 when you: ha:d uh 1658576_1660169 (..) when they had their first 1660169_1662833 (.) when they had their first party . 1662833_1664401 *TOM2: (..) This is Christmas time ? 1664401_1666189 *TOM3: (.) Yep . 1666189_1666554 *TOM3: (..) . 1666554_1667014 @End