@UTF8 @Begin @Languages: eng @Participants: SHER SHERRY Speaker, BETH BETH Speaker, ROSE ROSEMARY Speaker, ENV ENV Environment, JAMI JAMIE Speaker @Options: CA, caps, bullets @ID: eng|SBCSAE|SHER|||||Speaker||| @ID: eng|SBCSAE|BETH|||||Speaker||| @ID: eng|SBCSAE|ROSE|||||Speaker||| @ID: eng|SBCSAE|ENV|||||Environment||| @ID: eng|SBCSAE|JAMI|||||Speaker||| @Media: 31, audio @Comment: Tastes Very Special @Comment: Face-to-face conversation recorded in a restaurant in Pullman, Washington. Sherry and Beth are sisters (in their late twenties), and Rosemary is their mother. The participants discuss what to order for lunch, interact with the waitress (Jamie) and engage in talk about family and friends while waiting for their food. *SHER: (..) Apricot m:ustard sauce . 0_2994 *SHER: (..) &=in . 2994_4795 *BETH: (..) &=SNIFF 4795_6349 (..) &{l=% Liver and onions 6349_9230 mm: &}l=% . 9230_10312 *SHER: (.) You should get a Philad:elphia cheese steak Beth 10312_12499 how about if I pick for you &{l=@ and you pick for me &}l=@ . 12499_14577 *SHER: &=laugh ⌈ &=laugh &=in ⌉ . 14577_15506 *BETH: ⌊ &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋ . 14849_15506 *SHER: It's easier that way [% laugh] &=laugh . 15506_16772 *SHER: (.) &=in ⌈ &=lengthened ⌉ . 16772_17727 *ROSE: ⌊ What in the w⌋orld is a Philadelphia ⌈2 s- ⌉2 +... 17340_18830 *SHER: ⌊2 &=tsk ⌋2 (.) It's ⌈3 r:oast ⌉3 beef with . 18736_20217 *ROSE: ⌊3 &=ex ⌋3 . 19173_19594 *SHER: (..) ⌈4 melted ⌉4 cheese and sauteed onion⌈5s . 20217_22735 *ROSE: ⌊4 &=ex ⌋4 20504_20998 ⌊5 Mm . 22584_22932 *ROSE: That does sound good ⌋5 . 22932_23972 *SHER: On a hoagie roll ⌉5 . 22932_23972 *ROSE: &=ex . 23972_24434 *SHER: (..) ʔAah . 24434_25576 *ROSE: (..) &=tsk What are you gonna have Sherry ? 25576_27324 *SHER: I don't know 27324_27616 ask Beth . 27616_28081 *SHER: (.) &=laugh &=ex &=laugh . 28081_28602 *BETH: &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh . 28602_29710 *SHER: &=in . 29710_30089 *BETH: &=laugh &=in 30089_30521 (..) ⌈ Oh [% laugh] ⌉ . 30521_31579 *ROSE: ⌊ &=tsk &=in ⌋ 31101_31579 (..) Sherry's gonna have the classic chef salad . 31579_34491 *SHER: (..) &=tsk ⌈ Oh: ⌉ . 34491_35822 *BETH: ⌊ No: 34878_35581 that's ⌋ boring . 35581_36601 *ROSE: (.) Or how about the pasta salad . 36601_38226 *SHER: (..) &=tsk ⌈ Oh: ⌉ . 38226_39389 *BETH: ⌊ Well that's &{l=X a bit &}l=X ⌋ better . 38783_39818 *BETH: (..) ⌈2 How about pasta and steak kebabs ⌉2 . 39818_42085 *SHER: ⌊2 &{l=VOX M:ore 40223_40982 b:etter &}l=VOX ⌋2 . 40982_42085 *SHER: (..) Pasta and +/. 42085_43535 *SHER: Where's that ? 43535_44025 *BETH: (..) Steak specialties ? 44025_45984 *BETH: (..) First one ? 45984_48747 *SHER: (..) &=tsk ⌈ Oh that sounds nice ⌉ . 48747_50440 *ROSE: ⌊ Oh that does &{l=X s- g- &}l=X sound good ⌋ . 49292_50658 *SHER: Yeah: . 50658_51271 *SHER: &=in (..) That sounds pretty good . 51271_53221 *SHER: (..) Okay . 53221_59192 *SHER: (..) &=tsk (.) I'll buy . 59192_60290 *SHER: (..) &=laugh (.) &=in . 60290_61899 *ENV: &=AMBIENT_NOISE . 61899_71458 *BETH: ⌈ Can even get it ⌉ as a complete meal . 71458_73050 *SHER: ⌊ As long as ⌋ +... 71458_72081 *ROSE: (..) ⌈2 &=in &=lengthened ⌉2 . 73050_74810 *SHER: ⌊2 Yeah: . 73849_74270 *SHER: Everything ⌋2 . 74270_74810 *ROSE: (.) &=SIGH ⌈3 &=lengthened &=lengthened ⌉3 . 74810_76543 *SHER: ⌊3 Oh 75172_75444 also available as that ⌋3 . 75444_76543 *SHER: (.) Well what else (.) is there . 76543_78038 *SHER: (.) Besides [% laugh] all the things they already said . 78038_79976 *BETH: (..) Salad 79976_82004 (..) and potato . 82004_82891 *BETH: (..) &=SNIFF 82891_83740 (.) Oh I guess 83740_84447 (.) ⌈ yeah ⌉ . 84447_85052 *SHER: ⌊ &=tsk Oh ⌋ 84757_85052 it has (.) pasta 85052_86138 (.) hm . 86138_86486 *SHER: (..) Yeah 86486_87424 salad it must be . 87424_88425 *BETH: Salad . 88425_89125 *BETH: (..) What are you having . 89125_93820 *SHER: (..) Mo:m ? 93820_95627 *ROSE: &=tsk Oh . 95627_96122 *ROSE: (.) I'm having a (.) BLT croissant . 96122_97680 *ROSE: (..) &=tsk &=in And ice tea 97680_100213 with no lemon . 100213_100985 *SHER: (..) Tastes very special . 100985_102589 *SHER: (..) &=ex . 102589_104359 *ROSE: (..) What it says . 104359_105525 *BETH: (..) What [% laugh] ? 105525_107145 *SHER: &=laugh &=ex The BLT tastes very ⌈ special [% laugh] ⌉ ? 107145_109393 *ROSE: ⌊ I don't wanna have roast ⌋ beef sandwich 108692_109931 cause I had one of those for breakfast . 109931_111230 *SHER: (.) &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh 111230_111939 (..) &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh . 111939_113417 *BETH: (..) ⌈ Where does it say ⌉ taste- +... 113417_114904 *SHER: ⌊ &=in ʔuh ⌋ . 113855_114532 *BETH: Oh . 114904_115179 *BETH: It's ⌈ XX taste- ⌉ +... 115179_116517 *SHER: ⌊ Under the BLT ⌋ . 115498_116517 *SHER: (.) Tastes very [% laugh] special . 116517_117832 *BETH: And it's X ⌈ X ? 117832_118702 *ROSE: ⌊ &=in &=lengthened ʔuh (.) &=THROAT &=lengthened ⌋ . 118355_120310 *BETH: (.) Otherwise it doesn't [% laugh] 118702_119993 &=laugh &=laugh ⌉ ⌈2 &=laugh ⌉2 &=laugh ⌈3 &=laugh &=laugh ⌉3 . 119993_121086 *SHER: ⌊2 &=laugh ⌋2 . 120310_120545 *ROSE: ⌊3 I guess ⌋3 +/. 120673_121086 *ROSE: Are you we ready 121086_121815 finally ? 121815_122480 *ROSE: (..) Do you know ⌈ what you wanna dr⌉⌈2:ink ⌉2 . 122480_124320 *BETH: ⌊ She: ⌋ +... 123265_123842 *SHER: ⌊ Did +/. 123265_123530 *SHER: (.) D⌋⌊2id you know ⌋2 ? 123530_124320 *BETH: &=SNIFF 124320_124657 (.) Hunh-unh . 124657_125245 *SHER: (..) Did you decide what to eat ? 125245_127229 *SHER: ⌈ Beth ⌉ ? 127229_127606 *BETH: ⌊ Hm-m ⌋ . 127229_127606 *ROSE: ⌊ &=in ⌋ Come on Be:th 127229_128645 &=ex (..) &=in ⌈ &=ex &=lengthened ⌉ . 128645_130182 *SHER: ⌊ &=tsk Beth ⌋ ⌈2 didn't ⌉2 decide . 129559_131120 *BETH: ⌊2 &=SNIFF ⌋2 . 130182_130486 *ROSE: (..) &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=in 131143_133700 You [% laugh] look [% laugh] just like Sarah when you do that . 133700_135612 *ROSE: &=in ⌈ &=lengthened ⌉ . 135612_136340 *BETH: ⌊ &=laugh &=ex &=lengthened ⌋ 136025_136340 Now [% laugh] you know where she gets it . 136340_137530 *ROSE: (.) Yep 137530_138078 ʔuh (.) I knew all along where she got it . 138078_140069 *ROSE: &=in &=lengthened ⌈ Y- ⌉ +... 140069_140655 *BETH: ⌊ I ⌋ know I know . 140435_141617 *ROSE: (..) &=tsk I see your mouth is finally healing up after two weeks 141617_145761 hunh ? 145761_146038 *BETH: (..) No 146038_147374 it's just been a week . 147374_148349 *SHER: (..) &=tsk Who was ⌈ it that hit you ⌉ ? 148349_150369 *ROSE: ⌊ Hm-m 149830_150168 you ⌋ had it went we went ⌈2 to (.) Whidbey ⌉2 . 150168_151836 *BETH: ⌊2 &=tsk &=ex &=lengthened ⌋2 &=laugh &=laugh 151189_151968 Bill . 151968_152365 *SHER: (..) ⌈ &=tsk Oh ⌉ . 152365_153287 *BETH: ⌊ I had just ⌋ got it though that d- . 152898_154183 *ROSE: (..) That was two weeks ago . 154183_155726 *BETH: (..) &=SNIFF 155726_156387 (..) Oh well . 156387_157652 *BETH: (..) Not ⌈ quite . 157652_158776 *ROSE: ⌊ No: ʔuh . 158324_159102 *BETH: this is only Wednesday ⌉ . 158776_159902 *ROSE: one and a half ⌋ . 159102_159902 *BETH: (..) Tuesday 159902_160921 ⌈ &{l=P &{l=X one and a half &}l=X &}l=P ⌉ . 160921_161640 *ROSE: ⌊ Yeah ⌋ . 160921_161640 *ROSE: (..) You're right . 161640_162321 *ROSE: (.) You're right . 162321_162792 *ROSE: &{l=% I'm wrong I'm wrong &}l=% . 162815_163666 *BETH: (..) Well I was wrong too 163666_166118 cause I said one . 166118_166961 *BETH: (..) About one and a half . 166961_168500 *SHER: (..) &=tsk Ooh this is what I want . 168500_170096 *SHER: (..) &=tsk A m:ud pie . 170096_172143 *SHER: Can I have that for an appetizer ? 172143_173611 *ROSE: ʔuh: +/. 173611_173916 *ROSE: (.) &=tsk No 173916_174366 but you can have it for dessert ʔuh [% laugh] . 174366_175679 *SHER: (..) &=in Mom 175679_176660 (.) I can have it for an appetizer . 176660_178205 *ROSE: If you want . 178205_178944 *SHER: (.) That's right . 178944_179675 *SHER: &=laugh &=lengthened &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=in &=laugh &=laugh &=in &=lengthened 179675_182015 (..) &=tsk Looks good . 182015_185667 *BETH: (..) I was gonna have the pasta but 185667_194250 (.) we can't all have the ⌈ same thing ⌉ . 194250_195665 *ROSE: ⌊ Why no⌋⌈2:t ⌉2 . 195148_195811 *SHER: ⌊2 &=in ⌋2 ⌈3 You have the pa⌉3sta s- . 195665_196553 *ROSE: ⌊3 Go ahead ⌋3 . 195811_196374 *BETH: ⌊3 XXX ⌋3 +... 195811_196374 *SHER: I'm gonna have this 196553_197248 cause I'm gonna have that too 197248_198149 so I have to have something smaller . 198149_199430 *BETH: &=in ⌈ &{l=@ Oh God you don't have &}l=@ ⌉ +... 199430_200716 *SHER: ⌊ So I have room for tha⌋:t . 199693_200969 *ROSE: ⌈2 Oh k- ⌉2 +... 200969_201539 *BETH: ⌊2 Oh I ⌋2 see . 200969_201829 *SHER: No 201829_202010 so I have ⌈ room ⌉ . 202010_202558 *ROSE: ⌊ We⌋⌈2:'re all gonna ⌉2 have that . 202391_203398 *SHER: ⌊2 It's not ⌋2 +... 202558_202973 *BETH: ⌊2 Oh: ⌋2 . 202558_202973 *ROSE: So have what you wa⌈3:nt: ⌉3 . 203398_204693 *SHER: ⌊3 &=laugh &=laugh &{l=@ We're ⌋3 ⌈4 all gonna have &}l=@ ⌉4 +... 204277_205203 *BETH: ⌊4 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋4 . 204693_205203 *ROSE: &=in ⌈5 &=lengthened I want ⌉5 +... 205203_206316 *JAMI: ⌊5 &{l=X Forget the desserts &}l=X ⌋5 . 205319_206316 *SHER: ⌊5 &=in Okay 205319_205784 she's ready ⌋5 . 205784_206316 *SHER: ⌈6 She wants pasta ⌉6 . 206316_207230 *JAMI: ⌊6 I think the pasta's ⌋6 +... 206316_207230 *ROSE: &=in I wanna ⌈7 ʔb- (.) BLT crois⌉7san⌈8t ⌉8 . 207323_209454 *JAMI: ⌊7 Pasta salad's &{l=X really good &}l=X ⌋7 . 208011_209084 *BETH: ⌊8 N⌋8o 209327_209683 not the pasta salad . 209683_210853 *SHER: No 210853_211025 she wants the pasta and steak kebab . 211025_212761 *JAMI: O⌈kay ⌉ . 212761_213451 *BETH: ⌊ Yeah ⌋ . 212974_213451 *ROSE: ⌊ &=in I th⌋ought you wanted this 212974_214261 (.) this one . 214261_214895 *BETH: (..) Well 214895_215485 ʔI: ⌈ couldn't ⌉ dec⌈2ide . 215485_216472 *SHER: ⌊ No ⌋ . 215678_216040 *SHER: ⌊2 That was m⌋2y (.) choice . 216341_217402 *BETH: but ⌉2 . 216472_216762 *ROSE: ⌈3 Which one are you ⌉3 having . 217402_218460 *SHER: ⌊3 That was her ⌋3 +/. 217402_218004 *SHER: I'm having this . 218460_219249 *ROSE: (.) Oh . 219249_219743 *ROSE: &=in ⌈ &=lengthened ⌉ . 219743_220161 *BETH: ⌊ But I ⌋ wanna salad with it . 219903_221327 *JAMI: (.) What type of dressing ? 221327_222542 *BETH: (.) &=COUGH (.) &=SNIFF 222542_223810 (.) &{l=VOX I don't know⌈: &}l=VOX ⌉ . 223810_224996 *ROSE: ⌊ &=in ⌋ &=lengthened . 224822_225230 *SHER: ⌈2 &=laugh ⌉2 . 225230_225522 *BETH: ⌊2 I'll have a ⌋2 Caesar sal⌈3ad ⌉3 . 225230_226440 *JAMI: ⌊3 Cae⌋3sar's . 226300_226955 *BETH: &=SNIFF . 226955_227451 *ROSE: (.) &=in &=lengthened . 227451_228491 *JAMI: (..) &=tsk And what did you want ma'am ? 228491_230098 *ROSE: (.) &=in (.) A BLT croissant . 230098_232057 *ROSE: (..) ⌈ A:nd ice tea ⌉ with no lemon . 232057_235341 *JAMI: ⌊ Kay: &{l=X with &}l=X ⌋ +... 233825_234168 *BETH: (..) &=SNIFF . 235341_236507 *SHER: (..) &=in . 236507_237524 *JAMI: (..) Kay 237524_238132 a:nd 238132_238590 what type of salad soup or fries . 238590_240167 *ROSE: (..) S:- 240167_242220 Can I have clam chowder for my soup ? 242220_243557 *JAMI: Mhm . 243557_243984 *ROSE: Okay . 243984_244409 *ROSE: Soup . 244409_244897 *BETH: (.) &=GASP &=lengthened 244897_246116 (.) ⌈ &{l=VOX Oh no ⌉ f:ai⌈2r ⌉2 &=ex ⌈3 &=lengthened &}l=VOX ⌉3 . 246116_247990 *JAMI: ⌊ And you wanted the ke- ⌋ +/. 246209_246893 *JAMI: ⌊2 &=laugh ⌋2 247309_247597 ⌊3 The ke⌋3bab here 247723_248584 steak and pasta kebab ? 248584_249667 *BETH: (..) That's what I wanted 249667_251032 yeah . 251032_251443 *ROSE: (..) And what are you having ⌈ Sherry ⌉ ? 251443_256991 *SHER: ⌊ &=in ⌋ Actually it's ʔuh +/. 256666_257726 *SHER: (.) I wonder if I can get salad and half a sandwich 257726_259878 instead of soup and half a sandwich . 259878_261345 *BETH: (..) &=SNIFF . 261345_262452 *SHER: ⌈ Salad and ⌉ +... 262452_262887 *JAMI: ⌊ Sure ⌋ . 262452_262887 *SHER: (..) Can I just get salad 262887_264097 (..) like (..) green salad or whatever . 264097_266247 *SHER: (.) &=SNIFF . 266247_266806 *JAMI: (..) White whole-wheat sourdough or rye ? 266806_268650 *SHER: &=in (.) Um whole-wheat . 268650_269931 *JAMI: (..) A:nd did you want um 269931_273245 (.) what type of dressing on your salad . 273245_274657 *SHER: (..) Um 274657_275452 &=in (..) do you have ranch ? 275452_277521 *JAMI: (.) Mhm . 277521_278119 *SHER: &=tsk Okay . 278119_278625 *ROSE: (.) &=tsk What ⌈ kind of san⌉dwich are you getting . 278625_280676 *SHER: ⌊ I'll take that ⌋ . 279199_279848 *ROSE: (..) ⌈2 Oh ⌉2 . 280676_281305 *BETH: ⌊2 Nutty ⌋2 ⌈3 chicken ⌉3 . 281011_281938 *SHER: ⌊2 (.) Nut⌋2⌊3ty chicken ⌋3 . 281011_281938 *ROSE: &=in Nut⌈4ty chick⌉4⌈5en ⌉5 . 281938_282868 *SHER: ⌊4 &=ex ⌋4 . 282255_282541 *JAMI: ⌊4 (.) Real ⌋4 ⌊5 good ⌋5 . 282255_282868 *JAMI: (..) &{l=VOX O:kay: &}l=VOX . 282868_284673 *JAMI: ⌈ My name's ⌉ Jamie . 284673_285474 *ROSE: ⌊ &=in ⌋ . 284673_285150 *JAMI: I'll be your waitress 285474_286075 you need anything 286075_286598 (.) let me know 286598_287235 o⌈kay ⌉ ? 287235_287624 *ROSE: ⌊ Do you ⌋ guy⌈2s want any⌉2thing to drink . 287363_288670 *SHER: ⌊2 Okay ⌋2 . 287781_288054 *SHER: No 288670_288864 ⌈ I'll take water ⌉ . 288864_289436 *JAMI: ⌊ Any drinks ⌋ ? 288864_289436 *ROSE: (..) Beth ? 289436_290681 *BETH: (.) &=in &=ex 290681_291828 No uh 291828_292412 &=ex 292412_292950 (.) Actually can I have some tea ? 292950_294665 *BETH: (.) Hot tea . 294665_295390 *JAMI: Hot tea ? 295390_295795 *SHER: (..) &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh 295795_296927 (.) &{l=WH Come on Beth . 296927_297686 *SHER: (.) ⌈ Dang it &}l=WH ⌉ . 297686_298087 *ROSE: ⌊ W:⌋ell 297969_298382 it's good for winter's icy blast 298382_299827 ⌈ I already said I ⌉ wanted (.) ice tea with ⌈2 no lemon ⌉2 . 299827_301737 *SHER: ⌊ &=laugh &=lengthened &=laugh ⌋ 299827_300513 ⌊2 &=in ⌋2 . 301233_301737 *JAMI: (.) Okay . 301737_302245 *SHER: (..) She was just asking us . 302245_303937 *ROSE: (.) Yeah 303937_304396 I was asking them . 304396_305195 *JAMI: (..) Okay I'll run get those 305195_307180 my name's ⌈ Jamie ⌉ like I said . 307180_308252 *BETH: ⌊ Great ⌋ . 307571_307857 *JAMI: you need anything you let me know . 308252_309215 *JAMI: O⌈kay ⌉ ? 309215_309514 *ROSE: ⌊ Tha⌋nk you Jamie . 309340_310089 *SHER: (.) &=in Jamie . 310089_310891 *SHER: &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh . 310891_311665 *BETH: &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌈ &=laugh ⌉ . 311665_312573 *SHER: ⌊ &=laugh ⌋ . 312409_312573 *ROSE: ⌈2 &=in &=lengthened ⌉2 . 312573_312995 *SHER: ⌊2 &=laugh &=in &=lengthened ⌋2 312573_312995 &=laugh . 312995_313271 *ROSE: (.) ⌈ &{l=WH &{l=@ Shoot &}l=@ &}l=WH ⌉ . 313271_314019 *JAMI: ⌊ &{l=HI &{l=VOX Yeah 313484_313823 here I ⌋ ⌈2 am ⌉2 . 313823_314170 *SHER: ⌊2 &=in ⌋2 . 314019_314170 *JAMI: here I ⌈3 am &}l=VOX &}l=HI ⌉3 . 314170_314624 *SHER: ⌊3 &=in ⌋3 314416_314624 ⌈4 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌉4 . 314624_315176 *BETH: ⌊4 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋4 . 314624_315176 *ROSE: ⌊4 &=ex &=in ⌋4 ⌈5 &=lengthened &=ex ⌉5 . 314624_315446 *JAMI: ⌊5 Mm ⌋5 . 315176_315482 *SHER: ⌊5 &=in ⌋5 315176_315482 Just ⌈6 kidding &=ex . 315482_316084 *ROSE: ⌊6 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋6 ⌈7 &=lengthened . 315638_316900 *SHER: (.) &=laugh &=ex &=laugh &=in &=laugh &=ex ⌉6 . 316084_316900 *JAMI: ⌊7 No problem ⌋7 . 316807_317474 *ROSE: &=in ⌉7 316924_317474 &=in . 317474_317858 *SHER: (.) &=ex . 317858_318475 *ROSE: (..) &=ex &=lengthened . 318475_320192 *SHER: (.) &=in ⌈ &=lengthened . 320192_320753 *ROSE: ⌊ ʔuh &=THROAT ⌋ . 320521_321436 *SHER: &{l=X She's &}l=X pretty ⌉ ⌈2 nice . 320753_321808 *BETH: ⌊2 They say the gushi⌋2er they are . 321436_322883 *SHER: isn't she [% laugh] ⌉2 . 321808_322457 *BETH: the bigger the tip they get . 322883_323911 *BETH: (..) &{l=HI Hi ⌈ Bill⌉y &}l=HI . 323911_324927 *SHER: ⌊ &=in ⌋ . 324447_324691 *ROSE: (..) ⌈2 Billy who ⌉2 . 324927_326342 *SHER: ⌊2 &=in Was that ⌋2 Billy⌈3: ⌉3 . 325551_327132 *BETH: ⌊3 Billy ⌋3 Wilson . 326950_327900 *SHER: (..) Billy Wil- +/. 327900_329465 *SHER: (.) Your old fla:⌈:me ⌉ . 329465_331036 *BETH: ⌊ &=laugh &=lengthened ⌋ . 330572_331036 *SHER: oh:⌈2: ⌉2 . 331036_332066 *BETH: ⌊2 &=in Well ⌋2 we've become good frien- +... 331678_333411 *SHER: Really ? 333411_333683 *BETH: Sherry . 333683_333931 *SHER: Serious ? 333931_334405 *ROSE: (.) ⌈ Even a⌉⌈2fter he b⌉2:eat up our car ? 334405_336262 *BETH: ⌊ Yeah ⌋ . 334601_334925 *SHER: ⌊ &=tsk I ⌋ ⌊2 didn't know that ⌋2 . 334601_335371 *BETH: (..) Oh: . 336262_337317 *SHER: &=tsk Well that was a ⌈ lo:ng ⌉ . 337317_338707 *BETH: ⌊ He apolog⌋ized 338127_338950 though you know 338950_339497 ⌈ so it ⌉ ⌈2 was al⌉2⌈3right ⌉3 . 339497_340379 *ROSE: ⌊ ʔuh Did ⌋ ⌊2 he ⌋2 ? 339497_340063 *SHER: ⌊2 So y- ⌋2 +/. 339840_340063 *SHER: ⌊3 You re⌋3⌈4ally have become good friend⌉4s ? 340075_341606 *ROSE: ⌊4 When did he do that ⌋4 . 340379_341397 *BETH: (..) Dad called him 341606_342745 and told him he had to . 342745_343919 *BETH: So he called back 343919_344813 (.) and apolo⌈gized ⌉ . 344813_345957 *SHER: ⌊ &{l=@ He called ⌋ back &}l=@ . 345433_346244 *SHER: &=in Why don't you just do it on the same phone call [% laugh] . 346244_348274 *SHER: &=laugh &=laugh ⌈ &=in ⌉ . 348274_348987 *BETH: ⌊ Well he ⌋ (.) apologized to me . 348711_350162 *BETH: Not to Dad . 350162_350755 *SHER: O-ho oh 350755_351363 he said he had to do that 351363_352474 hunh ? 352474_352814 *BETH: Mhm . 352814_353367 *SHER: Oh . 353367_353648 *SHER: (..) &=in 353648_354407 (..) ⌈ I didn't know you'd become friends with him ⌉ . 354407_356474 *ROSE: ⌊ Was he the one that you were (.) up all ni⌋ght with 355031_356814 that night I came up and (.) turned the lights on ⌈2 and ⌉2 . 356814_358929 *BETH: ⌊2 No⌋2: 358721_359459 (..) that was M:ark (.) Taylor . 359459_363093 *SHER: (..) &{l=VOX Oh: 363093_364483 ⌈ G:o:⌉⌈2d: . 364483_365946 *ROSE: ⌊ Mark [% laugh] who [% laugh] ⌋ ? 364483_365296 *BETH: ⌊2 &=laugh T:ay:lor: ⌋2 . 365679_366820 *SHER: (.) wh:at a g⌉2ee:k &}l=VOX . 365946_367606 *BETH: (.) &=in &=lengthened He was . 367606_369222 *SHER: Well 369222_369495 ʔuh 369495_369615 (.) you've really become f- (.) good friends with . 369615_371351 *BETH: (..) Y- him and his wife's 371319_372976 yeah . 372976_373455 *ROSE: &=tsk Wha⌈t's his ⌉ wife's name . 373455_374601 *SHER: ⌊ Hm ⌋ . 373809_374015 *BETH: (.) Kathy ? 374601_375242 *SHER: (..) Where'd she come from . 375242_377174 *ROSE: Kathy ⌈ who ⌉ . 377174_377897 *BETH: ⌊ Lewi⌋ston ? 377633_378270 *BETH: (.) &=SNIFF . 378270_378697 *ROSE: Hm . 378697_378916 *BETH: (..) I don't know [% laugh] . 378916_380089 *BETH: ⌈ &{l=@ Kathy Wils⌉o:n . 380089_381624 *SHER: ⌊ Kathy Lewiston ⌋ . 380089_381193 *BETH: I don't ⌈2 know: &=in &}l=@ ⌉2 . 381624_382929 *SHER: ⌊2 Now that's her name ⌋2 . 382236_382929 *SHER: (.) ⌈3 Kathy Wilson ⌉3 . 382929_383828 *BETH: ⌊3 &=laugh &=laugh &=in ⌋3 &=lengthened 382929_384091 She's from Lewiston . 384091_385061 *BETH: I don't know . 385061_385678 *BETH: (..) I didn't know her until after they were married . 385678_389081 *SHER: (.) Mm . 389081_389536 *BETH: (..) I think I'd met her once before &{l=P that though &}l=P . 389536_392159 *BETH: (.) &=SNIFF . 392159_392858 *SHER: (..) Well it's nice you (..) reconciled the past . 392858_397077 *BETH: Mm: 397077_397480 they came over after Laura was born right away . 397480_400058 *SHER: Oh really ? 400058_400427 *SHER: (..) Right away ? 400427_401367 *BETH: (..) Yeah . 401367_401937 *ROSE: Do they have any kids ? 401937_402780 *BETH: (..) Hm-m . 402780_403556 *SHER: (..) &=in &=lengthened ⌈ Have they been married a long time ⌉ ? 403556_405946 *BETH: ⌊ I don't think Kathy can have kids ⌋ 404701_406382 she's got a bad ba:ck [% laugh] . 406382_407706 *BETH: (..) She couldn't- +/. 407706_409266 *BETH: (..) She couldn't +... 409266_409932 *SHER: &=ex 409932_410201 &{l=@ It sou⌈nds bad to me &}l=@ ⌉ . 410201_411311 *BETH: ⌊ carry Laura ⌋ . 410451_411306 *BETH: She had to be 411306_412052 (.) ʔuh +/. 412052_412458 *BETH: (..) Laura- +/. 412458_413172 *BETH: ʔuh She could hold her . 413172_414002 *BETH: As long as she didn't get up . 414002_414984 *SHER: (..) Really ? 414984_416360 *BETH: (.) Yeah [% laugh] sh- [% laugh] +/. 416360_416828 *BETH: (.) She weighed all of &{l=@ ten pounds you know . 416828_418547 *BETH: She's all &}l=@ 418547_418987 &=in (.) heavy . 418987_419816 *BETH: (..) &=in ⌈ &=lengthened &{l=X She could &}l=X ⌉ +... 419816_421438 *SHER: ⌊ Well 420483_420774 maybe she does ⌋ have (.) quite a problem . 420774_422317 *BETH: (..) M-mm:⌈2: ⌉2 . 422317_423371 *SHER: ⌊2 Some ⌋2 people d- (.) could . 423138_424300 *BETH: I ⌈3 suppo:se ⌉3 . 424300_425359 *SHER: ⌊3 I mean 424497_424902 it's not im⌋3pos⌈4sible ⌉4 . 424902_425969 *BETH: ⌊4 Yeah ⌋4 . 425644_425969 *SHER: (..) &=in But . 425969_426805 *ROSE: ⌈ &=in &=ex &=lengthened ⌉ . 426805_428049 *BETH: ⌊ Tend to belie⌋⌈2ve it's . 427373_428583 *SHER: ⌊2 how long have they been married ⌋2 . 428146_429450 *BETH: (.) not as bad ⌉2 ⌈3 as sh- th- ⌉3 +... 428583_430126 *ROSE: ⌊3 &=ex &=lengthened ⌋3 . 429450_430126 *BETH: (..) U:m 430126_431122 (..) &=in &=lengthened &=ex 431122_433456 Year and a half ? 433456_434373 *BETH: (..) I think 434373_437172 (..) &{l=X a:nd &}l=X 437172_438596 (.) two years in November . 438596_439975 *BETH: (.) &=SNIFF . 439975_440616 *SHER: (..) Mm . 440616_441430 *ROSE: (..) &=tsk What's ⌈ Bill ⌉ doing now . 441430_442997 *BETH: ⌊ Hm ⌋ . 442173_442432 *ROSE: (.) What are we in the process of . 442997_444553 *ROSE: ⌈ ʔuh Your ⌉ Bill . 444553_445154 *BETH: ⌊ &=in ⌋ . 444553_444923 *ROSE: Not Bill Wilson . 445154_446058 *BETH: (.) My Bill ? 446058_446975 *BETH: (.) ʔuh U:m: 446975_448934 (..) ⌈ Yes⌉terday he: (.) was a carpenter . 448934_451547 *ROSE: ⌊ &{l=X Your &}l=X ⌋ . 449381_449683 *SHER: (.) He was a carpenter [% laugh] ? 451547_452981 *BETH: Yeah he 452981_453511 ʔuh (..) put a floor in a barn . 453511_455238 *BETH: &=laugh &=laugh 455238_455580 &=in ⌈ &=lengthened ⌉ &=lengthened . 455580_456502 *SHER: ⌊ Oh really ⌋ ? 455731_456158 *SHER: (..) He put a floor in a barn . 456502_458423 *BETH: Well 458423_458715 he just fixed it 458715_459552 it had had one 459552_460469 (.) and he was just ʔuh +/. 460469_461420 *BETH: (..) replacing (.) old rotten board . 461420_464021 *SHER: (.) Oh⌈: ⌉ . 464021_464337 *BETH: ⌊ &{l=X and s⌋:tuff &}l=X . 464250_464751 *BETH: (..) &=SNIFF I don't know what he's doing today . 464751_467020 *BETH: He was supposed to start baling hay 467020_468625 but I think they're gonna let it s:it another day 468625_470943 cause he didn't take his lunch . 470943_472220 *ROSE: (..) What does he do when he doesn't take his lunch 472220_475994 come home ? 475994_476564 *BETH: (..) No ⌈ Doris feeds ⌉ him . 476564_478629 *SHER: ⌊ Eats there ⌋ . 477693_478371 *ROSE: (..) Hm . 478629_479459 *SHER: (..) &=tsk Would she ⌈ feed him every day ⌉ ? 479459_481394 *ROSE: ⌊ Now explain all of this ⌋ . 480680_481930 *ROSE: I don't understand what not taking his lunch has to do with baling hay⌈2: ⌉2 . 481930_484706 *BETH: ⌊2 &=in ⌋2 &=lengthened Well if he was gonna bale hay 484539_485958 they wouldn't come in for lunch . 485958_487238 *BETH: ⌈ They would just ⌉ (.) eat . 487238_488179 *ROSE: ⌊ &=in ⌋ . 487238_487672 *BETH: (.) while they're (.) ⌈2 (.) out there ⌉2 . 488179_489680 *ROSE: ⌊2 Out there . 488928_489458 *ROSE: Ou⌋2t in the field . 489458_490217 *ROSE: I ⌈3 see ⌉3 . 490217_490843 *BETH: ⌊3 Yeah ⌋3 . 490487_490843 *ROSE: (.) Okay . 490843_491405 *SHER: (.) If he didn:'t take his lunch every day 491405_493057 ⌈ would she feed him every day ⌉ . 493057_494225 *ROSE: ⌊ &=in &=COUGH ⌋ &=COUGH ⌈2 &=COUGH ⌉2 . 493045_495143 *BETH: ⌊2 Yeah 494699_494887 she ⌋2 does . 494887_495704 *BETH: (..) Feed him . 495704_497209 *BETH: (..) I mean- 497209_497994 well 497994_498376 when they're in the field 498376_499071 he has to take his lunch . 499071_500248 *BETH: That's just part of the deal . 500248_501517 *BETH: (..) But . 501517_501906 *SHER: Otherwise he'll starve . 501906_502824 *SHER: Right ? 502824_503079 *BETH: (..) No 503079_503632 otherwise he doesn't get lunch . 503632_504844 *SHER: (.) Well I know 504844_505458 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh 505458_505898 ⌈ that's what starving is . 505898_507026 *BETH: ⌊ Actually 505898_506400 I think that if she found out ⌋ . 506400_507735 *SHER: &=in &=lengthened ⌉ . 507026_507735 *BETH: he (..) come and didn't have a lunch 507735_509495 &{l=P she'd fix him one &}l=P . 509495_510547 *SHER: Mm . 510547_510910 *ROSE: (.) &=SWALLOW . 510910_511617 *BETH: Cause that's what she does with other people . 511617_513163 *SHER: (..) Mm . 513163_513725 *BETH: (..) But all winter she fixes him lunch . 513725_516930 *SHER: Oh 516930_517244 cause they're always (.) close enou⌈gh to +... 517244_518836 *BETH: ⌊ Actually it's more of ⌋ a d:inner . 518527_519834 *SHER: &=in ⌉ . 518836_519269 *BETH: Because it's +... 519834_520588 *JAMI: (..) No lemon . 520588_522799 *JAMI: I will go get you another one . 522799_523970 *ROSE: (..) N_that's al⌈right . 523970_525122 *SHER: ⌊ She just remembered . 524912_525856 *ROSE: No 525122_525463 it's okay ⌉ . 525463_526076 *SHER: &=laugh ⌋ &=laugh . 525856_526329 *JAMI: (..) ⌈2 Soon as I ⌉2 sat it down ʔuh . 526329_527413 *SHER: ⌊2 &=in ⌋2 . 526596_526903 *BETH: ⌊2 X ⌋2 . 526596_526903 *JAMI: sat it down I thought 527413_528219 n:o lemon . 528219_528961 *SHER: ⌈ &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌉ . 528961_529520 *JAMI: ⌊ I knew ⌋ it . 528961_529682 *SHER: (..) &=in ⌈2 &{l=X Just &}l=X ⌉2 +... 529682_530602 *ROSE: ⌊2 It ⌋2 +... 530264_530602 *JAMI: ⌊2 X ⌋2 +... 530264_530602 *ROSE: (..) There's not enough lemon there to bother me . 530602_532612 *ROSE: Thank ⌈ you ⌉ . 532612_533055 *JAMI: ⌊ O⌋kay . 532889_533430 *SHER: &=in But it tastes so good with lemon in it . 533430_535342 *SHER: (..) I [% laugh] don't [% laugh] even like ice tea . 535342_537730 *BETH: (.) &=in (..) Do you like hot tea ? 537730_539521 *SHER: (..) Yeah 539521_540419 I love hot tea . 540419_541201 *BETH: (.) &=SNIFF . 541201_541677 *ROSE: &=in &=lengthened . 541677_542316 *SHER: (..) But the winter hasn't bl⌈asted cold enough for me yet ⌉ . 542316_545957 *ROSE: ⌊ Do you put lemon in your hot ⌋ ⌈2 tea ⌉2 ? 544775_546179 *BETH: ⌊2 I'm ⌋2 going to today 545957_546845 cause I have a sore throat . 546845_547795 *SHER: (..) &=SWALLOW &{l=L2 Moi &}l=L2 ? 547795_549231 *SHER: (..) Or (..) &{l=L2 toi &}l=L2 . 549231_552101 *BETH: (..) Well I &{l=@ answer⌈ed . 552101_554212 *SHER: ⌊ Schwa: ⌋ . 554067_554653 *BETH: I assu ⌋ med it was me &}l=@ . 554212_555523 *ROSE: I was talking to Beth 555523_556623 because she had the lemon . 556623_557710 *ROSE: (.) And the hot ⌈ tea ⌉ . 557710_558772 *SHER: ⌊ &=laugh &=ex ⌋ 558344_558772 (.) &=in 558772_559361 (.) ⌈ I get it . 559361_560013 *ROSE: ⌊ Which you don't have ⌋ . 559532_560667 *SHER: (.) I get it ⌉ 560013_560629 ʔyeah . 560629_560965 *ROSE: (.) &=in . 560965_561497 *SHER: ⌈ Oh I know ⌉ . 561497_562058 *BETH: ⌊ So what about y⌋ou 561497_562165 Sherry 562165_562574 are you gonna put lemon in your hot tea ? 562574_564420 *SHER: &=in I don't (.) ⌈ put lemon i⌉n my hot tea . 564420_566757 *BETH: ⌊ &{l=X You ever do &}l=X ⌋ ? 565274_565833 *BETH: (..) I only do when I have a sore throat . 566757_569157 *SHER: (..) I usually d- (.) have 569157_571386 (..) Yeah 571386_571880 that's good . 571880_572470 *SHER: (.) Lemon 572470_572898 or lemon and (..) honey (.) is (..) ⌈ good ⌉ . 572898_575293 *BETH: ⌊ Yeah ⌋ ? 574891_575293 *ROSE: (..) &=in (.) Now you won't be able to touch Jonathan . 575293_579574 *ROSE: &=ex . 579574_579970 *BETH: (..) Just don't tell him . 579970_582136 *SHER: (..) Because you're drinking lemon and honey ? 582136_584274 *SHER: &=laugh &=ex 584274_584794 (..) &=in . 584794_585404 *ROSE: ⌈ She's got a sore throat X ⌉ . 585404_586556 *BETH: ⌊ No 585404_585641 because I have a cold ⌋ . 585641_586556 *SHER: (..) Oh: . 586556_587558 *BETH: (..) Well . 587558_588324 *SHER: (..) Don't tell him 588324_589657 &{l=@ or don't ⌈ tell &}l=@ Carolyn &=ex ⌉ . 589657_591073 *BETH: ⌊ &{l=@ Yeah XX &}l=@ +... 590012_590669 *ROSE: ⌊ &=tsk Yeah . 590144_590480 *ROSE: (.) And ⌋ . 590480_591073 *BETH: &=in Just ⌋ don't [% laugh] tell ⌈2 him . 590608_591762 *ROSE: ⌊2 &=in Martha ⌋2 Jean sat there . 591573_592770 *BETH: and &=ex ⌉2 . 591820_592133 *ROSE: and told all about how 592770_593763 (.) ʔuh sick Barbara Jean was 593763_594883 when she was tiny 594883_595706 and 595706_595951 &=in (.) &=ex . 595951_597273 *SHER: And ? 597273_597740 *ROSE: ⌈ &=in ⌉ . 597740_598275 *BETH: ⌊ That helped ⌋ a lot 597740_598579 ⌈2 didn't it ⌉2 . 598579_599060 *ROSE: ⌊2 Oh 598579_598826 Marth⌋2a Jean- +/. 598826_599257 *ROSE: ⌈3 ʔuh Yeah . 599257_599970 *SHER: ⌊3 And what . 599257_599743 *SHER: &=laugh &=ex &=laugh &=in &=laugh &=ex &=laugh &=in . 599743_600852 *ROSE: &=in We:ll 599970_600796 Carolyn was ⌉3 . 600852_601546 *SHER: I don't get it ⌋3 . 600852_601546 *SHER: &=laugh &=ex ⌈4 Cause ⌉4 . 601546_602174 *BETH: ⌊4 I loved the ⌋4 little: bit about (.) the potty training . 601698_604153 *BETH: &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh . 604153_604488 *ROSE: &{l=MRC Eight months old and ⌈ potty trained &}l=MRC . 604488_606366 *SHER: ⌊ She always says that ⌋ . 605568_606645 *ROSE: oh ⌉ my ⌈2 gosh ⌉2 . 606366_607421 *SHER: ⌊2 &=in She t⌋2old me the story of how uh 606880_608503 she (.) trained all her kids by: nine months . 608503_610520 *SHER: (..) ⌈ I'd- +... 610520_610937 *BETH: ⌊ Well what was it ⌋ +... 610705_611638 *SHER: ʔuh: Now it's ⌉ (.) gotten back to eight 610937_612442 hunh [% laugh] ? 612442_612787 *SHER: ⌈ &=laugh ⌉ . 612787_613010 *BETH: ⌊ Oh ⌋ Barb wa⌈2s at eight ⌉2 . 612787_613863 *SHER: ⌊2 &=in ⌋2 . 613510_613863 *BETH: yeah 613863_614087 ⌈ the boys weren't ⌉ &{l=X but &}l=X . 614087_615184 *SHER: ⌊ Oh well ⌋ . 614087_614816 *SHER: (.) They only +/. 615184_615830 *SHER: They didn't make it ⌈ till nine . 615830_616901 *BETH: ⌊ Who +/. 616437_616771 *BETH: who was it that s- ⌋ +... 616771_617771 *SHER: hunh ? 616901_617150 *SHER: You know boys are ⌉ slow [% laugh] ? 617150_618228 *SHER: ⌈2 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=SNIFF ⌉2 . 618228_619613 *BETH: ⌊2 Yeah [% laugh] I know . 618228_618638 *BETH: &=in (.) That said ⌋2 that 618638_619886 (..) that's not potty training 619886_621394 that's mother training ? 621394_622481 *SHER: ⌈ Oh: yeah ⌉ . 622481_623113 *ROSE: ⌊ ʔuh: Doc⌋tor Spock . 622481_623781 *SHER: (..) Doctor [% laugh] Spock . 623781_626377 *SHER: (..) ʔuh How about (.) Captain [% laugh] Kirk . 626377_628124 *SHER: What did he say . 628124_628757 *BETH: ⌈ &=laugh &=ex &=lengthened &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌉ . 628757_630775 *ROSE: ⌊ &{l=@ No no She:rry: ⌋ . 628757_630775 *ROSE: ⌈2 &=in You're an idiot &}l=@ ⌉2 . 630775_631851 *SHER: ⌊2 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh ⌋2 . 630775_631851 *ROSE: &=laugh &=in . 631851_632185 *SHER: &=laugh &=in ⌈ &=laugh ⌉ ⌈2 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=in ⌉2 . 632185_633998 *ROSE: ⌊ &=in ⌋ . 632546_632805 *BETH: ⌊2 &{l=@ She's trying &}l=@ ⌋2 . 632805_633847 *BETH: &=in ⌈3 &=lengthened ⌉3 . 633998_634554 *SHER: ⌊3 &=laugh &=laugh ⌋3 . 634177_634554 *ROSE: (..) It's Mister Spock 634554_638888 and ⌈ Cap- +... 638888_639347 *SHER: ⌊ I: know ⌋ . 639172_639908 *ROSE: (.) and Doc⌉tor Spock . 639347_640543 *SHER: (..) &=in Well 640543_641566 (..) what was her story about Barb ? 641566_643756 *SHER: That everyone- +/. 643756_644403 *SHER: (.) That (.) was +... 644403_645120 *ROSE: &=in ⌈ &=lengthened ʔuh She was in the hospital three times ⌉ . 645120_647550 *SHER: ⌊ Carolyn was so affected by 645289_646609 or unaffected or what⌋ever . 646609_647735 *ROSE: With (..) ⌈2 (.) asth⌉2matic bronchitis . 647735_650130 *BETH: ⌊2 With bron ⌋2 +... 648505_648979 *SHER: (..) And so 650130_650872 ʔhow did Carolyn react ? 650872_651934 *ROSE: (..) ⌈ Well . 651934_652570 *SHER: ⌊ I [% laugh] &=ex +/. 652130_652570 *SHER: For some reason [% laugh] ⌋ +... 652570_653429 *ROSE: she said thanks a lo⌉:t 652570_653621 you know 653621_653929 because she was so ⌈ worried about &=in Jonathan ⌉ . 653929_656353 *SHER: ⌊ Oh sh- 654723_655254 ʔuh: like oh 655254_656094 he's ⌋ gonna go back ⌈2 again in⌉2⌈3o⌉3⌈4ther words ⌉4 . 656094_657700 *ROSE: ⌊2 I said ⌋2 ⌊3 but ⌋3 . 656803_657327 *BETH: ⌊3 And then ⌋3 ⌊4 she ⌋4 (.) told her that 657124_658336 she didn't outgrow it until she was five or something ? 658336_660733 *SHER: (.) She did⌈n't have what ⌉ ? 660733_661771 *BETH: ⌊ &{l=X We'are all going &}l=X ⌋ +/. 661159_661771 *BETH: (..) Barb didn't outgrow it . 661771_663207 *SHER: ⌈ Oh outgrow it . 663207_664018 *BETH: ⌊ she was fi:ve or some⌋thing ? 663207_664823 *SHER: (.) Mm ⌉ . 664018_664548 *SHER: (.) Oh: . 664823_665448 *SHER: So Carolyn was ⌈ really happy . 665448_666738 *BETH: ⌊ So 666221_666627 (.) yeah: because C- ⌋ +... 666627_667876 *SHER: like oh this is great n⌉⌈2ews ⌉2 . 666738_668199 *ROSE: ⌊2 So ⌋2 then I said 667876_668650 but look at Barb 668650_669272 she's healthy now 669272_670046 and Carolyn looked at her 670046_670969 and sort of looked away 670969_671827 and I thought 671827_672165 oh boy &=ex . 672165_672764 *ROSE: &=in &=ex . 672764_673770 *BETH: ⌈ &{l=@ XXXX X: XX &}l=@ ⌉ . 673770_675044 *SHER: ⌊ Ru:de . 673770_674340 *SHER: (.) Way to go⌋: (.) Caro⌈2lyn [% laugh] ⌉2 . 674361_675703 *ROSE: ⌊2 &=ex ⌋2 &=lengthened . 675436_675929 *SHER: &=in Well (.) isn't she healthy ? 675929_677261 *ROSE: (.) Mhm . 677261_677814 *SHER: (.) I mean 677814_678236 ⌈ she ʔuh ⌉ +... 678236_678555 *ROSE: ⌊ S:- ⌋ +... 678236_678555 *SHER: I know she ha⌈2s um . 678586_679428 *BETH: ⌊2 More or less ⌋2 . 679166_679876 *SHER: (.) &=in ⌉2 she has ⌈3 something wrong with her gall⌉3bladder . 679428_681604 *ROSE: ⌊3 Gallbladder and ⌋3 680251_681319 &=in ⌈4 heart trouble ⌉4 and . 681604_683067 *BETH: ⌊4 Oh: yeah ⌋4 . 681901_682795 *ROSE: ⌈5 back problems ⌉5 . 683067_684198 *SHER: ⌊5 She has heart trouble ⌋5 ? 683067_684198 *BETH: (..) Her- +/. 684198_685072 *BETH: She has an enlarged (.) heart . 685072_686434 *SHER: (..) Oh lots of people have &{l=VOX tha:t . 686434_688246 *SHER: Oh [% laugh] go:sh [% laugh] &}l=VOX . 688246_688983 *ROSE: &=tsk That's ⌈ true ⌉ . 688983_689790 *BETH: ⌊ Yeah ⌋ ? 689402_689780 *BETH: That's true . 689780_690657 *BETH: (..) &{l=X And she'd &}l=X bad back 690657_692241 (.) and she's always 692241_693255 (.) always using nose spray . 693255_695422 *SHER: (.) &=laugh &=ex 695422_695847 (..) &=in Maybe ⌈ she's ⌉ +... 695847_697965 *BETH: ⌊ ʔAlw- ⌋ +... 697675_697965 *ROSE: &=in ⌈2 Maybe she's addicted . 697965_699156 *SHER: ⌊2 ʔuh: ʔuh: a semi:- hypochondriac [% laugh] ⌋2 . 698284_700331 *ROSE: (.) &=in Maybe there's coke ⌉2 ⌈3 in it ⌉3 . 699156_700563 *BETH: ⌊3 I think ⌋3 that that's (..) &{l=@ closer to the truth &}l=@ . 700331_703718 *SHER: Maybe ⌈4 she's a hypo⌉4chondriac . 703742_704955 *ROSE: ⌊4 Sherry ⌋4 ? 703940_704496 *ROSE: ⌈5 Yeah ⌉5 . 704955_705516 *BETH: ⌊5 Yeah ⌋5 . 704955_705516 *BETH: (..) ⌈6 I think ⌉6 you're ⌈7 righ⌉7:t . 705516_706745 *SHER: ⌊6 Oh ⌋6 . 705753_706092 *SHER: ⌊7 Oh ⌋7 . 706243_706489 *ROSE: &=in &=lengthened ⌈8 &=lengthened ⌉8 &=COUGH ⌈9 &=COUGH &=COUGH ⌉9 . 706745_709023 *SHER: ⌊8 &=SNIFF ⌋8 707326_707709 ⌊9 I always ha⌋9ve +/. 708171_709181 *SHER: (.) get backaches⌈: . 709181_710264 *BETH: ⌊ Cause she ⌋ goes to the doctor a lo:t . 709920_712267 *SHER: But ⌉ . 710264_710474 *BETH: It see⌈2ms to me⌉2: . 712267_713425 *SHER: ⌊2 Oh really ⌋2 ? 712603_713142 *SHER: (..) I think I get backaches because 713425_715743 (..) I mean some people's b::odies are built a (..) ⌈ certain way ⌉ . 715743_719083 *BETH: ⌊ Well ⌋ 718478_719083 bad posture and 719083_720235 (..) ⌈ just don't take care of it . 720235_721740 *SHER: ⌊ Well yeah 720402_721016 I'm sure that's part of it ⌋ . 721016_721879 *BETH: You ⌉ ⌈2 know ⌉2 ? 721740_722293 *ROSE: ⌊2 And al⌋2so 721879_722747 ⌈3 because of the way you s:it . 722747_724484 *SHER: ⌊3 No but I mean 722747_723305 some people get backaches more than other people ⌋3 . 723305_725377 *ROSE: (.) &=in and be⌉3cause . 724484_725887 *SHER: &=in ⌈4 &=lengthened ⌉4 . 725887_726959 *ROSE: ⌊4 you're ta:ll ⌋4 726052_726959 (.) &=in ⌈5 and the ⌉5 world is built for women who are about five five . 726959_730056 *SHER: ⌊5 It's ⌋5 +/. 727327_727682 *SHER: (..) ⌈6 And it's ⌉6 +... 730056_730792 *BETH: ⌊6 And bec⌋6ause you're +/. 730302_731280 *BETH: (..) ⌈7 The bo⌉7dy is not . 731280_732715 *SHER: ⌊7 &=in ⌋7 731652_732062 (.) It's cause ⌈8 of the way my body is ⌉8 . 732715_734404 *BETH: ⌊8 the human body +/. 733284_734120 *BETH: &=in ⌋8 No . 734120_734867 *BETH: But Doctor Hensel told me 734867_736106 that ⌈ everybody ⌉ gets backaches . 736106_737606 *SHER: ⌊ Yeah ⌋ ? 736324_736798 *BETH: Because y- +/. 737606_738105 *BETH: (.) &=in The human bod- (.) backbone . 738105_740475 *SHER: (..) ⌈ Oh ⌉ . 740475_740935 *BETH: ⌊ not the ⌋ body 740677_741271 but the ⌈2 back⌉2bone . 741271_742013 *SHER: ⌊2 Right ⌋2 . 741491_741772 *BETH: ⌈3 is no⌉3t built . 742013_742879 *SHER: ⌊3 Right ⌋3 . 742013_742379 *BETH: (..) for (.) an animal (..) to walk on two f⌈4eet . 742879_745570 *SHER: ⌊4 Oh: I see ⌋4 . 745420_746786 *BETH: it's built for an animal to w⌉4alk on all f⌈5ours ⌉5 . 745570_747817 *SHER: ⌊5 Right ⌋5 . 747306_747817 *SHER: Right . 747817_748164 *BETH: (.) So if you were ʔuh +/. 748164_748864 *BETH: spent your whole life on your hands and knees 748864_750251 you never get a backache . 750251_751060 *BETH: That's (..) basic⌈ally ⌉ . 751060_752732 *ROSE: ⌊ &=tsk &=in ⌋ Actually 752493_753331 ⌈2 that ⌉2 h:elps when you have a backache . 753331_754752 *SHER: ⌊2 Hm ⌋2 . 753331_753550 *SHER: (.) Really ? 754752_755198 *ROSE: (.) Is to (.) get down on your hands and knees 755198_757134 and walk arou- +/. 757134_757562 *ROSE: and crawl around ? 757562_758379 *BETH: Mm . 758379_758624 *SHER: Oh 758624_758837 not crou- +/. 758837_759407 *SHER: (.) Not (.) all the way down though . 759407_760764 *SHER: (.) H⌈unh ⌉ ? 760764_761100 *ROSE: ⌊ Hm⌋-m . 760898_761361 *SHER: (..) It hurt 761361_762573 (.) ⌈ but then your ⌉ back's (.) gets sway back . 762573_764680 *BETH: ⌊ No: but ⌋ . 762573_763156 *ROSE: (..) &=tsk N- but 764680_765469 ʔuh (.) ⌈ ʔth- ʔuh ⌉ +... 765469_766305 *BETH: ⌊ No if you ⌋ +/. 765787_766479 *BETH: But if you're mo:ving it won't . 766479_767862 *BETH: (.) If ⌈ you just s⌉⌈2tand there it will . 767862_769303 *SHER: ⌊ Oh ⌋ . 768019_768453 *ROSE: ⌊2 &=in Well 768453_769303 you know um &=ex ⌋2 . 769303_770312 *BETH: you wanna 769303_769842 but when you're ⌉2 moving 769842_770708 ⌈3 you keep it ⌉3 +... 770708_771406 *ROSE: ⌊3 you know Kris ⌋3 Nelson ? 770708_772014 *SHER: (..) Yeah . 772014_772769 *ROSE: &=in (..) Well 772769_774103 (.) when I 774103_774530 (.) I asked 774530_775353 (.) when (.) I went in with my (.) arm 775353_777457 (.) you know 777457_777743 (.) cause I had tr- so much trouble with my elbow . 777743_779526 *ROSE: &=in (..) And 779526_780500 (.) so 780500_780944 (.) while (.) she was (.) giving me the (.) treatment one time 780944_783976 I asked her about backs . 783976_785290 *ROSE: Y⌈ou know ⌉ . 785290_785640 *SHER: ⌊ Mhm ⌋ . 785408_785756 *ROSE: &=in and she said the l- +/. 785756_787012 *ROSE: (.) The newest theory is the opposite . 787012_788891 *ROSE: We +/. 788891_789155 *ROSE: (.) They used to say 789155_790163 &=in ⌈ &=lengthened that you lie flat . 790163_791760 *SHER: ⌊ &=tsk &=in Oh 790579_791252 I heard this one ⌋ . 791252_792017 *ROSE: with your ⌉ e- +/. 791760_792222 *ROSE: With your knees up ? 792222_793218 *SHER: (.) Yeah . 793218_793554 *SHER: So that (.) ⌈ it will (.) curve this way ⌉ . 793554_795050 *ROSE: ⌊ &=in (.) So that ⌋ it curves this ⌈2 way ⌉2 . 793915_795822 *SHER: ⌊2 Yeah ⌋2 . 795542_795822 *ROSE: (.) &=in She says now we're having em do 795822_797922 &=in (.) uh ⌈ exercises . 797922_799385 *SHER: ⌊ The opposite ? 798502_799148 *SHER: (.) Arching ⌋ ? 799148_799730 *ROSE: where you l⌉ie flat on your stomach . 799385_800948 *SHER: Yeah . 800948_801240 *ROSE: (.) and you lift your shoulders up . 801240_802581 *SHER: ⌈ Mm ⌉ . 802581_802928 *ROSE: ⌊ &=in ⌋ And then you keep doing it 802581_803953 until you can have your hands (.) totally straight 803953_806353 and your hips on the +/. 806353_807202 *ROSE: &=in I mean your arms ⌈ totally straight . 807202_808768 *SHER: ⌊ Oh . 808182_808615 *SHER: (.) Yeah ⌋ . 808615_808944 *ROSE: and your ⌉ hips ⌈2 down ⌉2 . 808768_809584 *BETH: ⌊2 Hm ⌋2 . 809203_809584 *ROSE: so that you're curved way up . 809584_810725 *SHER: ⌈ Right ⌉ . 810725_811069 *ROSE: ⌊ &=in ⌋ So I started doing that 810725_812083 and believe it or not 812083_812673 my backache went away . 812673_813671 *SHER: Real⌈ly ⌉ ? 813671_813969 *BETH: ⌊ Real⌋ly ? 813781_814126 *BETH: I'll tell Bill . 814126_814793 *BETH: Cause 814793_815096 &=in that . 815096_815663 *SHER: (..) But I ⌈ can't ⌉ +... 815663_816398 *BETH: ⌊ One ⌋ night that he was ⌈2 so s⌉2ick . 816166_817902 *ROSE: ⌊2 &=THROAT ⌋2 . 817133_817515 *BETH: when he first got sick 817902_819082 and he (.) couldn't +/. 819082_819913 *BETH: (.) He was w:alking stooped over 819913_821710 his back (..) hurt so: ⌈ bad ⌉ . 821710_823240 *ROSE: ⌊ &=in ⌋ You have to +/. 822953_823852 *ROSE: ⌈2 You star⌉2⌈3t out real ⌉3 +... 823852_824915 *SHER: ⌊2 Mhm ⌋2 . 823852_824249 *BETH: ⌊3 Legs ⌋3 . 824249_824915 *ROSE: Just a ⌈4 little bit . 824915_825759 *BETH: ⌊4 were numb ⌋4 ? 825290_825912 *ROSE: You ⌉4 know . 825759_826215 *BETH: (.) We put (.) four pillows ⌈5 under his knees ⌉5 . 826215_828093 *ROSE: ⌊5 &=in &=lengthened ʔuh ⌋5 . 827386_828093 *BETH: and ⌈6 that backache ⌉6 just about went away . 828093_829757 *ROSE: ⌊6 &=COUGH &=COUGH ⌋6 828175_828921 (..) &=in But you see 829757_830991 that's always worked for me too 830991_832318 but it comes ba:ck . 832318_833400 *SHER: (..) ⌈ Hm: ⌉ . 833400_834164 *BETH: ⌊ Now his ⌋ didn't ⌈2 though ⌉2 . 833647_835059 *ROSE: ⌊2 Well ⌋2 834648_835059 then that's what you- +/. 835059_835906 *ROSE: ʔYou know 835906_836251 (.) different people have different ty- (.) ⌈ ki:nds ⌉ . 836251_838312 *BETH: ⌊ Well and it was ⌋ probably just from (..) being sick . 837612_840618 *ROSE: ⌈2 ʔuh: ⌉2 . 840618_840850 *BETH: ⌊2 That ⌋2 (..) caused it 840618_841503 and he just needed to relax it . 841503_843191 *ROSE: &=in (..) &=tsk I ⌈ am conc- +... 843191_844596 *BETH: ⌊ And that helped him relax ⌋ . 844341_845908 *ROSE: (.) Carolyn thinks she's got a kid⌉ney infection . 844596_846603 *BETH: (..) &{l=P &{l=@ Oh my (.) God &}l=@ &}l=P &=ex . 846603_848536 *SHER: &=ex ⌈ &=lengthened ⌉ . 848536_849254 *ROSE: ⌊ Carolyn's ⌋ al- +/. 848818_849451 *ROSE: ʔuh: Carolyn's almost as bad as Barb 849451_851095 at being sick 851095_851828 (.) but . 851828_852166 *SHER: (..) She just has these little things that come every ⌈ once in a while and they're always serious ⌉ . 852166_856364 *BETH: ⌊ Why does she think she had a kidney ⌋ in⌈2fection ⌉2 . 854888_856923 *ROSE: ⌊2 &=in ⌋2 Well she's got (.) a pain 856616_858120 ʔat (.) at her waist 858120_858943 in the back 858943_859496 on one side only 859496_860676 (..) &=in and she's not 860676_862010 (..) &=in (.) going to the bathroom as often as she should 862010_864635 even though she's drinking gallons of water 864635_866418 &=in &=lengthened . 866418_867350 *BETH: (..) She's gonna get fat 867350_870125 if she does that . 870125_870802 *SHER: &=laugh Water ⌈ bloating ⌉ . 870802_871760 *ROSE: ⌊ No ⌋ 871364_871760 she's gonna get bloated &=ex . 871760_873054 *ROSE: &=in ⌈ &=lengthened It's different ⌉ than fat . 873054_874688 *SHER: ⌊ That's fat ⌋ . 873428_874156 *BETH: Yes I know . 874688_875334 *ROSE: (..) &{l=WH No it isn't the same thing &}l=WH . 875334_877155 *BETH: (..) Looks like . 877155_879491 *BETH: (.) &=laugh &=ex ⌈ &=lengthened ⌉ . 879491_880090 *ROSE: ⌊ Yeah ⌋ 879844_880090 but you can ⌈2 lose it real fast . 880090_881531 *BETH: ⌊2 &=laugh &=laugh 880483_880930 &=in Oh I know⌋2: . 880930_882168 *ROSE: once it's ⌉2 +... 881531_881988 *BETH: XXX . 882168_882706 *ROSE: (.) &=tsk &=in . 882706_883143 *BETH: So is she gonna go to the doctor 883143_884435 and find out ? 884435_885094 *ROSE: &=SWALLOW Well she went yesterday 885094_886748 and the doctor wasn't there 886748_887754 but the physician's assistant 887754_889042 &=in (..) looked at her and thought it was just a muscle spasm . 889042_892603 *ROSE: (.) ⌈ So they gave ⌉ her some +... 892603_893685 *BETH: ⌊ Oh ⌋ . 892782_893287 *ROSE: &=in He +/. 893685_894506 *ROSE: (.) ʔuh ʔuh He or she got ʔa (..) some pills for muscle spasms 894506_897831 but it hasn't helped 897831_898708 as of last night it hadn't . 898708_900086 *BETH: It's at ⌈ her waist ⌉ ? 900086_901034 *ROSE: ⌊ &=in ⌋ . 900429_901034 *BETH: (.) Because they told ⌈2 Marleen . 901034_902183 *ROSE: ⌊2 In the back 901663_902183 well ⌋2 . 902183_902596 *BETH: our kid⌉2neys are up under your ribs . 902183_904119 *ROSE: (.) Well 904119_904823 the- +... 904823_904981 *SHER: ⌈ That's weird . 904981_905471 *ROSE: ⌊ ʔR:ight . 904981_905670 *SHER: I thought they were l⌉ower . 905471_906538 *ROSE: ʔr:ight ⌋ 905670_906124 (..) you know . 906538_907232 *BETH: (.) Yeah that's what we ⌈ always thought too . 907232_909243 *SHER: ⌊ I always thought they were down here . 908264_909619 *BETH: (.) yeah that's what ⌉ ⌈2 we thought ⌉2 . 909243_910396 *SHER: (.) where ⌋ +... 909619_910033 *ROSE: ⌊2 But the pai:n ⌋2 can be just about 910033_911721 ⌈3 you know ⌉3 . 911721_912228 *BETH: ⌊3 Oh: ⌋3 911721_912228 ⌈4 yeah I sup⌉4pose th⌈5at's true ⌉5 . 912228_913656 *ROSE: ⌊4 you know ⌋4 912228_912753 ⌊5 pain can ⌋5 be just about ⌈6 any pl⌉6ace . 913025_914642 *BETH: ⌊6 But 914074_914329 (.) they ⌋6 tol- +... 914329_914929 *ROSE: &=in . 914929_915308 *BETH: ⌈ Marleen had s⌉omething wrong . 915308_917021 *SHER: ⌊ They told her they were ʔuh ⌋ +... 915308_916160 *ROSE: (..) &=ex &=lengthened . 917021_917820 *BETH: &=in (.) And 917820_918790 they said your kidneys are up . 918790_920192 *SHER: Really ? 920192_920601 *BETH: (..) here . 920601_921259 *SHER: Oh: . 921259_921785 *SHER: (..) That's weird . 921785_922559 *SHER: (..) Hm . 922559_922951 *SHER: (..) ⌈ Hm ⌉ . 922951_924214 *ROSE: ⌊ &=tsk &=in ⌋ (.) I ⌈2 think &=ex &=lengthened ⌉2 . 923751_925800 *BETH: ⌊2 They're higher than I thought ⌋2 . 924619_925800 *ROSE: ⌈3 &=in Yeah⌉3⌈4: ⌉4 . 925800_926516 *SHER: ⌊3 Yeah ⌋3 . 925800_926183 *BETH: ⌊4 &{l=X I know that &}l=X ⌋4 +... 926183_926516 *ROSE: (..) ⌈5 &=in ⌉5 . 926516_927965 *BETH: ⌊5 Cause ⌋5 I always thought they were (.) just below your ⌈6 waist ⌉6 . 927706_929865 *ROSE: ⌊6 &=in ⌋6 ⌈7 Anyway &=ex &=lengthened ⌉7 . 929429_931114 *SHER: ⌊7 Yeah 929865_930377 I did too ⌋7 . 930377_931114 *BETH: But there are +... 931114_931828 *ROSE: &=tsk &=in . 931828_932420 *SHER: &=in . 932420_932831 *ROSE: Sh⌈:e's . 932831_933623 *BETH: ⌊ Yeah all sorts of j⌋:unk in there &{l=@ anyhow . 933163_935106 *ROSE: (.) kinda ⌉ . 933623_934107 *BETH: ⌈2 &{l=X which we ⌉2 don't need &}l=X &}l=@ . 935106_936407 *ROSE: ⌊2 Yeah ⌋2 . 935106_935660 *ROSE: (..) &=SWALLOW 936407_938743 (.) &=in Well she thought she had a bladder infection 938743_940720 when she was at Whidbey . 940720_941605 *BETH: (..) Oh did she ? 941605_942846 *BETH: I ⌈ didn't know that ⌉ . 942846_943732 *SHER: ⌊ &=laugh &=ex Why [% laugh] ⌋ 943081_943730 did she have the opposite problem ? 943730_945194 *SHER: (.) ⌈ &=in ⌉ . 945194_945886 *ROSE: ⌊ Well it's ⌋ not exactly opposite . 945483_947015 *ROSE: But 947015_947183 (..) well they're kinda related aren't they ? 947183_949073 *ROSE: &=in (.) &=ex 949073_950457 (..) ⌈ &=in But ⌉ +... 950457_952054 *BETH: ⌊ It's just mo⌋ving (.) through her ⌈2 system ⌉2 . 951380_953140 *ROSE: ⌊2 But they did⌋2n't even do a urinalysis &=ex . 952654_954541 *ROSE: (.) Which I think is ridiculous . 954541_955879 *ROSE: (..) &=in When she went in yesterday . 955879_958123 *ROSE: (..) &=in ⌈ &=lengthened S:- &=ex ⌉ . 958123_959589 *BETH: ⌊ But will a urine sh⌋ow (.) kidneys ? 958751_960616 *ROSE: (..) ⌈2 Sure . 960616_961370 *BETH: ⌊2 Will it show a kidney mal⌋2function ? 961063_963004 *ROSE: if there's an infection ⌉2 . 961370_962376 *BETH: (.) Oh I ⌈3 didn't know ⌉3 it would . 963004_964150 *SHER: ⌊3 &=in ⌋3 . 963408_963721 *BETH: (..) I guess it would . 964150_965570 *BETH: Because they did that for Bill 965570_966853 they thought he had a kidney +... 966853_967999 *SHER: Oh they did ? 967999_968506 *SHER: But they never figured out what he had ? 968506_969876 *BETH: (.) He had had pneumonia . 969876_971033 *ROSE: (..) ⌈ Eventually ⌉ . 971033_972052 *BETH: ⌊ The second week ⌋ he had pneumonia [% laugh] . 971330_972840 *BETH: The first week ⌈2 he ⌉2 +... 972840_973792 *SHER: ⌊2 Really ⌋2 ? 973455_973792 *ROSE: (..) ⌈3 &=in He had a ⌉3 ⌈4 vi- ⌉4 +... 973792_975081 *BETH: ⌊3 Apparently just ⌋3 ⌊4 had a ⌋4 vi⌈5rus . 974135_975853 *SHER: ⌊4 I ʔuh ⌋4 +/. 974799_975174 *SHER: ⌊5 ʔOh 975438_975794 I thought it +... 975853_976190 *BETH: Or either that or the- ⌉5 +... 975853_976965 *SHER: They didn't know what he ⌋5 had . 976190_977228 *SHER: (..) He had pneumonia ? 977228_978541 *ROSE: (.) Yeah 978541_978846 he eventually (.) ⌈ developed it ⌉ . 978846_980170 *SHER: ⌊ Is that the first time ⌋ he's ever had pneumonia ? 979386_981275 *BETH: (..) No . 981275_982890 *SHER: (..) He's ⌈ had it ⌉ before ? 982890_983948 *BETH: ⌊ XX ⌋ +/. 983376_983604 *BETH: (..) When he was (.) real little 983948_985362 he ⌈ almost ⌉ died of pneumonia . 985362_986710 *SHER: ⌊ Oh ⌋ . 985455_985718 *BETH: When he was⌈2: ⌉2 +... 986710_987219 *SHER: ⌊2 Oh ⌋2 really ? 987155_987597 *SHER: (..) ⌈3 Hey: ⌉3 . 987597_988400 *BETH: ⌊3 About th:⌋3:ree . 987876_988914 *SHER: &=in So 988914_989437 &=in &{l=VOX now Bill and Jonathan are a natural class 989437_991946 right &}l=VOX ? 991946_992419 *BETH: &{l=VOX Right &}l=VOX . 992419_992860 *SHER: &{l=VOX Oh I get it &}l=VOX . 992860_993947 *BETH: (..) But he outgrew it when he was five too . 993947_997309 *BETH: (..) A little older than five . 997309_998896 *SHER: (..) &=tsk . 998896_999491 *ROSE: &=tsk &=in ⌈ &=lengthened ⌉ . 999491_1000208 *BETH: ⌊ When they ⌋ quit going to Lewiston ⌈2 every week ⌉2 . 999962_1001693 *ROSE: ⌊2 &=ex ⌋2 . 1001232_1001693 *BETH: to see his &{l=@ grandmother &}l=@ . 1001693_1003457 *BETH: (.) &=in ⌈ &=lengthened &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=in ⌉ . 1003457_1004941 *SHER: ⌊ Oh that's when he outgrew it ⌋ ? 1003732_1004941 *SHER: &=laugh &=ex . 1004941_1005220 *BETH: (..) He used to have (..) &=THROAT (.) asthma attacks 1005220_1008236 every time they'd go to Lewis⌈ton ⌉ . 1008236_1009413 *SHER: ⌊ Oh⌋: . 1009246_1009754 *SHER: (..) That's a drag 1009754_1011109 he must have liked her a lot . 1011109_1012075 *SHER: Hunh ? 1012075_1012332 *SHER: (.) &=laugh &=ex &=lengthened 1012332_1012910 &=in ⌈ Or was it the cl- ⌉ +... 1012910_1013944 *BETH: ⌊ He doesn't re⌋member . 1013211_1014340 *SHER: (.) Oh oh . 1014340_1015104 *ROSE: (..) &=in ⌈ &=COUGH &=COUGH ⌉ &=COUGH . 1015104_1018593 *BETH: ⌊ His mom &{l=X said it was &}l=X ⌋ . 1017143_1018222 *ROSE: &=in &=COUGH ⌈2 &=COUGH &=COUGH ⌉2 . 1018593_1020706 *BETH: ⌊2 &{l=X She said she- &}l=X +/. 1019716_1020348 *BETH: They went ⌋2 every +/. 1020348_1020961 *BETH: &=in just about every weekend . 1020961_1022178 *BETH: She hated going . 1022178_1023148 *SHER: (..) His mom ? 1023148_1024098 *SHER: (..) Which f- g- +/. 1024098_1024959 *SHER: (.) It was Jack's mother ? 1024959_1026055 *BETH: (.) Mhm . 1026055_1026606 *SHER: Oh: . 1026606_1027109 *SHER: (..) Hmm . 1027109_1028616 *SHER: (..) That's⌈: ⌉ +... 1028616_1030238 *BETH: ⌊ But ⌋ they had to go ⌈2 see her ⌉2 . 1030062_1031270 *SHER: +, ⌊2 pretty ba⌋2:d . 1030819_1031533 *BETH: (..) But he outgrew it . 1031533_1032975 *BETH: (.) &=in (..) But 1032975_1035538 ʔuh (.) i:t scared Marleen 1035538_1036788 cause that (.) was one of her dad's problems ? 1036788_1039142 *BETH: (..) One (.) &{l=WH of her dad's problems⌈: &}l=WH ⌉ . 1039142_1040918 *SHER: ⌊ What ⌋ . 1040721_1040904 *SHER: (.) Asthma ? 1040904_1041416 *BETH: &=SNIFF . 1041416_1041747 *SHER: (..) Oh: . 1041747_1042656 *SHER: (..) &=in (..) Seems like we've got every ⌈ bad th:ing there could be in (.) our fami⌉ly . 1042656_1047718 *BETH: ⌊ He had a lot of things though her dad ⌋ . 1045430_1047520 *ROSE: &=in &=SWALLOW (.) &=ex . 1047718_1050302 *BETH: (..) I was talking to (.) a gal at work 1050302_1054151 (..) ⌈ Karen (.) Bax⌉ter ? 1054151_1055359 *ROSE: ⌊ &=ex ⌋ . 1054313_1054975 *BETH: (..) Karen Berringer Baxter ? 1055359_1057236 *ROSE: (.) &=in . 1057236_1057771 *BETH: (..) Who's gonna have a baby 1057771_1058994 (..) ʔuh +/. 1058994_1059793 *BETH: (.) ⌈ She's ⌉ +... 1059793_1060351 *SHER: ⌊ Does she ⌋ have any: already ? 1060016_1061218 *BETH: (..) Hm-m . 1061218_1061846 *SHER: (.) ʔHm . 1061846_1062054 *BETH: She's my age . 1062054_1063036 *SHER: (..) Yeah 1063036_1063482 I know 1063482_1063785 I remember ⌈ Karen ⌉ . 1063785_1064766 *ROSE: ⌊ Her hus⌋band the ⌈2 one that had ⌉2 +... 1064240_1065583 *SHER: ⌊2 ʔI +/. 1065166_1065370 *SHER: (.) Berr⌋2inger . 1065370_1065897 *SHER: I know the &{l=X gal &}l=X . 1065897_1066635 *BETH: No 1066635_1067019 her sister's ⌈ husband ⌉ . 1067019_1068197 *ROSE: ⌊ Oh ⌋ okay . 1067891_1068518 *ROSE: &=in . 1068634_1069052 *BETH: (..) U:m 1069052_1069970 (..) but 1069970_1070841 (.) she said they did a u:m . 1070841_1072332 *ROSE: (..) &=in . 1072332_1073225 *BETH: (..) ⌈ gluc⌉ose tolerance test on her . 1073225_1077112 *ROSE: ⌊ Yeah ⌋ . 1075165_1075491 *BETH: (..) and there isn't any diabetes in their family 1077112_1079478 and she goes to doctor Hensel . 1079478_1080887 *BETH: (..) &=in And there's diabetes in our family 1080887_1083292 and he never did one on me 1083292_1084474 for either of the kids . 1084474_1085538 *ROSE: (..) &=SWALLOW ⌈ Maybe they picked something ⌉ up in a blood test ⌈2 somewhere . 1085538_1089677 *BETH: ⌊ There must be some- +/. 1087373_1088020 *BETH: &=in Oh ⌋ +/. 1088020_1088567 *BETH: ⌊2 That could be ⌋2 . 1089308_1089986 *ROSE: Her ⌉2 +/. 1089677_1089986 *ROSE: (.) &=in ⌈3 &=lengthened &=ex &=lengthened ⌉3 . 1089986_1091698 *BETH: ⌊3 But +/. 1090321_1090472 *BETH: And she had gallbladder ⌋3 problems: 1090472_1092532 (..) right before ⌈4 she got pregnant ⌉4 . 1092532_1094344 *ROSE: ⌊4 &=ex &=lengthened ⌋4 . 1093589_1094376 *BETH: ⌈5 N:- ⌉5 +... 1094587_1094899 *ROSE: ⌊5 &=in ⌋5 &=lengthened Well . 1094587_1095472 *BETH: (.) So 1095472_1096006 ⌈ (.) it could be: that they're ⌉ +... 1096006_1097158 *ROSE: ⌊ &=in And then there's ⌋ +/. 1096006_1097158 *ROSE: &=in &=COUGH &=COUGH 1097158_1098327 And there's such a thing as pregnancy (..) diabe⌈tes . 1098327_1100848 *BETH: ⌊ Mhm ⌋ . 1100584_1101217 *ROSE: &=in Where you ⌉ don't have it any other time . 1100848_1102485 *ROSE: &=in And 1102485_1103354 she may have ⌈ shown signs ⌉ of that . 1103354_1104563 *SHER: ⌊ Really ⌋ . 1103772_1104294 *ROSE: ⌈2 and then ⌉2 +... 1104563_1104871 *SHER: ⌊2 I never ⌋2 heard of that . 1104563_1105428 *ROSE: M⌈3hm ⌉3 . 1105428_1105912 *SHER: ⌊3 &=SNIFF ⌋3 1105672_1105965 (..) Hm . 1105965_1106452 *SHER: (..) &=in ⌈ &=lengthened ⌉ ⌈2 &=lengthened ⌉2 ⌈3 That's pr⌉3etty weird . 1106452_1108562 *BETH: ⌊ M⌋⌊2hm ⌋2 . 1107085_1107485 *ROSE: ⌊2 &=in ⌋2 . 1107309_1107507 *BETH: ⌊3 Could be ⌋3 . 1107507_1108078 *SHER: &=ex ⌈4 &=lengthened ⌉4 . 1108562_1109490 *BETH: ⌊4 She didn't say ⌋4 1108697_1109490 ⌈5 anything about that ⌉5 . 1109490_1110462 *ROSE: ⌊5 See I never ⌋5 had that . 1109490_1111293 *ROSE: (..) &=in But (.) ⌈6 Grandmom did ⌉6 . 1111293_1113173 *BETH: ⌊6 &=SLURP ⌋6 . 1112313_1113173 *ROSE: When she was pregnant with me . 1113173_1114254 *SHER: Oh she did ? 1114254_1114758 *SHER: (..) &=tsk Oh⌈: ⌉ . 1114758_1116289 *BETH: ⌊ &=SLURP ⌋ &=lengthened . 1115918_1116699 *SHER: (..) Were you big ? 1116699_1118724 *SHER: (..) When you were born . 1118724_1120377 *ROSE: &=tsk &=in Seven thirteen . 1120377_1121808 *SHER: Oh 1121808_1121985 so she didn't have (.) one of those classic signs of diabetes . 1121985_1124622 *ROSE: Nope 1124622_1124891 (..) &=in ⌈ y- f- usually don't on your f⌉irst baby . 1124891_1127881 *BETH: ⌊ See 1126058_1126356 but I did ⌋ . 1126356_1127235 *ROSE: &=in But your babies were late 1127881_1129298 Beth 1129298_1129702 my babies 1129702_1130284 ⌈ none of my babies were late ⌉ . 1130284_1131655 *BETH: ⌊ Yeah but 1130284_1130665 Laura was still ⌋ big . 1130665_1132360 *BETH: ⌈2 Even ⌉2 +... 1132360_1132745 *SHER: ⌊2 That's what ⌋2 (.) Mom's hoping 1132360_1133854 that it means 1133854_1134521 (.) it doesn't mean anything about having diabetes . 1134521_1136636 *BETH: Oh⌈: ⌉ . 1136636_1137683 *ROSE: ⌊ I know . 1136776_1137326 *ROSE: &=in ⌋ . 1137326_1137683 *SHER: &=ex ⌈2 &=lengthened ⌉2 . 1137683_1138249 *ROSE: ⌊2 Lau⌋2ra +/. 1138050_1138403 *ROSE: ʔUh d- ⌈3 Laura is +... 1138403_1139524 *BETH: ⌊3 I mean Laura was big (.) ⌋3 (.) any⌈4how ⌉4 . 1138698_1140972 *ROSE: ʔuh was big ⌉3 1139524_1140334 ⌊4 would've been ⌋4 big anyway 1140536_1141474 even if she had been on ⌈5 time ⌉5 . 1141474_1142562 *BETH: ⌊5 Cause she ⌋5 was big from the very beginning . 1142151_1144217 *ROSE: (.) ʔYeah⌈6: ⌉6 . 1144217_1144642 *BETH: ⌊6 I mean I ⌋6 went in at twelve weeks 1144435_1145883 and he said 1145883_1146311 (.) this is a big baby or twins . 1146311_1148268 *ROSE: (.) &=tsk ⌈ Right ⌉ . 1148268_1149066 *SHER: ⌊ Yeah ⌋ . 1148495_1149090 *ROSE: (..) &=tsk . 1149090_1149707 *BETH: So: she was +/. 1149707_1150596 *BETH: (.) &=SNIFF . 1150596_1151337 *ROSE: (..) &=ex . 1151337_1152730 *BETH: (..) Bill said t- last night 1152730_1155244 he said 1155244_1155699 (..) &=in something about (..) the next kid 1155699_1158302 I says Bill 1158302_1159249 (..) I don't want (..) &{l=@ any more kids . 1159249_1161994 *BETH: (..) I'm kidded out &}l=@ . 1161994_1163081 *BETH: (..) He says 1163081_1163711 &=in (.) he looks at me and he goes 1163711_1164854 (.) &=tsk &=in &{l=VOX Beth 1164854_1165714 (.) nothing ever flaps you [% laugh] &}l=VOX . 1165714_1167467 *BETH: (.) &=in ⌈ &=lengthened &{l=@ I said y- &}l=@ ⌉ . 1167467_1168563 *SHER: ⌊ &{l=WH &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &}l=WH ⌋ . 1167681_1168563 *BETH: &=in &=lengthened (..) now that's (.) not true 1168563_1170408 he said you could have six kids 1170408_1171948 and you would just (.) be cal:m and ⌈ cool⌉: . 1171948_1173884 *SHER: ⌊ ʔuh ⌋ . 1173533_1173833 *BETH: ⌈2 and just be Beth . 1173884_1175067 *SHER: ⌊2 You [% laugh] go [% laugh] 1173884_1174545 &{l=VOX guess what Bill 1174545_1175234 you're ⌋2 wrong &}l=VOX . 1175234_1175882 *BETH: &=in &=lengthened ⌉2 . 1175067_1175565 *SHER: &=laugh &=laugh ⌈3 &=laugh &=in &=laugh &=in . 1175882_1176774 *BETH: ⌊3 But now Sun⌋3⌈4day just about ⌉4 ⌈5 did it [% laugh] ⌉5 . 1176258_1178522 *SHER: I ⌉3 ⌊4 wouldn't be: Beth ⌋4 +... 1176774_1177837 *ROSE: ⌊4 &=ex &=lengthened ⌋4 . 1176974_1177837 *SHER: ⌊5 &=laugh &=laugh ⌋5 . 1177959_1178522 *BETH: &=laugh &=laugh . 1178522_1178900 *SHER: (.) &=in ⌈ &{l=VOX I wouldn't be Beth any⌉more &}l=VOX . 1178900_1180410 *BETH: ⌊ &=in &=lengthened ⌋ . 1179136_1180226 *SHER: ⌈2 &=laugh &=laugh (.) &=in ⌉2 . 1180410_1181662 *ROSE: ⌊2 What happened Sunday ⌋2 . 1180410_1181662 *BETH: (.) Oh 1181662_1182165 (.) ʔI just (..) about had it . 1182165_1183899 *BETH: With Anna and Sharon . 1183899_1185124 *BETH: &{l=P &{l=X And I &}l=X &}l=P (.) told (.) Sharon . 1185124_1186606 *SHER: (.) ⌈ What they were just ⌉ +... 1186606_1187757 *ROSE: ⌊ &=in What were th ⌋ ey doing . 1187054_1188303 *BETH: (..) They were +/. 1188303_1188825 *BETH: (.) Mostly Sharon (.) got on &{l=X her &}l=X bandwagon about Missus Jackson 1188825_1192294 (.) and I just about ⌈ came un- ⌉ +... 1192294_1193697 *ROSE: ⌊ About who ⌋ ? 1193018_1193696 *SHER: Missus ⌈2 Jackson ⌉2 ? 1193696_1194633 *BETH: ⌊2 Jean Jack⌋2son ? 1194057_1195170 *ROSE: (..) ⌈3 Oh I didn't hear (.) anything about it ⌉3 . 1195170_1196850 *BETH: ⌊3 XXXX ? 1195492_1196450 *BETH: &=in N⌋3o 1196450_1196902 you'd left . 1196902_1197675 *ROSE: &=in ⌈ &=lengthened Oh . 1197675_1198315 *SHER: ⌊ It was later ⌋ . 1197895_1198489 *ROSE: well t⌉ell me a⌈2bout it ⌉2 . 1198315_1199137 *BETH: ⌊2 &=ex ⌋2 . 1198967_1199137 *ROSE: Cause I hadn't ⌈3 heard all of this ⌉3 . 1199137_1200399 *BETH: ⌊3 &=in She was ⌋3 saying that . 1199668_1201074 *SHER: (..) &=in . 1201074_1202240 *BETH: (.) &=tsk &=in that 1202240_1203387 (..) that 1203387_1203990 (..) we were talking about 1203990_1206254 (.) um 1206254_1206891 (..) different students being held back for different reasons and that 1206891_1210035 &=in about 1210035_1210965 (..) children (..) being put 1210965_1213287 oh I was telling (.) her about 1213287_1214730 (.) that one of your girls (..) read at such a low level &{l=X that &}l=X 1214730_1217975 really should have been 1217975_1218723 (.) &=SNIFF and they said well why didn't they put her in (.) remedial 1218723_1221578 (.) and I said 1221578_1222246 well I don't know ⌈ but ⌉ . 1222246_1223274 *ROSE: ⌊ She ⌋ was in reme⌈2dial ⌉2 . 1222990_1224266 *BETH: ⌊2 Well ⌋2 1223915_1224266 &=ex &=in I said ⌈3 for one thing ⌉3 . 1224266_1225953 *ROSE: ⌊3 &=ex &=lengthened ⌋3 . 1225119_1225953 *BETH: (..) they can't put em in remedial 1225953_1228109 without the parents' consent . 1228109_1229535 *BETH: (.) And the:n 1229535_1230454 the who:le thi:ng about 1230454_1231656 that (.) Greg went through in 1231656_1232826 (..) the first part of second grade 1232826_1234197 his first 1234197_1234881 &=in &=lengthened and she was so: up⌈set because ⌉ . 1234881_1237032 *SHER: ⌊ What happened ⌋ ? 1236415_1237032 *SHER: (.) What hap⌈2pened ⌉2 ? 1237032_1237633 *BETH: ⌊2 They ⌋2 wanted to test him for a reme⌈3dial class . 1237487_1240164 *SHER: ⌊3 Who 1239499_1239954 (.) Greg ⌋3 ? 1239954_1240395 *BETH: Gre⌉3:g . 1240164_1240694 *SHER: ⌈4 Yeah ? 1240694_1241048 *ROSE: ⌊4 &=in It isn't a reme⌋4dial class . 1240694_1242605 *SHER: They wanted to test him ⌉4 ? 1241028_1241924 *ROSE: it's called resource room . 1242605_1243853 *BETH: ⌈ Okay . 1243853_1244188 *SHER: ⌊ Yeah . 1243853_1244188 *SHER: I know ⌋ . 1244188_1244531 *BETH: re⌉source roo⌈2m . 1244188_1244974 *SHER: ⌊2 But . 1244771_1244982 *BETH: Whate⌉2⌈3ver ⌉3 . 1244974_1245660 *SHER: just a re⌋2⌊3me- ⌋3 +... 1244974_1245660 *ROSE: ⌊3 And sh⌋3e ⌈4 wouldn't let ⌉4 em ? 1245402_1246393 *SHER: ⌊4 One ⌋4 +... 1245753_1246166 *BETH: (..) &=in Well 1246393_1247416 ʔuh she never did anything about it . 1247416_1248956 *BETH: (..) But she was telling An⌈na . 1248956_1250462 *SHER: ⌊ They never tested him . 1250308_1251231 *BETH: that Missus Jackson ⌉ . 1250462_1251831 *SHER: or they did ⌋ . 1251231_1251831 *BETH: &=in dema:nded he go into the resource room . 1251831_1254457 *BETH: &=in I said Sharon 1254457_1255557 (..) that's not right . 1255557_1256804 *BETH: &=in I said she: (.) suggested (.) he be tested for it . 1256804_1260179 *BETH: That's two different things . 1260179_1261226 *BETH: That was the first thing I said . 1261226_1262568 *BETH: &=in And then she was saying 1262568_1263861 (.) &=tsk &=in &{l=VOX well she just didn't do Greg any good &}l=VOX . 1263861_1266398 *BETH: &{l=X You know &}l=X 1266398_1266688 (.) and I just about 1266688_1268021 (.) I didn't . 1268021_1268527 *ROSE: &=SNIFF . 1268527_1268848 *BETH: (..) I didn't 1268848_1269571 b- (.) but I 1269571_1270140 (..) you know I told Bill later I said 1270140_1271741 &=in (..) Greg learned more from Missus Jackson 1271741_1274796 than he ever learned from Missus Meyer . 1274796_1276926 *ROSE: (.) &=tsk Oh well . 1276926_1277742 *ROSE: Probably . 1277742_1278347 *BETH: Becau:se 1278347_1279289 &=in he tried harder for her . 1279289_1281147 *ROSE: Mhm ? 1281147_1281669 *BETH: You know ? 1281669_1282231 *BETH: (.) And he (.) ⌈ really +... 1282231_1283408 *ROSE: ⌊ Here's our lunch 1283028_1283690 finally ⌋ . 1283690_1284140 *BETH: &=in And ⌉ he 1283408_1284402 he made a complete sw- +/. 1284402_1286292 *BETH: (.) not complete 1286292_1287104 but he'd im- +/. 1287104_1287547 *BETH: (..) Made a big improvement . 1287547_1288870 *ROSE: ⌈ Mhm ⌉ . 1288870_1289560 *SHER: ⌊ Mm: ⌋ . 1288870_1289560 *JAMI: ⌊ The Caesar ⌋ salad ⌈2 with the ke⌉2ba:bs . 1288870_1290768 *SHER: ⌊2 Hm ⌋2 . 1289900_1290249 *BETH: (.) ʔThat was mine . 1290768_1291622 *JAMI: (..) Okay 1291622_1292600 he made the kebabs a little bit bigger than I +/. 1292600_1294292 *JAMI: (..) regular 1294292_1295098 and I made the salad a little bigger 1295098_1296254 so we put em on ⌈ separate plates ⌉ . 1296254_1297478 *BETH: ⌊ Oh wow⌋⌈2: [% laugh] ⌉2 . 1296707_1297685 *SHER: ⌊2 &=laugh &=ex ⌋2 &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=in . 1297487_1298705 *BETH: &{l=X And &}l=X I'm gonna get full then 1298705_1300549 hunh . 1300549_1300763 *SHER: What ⌈ a deal ⌉ . 1300763_1301391 *ROSE: ⌊ I had the c⌋roissant . 1300875_1301823 *ROSE: (.) Mm . 1301823_1302310 *ROSE: (..) Thank you . 1302310_1304152 *SHER: Thanks . 1304152_1304623 *BETH: And +... 1304623_1304992 *JAMI: (..) Is everything alright ⌈ now ⌉ . 1304992_1306679 *ROSE: ⌊ Look⌋⌈2s fi⌉2⌈3:ne ⌉3 . 1306414_1307252 *BETH: ⌊2 Look⌋2⌊3s de⌋3⌈4licious ⌉4 . 1306714_1307762 *SHER: ⌊3 Looks ⌋3 ⌊4 good ⌋4 . 1306992_1307762 *JAMI: Okay great . 1307762_1308441 *BETH: Thank you . 1308441_1308874 *BETH: (..) So 1308874_1310124 (.) and that was . 1310124_1310806 *ROSE: (.) Mm . 1310806_1311283 *BETH: that kind of 1311283_1312033 (..) I mean she was ⌈ going . 1312033_1314070 *SHER: ⌊ Bugged you ⌋ . 1313732_1314245 *BETH: and ⌉ then she said 1314070_1314989 (..) she says well 1314989_1316818 &=in &{l=X and if &}l=X +/. 1316818_1317657 *BETH: She- +/. 1317657_1318074 *BETH: Missus Jackson is still there 1318074_1319424 when (.) Doug gets to second grade 1319424_1320838 &{l=VOX she's not gonna get her hands on him &}l=VOX . 1320838_1322733 *SHER: (..) Oh [% laugh] ⌈ brother [% laugh] ⌉ . 1322733_1323824 *BETH: ⌊ and I said ⌋ Greg 1323349_1324234 (.) Doug would probably do wonderful (..) in her class . 1324234_1327036 *BETH: (.) Greg did w- r- +/. 1327036_1328154 *BETH: (..) finally (..) did well . 1328154_1330151 *BETH: &=in Well and 1330151_1330921 for one thing it bothered me 1330921_1332243 because Anna takes ahold of something like that and doesn't let go . 1332243_1335392 *BETH: (.) &=in &=lengthened (..) And Sharon doesn't (.) even think about what she's saying . 1335392_1339827 *BETH: She just starts y- 1339827_1340789 (..) &{l=VOX nya-nya-nya-nya &}l=VOX 1340789_1341756 and I was just . 1341756_1342675 *ROSE: &=in (.) You should tell &=SWALLOW (..) &=tsk Sharon 1342675_1345618 that principals do not take kindly to parents telling em what room they want their kids in . 1345618_1349311 *ROSE: &=in &=lengthened . 1349311_1349840 *SHER: (..) ⌈ Mm ⌉ . 1349840_1352657 *BETH: ⌊ I thought ⌋ b:oy: . 1352282_1353549 *BETH: (..) They oughta put Doug in there just to show her . 1353549_1356167 *SHER: &=laugh &=laugh . 1356167_1356773 *BETH: (..) Mm: . 1356773_1358183 *ROSE: (..) Sh- ⌈ probably just as ⌉ well I'm not havi:ng Doug . 1358183_1361812 *BETH: ⌊ Well she just ⌋ +... 1359902_1360461 *ROSE: (.) I mean Greg . 1361812_1362678 *BETH: There's just the whole attitude . 1362678_1364093 *BETH: ⌈ ʔThat ⌉ +... 1364093_1364591 *SHER: ⌊ &=laugh &=ex ⌋ &=laugh &=ex &=laugh &=ex 1364093_1364964 (..) What 1364964_1365955 (..) what grade is (..) Doug in . 1365955_1367484 *ROSE: (..) He's starting first next year . 1367484_1369416 *ROSE: (.) ⌈ In kinder⌉garten this year . 1369416_1370773 *SHER: ⌊ Hm ⌋ . 1369670_1370092 *SHER: (.) Hm . 1370773_1371180 *BETH: (..) But 1371180_1372563 you know 1372563_1373114 (..) like 1373114_1374118 (..) she know:s 1374118_1376867 so much about it . 1376867_1377716 *BETH: You know ? 1377716_1378203 *BETH: (..) I said probably that one day the +/. 1378203_1380510 *BETH: (..) The teacher and you both just had a bad day 1380510_1382787 and it came off &{l=X on &}l=X . 1382787_1383807 *SHER: (..) Yeah . 1383807_1385870 *ROSE: (..) Probably just as well I wasn't there . 1385870_1388597 *SHER: (..) &=laugh &=ex &=lengthened . 1388597_1389388 *BETH: Oh: 1389388_1389902 I was 1389902_1390405 (..) &=COUGH 1390405_1391635 (..) I told Bill 1391635_1392597 I had several things I wanted to say 1392597_1393949 and I probably would've 1393949_1394736 if Anna wouldn't've been there . 1394736_1395868 *SHER: (..) &=laugh . 1395868_1397137 *BETH: (..) &=COUGH &=COUGH &=COUGH 1397137_1401411 (..) But I watch myself a lot closer around her . 1401411_1406965 *BETH: (..) &=COUGH &=COUGH (..) &=COUGH &=COUGH &=COUGH (..) M- &=THROAT &=THROAT (..) &=THROAT . 1406965_1419602 *ROSE: (..) This is good clam chowder 1419602_1425654 but it's not as good as Uncle Don made . 1425654_1427010 *SHER: (..) He made some ? 1427010_1428218 *SHER: (..) Oh 1428218_1428663 ⌈ after they ⌉ had gone ⌈2 clamming ⌉2 ? 1428663_1429817 *ROSE: ⌊ &{l=X One of those &}l=X ⌋ +... 1428663_1429108 *BETH: ⌊2 &=THROAT ⌋2 1429335_1429817 You know 1429817_1430221 (.) I don't think Sharon would've said it 1430221_1431828 if you'd've been around . 1431828_1432875 *ROSE: (..) She better not . 1432875_1435802 *SHER: (..) ⌈ Uncle Don ⌉ made it ? 1435802_1438007 *ROSE: ⌊ &=in ⌋ . 1437234_1437636 *SHER: (..) After ⌈2 you w- +... 1438007_1438814 *ROSE: ⌊2 &=in Yeah 1438606_1439078 but . 1439194_1439404 *SHER: (.) they went clamming ⌉2 ? 1438814_1439546 *ROSE: sur⌋2prisingly enough Sherry 1439404_1440839 (..) &=in it didn't taste real clammy . 1440839_1442847 *SHER: (..) Really ? 1442847_1443456 *ROSE: (.) Mhm . 1443456_1444057 *SHER: Hm . 1444057_1444342 *BETH: (..) Yeah it wasn't all that good . 1444342_1446845 *ROSE: (..) Well it was good 1446845_1448038 but 1448038_1448290 (.) it ⌈ didn't . 1448290_1448982 *SHER: ⌊ Yeah what's the use of hav⌋ing clam chowder [% laugh] . 1448662_1450272 *ROSE: (.) it wa- didn't ⌉ +... 1448982_1449620 *SHER: if [% laugh] it [% laugh] ⌈2 doesn't taste like clam ⌉2 . 1450272_1451418 *ROSE: ⌊2 Because eviden⌋2tly 1450628_1451707 fresh clams don't 1451707_1452767 haven't developed a real strong flavor ⌈ yet ⌉ . 1452767_1454731 *BETH: ⌊ ʔHunh- ⌋ unh . 1454499_1455068 *SHER: (..) How do they get their flavor . 1455068_1456547 *SHER: (..) Being canned or some⌈thing ⌉ ? 1456547_1457839 *ROSE: ⌊ &=tsk ⌋ I would think so . 1457630_1458601 *SHER: (..) Oh . 1458601_1459243 *SHER: (..) Hm . 1459243_1459895 *BETH: (..) &{l=X And &}l=X refrigerated . 1459895_1461945 *SHER: (..) Mm . 1461945_1462897 *ROSE: (..) Just aging . 1462897_1466184 *ROSE: (..) &=in ⌈ &=lengthened ⌉ . 1466184_1466983 *SHER: ⌊ Hm ⌋ . 1466596_1466983 *BETH: Um: hm . 1466983_1467577 *ROSE: (..) &=SLURP (..) &=tsk Oh 1467577_1472635 I had a s- soupspoon and didn't see it . 1472635_1474240 *ROSE: ⌈ Till just now ⌉ . 1474240_1475181 *SHER: ⌊ &=laugh &=ex &=laugh &=laugh ⌋ . 1474240_1475181 *ROSE: (..) Oh well . 1475181_1476022 *BETH: (.) But 1476022_1476669 (..) . 1476669_1478513 @End