@UTF8 @Begin @Languages: eng @Participants: FOST FOSTER Speaker, MANY MANY Speaker, AUD AUD Speaker @Options: CA, caps, bullets @ID: eng|SBCSAE|FOST|||||Speaker||| @ID: eng|SBCSAE|MANY|||||Speaker||| @ID: eng|SBCSAE|AUD|||||Speaker||| @Media: 25, audio @Comment: The Egg which Luther Hatched @Comment: This is a segment from a lecture on the history and theology of Martin Luther, part of an evening class held at a church, recorded in Delaware. *FOST: So Erasmus laid the the- +/. 6065_7580 *FOST: laid the egg 7585_8315 which Luther hatched . 8315_9540 *FOST: (..) &=tsk And um 10225_11185 (.) when you come then 11175_12250 (.) to: &=ex 12250_12850 uh 12850_13185 however this debate . 13185_14345 *FOST: (.) This freedom of the will . 14345_15650 *FOST: &=in Um 16040_16640 (..) I think uh 16935_17720 let me read you a (.) page from Brendler . 17715_19685 *FOST: (.) Because it sets the sa- stage very nicely . 19665_22155 *FOST: This is in the Luther book some of you are reading 22170_24810 &=in and um 24810_25890 (..) if you 25890_26913 &=in this evening when you go home 26913_28547 if you wanna meditate it on more 28547_30267 &=ex on- on it more 30267_31251 it's on page three eleven . 31251_33371 *FOST: (..) &=tsk &=in It's on page three eleven . 33371_35215 *FOST: (.) &=in But 35215_35891 let me just read you the- 35891_36843 cause this gives us the setting very nicely 36843_38902 and then (.) we can (.) uh 38902_40654 (.) &=in &{l=READ Erasmus entitled his anti-Luther pamphlet 40654_44771 (..) diatribe (.) concerning free will . 44771_47260 *FOST: (..) &=tsk &=in Once again 47260_49350 (..) the first (.) &=in and fundamental questions 49350_52238 disputed in fifteen sixteen 52238_53990 and fifteen seventeen 53990_55219 and again in Heidelberg 55219_56540 (.) in April of fifteen eighteen 56540_58292 &=in &=lengthened with which Luther had opened the assault on scholastic theology 58292_62471 were debated . 62471_63516 *FOST: (..) Luther was glad to take up the the:me of this debate &}l=READ . 63516_67080 *FOST: (..) &=tsk And this is what Luther writes to Erasmus . 67080_69754 *FOST: &=in (..) &{l=READ You alo:ne . 69754_71628 *FOST: (..) Among all: the others 71628_73165 &=in have recogni:zed the key: question . 73165_75746 *FOST: &=in And you do not bore me . 75746_77620 *FOST: &=in With the Papacy 77620_79157 (.) purgatory 79157_80140 (.) indulgences 80140_81154 (.) and similar nonsense . 81154_82967 *FOST: &=in You 82906_83797 and you alone 83797_84811 have identifie:d that on which a:ll else hinges . 84811_88406 *FOST: &=in And you have put the razor to the throat . 88406_91325 *FOST: &=in And for that (.) I thank you heartily . 91325_93661 *FOST: (..) &=in U:m 93661_95843 (.) thus Luther evalu- uh evaluated the subject . 95843_98946 *FOST: And Erasmus commented on the significance &=in of their engagement 98946_103218 (.) in battle 103218_104047 (.) in his own style &}l=READ . 104047_105430 *FOST: (.) &=tsk &=in And he wrote to Luther . 105430_106874 *FOST: &{l=READ (.) &=tsk &=in Perhaps an Erasmus (..) who writes (..) against you 106874_111637 &=in will do more for the Gospel 111637_113973 &=in than certain dunderheads (..) who support you &}l=READ . 113973_116892 *FOST: (..) &=in And then 116892_119043 (.) &{l=READ humanistic thinking 119043_120518 will never consent &}l=READ 120518_121686 (.) this is Brendler now 121686_123007 obs- +/. 123007_123376 *FOST: uh on this uh 123376_124113 but this sets the stage for what we're gonna (.) talk about 124113_126172 &=in &{l=READ humanistic thinking will never conse:nt 126172_128907 to the doctrine of original sin &}l=READ . 128907_131058 *FOST: (..) &=tsk Pico de la Mirandela would not have consented to the doctrine of original sin . 131058_136343 *FOST: (.) &=in &=tsk The author of uh 136345_138125 (.) what is it 138125_138341 Houseman I think 138341_139201 of Invictus . 139201_140061 *FOST: (.) &{l=Q I am the master of my fate 140061_142243 &=in I am the captain of my soul &}l=Q . 142243_144240 *FOST: &=in I don't think that he would &=ex (.) acknowledge original sin . 144240_148082 *FOST: &=in &{l=READ Is based &}l=READ uh 148082_149618 alright 149618_149905 what is it 149905_150460 it's &{l=READ based 150460_150786 as it is 150786_151339 on the concept 151339_152107 that human nature is totally depraved 152107_154104 &=in and of itself not capable of any good will . 154104_157147 *FOST: &=in &=tsk And that apart from grace alone 157147_159636 &=in free will is nothing 159636_161080 (.) can do nothing 161080_162063 (.) does nothing 162063_163139 &=in except depraved deeds . 163139_165044 *FOST: &=in Even though these pronouncements are Biblically based 165044_168424 (.) and may be acceptable within an exclusively theological system 168424_172327 &=in they do not appear (..) &=SWALLOW reconcilable with the dignity of man- +/. 172327_176444 *FOST: dignity of man . 176444_177643 *FOST: &=in Catholic 177643_179179 (..) and semi-pelagianism 179179_181392 (..) &=tsk with all of it's emphasis on on the role of prevenient grace 181392_185171 &=in finally views 185171_186400 (.) free will 186400_187292 (.) as the decisive factor in attaining salvation . 187292_190579 *FOST: &=in Thereby conceptualizing free will 190579_193314 &=in as similar to a healthy (.) man- +/. 193314_195711 *FOST: healthy human understanding 195711_197463 &=in for how can a person 197463_199522 &=in be responsible for his dee:ds 199522_201949 (.) if he possesses no free will &}l=READ . 201949_204285 *FOST: (..) This is what Erasmus asked . 204285_206220 *FOST: (..) &=in &=tsk &{l=READ How can he decide between good and evil . 206220_209232 *FOST: (..) So reasoned Erasmus . 209232_211229 *FOST: &=in Such arguments 211229_212889 (..) long known to Luther 212889_214794 (..) and many times (.) presented to him 214794_216883 (.) impressed him &=in not in the least . 216883_219526 *FOST: (..) &=tsk God alo:ne is salvation . 219526_222077 *FOST: &=in God alo:ne measures guilt . 222077_224504 *FOST: &=in He alone condemns . 224504_226194 *FOST: He alone grants grace . 226194_227638 *FOST: Justifies and saves . 227638_229298 *FOST: (.) When he will 229298_230097 (.) and whom he will . 230097_231418 *FOST: &=in Ma:n can do nothing against the divine prerogative . 231418_235044 *FOST: &=in Man can only accept the divine judgment . 235044_238055 *FOST: (..) &=tsk This is in fact best . 238055_239899 *FOST: &=in And if by +/. 239899_241528 *FOST: &=in And +/. 241528_241958 *FOST: (.) and it is by the divine prerogative 241958_244693 (.) that man (.) will +/. 244693_246322 *FOST: &=in uh: 246322_246813 that man is well provided for . 246813_248718 *FOST: (.) For God alone is infallible 248718_250347 (.) and his being is grace and mercy . 250347_252529 *FOST: (..) &=tsk This concept 252529_254188 &=in (..) that man is divinely elected to salvation 254188_257630 or to damnation 257630_258828 &=in is the center of the predestination dogma . 258828_261778 *FOST: (.) That later 261778_262393 (.) the Geneva reformer Calvin 262393_264144 &=in made the center of his teaching . 264144_266142 *FOST: &=in And that subsequently 266142_267432 under other historical preconditions and circumstances 267432_270659 &=in could be linked closely with a prosperous middle class 270659_273639 in the Netherlands 273732_274469 and in England &}l=READ . 274469_275452 *FOST: &=in (..) U:m 275452_277880 (..) uh: 277880_279509 skip this paragraph 279509_280431 this is the paragraph though . 280431_281475 *FOST: Right here . 281475_281905 *FOST: The next one . 281905_282445 *FOST: &=tsk &=in (.) P- on page three twelve . 282440_284395 *FOST: When you 284395_284794 (.) when you read- +/. 284794_285378 *FOST: if you wanna read it later . 285378_286361 *FOST: &=in &{l=READ Therefore 286361_287898 (.) Luther did not accept rational arguments against predestination doctrine . 287898_292691 *FOST: &=in Such arguments 292691_294074 on the contrary 294074_294965 necessarily appeared to Luther 294965_297424 &=in given his theological orientation 297424_299851 &=in as suspicious . 299851_301326 *FOST: (.) From the very start . 301326_302525 *FOST: &=in Because they originated from human nature . 302525_305444 *FOST: &=in Which exalted itself against God . 305444_308271 *FOST: (.) &=in The who:re (.) reason . 308332_310453 *FOST: &=in Prefers to submit to the Devil . 310453_312942 *FOST: &=in Adjusts to all situations . 312942_315615 *FOST: &=in And proves (.) everything 315615_317244 that is demanded of her . 317244_319210 *FOST: (..) Human nature 319210_320378 (.) &{l=MRC does not (.) possess (.) free will &}l=MRC . 320378_322775 *FOST: &=in It is like a horse . 322775_324619 *FOST: &=in Ridden by Go:d or the Devil . 324619_327814 *FOST: (..) The rider possesses the will . 327814_330150 *FOST: (..) The horse (.) obeys &}l=READ . 330150_332178 *FOST: (..) &=in Well that's as clear as you can get it . 332178_335927 *FOST: (..) &=tsk Human nature is like a horse . 335927_339952 *FOST: (..) Ridden by Go:d or the Devil . 339952_343517 *FOST: (..) The rider possesses free will . 343517_346651 *FOST: (..) The horse: obeys . 346774_349355 *FOST: (..) Alright that 349355_350400 th_now the debate is joined you see . 350400_352059 *FOST: And as you come +/. 352059_352920 *FOST: as Erasmus comes to this 352920_354364 he's going to say 354364_355347 &=in well let's look at the Scriptures . 355347_357775 *FOST: (..) &=tsk Now 357775_359035 (.) number one 359035_359803 we have to admit first- +/. 359803_361247 *FOST: (.) v- first off 361247_362323 &=in that there see:m to be passages 362323_364873 there are passages in the Scriptures 364873_366871 (.) are there not ? 366871_367823 *FOST: &=in &=THROAT Many . 367823_369974 *FOST: (.) Which see:m to teach 369974_371480 that ma:n is responsible for his deeds 371480_373846 and that he may act 373846_374952 and has a free will to respond to the invitation of God . 374952_378087 *FOST: &=in Isn't that clear in the Scriptures ? 378087_379777 *FOST: &=in Whosoever wi:ll may come . 379777_381897 *FOST: (..) Um 381897_384355 (.) Jesus turned to his disciples 384355_386783 you remember 386783_387305 when some deserted him 387305_388903 and (.) seemed 388903_389979 because they were disappointed in (.) some of his sayings 389979_392806 &=in and they were offended by some of the things he said 392806_396124 &=in (..) and they walked no longer with him it said . 395817_398951 *FOST: (..) &=tsk And then he turned to those who remained 398951_401441 and he said 401441_402117 &{l=Q Will ye also go away &}l=Q ? 402117_404821 *FOST: (..) They had a choice . 404821_406081 *FOST: Didn't they ? 406081_406941 *FOST: (..) Will you go away . 406941_409246 *FOST: (.) What do you will . 409246_411458 *FOST: &=in (.) And the will 411458_412411 (.) apparently was 412411_413578 re- resided in (.) in these disciples . 413578_416405 *FOST: &=in And so Erasmus is going to say 416405_418372 so obviously 418372_419202 in Scripture we ha:ve (.) paradox . 419202_421906 *FOST: (..) We have clea:r passages of Scripture 421906_424979 &=in which seem to indicate that ma:n (.) &{n=POUND &=nonvocal has a &=nonvocal free will 424979_428974 (.) and that he can &=nonvocal exercise &}n=POUND that will 428974_430848 (.) to follow 430848_431493 or not to follow . 431493_432692 *FOST: &=in To respond or not to respond . 432692_434689 *FOST: &=in On the other hand 434689_435611 &=in we have passages of Scripture 435611_437639 &=in which (.) seem to indicate 437639_439636 (..) that the will is not free 439636_441787 (..) and that the- 441787_442771 and that man i- th- is- +/. 442771_443908 *FOST: man is predestined (.) by a (.) an omnipotent sovereign will of God . 443908_448916 *FOST: &=in (..) We have to take both these pass- +/. 448916_452143 *FOST: So it's not a question of the Scriptural authority . 452143_454724 *FOST: (.) We both accept the scriptural authority . 454724_456621 *FOST: And Erasmus in his writings 456570_457856 and in his pamphlet the Liber Arbetrio 457856_459818 in his pamphlet the Liber Arbetrio 457856_459818 says to Luther 459818_460681 qu- because it is addressed to Luther you see 460681_462524 &=in he says to Luther 462524_464064 &=in uh 464064_464723 I will not church +/. 464723_466026 *FOST: (.) I will not (.) question 466026_467362 or I not +/. 467362_467785 *FOST: I will not quote . 467785_468597 *FOST: I will not quote the Church Fathers to you 468597_471388 &=in because I understand you accept &{l=@ no Church Father authority 471388_475431 &=in if it is in disagreement with your opinion &}l=@ . 475431_477748 *FOST: &=in So I will quote the only authority that you recognize 477748_481368 (.) The Holy Scriptures . 481469_482620 *FOST: (..) &=tsk And so 482620_483719 (.) uh 483719_484091 exclusively Erasmus will appeal to the Scriptures 484091_487051 as his basis . 487051_488269 *FOST: &=in When God created Adam and Eve in the garden 488269_490908 he placed them in the garden 490908_492058 and he said you have a choice . 492058_493513 *FOST: &=in &=lengthened Uh: 493581_494968 you have a choice . 494968_495830 *FOST: Do not eat of the fruit of the knowledge of the good- +/. 495830_498300 *FOST: of the tree of good and evil 498300_499738 for on the day ye eat thereof 499738_500803 ye shall surely die . 500803_502190 *FOST: (.) Now: 502190_502765 do not do that 502765_503645 (.) and obviously Go:d m:ust have given 503645_506419 the first &=in created pair 506419_509109 &=in a choice . 509109_510090 *FOST: Because the whole &=in system (.) of reward or punishment 510090_515316 (.) is based upon the decision which is (.) these individuals made . 515316_518598 *FOST: Or: 518598_519055 &=in when Cai:n slew Abel . 519055_521423 *FOST: &=in &=lengthened &=tsk U:m 521423_523063 (.) if you do we:ll ? 523063_524603 *FOST: (.) Shall you not be s- sustained ? 524603_526768 *FOST: But if you do evil ? 526768_528020 *FOST: &=in Sin (.) crouches at the door . 528020_530675 *FOST: (..) If you do well . 530675_532722 *FOST: (..) Apparently 532722_533872 from this 533872_534616 (..) Cain (.) had the ability 534616_537001 (.) even after the mur- +/. 537001_538270 *FOST: ʔuh ʔuh even after the murder of Abel 538270_540266 &=in he had the ab:ility 540266_542330 &=in to make a positive choice . 542330_544850 *FOST: (.) According to Erasmus . 544850_546423 *FOST: That's going to be his position . 546423_547996 *FOST: &=in Well Luther 547996_549265 (.) &=tsk um 549265_549941 (.) I'll g- I'll I'll tell- say some of the things that he he picked first 549941_553257 Erasmus picked first 553257_554373 &=in and um 554373_555523 (.) he's gonna go all through the Scriptures 555523_556995 and he's gonna take passages like this 556995_558822 &=in um 558822_559786 (..) &=tsk return return the prophets said 559786_562645 did they not to ancient Israel . 562645_564116 *FOST: Return to the God of the covenant 564116_565723 return &=in Hosea pleads with Gomer 565723_568413 (.) please come back (.) t_you see . 568413_570239 *FOST: &=in And uh 570239_571102 this is the symbol of Israel 571102_572658 come back to the Lord 572658_574096 &=in come back to the: the husband of the covenant 574096_576904 come back to: the one who called you and summoned you 576904_580033 &=in it's the- +/. 580033_580964 *FOST: Erasmus says the whole premise is 580964_582977 &=in that you have a- an ability 582977_585565 to return . 585565_586343 *FOST: That you can make up your mi:nd 586343_588778 &=in to change the course that you're now taking . 588778_591603 *FOST: &=in And that you can (.) go this way 591603_593650 (.) or you can go that way . 593650_595071 *FOST: &=in And uh 595065_596335 (.) then there are other arguments which are 596335_598296 &=in uh 598296_599510 (.) here's uh 599510_600108 here's one on um 600108_601442 I'll read an excerpt 601442_602696 (..) in this uh 602696_603850 in this little book 603850_604647 this is the um 604647_605742 (.) the actual uh 605742_607334 (..) wr- writings of the s- f- (.) freedom of the will 608808_612192 &=in (.) here's he (.) he uses Ecclesiastes . 612192_615377 *FOST: (..) God 615377_616412 and this is a quote 616412_617408 &=in from the b- +/. 617408_618164 *FOST: (.) from the book . 618164_618742 *FOST: &=in &{l=READ God made man from the beginning 618742_621569 (.) &=in and left him in the hand of his own counsel . 621569_624654 *FOST: (..) &=tsk He added his commandments 624654_627203 (..) &=in and (.) precepts . 627203_629054 *FOST: (..) If thou would keep the commandments 629054_631463 (.) and perform acceptable (.) fidelity forever 631463_635644 &=in (.) they shall (.) preserve thee . 635305_638033 *FOST: (..) He hath set w- +/. 638212_639486 *FOST: he hath set water and fire before thee . 639486_642233 *FOST: (..) Stretch forth thy hand 642233_644224 &=in to which thou wilt . 644224_646036 *FOST: &=in (..) Before man is life and death . 646036_649380 *FOST: (..) Good and evil . 649380_650873 *FOST: (..) That which he shall choose 650873_652884 &=in shall be given him &}l=READ . 652884_654397 *FOST: (..) Choose . 654397_657005 *FOST: (..) &=in So Erasmus's argument is 657005_659454 (.) you have a right to choose . 659454_660887 *FOST: You can choose . 660887_661882 *FOST: &=in And therefore if you can choose 661882_664391 this presupposes (..) &=tsk that you have a free will . 664391_668074 *FOST: &=in In any rate 668074_669308 (..) if (.) man is 669308_671259 (..) uh 671259_671970 if there is a necessity in man's action . 671970_674305 *FOST: If he is pre:determined to sin . 674305_676614 *FOST: &=in (.) If (.) if God has already determined 676614_680317 &=in that this person (.) commits these acts . 680317_683483 *FOST: &=in Then (.) there can be no responsibility on the part of the actor . 683483_687823 *FOST: &=in On the part of the perpetrator . 687823_689594 *FOST: Because how can a person be held responsible &=in for deeds 689594_693297 &=in which he does 693297_695169 (.) if he: ʔhimself did not will those 695169_697578 the- f- +/. 697578_697996 *FOST: if 697996_698175 in other words 698175_698792 he may will those deeds 698812_700046 but those +/. 700046_700604 *FOST: th- those deeds were imposed upon his will by a transcendent force . 700604_705282 *FOST: &=in &=lengthened If that is the case 705282_707153 then there is really no freedom of the will . 707153_709045 *FOST: &=in And if uh: 709204_710677 in that case 710677_711493 therefore 711493_712031 a person cannot be responsible for his deeds 712031_714917 &=in if the deeds which he commits 714917_717068 have already been eternally foreordained . 717068_719437 *FOST: (.) &=SNIFF This is uh: 719437_721527 this is going to be then Erasmus's argument 721527_723896 ag- on this qu- on this question of the freedom of the will . 723896_726225 *FOST: &=in But uh: 726225_727559 (.) uh 727559_728674 &=in (.) we'll (.) look at another couple p- uh of his passages . 728674_732456 *FOST: If 732456_732875 (.) here it is . 732875_733432 *FOST: &{l=READ If the will (.) were not free 733432_735761 (..) &=in sin could not be attributed to man . 735761_739325 *FOST: (..) &=tsk It ceases to be sin . 739325_742191 *FOST: (..) If it is not voluntary . 742191_744142 *FOST: (.) &=in Free wi:ll is not extinct . 744142_747228 *FOST: (..) Though it has contracted a paralysis &}l=READ . 747228_751170 *FOST: (..) &=SNIFF (..) &=in How is it paralyzed . 751170_756235 *FOST: Well it's paralyzed by the fall . 756235_757859 *FOST: (..) See we all: (.) participate in the Adamic nature . 757859_760825 *FOST: (..) &=tsk &=in A:nd this Adamic nature 760825_763533 (.) uh 763533_763991 when Adam: 763991_764628 (.) in Adam: 764628_765305 remember the New Eng- (.) New England primer 765305_766619 &{l=Q in Adam's fall 766619_767992 we sinned all &}l=Q . 767992_769087 *FOST: &=SNIFF &=lengthened So: 769087_770481 this Adamic nature has been 770481_772312 (.) has been passed on to all generation:s of humans . 772312_775657 *FOST: &=in And so therefore while we +/. 775657_777747 *FOST: &=in we have a free will 777747_779599 it is +/. 779678_780037 *FOST: it is paralyzed . 780037_781191 *FOST: (.) It's not the will (.) that was there . 781191_783899 *FOST: (.) &=in It's not the will 783899_785651 (..) that uh 785651_787004 (..) that Adam had . 787004_788717 *FOST: (..) Because (.) it no longer (.) has the freedom (.) that Adam had . 788717_792957 *FOST: It is cursed by sin . 792957_794390 *FOST: It is under the curse of sin . 794390_795844 *FOST: &=in So the human will 795844_797138 somehow 797138_797954 is paralyzed . 797954_799049 *FOST: &=in (..) Uh Erasmus admits that . 799049_801438 *FOST: &=in And then 801438_802354 Erasmus will say 802354_803548 that um 803548_804484 (..) &=tsk &=in God then enables . 804484_807629 *FOST: What God does 807629_808505 and this will be the C- really the modern Catholic view . 808505_810974 *FOST: &=in That God will provide a prevenient grace . 810974_814916 *FOST: (..) A prevenient grace . 814916_816787 *FOST: That is in other words 816807_817543 even though I am unwilling to accept the gift of salvation 817543_821007 you see 821007_821605 &=in that um 821605_822978 (..) that God will give me a prevenient grace 822978_826482 &=in which will (.) enable me 826482_829070 (.) to move toward (.) this salvation . 829070_831818 *FOST: (..) &=tsk &=in And if I then respo:nd . 831818_835520 *FOST: (.) positively . 835520_837153 *FOST: &=in (.) To the gift of God 837153_838885 &=in then (.) God will extend (.) the exemplary grace to me 838885_843424 (.) which enables me (..) to acquire salvation . 843424_846609 *FOST: &=in So prevenient grace 846609_848421 will put you on the path . 848421_849874 *FOST: &=in (..) If you respond on the path 849914_852801 &=in then God extends the exemplary grace 852801_855986 &=in which will lead you home . 855986_857698 *FOST: &=in He uses a little: story . 857698_860067 *FOST: (..) A little (.) uh (.) uh (.) allegory . 860067_863232 *FOST: (.) Or figure I guess . 863232_864865 *FOST: &=in (..) &=tsk Uh there uh there's a n- &=ex +/. 864865_867035 *FOST: (..) there's a tot 867035_868190 (.) a toddler . 868190_869185 *FOST: (..) &=in (.) &=tsk Uh 869185_870897 (..) but he's got to be ʔuh- (.) big enough to a:ppreciate apples . 870897_873983 *FOST: (.) Okay ? 873983_874441 *FOST: &=laugh &=laugh &{l=@ Because 874441_875894 &=laugh &=laugh his 875894_876790 &=in alright 876790_877387 &=laugh because that's the 877387_878442 that's part of the story &}l=@ . 878442_879577 *FOST: &=in There a (.) nice (.) shiny (.) apple . 879577_882006 *FOST: (.) Over here . 882006_882782 *FOST: (..) &=tsk &=in (.) Over here 882782_884454 you see . 884454_884972 *FOST: (..) And this (.) little (.) tot 884972_886684 (..) he sees the apple . 886684_888317 *FOST: &=tsk &=in (..) A:nd he uh: 888317_891024 (.) he needs 891024_891900 (.) he wants to get to this apple . 892019_893712 *FOST: (..) &=in U:m 893712_895264 (..) so he starts (..) in the direction of the apple . 895264_898788 *FOST: But he's very unsteady . 898788_900222 *FOST: He wavers . 900222_901018 *FOST: You see 901018_901456 and he's not 901456_902053 &=in so 902053_902790 what (.) is the prevenient grace . 902790_904880 *FOST: The prevenient grace is the adult 904880_907010 &=in which (.) doesn't (.) take him (.) to the apple 907010_910235 (.) doesn't lift him up and put him next to the apple 910235_912664 &=in b- but (..) ʔuh (..) goes along with him 912664_916048 just guiding him 916048_917243 making sure that he (.) he doesn't fall 917243_919532 &=in he just 919532_920528 (.) he lets hi:m get there . 920528_922220 *FOST: &=in (.) But (.) he just (.) more or less 922220_924908 &=in supports or sustains the little tot 924947_928073 in his motion (.) toward the apple . 928073_930163 *FOST: &=in So the little tot you see 930163_932353 (..) &=tsk Has decided he wants the apple . 932353_934881 *FOST: Once he sees it 934881_935857 &=in (.) uh 935857_936852 then he: 936852_937450 he moves toward it . 937450_938644 *FOST: &=in Prevenient grace assists him (.) toward that apple . 938644_941949 *FOST: &=in It doesn't 941949_943024 (.) as I said 943024_943462 it doesn't carry him there 943462_944895 &=in it doesn't (.) go get the apple and bring it to him 944895_947782 &=in he must go to the apple . 947782_949813 *FOST: But he goes: sustained by this prevenient grace . 949813_953456 *FOST: And then 953456_954013 &=in if he 954013_954710 &=in (.) if he half way to the apple 954710_956940 if he decides he doesn't want it 956940_958333 (..) if he (.) if he sees something he th- considers more attractive 958333_962593 (.) and he goes off on a tangent 962593_964186 or goes off in a different direction 964186_965520 &=in then you see 965520_966515 (.) then his wi:ll has decided that he does not want to cooperate . 966515_970278 *FOST: (..) With prevenient grace . 970278_972209 *FOST: &=in &=lengthened Luther hated that word cooperation . 972209_974996 *FOST: W- particularly in connection with grace . 974996_976967 *FOST: (.) &=in Now Luther's position is 976967_978958 (.) we are dead (..) in trespasses and sin . 978958_982283 *FOST: &=in You see . 982283_983338 *FOST: (.) There is &=in nothing &=in that can (.) come to us 983457_986762 you see now Luther came to his reformation remember 986762_989430 &=in with this fear of the righteousness of God . 989430_992197 *FOST: &=in &=lengthened The righteousness of God . 992197_994387 *FOST: And Luther all through his monastic life 994387_996557 up until around fifteen fifteen 996557_998448 is probably when he made that tower discovery . 998448_1000618 *FOST: (.) &=in That so-called &{l=L2 Turmerlebnis &}l=L2 . 1000618_1003365 *FOST: &=in The: tower experience . 1003365_1005555 *FOST: (..) &=tsk Where reading in Romans one seventeen 1005555_1008243 (..) he read 1008243_1008820 &=in you know 1008820_1009756 (..) &=THROAT (..) the j- the just (.) shall live by faith 1009756_1012881 well 1012881_1013180 (.) you have to take rea- really read Romans one sixteen first . 1013180_1016524 *FOST: (..) &=in &=tsk U:m 1016524_1018674 (.) &{l=READ I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Jesus Christ . 1018674_1021561 *FOST: (.) &=in (.) For it is the power of God onto salvation . 1021561_1024826 *FOST: (..) To everyone that believeth 1024826_1026936 (.) &=in to the Jew first 1026936_1028509 (..) and also to the Greek . 1028509_1029923 *FOST: &=in &=lengthened For therein &}l=READ 1029923_1031734 (..) therein 1031794_1032988 it can only refer grammatically to Gospel 1032988_1035119 you see . 1035119_1035576 *FOST: &=in &{l=READ I am not ashamed of the Gospel . 1035576_1037308 *FOST: &=in For therein . 1037308_1038583 *FOST: &=in Is the righteousness of Go:d revealed . 1038583_1042047 *FOST: (..) As it is written . 1042047_1043659 *FOST: (..) &{l=MRC The just (.) shall live (.) by faith &}l=MRC &}l=READ . 1043659_1046924 *FOST: (..) A:nd 1046924_1048576 when he discovered this 1048576_1049492 he had read this a hundred times . 1049592_1050985 *FOST: (.) But this one time when he read it 1050985_1052518 &=in he said 1052518_1053693 (..) suddenly it dawned on him . 1053693_1055445 *FOST: (..) What this meant . 1055445_1056579 *FOST: (..) &{l=Q And this place in Pau:l &}l=Q 1056579_1059586 Luther said 1059586_1060223 &{l=Q Became for me 1060223_1061517 &=in the gate of paradise &}l=Q . 1061517_1063468 *FOST: (..) &{l=L2 Es ging mir ein Licht auf &}l=L2 . 1063468_1066932 *FOST: &=in (..) The light broke in on me . 1066932_1068922 *FOST: &=in (..) And what was this light . 1068922_1071570 *FOST: (..) &=tsk That the righteousness of God 1071570_1073879 (..) is passive righteousness . 1073879_1075791 *FOST: (.) It's not the righteousness 1075791_1077330 you see 1077330_1077610 Luther said 1077610_1078100 &{l=Q I hated that (.) that phrase righteousness of God . 1078100_1081086 *FOST: &=in What does righteousness of God mean . 1081086_1083216 *FOST: &=in Righteousness of God means 1083216_1084849 &=in God is holy . 1084909_1086163 *FOST: &=in And I'm a sinner . 1086282_1087536 *FOST: (..) And I can never stand in his presence . 1087536_1089905 *FOST: &=in And the gulf between us can never be bridged 1090005_1092752 (.) and he's gonna c:ast me into Hell 1092752_1094584 because of my sin . 1094584_1095400 *FOST: &=in What shall I do to earn the righteousness of God &}l=Q . 1095460_1098207 *FOST: So you see he was constantly &=in preoccupied with this thought 1098207_1101791 &=in of somehow 1101791_1102975 &=in satisfying the righteousness of God . 1102975_1105812 *FOST: &=in Through some work . 1105812_1107106 *FOST: (.) &=in Through some indulgence . 1107106_1108579 *FOST: &=in Through some prayer . 1108579_1109734 *FOST: S_through- through- through- renunciation . 1109734_1111835 *FOST: Through fasting . 1111835_1112867 *FOST: Through vigils . 1112867_1113925 *FOST: &=in You know 1113925_1114881 he says 1114906_1115454 if a monk 1115454_1116181 if a m- m- ʔuh +/. 1116181_1116920 *FOST: &=in &{l=Q if ever a monk could've gained heaven through his monkery 1116920_1120872 &=in it would have been I . 1120872_1122389 *FOST: ⌈ &=laugh &=in &=laugh &=laugh &=in You see ? 1122389_1124225 *MANY: ⌊ &=LAUGHTER ⌋ . 1124225_1127348 *FOST: &=in I mean 1124225_1125207 &=in I mean &}l=Q 1125207_1126137 &=in if ever a monk ⌉ 1126137_1127348 could've gained heaven through his monkery 1127348_1129439 it would've ⌈ been I ⌉ . 1129439_1130867 *AUD: ⌊ &=laugh &=lengthened ⌋ . 1130127_1130867 *FOST: &=in Because he d- he did everything 1130867_1133212 (.) that he thought would 1133212_1134373 (.) would make God respond (.) sympathetically to him . 1134373_1138057 *FOST: And and pacify: this righteousness . 1138057_1140517 *FOST: &=in And he was always miserable . 1140517_1142289 *FOST: (..) &=tsk And then he discovered 1142289_1144023 &=in it's nothing that I do: . 1144023_1146330 *FOST: (..) It's what I accept in faith . 1146330_1149262 *FOST: (.) Namely 1149262_1150206 (..) the sacrifice of Christ 1150206_1152092 the vicarious sacrifice of Christ 1152092_1153864 for my sin on the cross 1153864_1155330 &=in I reach out 1155330_1156439 (.) I accept that 1156439_1157702 (..) ʔas my +/. 1157702_1158798 *FOST: (.) and (.) and then the righteousness of God 1158798_1160506 &=in is (.) imputed to me . 1160608_1162966 *FOST: (..) It's given to me . 1162966_1164981 *FOST: (..) The (.) &{l=MRC the just &=in shall live (.) by faith &}l=MRC . 1164981_1168563 *FOST: (..) And so 1168869_1169952 &=in this life (.) in God comes to you not 1169952_1172986 (.) &{l=% 1172974_1173369 it's not God &}l=% 1173369_1174032 th- this &{l=L2 deus absconditus &}l=L2 1174032_1176046 this concealed God 1176046_1177206 this angry God 1177206_1178277 this God who's waiting to throw you into Hell at any minute 1178277_1181234 &=in &=lengthened that (.) that was the image that Luther had . 1181234_1183784 *FOST: And now you see 1183784_1184625 and and and works were associated with this . 1184625_1186627 *FOST: His works . 1186652_1187201 *FOST: What do I have to do 1187201_1188042 &=in what do I have to do to placate him . 1188042_1189661 *FOST: What do I have to do to please him . 1189661_1190897 *FOST: &=in And now you see the breakthrough comes . 1191038_1193320 *FOST: &=in So 1193205_1193728 &=in Luther 1193740_1194607 from his point of view 1194607_1195716 you see 1195716_1196086 he's coming at it from an angle of a (.) of an Augustinian monk . 1196086_1199031 *FOST: He's coming at it from that . 1199031_1199796 *FOST: With this travail of soul . 1199796_1201134 *FOST: This agony and anguish &=in of looking for this God . 1201134_1204410 *FOST: &=in So 1204410_1204971 &=in he is 1204971_1205570 (.) after this discovery 1205570_1206909 &=in he is going to (.) detest &=in anything (.) in theology 1206909_1210963 &=in which smacks of &=in human effort 1210963_1214086 (..) or human work 1214086_1215794 (..) sufficient (..) to please God 1215794_1218739 (.) or to placate God . 1218739_1219785 *FOST: &=in N:o . 1219785_1220766 *FOST: (..) There is nothing you can do to please God . 1220766_1222984 *FOST: &=in (.) God (.) loves you 1222984_1224693 (.) he gives you his grace 1224693_1225878 &=in totally &=in out of his grace 1225878_1228772 (.) and n:othing from your merit . 1228772_1230875 *FOST: (..) So the human will &=in cannot 1230875_1233348 (.) you cannot decide &=in to accept God 1233348_1236395 and his grace . 1236395_1237441 *FOST: (..) Even the gift of faith . 1237441_1239162 *FOST: It's interesting in um 1239162_1240526 (.) &=tsk in Bonifas 1240526_1241686 in his book: uh 1241686_1242897 now he's a French Huguenot . 1242897_1244095 *FOST: So you would expect it . 1244095_1245128 *FOST: &=in But it's still 1245128_1246262 it comes in an interesting scene . 1246262_1247843 *FOST: &=in (.) Where he's in one of the camps . 1247843_1250240 *FOST: It's in the second world war 1250240_1251527 he's in the concentration camp in Germany 1251527_1253337 (..) &=tsk and it's very 1253337_1255122 b- it's a beautifully written book . 1255122_1256639 *FOST: And and he: 1256639_1257391 uh 1257366_1257519 he's in this scene 1257519_1258692 &=in in this camp 1258692_1259979 (.) and 1259979_1260553 (..) you know 1260553_1261471 &=in (.) you just wanna give up 1261471_1263383 a &=ex I mean 1263383_1263791 &=ex every day is 1263791_1264581 &=in you're hanging onto life (..) by your (.) fingernails . 1264581_1267653 *FOST: &=in And u:m 1267653_1269018 (.) he said 1269018_1269923 (..) every day 1269923_1272039 we just lived for one day . 1272039_1273161 *FOST: We lived one day at a time . 1273161_1274397 *FOST: And then he said it dawned on me 1274397_1275876 &=in that um 1275876_1277431 (.) I I prayed 1277431_1278732 I lifted up my: voice to the Lord 1278732_1281154 we prayed together 1281154_1282135 and I prayed 1282135_1282951 and 1282951_1283295 &=in and he said then it came to me . 1283295_1285233 *FOST: (.) &=in That (.) what sustains me in this situation 1285246_1288790 in this concentration camp 1288790_1290103 (.) &=in what sustains me 1290103_1292015 (.) is my: 1292015_1293201 (..) &{l=MRC my d:eep f:aith (.) in God &}l=MRC . 1293201_1296936 *FOST: &{l=P (..) And then he said 1296936_1299498 (..) and then it dawned on me 1299498_1300951 (..) that this deep faith 1300951_1302927 which I have in God 1302927_1304444 (..) is not (..) my creation . 1304444_1308588 *FOST: (..) Well that's interesting 1308588_1313139 isn't it . 1313139_1313699 *FOST: (..) &=in This faith (..) was given me . 1314337_1318059 *FOST: (..) I did not create it 1319207_1321017 (..) I did not conjure it up 1321017_1323554 (..) it came to me . 1323554_1325185 *FOST: (..) It was given to me . 1325185_1327187 *FOST: (..) That's the testimony of a Huguenot . 1327187_1329227 *FOST: (.) &=in Inmate (.) in a concentration camp &}l=P . 1329227_1331751 *FOST: (.) &=in Well let's take a break . 1331751_1333408 *FOST: (..) . 1333408_1335291 @End