0.00 1.24 KEVIN: Is that just [carbonated water]? 0.45 1.24 WENDY: [No thank you]. 1.24 1.50 [2No, 1.24 3.38 KEN: [2(H) No this is2] crea=m [3soda. 1.50 2.36 WENDY: It's cream soda2]. 2.96 3.64 KEVIN: [3Oh= boy=3]. 3.38 4.01 KEN: The3] best. 4.01 5.17 WENDY: ... It's the best. 5.17 5.86 I'm s[ure=]. 5.44 6.74 KENDRA: [Does it look] like cream soda? 6.74 8.39 MARCI: .. Why do these ca=ns, 8.39 9.41 .. get so warped. 9.41 10.14 Only the -- 10.14 12.74 .. Only the Sam's Club cans .. get so [warped]. 12.24 13.14 KEN: [(H)]= 13.14 14.58 WENDY: (H) % [I think you should] [3write3] -- 13.86 14.58 KEN: [] [3X3] -- 14.26 15.33 KENDRA: [3Cause they're3] [4cheap ca=ns, 14.58 16.03 WENDY: [4%Just .. %= write a letter to em4], 15.33 15.93 KENDRA: that's why4] -- 16.03 17.03 WENDY: and complain !Marci. 17.03 18.88 MARCI: .. (H)= What I'm gonna complain about, 18.88 20.33 is that they don't make white grape. 20.33 21.40 This stuff [is] g=ood. 20.71 21.11 >ENV: [((POP-TOP))] 21.40 24.47 It's like sparkling= grape juice .. cocktail, 24.47 25.15 or something, 25.15 25.55 .. you know, 25.55 26.42 .. Remember that [white] -- 26.18 28.03 WENDY: [(H) They] only make that .. with Nutrasweet though, 28.03 28.28 -- 28.28 28.78 .. don't they. 28.78 30.38 .. They don't make ... a regular -- 30.38 31.78 MARCI: ... A regular grape? 31.78 32.33 I don't [know]. 32.05 32.60 KEN: [(THROAT)]= 32.60 35.20 WENDY: ... Every time I've looked at bot- that bottled water, 35.20 36.20 .. or the sparkling water, 36.20 37.00 [it's all] [2with2] -- 36.20 38.65 MARCI: [But they don't] [2make2] this kind at a=ll [3any3]more. 36.72 37.02 KENDRA: [2(Hx)2] 37.89 38.27 [3(SNIFF)3] 38.65 39.09 [4(THROAT)4] 38.65 39.47 WENDY: [4.. Oh they4] don't? 39.47 41.72 MARCI: .. [5I couldn't find5] it last time [6I was6] in there. 39.62 40.42 KENDRA: [5(THROAT)5] 41.07 41.37 [6(SNIFF)6] 41.72 42.27 KEN: [7(Hx)=7] 42.00 42.27 MARCI: [7That wa-7] -- 42.27 43.77 That made me ma=d. 43.77 45.57 KENDRA: ... (Hx)[=]. 45.27 47.28 WENDY: [VOX>2]. 48.09 49.04 MARCI: 2]. 49.24 49.89 WENDY: (H) Don't you remember that? 49.89 50.54 KEVIN: .. Un[hunh]. 50.19 51.39 KENDRA: [How mad] were [2you2]. 50.99 51.84 KEN: [2(DRINK)2]= 51.84 52.72 MARCI: ... Oh, 52.72 53.29 fairly. 53.29 54.69 KEN: ... Oops, 54.69 55.44 that [won't work]. 54.81 55.34 KENDRA: [Oops], 54.81 55.44 KEVIN: [Ah=]. 55.44 55.89 KENDRA: oops, 55.89 56.24 KEVIN: (H) 56.24 57.03 KENDRA: oo[=ps], 56.53 57.03 WENDY: [2]. 58.50 58.81 KENDRA: [2(SNIFF)2][3=3] 58.81 60.56 MARCI: you guys [4are supposed to4] go ho=me now. 59.13 59.68 KEVIN: [4(H)=4] 60.66 61.14 KENDRA: [5See you5]. 60.66 61.42 KEN: [5(YAWN)5]= 61.37 61.97 KEVIN: Well we're -- 61.97 62.92 KENDRA: .. (COUGH) (COUGH) 62.92 63.78 WENDY: .. Thanks a lot, 63.78 64.32 !Marci. 64.32 65.33 MARCI: [@@@@@@] 64.32 65.85 KENDRA: [I'll just take my gifts up] to my bed, 65.85 67.35 and [2<@ open em .. by2] my[3se=3][4lf @>4]. 65.90 66.42 MARCI: [2@@@2] 66.82 67.99 KEN: [3Oh3][4=4][5=5]. 67.24 67.99 KEVIN: [4Oh4] [5that's right5]. 67.99 69.14 There is more to tonight. 69.14 70.15 WENDY: ... There i=s. 70.15 70.55 Oh=. 70.55 71.20 We forgot. 71.20 71.55 X: (Hx) 71.55 72.85 KENDRA: ... (SNIFF) 72.85 74.15 WENDY: ... (H) Well I have, 74.15 75.20 .. f- a fun present. 75.20 76.13 I'm excited about it. 76.13 78.65 MARCI: I thought [I'd throw !Kendie] off the s- -- 77.14 78.02 KEN: [(THROAT)] 78.65 79.45 MARCI: .. off the trail. 79.45 79.80 KENDRA: (Hx) 79.80 81.05 WENDY: Well she's in here so[bbi=ng. 80.68 81.72 MARCI: [Shut your eyeballs, 81.12 82.24 WENDY: I hope you're happy- (H)]. 81.72 82.24 MARCI: !Kendie]. 82.24 84.55 KEVIN: .. !Wendy ha=s .. tried her hand, 84.55 86.74 for the first time at making a clue=. 86.74 87.42 KEN: (H) Oh, 87.42 88.20 a clue=? 88.20 89.10 KEVIN: .. A [clue]. 88.65 89.30 WENDY: [Oh][2=, 88.65 91.45 KEN: [(H)] [2Is this the kind of clue that2] [3goes from room to room3]? 89.30 90.05 WENDY: stop it. 90.05 91.45 Don't2] [3make fun of me3]. 90.30 91.15 KENDRA: [3Is it a real one, 91.15 91.85 or3] is it a, 91.85 92.20 KEVIN: It's [4a r-4] -- 91.95 92.97 KENDRA: [4is it a4] ~Perry one. 92.97 94.42 KEVIN: Well [5it's definitely a5] ~Perry one. 93.34 93.99 KEN: [5(THROAT)5] 94.42 95.77 KEVIN: She [6has fit6] into the mold. 94.63 95.11 KENDRA: [6O=kay6]. 95.77 96.04 WENDY: ... (Hx) 96.04 96.99 KEN: Mm[=]. 96.41 98.21 KEVIN: [She] [2has2] ... fit in[3to the groove3]. 96.60 97.11 WENDY: [2(SNIFF)2] 97.51 98.59 MARCI: [3@@@3] (H) 98.59 99.69 WENDY: I don't know about [4that4]. 99.11 99.69 X: [4(SIGH)4] 99.69 100.99 WENDY: .. [5But don't make fun of me5]. 99.69 101.26 MARCI: [5You look pretty proud of your5]self, 101.26 101.91 !Wendy. 101.91 102.59 WENDY: .. VOX>3]. 105.60 106.82 KEN: [3@@@@3] 105.60 106.82 KENDRA: [3A little prou=d3]. 106.82 108.46 KEVIN: [4@@@@4] 106.82 108.46 KEN: [4@ @ @ @4] 106.87 108.46 KENDRA: [4Then I'll be really ma=d4]. 106.82 108.81 MARCI: [4@@ .. He thought your clue was4] [5stupid5], 108.46 108.81 WENDY: [5(H)5] 108.81 109.71 MARCI: and it really wasn't, 109.71 109.98 KEN: [@] 109.71 110.24 MARCI: [was] it. 110.24 110.76 KEN: [2@@2] 110.24 111.63 KEVIN: [2I don't think2] [3!Ken3]die will guess it, 110.76 110.93 WENDY: [3w-3] -- 111.63 111.93 KEVIN: though. 111.93 112.63 MARCI: .. [(THROAT)] 111.93 112.38 KEN: [Ah, 112.38 113.08 she] [2may=2]. 112.63 113.23 KEVIN: [2So that's2] the -- 113.23 114.03 .. that's the whole point. 114.03 114.78 WENDY: .. I thought so, 114.78 115.03 I mean, 115.03 115.33 I can get -- 115.33 115.89 [You guys -- 115.33 117.11 KEVIN: [If she can't g=uess the clue=], 115.89 118.01 WENDY: Your clues make absolutely] no [2se=nse2]. 117.30 118.01 KENDRA: [2(THROAT)2] 118.01 118.60 [3Yeah=3]. 118.01 118.60 MARCI: [3@@@@3] 118.01 118.50 KEVIN: [3Well that's3] -- 118.60 120.25 KENDRA: You're not sup[4posed to be able to guess4] [5it, 119.12 119.62 KEVIN: [4That's why, 119.62 119.99 cause that's4] -- 119.84 120.88 WENDY: [5You have to like5] -- 120.25 120.93 KENDRA: at all5]=. 120.93 121.28 KEVIN: .. (DRINK) 121.28 121.73 MARCI: [You have] -- 121.28 122.75 KEVIN: [think of] exponen[2tials, 122.45 123.10 MARCI: [2You have to b-2] -- 122.75 124.10 WENDY: or ex2]poten[3tials3], 123.57 125.06 MARCI: [3You have to3] belong to Mensa, 125.06 127.36 <@ to be able to figure out !Kevin's c=lues @>. 127.36 127.81 WENDY: (H) No, 127.81 129.26 you have to belo=ng to= -- 129.26 130.41 ... <@@>. 130.41 132.16 KEVIN: ... [@@@@@][2@@@2] 130.81 134.28 KENDRA: [@@@][2Oh2][3=3]. 131.64 132.19 WENDY: [2Oh=2], 132.19 134.28 [3<@ there's something on your tooth @>3]. 134.28 135.08 ... @ 135.08 136.30 KEN: ... XX X>. 135.78 136.30 KENDRA: [(H)] 136.30 137.35 KEN: @[2@@2] 136.65 137.40 WENDY: [2Come here2]. 137.40 138.05 KEN: .. [3@3] 137.70 141.45 MARCI: [3Why didn't3] [4you guys tell me I had a big glop of lettuce on my4] tooth? 138.10 138.53 KENDRA: [4Oh, 138.53 141.05 gro==ss4]. 141.45 142.85 .. Gro[5=5]s[6s6]. 142.40 142.70 MARCI: [5@@5] 142.80 143.95 WENDY: [6I6]t's stuck in your gum. 143.95 144.40 KEVIN: .. I know. 144.40 146.40 WENDY: ... @[=] 146.15 146.85 MARCI: [Chew i]t out. 146.85 147.55 WENDY: .. (H) 147.55 147.80 KEVIN: (TSK) 147.80 148.65 WENDY: @Oh=. 148.65 149.50 KEVIN: (H) 149.50 150.30 WENDY: @@ 150.30 151.75 KEN: @@@[@@@] 150.80 152.65 KENDRA: [!Kevin just don't op][2en your mouth again2]. 151.75 153.25 WENDY: [2I'm gonna give you a mushy2] kiss. 153.25 155.40 KEN: @[3@@ @ @3] 153.75 155.40 MARCI: [3Don't ever open your mouth again3], 155.40 155.85 WENDY: [4@@@4] 155.40 155.97 MARCI: [4!Kevi4]n. 155.97 156.69 .. It'll [5be alright5]. 156.25 157.35 WENDY: [5You can bare5][6ly see6] it. 156.69 157.10 KEN: [6(THROAT)6] 157.35 158.05 MARCI: .. (THROAT) 158.05 158.95 WENDY: ... You can barely see- -- 158.95 160.95 Did you have a big glop of lettuce on your tooth !Mar[ci]. 160.58 161.31 MARCI: [Mh][2m2]. 160.95 161.31 WENDY: [2Oh2], 161.31 162.60 we were just sitting laughing at you. 162.60 162.80 KENDRA: Dad, 162.65 163.50 MARCI: [@@@@] 162.80 163.85 KENDRA: [can you give me a tooth]pick? 163.85 164.75 from ... down there? 164.75 166.15 WENDY: ... @Everybody's getting -- 166.15 166.40 KEVIN: D[o-] -- 166.35 167.25 WENDY: [t]ooth [2ob2]sessed. 166.62 166.87 KEVIN: [2X2] 167.25 168.83 KEN: I [3guess we a=re3]. 168.00 168.83 WENDY: [33]. 168.83 170.50 MARCI: [4We really are getting stupid. 168.83 170.85 KENDRA: [4Well I can't stand having things in my teeth 4]. 170.50 172.00 MARCI: <@ I mean4] we're really beyond @> -- 172.00 172.85 WENDY: We're all tired. 172.85 174.40 MARCI: ... That [must] be it. 173.62 173.87 KENDRA: [(SNIFF)] 174.40 175.10 WENDY: ... Yeah. 175.10 175.65 .. Simple %- -- 175.65 176.40 Simple ex[planation], 175.95 176.40 KENDRA: [(THROAT)] 176.40 177.45 WENDY: [2is we're all exhausted2]. 176.50 179.20 KENDRA: [2I mean when !Mary2] tells me to get sleep over the weekend, 179.20 181.25 you know= I need to get sleep over the weeke=nd. 181.25 183.05 WENDY: ... That's good you're getting r- good rest. 183.05 184.95 .. I[='ve been s][2leeping about2] [3ten hours3]. 183.30 183.70 MARCI: [No=], 183.70 184.95 [2!Mary's2] [3just lying3]. 183.70 184.22 KEVIN: [2XX2]? 184.95 185.50 WENDY: No thanks. 185.50 185.99 KENDRA: .. I know=, 185.99 187.21 I've been sleeping about ten hou=rs, 187.21 187.85 every nigh=t. 187.85 188.71 .. And I'm sti=ll, 188.71 189.05 like, 189.05 192.00 ... [But I think I'm over it faster than I w=ould be]. 189.85 191.22 WENDY: [I was gonna ask the doctor, 191.22 191.75 I'm like, 191.75 193.09 .. wh]=at is wr=ong with me, 193.09 194.48 that I am sleeping so much. 194.48 195.30 KENDRA: .. No [XXX]. 194.77 195.87 WENDY: [But !Kevin's] been sleeping a lot, 195.87 196.17 too. 196.17 196.67 KENDRA: You pregnant? 196.67 197.32 WENDY: ... No. 197.32 198.52 MARCI: ... Are [you]? 198.22 198.87 WENDY: [Thank] [2God2]. 198.22 199.19 X: [(H)][2=2]= 199.19 199.89 MARCI: .. 3]? 199.46 201.16 KEVIN: [3(THROAT)=3] [4(Hx)4][5=5] 200.23 201.06 KENDRA: [4F>5] 200.89 201.16 MARCI: [5Oh5]. 201.16 201.81 ... @Goo=d. 201.81 202.76 KENDRA: .. Da=ng, 202.81 203.28 [Ow=]. 202.93 203.96 WENDY: [!Kevin's been] sleeping a lot, 203.96 204.37 too though. 204.37 204.79 .. So[=], 204.57 205.16 MARCI: [(H)][2=2] 204.79 206.14 KENDRA: [2I'd be on2] [3pregnancy vita3]mins, 205.16 205.96 WENDY: [3I think we just have3] -- 206.14 206.59 KENDRA: I wouldn't be & 206.59 207.24 KEVIN: ... (HICCUP) 207.24 207.84 KENDRA: & sick, 207.84 208.24 [if I were] & 207.84 208.54 KEVIN: [excu]se me. 208.54 209.29 KENDRA: & ... pregnant. 209.29 210.59 MARCI: ... Says [who]. 210.39 211.49 WENDY: [(TSK)] Who's pregnant [2again2]. 211.14 211.49 KENDRA: [2Says me2]. 211.49 212.44 WENDY: ... U=m, 212.44 213.86 MARCI: ... (TSK) U=h, 213.86 214.31 [I] -- 213.86 214.31 WENDY: [!Trish]. 214.31 214.55 You know, 214.55 215.51 !Trish is pregnant again. 215.51 215.81 KENDRA: Yeah. 215.81 216.41 WENDY: !Trish !Rhodes. 216.41 216.96 KENDRA: .. [Yeah]. 216.61 218.43 MARCI: [(H)]= .. Was it !Trish=, 218.43 220.68 ... t- who told me she was [2pregnan=t, 219.95 221.40 WENDY: [2She looked r=eally good2]. 220.68 221.40 MARCI: .. at2], 221.40 223.05 .. I was [3thinking it was3] -- 221.92 222.70 WENDY: [3Where are they going to church. 222.70 223.45 Are they going to3] CT? 223.45 224.60 KENDRA: ... Unh-unh. 224.60 226.25 ... Some little-bitty church. 226.25 226.95 Somewhere I don't know. 226.95 228.65 WENDY: ... Were they going to CT at one point? 228.65 229.20 KENDRA: ... Hunh-unh. 229.20 230.20 WENDY: ... Okay. 230.20 231.43 MARCI: ... !Myra's your friend, 231.43 231.90 [right]? 231.43 231.85 KENDRA: [Mhm]. 231.90 235.15 MARCI: .. I thought she told me .. at .. somebody's shower. 235.15 236.10 .. !Becky's shower- -- 236.10 236.60 .. No. 236.60 238.80 .. Somebody's shower at !Becky's house. 238.80 239.35 X: (H) 239.35 242.65 MARCI: ... That she was pregnant again. 242.65 244.35 ... Like two weeks pregnant. 244.35 244.68 KENDRA: .. [No, 244.53 245.00 MARCI: [] -- 244.68 245.40 KENDRA: that was] !Trish. 245.40 246.73 MARCI: .. That was !Tr=ish[2=. 246.52 246.90 KENDRA: [2Mhm2]. 246.73 247.18 MARCI: O2]kay. 247.18 249.21 So we already knew !Trish was preg[nant]. 248.97 249.42 KENDRA: [M]hm[2=2]. 249.27 250.37 WENDY: [2I l2]ike [3her hair cut3] short. 249.54 250.14 MARCI: [3(H)=3] 250.37 251.04 Al=ri=ght. 251.04 251.29 KENDRA: Mh[m]. 251.12 252.59 WENDY: [2]. 252.59 253.35 MARCI: I thought it was her. 253.35 253.81 WENDY: ]. 253.46 254.56 MARCI: [@]@[2@@2] 254.06 254.31 WENDY: [2She- -- 254.31 256.01 She2] looks so much prettier [3now3]. 255.61 256.01 MARCI: [3(H)3] 256.01 256.53 KENDRA: [4Mhm4]. 256.01 256.86 WENDY: [4with it cut that4] [5way5]. 256.53 256.96 MARCI: [5!Tri5]sh? 256.96 257.65 KEVIN: ... (H) (TSK) 257.65 258.55 MARCI: I haven't even seen her, 258.55 259.60 for a yea=[r]. 259.25 260.00 WENDY: [We saw] [2her at2] -- 259.25 260.00 KENDRA: [It's] [2all set2], 260.00 260.30 and, 260.30 261.70 ... (TSK) poofed up on her head? 261.70 262.50 MARCI: .. (TSK) Oh=. 262.50 263.00 .. [Yeah=]. 262.67 264.07 KENDRA: [Like it's a] .. [2higher cut2]? 263.17 264.02 MARCI: [2Yeah2]. 264.07 265.57 WENDY: [3It's really .. it looks sharp3] on her. 264.07 264.84 KENDRA: [3(H) She=, 264.84 265.27 u=m3], 265.57 265.94 uh [4yeah4], 265.74 265.94 MARCI: [4W-4] -- 265.94 266.79 KENDRA: I saw her at !Scott's, 266.79 267.41 [the other day]. 266.79 268.90 WENDY: [We saw her at] ... % Diamond Jim's. 268.90 269.65 KENDRA: ... Oh yeah=? 269.65 271.10 WENDY: (H) [She was there with the ba]by. 269.95 270.80 MARCI: [What's she doing]. 271.10 272.90 ... Is she working yet, 272.90 273.20 or=, 273.20 274.15 .. still at home. 274.15 274.90 WENDY: ... [I don't think she's- -- 274.25 275.17 KENDRA: [I think she's still at home]. 274.90 275.00 WENDY: .. Does, 275.00 275.65 She doesn't] have to work, 275.65 276.05 does she? 276.05 277.85 KENDRA: ... She doesn't have to, 277.85 278.55 unless=, 278.55 278.99 ... you know, 278.99 280.55 I guess !Scott's making some good bucks. 280.55 282.93 MARCI: .. Yeah but they bought like three cars in a row. 282.93 283.80 She had that one, 283.80 284.80 and they sold that, 284.80 286.10 and [bought two other=s], 284.90 285.85 KENDRA: [Yeah but at that point, 285.85 286.90 she was] still on an n- -- 286.90 292.00 ... in= ... unending ... money ... streak. 292.00 295.10 ... Cause of the policy she took out on her husband. 295.10 296.30 ... Ex-husband. 296.30 296.55 .. [Well], 296.30 297.72 MARCI: [(TSK)] Yeah but has [2that finished2]? 297.01 297.81 KENDRA: [2deceased hus2]band. 297.81 298.66 MARCI: That hasn't finished. 298.66 298.93 KENDRA: [Yeah. 298.66 299.09 MARCI: [Has it]? 298.93 300.74 KENDRA: It fin]ished when she got married to !Todd. 300.74 301.59 MARCI: ... Oh really? 301.49 304.84 KENDRA: They gave her like a b- ... thirty= something lump sum. 304.84 306.14 MARCI: ... [Thirty thousand]? 304.84 306.39 WENDY: [(H)] Oh, 306.39 308.10 it was supposed to [2pay like2] continuously=, 306.81 307.26 KENDRA: [2(THROAT)2] 308.10 308.59 WENDY: un[3til3] -- 308.27 309.02 KENDRA: [3Oh yeah3]=. 309.02 309.77 ... Forever. 309.77 310.82 .. For the rest of her life. 310.82 312.37 ... Or until she got married again. 312.37 313.97 KEVIN: ... She must've loved him pretty much. 313.97 316.65 .. @= [@@@@@@] 315.31 316.65 WENDY: [(TSK) !Kevin]. 316.65 317.45 KEN: @ @ 317.45 318.25 KEVIN: .. (H) 318.25 319.55 WENDY: ... You're morbid. 319.55 321.10 MARCI: .. @@@@@ 321.10 322.60 WENDY: How much is your life insurance @worth. 322.60 323.20 MARCI: @@ 323.20 324.70 KENDRA: @@@@[@@][2@2] 324.02 324.70 KEN: [@@][2@2] 324.41 326.31 KEVIN: [2Costs me2] <@ seventeen dollars every three months, 326.31 326.81 [3I'm not sure @>3]. 326.31 326.81 MARCI: [3(H)=3] 326.81 327.51 WENDY: [4X4] 326.81 327.76 KENDRA: [4@@@4][5@ 326.81 329.01 MARCI: [4@@@4][5@@@5][6@@6] [7(H) 327.51 328.84 KEN: [5@@@5][6@@6] 327.76 328.21 KENDRA: Uh-oh5]. 328.21 329.53 WENDY: [6Oh6][7=7]. 328.84 330.49 KENDRA: [7I don't think you'll be getting7] [8much out of8] that [9one, 329.01 329.53 MARCI: Don't ask7], 329.53 330.02 [8!Wendy8]. 330.49 330.97 KENDRA: !Wendy9]. 330.29 331.47 MARCI: [9What you don't9] know=, 331.47 332.67 .. will hurt y[ou @]. 332.04 333.49 KENDRA: [ <> 335.11 336.64 WENDY: [2Does somebody want2] some presents? 336.64 337.11 MARCI: We're=, 337.11 338.71 .. We're= t- .. sitting here? 338.71 341.56 WENDY: ... I think she wants some presents. 341.56 342.51 MARCI: .. That [would do]. 341.98 342.75 KENDRA: [I want some c]ards, 342.75 343.33 or some[2thing, 343.19 343.84 MARCI: [2That would do2]. 343.33 343.84 KENDRA: man2]. 343.84 344.34 WENDY: .. O[3kay, 344.16 345.36 MARCI: [3Let's get some presents3]. 344.34 345.79 WENDY: we start with this3] one? 345.79 349.54 KEVIN: .. <>4] 346.11 347.16 MARCI: [4Shall we start with the p=- -- 347.26 348.49 .. % .. You gonna bring=, 348.49 349.39 .. our present4]? 349.39 352.44 KENDRA: ... [5Chill5]. 351.89 352.44 KEN: [5X5] 352.44 354.14 MARCI: .. What's ... [6mean6]. 353.44 354.14 WENDY: [6@6] 354.14 355.79 KENDRA: ... Chill babe. 355.79 357.44 .. How come this comes in two parts. 357.44 358.74 WENDY: ... You'll see=. 358.74 359.49 KENDRA: ... I'm worrying. 359.49 360.39 KEN: .. [It's the clue]. 359.49 360.54 MARCI: [One's the di]aper, 360.54 363.84 and the other's the b- ... plastic [2bag to put it in2] when [3it's3] dirty. 362.19 363.09 KENDRA: [2Mo=ther=2]. 363.19 363.47 WENDY: [3(COUGH)3] 363.84 364.78 KENDRA: [4Mo=ther=4]. 363.84 365.23 MARCI: [4@@@4][5@@5] 363.84 365.23 WENDY: [4@@4][5(H)5] 365.23 366.98 [6What's this with ba=bie=s6]. 365.23 365.70 KENDRA: [6Yeah really. 365.70 366.73 This is the diaper, 366.73 367.83 this6] [7is the plastic bag7]. 366.88 367.83 MARCI: [7@ @@7] 367.83 368.00 KENDRA: .. Gee, 368.00 369.68 [that was]n't too difficult to figure out. 368.03 368.35 WENDY: [@] 369.68 375.43 KENDRA: ((OPENS-CARD)) [2Thank you2]. 374.70 375.43 KEN: [2@@@2] 375.90 377.23 KENDRA: (H) One of those hard to cut, 377.23 378.16 something or other. 378.57 379.32 ...

. 380.12 380.89 WENDY: .. [You didn't see the .. k-] -- 380.89 382.62 KENDRA: [(H) . 382.71 383.37 .. Miaow. 383.37 384.21 WENDY: .. XX. 384.21 385.62 KENDRA: . 387.26 388.13 They're always dorky, 388.13 389.26 but at least they have cats on it. 389.26 389.75 Right? 390.07 390.40 WENDY: .. @ 390.40 390.79 KENDRA: . 390.79 391.94 MARCI: [@] 390.79 392.31 KEVIN: [@@@][2@@@2] 390.79 391.94 KENDRA: [2@@@ @Sorry2]. 391.94 392.64 WENDY: I'll let you know, 392.64 393.75 I spent hours picking that c- -- 393.75 394.03 [No. 394.03 394.86 KENDRA: [@ I'll bet] [2you did2]. 394.03 394.86 WENDY: Not really]. 394.86 395.63 MARCI: [2@@2][3@@@@@3] 395.08 396.07 KENDRA: [3(H) 3] ch. 396.07 396.64 WENDY: @@@@ 396.64 397.26 KENDRA: [It's going]. 397.26 399.19 MARCI: [@] .. [2@@@@@@@@2] 397.67 399.75 KENDRA: [23], 398.57 399.42 WENDY: [3(H)3] 399.75 401.98 KENDRA: (H) .. Be full of love joy and peace in the Lord. 401.98 402.44 We love you=, 402.44 403.17 .. !Kevin and !Wendy. 403.63 405.24 .. [(H) If all] else fail=s, 403.17 403.87 KEVIN: [All righ=t]. 405.24 407.48 KENDRA: (H) appease the m- .. monster= READ>? 408.60 409.17 WENDY: [@] 407.48 409.16 KEVIN: [(H)] That i=s [2the clue2]. 409.45 409.91 WENDY: [2@@@2] 409.16 410.12 KEN: That is= [3the3] [4clue4]. 409.44 409.83 KENDRA: [3@3] 409.58 410.70 KEVIN: [4She might not4] have mentioned, 410.70 411.72 [5but that i=s the clue5]. 410.70 413.57 KENDRA: [5I was thinking it was wish5]ing you a [6day of6] <@ little [7treasures, 413.28 413.65 WENDY: [6(Hx)6] 413.66 414.13 KEVIN: [7(H) No7]. 413.57 414.59 KENDRA: and simple7] pleasures, 414.60 415.46 [8@>8]. 414.60 414.87 KEVIN: [8Oh, 414.87 416.38 .. you wish8] [9it was a little9] [treasure. 415.92 416.66 WENDY: [9(Hx)=9] [(H) (Hx) @ (H)] 416.14 416.38 KENDRA: [@@@] 416.36 416.64 KEVIN: .. No. 417.14 418.10 (H)] [2It's the monster2]. 417.14 418.32 KENDRA: [2If all else fails2], 418.32 419.65 appease the monster. 419.65 420.44 [Who's the monster]. 419.84 420.41 KEVIN: [(DRINK)] 420.77 421.77 KENDRA: <3]. 428.12 428.90 KENDRA: [3What is this3]. 429.69 431.04 ... s- Feels like a pair and a spare, 431.04 431.44 [dad]. 430.71 431.05 WENDY: [@] 431.44 431.99 KENDRA: [2Ha ha2]. 431.74 432.46 KEVIN: [2Pair and a spare2]. 431.43 432.00 KEN: [22]. 432.44 432.97 .. [3Good3]. 432.53 433.77 KENDRA: [3<@ You got a3] wor=d here @>. 433.81 434.36 @ 434.57 434.92 MARCI: .. @ 436.49 437.46 KENDRA: ... [Uh-oh]. 434.51 435.30 KENDRA: ... XX 435.30 437.40 ... [Uh_oh]. 435.30 437.70 KEN: [Oh=]=. 437.70 438.15 Yeah. 438.15 440.10 KENDRA: ... We're talking .. ba=king mon[ster. 439.77 441.52 KEVIN: [2]. 439.77 442.49 MARCI: [It's de=finitely] [2more than a2] pair and a spa[3re3]. 440.10 440.93 KENDRA: We're talking=], 442.39 443.59 [32]. 444.99 447.45 KEVIN: [Oh=][2=2][3=3][4=4]. 446.07 447.07 KEN: [2Yay2][3=3], 447.07 447.81 [4holy4] [5cow5]. 447.07 449.16 KENDRA: [4A cook4][5ie ba5][6king se=t6]. 447.07 448.93 MARCI: [4Al4][5=5][6righ=t. 448.93 450.31 Al=6]righ=t. 450.31 454.36 KENDRA: .. Mm=[7=7][8=8][9=9][=]. 452.16 453.16 KEVIN: [7Rubber7] [8Mai=d8]. 452.51 453.16 MARCI: [8Oh=8]. 453.16 454.13 [9Let me see it9]. 453.16 454.13 KEN: [9@@@9] 453.16 454.92 KEVIN: [9You can't squa9][sh it] %(Hx). 454.92 456.02 KENDRA: ... Mm=. 456.02 456.52 MARCI: [Oh, 456.02 457.57 KENDRA: [Rubber Mai=d]. 456.52 457.57 MARCI: neat=]. 457.57 459.17 KEVIN: ... Twelve [2pieces2]. 458.32 459.17 KENDRA: [2Yay PAPER>>2]. 459.17 460.47 KEVIN: (GASP)= 460.47 461.16 KEN: .. That's [X][2X2], 460.76 461.84 MARCI: [Oh] [2th2][3at's X3]. 460.82 461.84 KENDRA: [2<]. 464.48 465.70 WENDY: [. 466.50 466.95 KENDRA: (TSK) .. PAPER>> 466.95 468.05 MARCI: They don't [come in] [2green2]. 467.35 469.20 KEVIN: [We bought] [2it be2][3fore you had an apartment3]. 467.80 468.70 KENDRA: [2No my2] [3plates are blue, 468.75 469.50 that's ok3]ay. 469.50 470.07 ... That's okay, 470.07 471.05 my plates are blue. 471.05 472.95 MARCI: ... She's gonna do blue a=nd green. 472.95 474.10 .. She doesn't [

]. 473.47 474.10 KENDRA: [Well in the k_] __ 474.10 476.35 cause I've got a [2big yellow duck for my @kit2][3chen, 474.50 476.10 WENDY: [2You can use this for your muffins=2]. 476.10 476.36 KEVIN: [3Go ahead, 476.36 476.80 open it up. 476.80 477.05 We_3] __ 476.35 477.05 KENDRA: @too3]. 477.05 478.10 KEVIN: We all want to play with them. 478.10 478.70 WENDY: @@@ 478.70 479.80 MARCI: .. [@@@@] 479.10 479.80 WENDY: [] __ 479.20 480.75 KENDRA: [. 482.15 482.60 KEVIN: I have. 482.60 483.60 KENDRA: .. [Here= buddy]. 482.90 483.55 WENDY: [(H) (Hx)] 483.60 484.45 I .. [2wanted to2] open it, 483.82 484.17 KENDRA: [2X2] 484.45 486.45 WENDY: make sure it was d=ecent enough for my [3s_ __ 486.25 487.78 KEVIN: [3We used all of them before. 486.45 487.40 WENDY: .. my sister_in_law. 487.40 487.80 <@ Yeah3]. 487.80 487.93 Well, 487.93 489.20 this is all recycled @>. 489.20 490.02 KENDRA: .. %Uh %uh. 490.02 490.48 It's a, 490.48 491.35 .. [It's a kni]=fe[2=, 490.55 491.00 WENDY: [(H)] 491.10 493.35 KEVIN: [2W_ in fact we've been using the2]m for sever[3al years3]. 491.35 492.15 KENDRA: Be careful2]. 492.55 493.45 WENDY: [3@3]= 493.45 494.84 KEN: [4@@@@@@4][5@@5] 493.53 494.48 KEVIN: [4We're just trying to get rid of em4]. 494.48 495.58 KENDRA: [5@@5][6@@6] 494.73 495.58 WENDY: [6@!Kevin6]. 494.73 497.40 MARCI: [6@@6][7@7][8@@@8][9@@@9] 495.58 495.88 KEN: [7@7] 495.58 496.38 KENDRA: [7I was7] [8wondering, 496.38 496.68 ma=n8]. 496.68 497.40 KEVIN: [9@9] 497.40 498.09 WENDY: @(H) 498.09 499.25 MARCI: !Kevin you're [aw=ful]. 498.60 499.50 KEN: [very clev]er. 499.50 501.35 ... Oo. 501.35 501.98 KEVIN: .. Whoa. 501.98 503.07 [That's the] real McCoy. 502.00 502.31 KEN: [X] __ 503.07 505.37 KENDRA: ... , 509.75 510.90 WENDY: @[4=@4] 510.30 512.10 KEVIN: [4Looks like !Wendy's4] hair is on it (Hx). 510.10 510.50 KEN: [4Yeah, 510.50 510.95 that's right4], 512.10 512.90 WENDY: ... Where. 512.90 513.74 KENDRA: .. !Wendo[=], 513.40 514.35 KEVIN: [Is this] your hai=r? 514.35 515.60 ... Sure [2is2]. 515.40 516.88 KENDRA: [2Oh2] it's a piece [3of !Wendy's hair3]. 516.02 516.88 WENDY: [3@@3] 516.02 517.62 KEVIN: [3@@3][4@=4] 516.88 517.62 KENDRA: [44]. 517.62 519.37 KEVIN: .. (H) [5That shows somebody was in there5]. 517.92 518.77 KENDRA: [5And you can tell, 518.77 519.22 (H)5] 519.37 520.14 KEVIN: [6That's for sure6]. 519.32 521.28 KENDRA: [6This is going through6] [7the washing machine7]. 519.52 520.65 WENDY: [6. 522.08 522.31 KEVIN: [8@8] 522.04 523.19 WENDY: [8Or %I8] wanted to make sure [9it wasn't, 522.93 525.08 KEVIN: [9@@ You left your little telltale9] [sign @]. 523.19 523.49 WENDY: .. like, 523.49 524.52 .. gonna fall apart9]. 524.52 525.09 MARCI: [And just think], 525.09 527.03 [2you can use the bowl2] [3for a wash3]tub. 525.18 526.08 KEN: [2@@@2] 526.08 526.68 KEVIN: [3(SNIFF)3] 527.03 527.73 WENDY: % .. @ 527.73 530.91 MARCI: @[@@][2@@2][3@@@3]@[4@@@@4] 528.03 528.40 KENDRA: [@@] 528.40 529.67 [2For2] [3my ca=t3]. 528.70 528.93 KEVIN: [3Well, 528.93 529.67 if you're lucky3]. 529.72 531.11 KENDRA: [4What are you talking ab4][5out5]. 530.91 532.46 KEVIN: [5Can you5] have a [6cat in your6] apartment? 531.46 532.03 MARCI: [6(H)6] 532.46 534.41 KENDRA: .. I'm gonna have a cat in my apartment. 534.41 535.01 KEVIN: .. Can you, 535.01 535.61 .. by law, 535.61 536.81 [have a c]at in your apartment. 535.71 535.96 KENDRA: [Yeah]. 536.81 537.11 .. Yeah. 537.11 537.71 KEVIN: .. Well that's helpful. 537.71 538.21 KEN: That's nice. 538.21 539.51 KENDRA: It's only a hundred and fifty bu=cks, 539.51 540.81 ... I think I can afford it. 540.81 541.72 KEVIN: ... [A year]? 540.81 542.53 MARCI: [Appease] [2the monster. 541.72 543.37 WENDY: [2That is micro2][3wavab3][4le4]. 542.82 543.17 KENDRA: [3No3]. 542.53 543.37 MARCI: That2] [3was3] [4good4]. 543.17 543.67 KEN: [4(THROAT)4][5=5] 543.37 543.92 KENDRA: [5Only5] one time. 544.17 544.78 [6This is6]? 543.92 545.37 MARCI: [6Appease the6] [7monster7]. 543.92 545.64 WENDY: [6(H) That's ..6] [7microwav7]able. 545.64 546.14 ... Yes. 546.14 546.94 .. Microwavable, 546.94 547.79 (H) chef. 547.79 548.94 .. Eight_ounce measuring cup. 548.94 550.64 .. Is virtually . 550.64 551.24 KEVIN: .. Virtu[ally. 551.04 551.82 WENDY: [That's for @you]. 551.24 552.14 KEVIN: Let's find] [2out2]. 551.82 553.52 KENDRA: [2@@2]@@ [3<@ Let's check it out3]. 552.52 553.52 MARCI: [3@@@@ (H)3] 553.52 554.67 KENDRA: Is that what you were doing in here @>? 554.67 556.77 MARCI: (H) Don't drop it [on my kitchen floor]. 555.60 556.82 KENDRA: []. 556.82 559.02 MARCI: .. Everything breaks on my kitchen floor. 559.02 559.72 WENDY: .. Does [2it2]? 559.54 560.14 KENDRA: [2Look at2] this. 560.14 560.79 .. Da=ng, 560.79 561.19 oh=. 561.19 562.24 Big [bow=l here, 561.46 562.41 WENDY: [You're se=t]. 562.24 562.86 KENDRA: ki]=ds. 562.86 563.26 WENDY: .. You're set_ __ 563.26 565.11 [% I said you can use this for your] muffins. 563.26 564.33 KENDRA: [Wow=]. 565.11 566.21 WENDY: .. You can brea[2k it i=n2]. 565.52 567.06 KEVIN: [2Put your Nestle2] Morsels in there. 567.06 567.91 KENDRA: Oh=. 567.91 570.11 MARCI: ... Then you can't get them so quick. 570.11 571.01 KENDRA: .. Why'd I get % __ 571.01 571.61 ... I got __ 571.61 573.36 .. I'm gonna have to bake cookies. 573.36 574.16 574.16 574.29 KEVIN: [No, 574.16 575.08 KENDRA: [(H) I can te=ll, 574.29 575.58 KEVIN: you'll have to wait until you can] __ 575.08 576.66 KENDRA: my first] Saturday [2in my new apartment2], 575.98 576.63 WENDY: [2@@@2] 576.66 577.53 KENDRA: I='ll be celebrating, 577.53 578.03 and [I'll go], 577.55 578.03 WENDY: [@@] 578.03 578.73 KENDRA: Q>. 579.15 579.57 WENDY: [@] 579.20 580.03 KENDRA: [(H)] And then I'll go, 580.03 581.19 WENDY: [2(H) 2]. 581.19 582.26 WENDY: (H) I'm gonna bake cook2]ies. 582.26 583.02 [3I'll have fun VOX>3]. 582.41 583.32 KEVIN: [3Al=righ=t3]. 582.26 583.39 KENDRA: [3I'll have every neigh3][4bor, 583.29 586.17 MARCI: [4And then you'll find your ts_ ts_ ts_ stove doesn't4] work, 583.39 584.37 KENDRA: .. for miles around, 584.37 585.82 (SNIFF) (SNIFF) (SNIFF) (SNIFF) (SNIFF) (SNIFF)4] 586.17 586.82 MARCI: or so[5mething5]. 586.37 588.17 KEN: [5@@5][6@@6][7@7][8@8][9@9] 586.41 586.77 KENDRA: [5Yeah5], 586.77 587.67 [6probab6][7ly=7]. 587.30 587.42 WENDY: [7Oh, 587.42 588.17 that's7] [8ni8][9=ce9]. 587.92 589.12 KENDRA: [9That's the9] best time to find out, 589.12 589.42 boy, 589.42 590.17 let me tell you. 590.17 590.87 KEN: @@@ 590.87 593.37 KENDRA: ... <> [This is good for pop]corn. 595.12 595.82 WENDY: [That'll hold up]. 596.17 597.17 KENDRA: ... Hmm. 597.17 597.57 Popcorn. 597.57 598.02 WENDY: .. XX 598.02 599.12 KEVIN: Al=[righ=t]. 598.32 598.67 KENDRA: [Mm. 598.32 599.59 WENDY: [And now= you can] look at __ 598.67 599.12 KENDRA: Popcorn]. 599.59 600.16 KENDRA: .. (H) No, 600.17 601.34 my kitchen's [2not gonna2] __ 600.82 602.16 KEVIN: [2Is it just2] like you always wanted? 602.16 602.87 KENDRA: ... Oh=, 602.87 604.41 it's just like I always [wa=nted]. 603.88 604.41 MARCI: [!Kendie], 604.56 604.85 KEVIN: [2Good2]. 604.41 605.49 MARCI: [2close your2] eye=s. 605.49 605.92 KENDRA: .. Oh, 605.92 607.21 does this mean it's not wrapped? 607.06 607.35 WENDY: @[@] 607.25 607.50 MARCI: [Yeah][2=2], 607.33 607.81 KENDRA: [2Coo2][3=l3]. 607.50 609.03 MARCI: [3this is3] the cake that's coming. 609.03 612.18 KENDRA: ... I thought you already brought the cake in. 612.18 612.68 WENDY: .. (Hx) 612.68 612.98 MARCI: No, 612.98 614.08 that was the gift. 614.08 617.83 ... Okay, 617.83 618.80 [open your eyes]. 617.83 618.80 KENDRA: [Tell me when I can look]. 618.80 622.55 ... (SCREAM) @[2@2][3=3] 622.02 622.25 KEN: [2@2] 622.12 623.10 MARCI: [2@2][3@3]@@@@ 623.10 623.91 KENDRA: [3]. 624.71 625.86 I can [2clean my apartment2]. 624.88 625.20 KEVIN: [2 Go ahead, 625.20 625.76 try it out2]. 625.86 626.98 WENDY: [3Here I thought we were3] [4gonna gi4]_ __ 625.86 626.47 MARCI: [3@@@3] 626.47 627.67 KEVIN: [4Let's find out4] if it [5works5]. 627.17 629.72 WENDY: [5We have5] grandma='s ... vacuum cleaner. 629.72 630.97 MARCI: ... (H) SM>. 635.81 636.21 KENDRA: [33]. 636.26 638.14 KEVIN: Your floor3] could get prett[4y dir4]ty in six months. 637.13 637.28 MARCI: [4(H)4] 638.14 638.94 KEN: [5@5][6@6][7@7] 638.16 638.65 MARCI: [5!Kendie5][6=6], 638.53 638.70 WENDY: [6@6] 638.70 639.50 KENDRA: [7Let me7] tell [8you8]. 639.08 639.50 MARCI: [8!Kendie8], 639.50 641.35 .. it's a [9used9] vacuu=m, 639.90 640.42 KENDRA: [9XX9] 641.35 641.80 .. [(GASP)] 641.35 642.87 MARCI: [it's a] good bra=nd, 642.87 643.28 KENDRA: .. [2(GASP)2] 642.87 644.82 MARCI: [2(H) y2]ou can get the ba=gs at, 644.82 646.49 .. at .. United Vacuum? 646.49 647.64 KENDRA: I have to buy ba=gs? 647.64 648.29 MARCI: ... N-yeah, 648.29 649.34 KENDRA: ... I'm not gonna have money. 649.34 649.94 ... Not bud[geted]. 649.64 651.03 WENDY: [(H)] Honey they last forever. 651.03 651.62 KEVIN: Sanitaire. 651.62 652.24 WENDY: [Well you better]. 651.75 653.28 MARCI: [There's a good] ba=g in it. 653.28 653.88 WENDY: ... That's what you got __ 653.88 654.38 .. That's [what y_] ____ 654.07 655.83 MARCI: [Step] on the little thing on the right, 655.83 656.54 KEVIN: .. Does it have a headlight? 656.54 657.28 MARCI: on the left, 657.28 658.98 ... I don't think [so]. 658.39 658.73 KEVIN: [Oh, 658.73 658.98 okay]. 658.98 660.03 KENDRA: ... Where did it go. 660.03 661.10 MARCI: [and turn it on]. 660.21 661.10 KENDRA: []. 661.10 663.45 KEVIN: ... Turn it o=n. 663.45 664.16 KENDRA: .. [Where's] __ 663.45 665.91 MARCI: [I think] [2maybe it turns2] [3on at the foot3]? 664.17 664.91 WENDY: [2@ @They @bought __ 664.91 665.56 (H)2] [3They picked __ 665.03 665.53 KEVIN: [3You kick __ 665.56 665.94 WENDY: .. They picked3] __ 665.53 666.24 KEVIN: .. Kick3] that [4th_ __ 666.19 667.05 KEN: [4Push it down again4], 666.33 667.55 KEVIN: Kick the button on4] the [5foot5]. 667.19 667.55 WENDY: [5%=5] 667.33 668.07 KEN: [5Push5] it down [6again, 667.83 668.08 WENDY: [6!Kendra, 668.07 668.67 KEN: and it'll start6]. 668.08 669.17 WENDY: they picked it up6] at a gar_ __ 669.17 669.91 .. trash dump, 669.91 670.35 KEVIN: [No, 669.91 671.02 WENDY: [<@ and had it rebuilt @>]. 670.35 671.76 KEVIN: the black] button on the __ 671.76 672.36 KENDRA: .. [2Ah2]. 671.97 672.36 MARCI: [2Th t_2] __ 672.36 673.36 .. one on [3top3]. 672.73 673.51 >ENV: [3((VACUUM-CLEANER-STARTS))3] 673.51 674.51 KEVIN: ... . 675.21 676.81 MARCI: .. It is a powerful, 676.81 679.06 WENDY: ... Lookit. 679.06 679.36 St_ wait. 679.36 680.21 We gotta get a picture. 680.21 681.41 .. Kendra is cleaning. 681.41 684.26 MARCI: @@[@@@@@@@@] @@[2@2] 681.88 683.48 KEN: [@@@@] 681.88 683.48 WENDY: [@@@ @@] 681.88 682.51 KEVIN: [Whoa, 682.51 683.48 I'm impressed]. 684.03 685.03 [2I'm2] amazed. 685.03 685.96 KENDRA: .. I used to do this, 685.96 687.44 [but XXXXXX XXXX]. 685.96 687.44 MARCI: [Don't fill your bag up], 687.44 687.89 dear. 687.89 688.79 KENDRA: ... Oh yeah, 688.79 689.19 ma=n, 689.19 690.19 this house is dirty. 690.19 691.19 MARCI: ... @@@ 691.19 691.89 >ENV: ((VACUUM-CLEANER-STOPS)) 691.89 692.99 WENDY: That's [ni=ce]. 692.31 693.16 KEVIN: [Al][2righ=t2]. 692.73 695.17 KEN/KEV: [2<>3]. 693.45 695.07 KEN: [3Yay=3]. 693.50 693.92 MARCI: [3It's __ 694.02 694.94 It's all metal, 694.94 697.50 so3] [4it's almost im4]pervious [5to destruction5]. 695.17 696.07 KEVIN: [4Let's take an offering4]. 696.52 697.50 KEN: [5@ @@5] 697.50 698.44 MARCI: [6number one=6], 697.50 698.27 KENDRA: [6Just one owner, 698.27 698.71 or6] what. 698.71 699.99 MARCI: ... [7Number two, 699.09 700.94 KEN: [7@@@@ <@ recently owned @>7], 699.99 702.04 MARCI: it's warranteed7] [8for a year8]. 700.94 701.94 KEVIN: [8<@She8] __ 700.94 702.04 KEN: [8@@@8] 702.04 702.37 KEVIN: [9She __ 702.04 702.36 KENDRA: [9From __ 702.37 703.30 KEVIN: She was an old lady9], 702.36 703.30 KENDRA: Where did you get it from9]? 703.30 704.84 KEVIN: [who only took it out on weekends @>]. 703.30 704.84 MARCI: [United Vacuum]. 704.84 705.87 KEN: @[2@2][3@3] 705.14 705.85 KEVIN: [2@2][3=3] 705.19 705.97 KENDRA: [2XX2] [3XXX3], 705.52 705.97 MARCI: [3I3] __ 705.97 706.13 KENDRA: [4man4]. 705.97 707.70 KEVIN: [4@4][5@@@ @@5] 706.21 708.01 MARCI: [5He put a new cord on5] it, 708.01 708.26 KEN: @ 708.26 708.57 KENDRA: [Yeah]? 708.26 708.98 MARCI: [a]=nd, 708.98 710.66 a new= .. be=lt, 710.66 711.93 .. and a new ba=g=, 711.93 713.18 .. completely new bag, 713.18 715.73 (H) and he w_ .. warrantees it for a year, 715.73 716.58 I g_ % __ 716.58 717.67 .. For the money I had, 717.67 719.20 I couldn't afford .. a new one, 719.20 722.35 and I [didn't] want to get a thirty_four dollar job from Target, 719.47 719.82 KENDRA: [Right]. 722.35 724.97 MARCI: [2that you'd have to2] [3crawl around on your hands3] and knees. 722.35 722.86 KENDRA: [2XX Yeah2]. 722.86 723.26 WENDY: [3This'll __ 723.26 724.21 That'll be great3]. 724.97 726.56 MARCI: (H)[4= Thi4]s one is a good one. 725.21 725.51 KENDRA: [4Okay4]. 726.56 726.92 [5Yeah5]. 726.56 728.56 KEVIN: [5That looks5] like an in[6dustrial strength one6]. 727.40 728.56 WENDY: [6That'll last forever6]. 727.34 728.56 KENDRA: [6XXXX6] 728.56 729.21 ... [7Yeah, 728.96 729.87 MARCI: [7It's heavy duty7]. 729.21 730.25 KENDRA: I think that'll be really7] [8good8]. 729.90 730.25 WENDY: [8I don't know8], 730.25 732.15 .. grandma had this one up in her attic. 732.15 733.37 ... So I don't know [how] [2old it2] is. 732.52 732.72 MARCI: [@] 732.87 733.12 KENDRA: [2(COUGH)2] 733.37 734.37 MARCI: Or how it will work. 734.37 734.67 Yeah=. 734.67 734.92 WENDY: [Oh it] __ 734.67 735.57 KEVIN: [Oh it's] [2been running for_ __ 734.92 735.17 KENDRA: [2You_ __ 734.92 735.97 WENDY: [2Oh ours works wonder_2] __ 735.17 735.97 KENDRA: Have you guys used it2]? 735.57 736.27 KEVIN: .. for2] [3years. 735.97 736.27 WENDY: [3Oh y_ __ 736.27 736.42 KEVIN: Yeah3]. 736.27 737.17 WENDY: I3] [4use it now4]. 736.42 737.02 KENDRA: [4Oh okay4]. 737.17 737.87 WENDY: ... No, 737.87 738.37 I wasn't gonna __ 738.37 738.52 y_ __ 738.52 739.12 I wasn't __ 739.12 740.62 I was gonna [w_ have to give it to you] later. 739.49 740.24 KEN: [Which grandma]. 740.62 740.99 KEVIN: [2!Anir2]. 740.62 741.37 WENDY: [2If she2] [3wanted it3]. 740.99 741.17 KENDRA: [3Now, 741.17 741.87 where's3] it from? 741.87 742.25 .. What's the __ 742.25 743.00 [Where's the] [2place 2]? 742.25 742.85 WENDY: [Grandma] [2!Anir2]. 742.55 743.53 MARCI: [2United2] Vacuum, 743.53 744.57 on Colosseum, 744.57 746.72 right .. beside .. where the ol=d, 746.72 747.32 u=[m], 747.17 748.10 KENDRA: [It's] off of North Quinn, 748.10 748.60 isn't it? 748.60 749.25 MARCI: .. No, 749.25 751.25 right where Pier .. One used to be? 751.25 752.45 ... Pier One Imports? 752.45 753.20 KENDRA: .. Oh really. 753.20 753.57 MARCI: [Mhm]. 753.20 756.75 KEVIN: [You guys] won't [2believe what2] happened to us in [3the parking lot of the3] mall the other day. 753.84 754.24 WENDY: [2Oh2]. 754.95 755.99 [3by the Goodwill store3]. 756.75 757.49 KENDRA: .. (THROAT) X 757.49 759.24 KEVIN: ... Some guy came out and he_ he was, 759.24 759.91 @[=] 759.57 759.91 WENDY: []. 759.91 761.66 KEVIN: he was trying to sell us cologne [2f_2] __ 761.43 762.10 KENDRA: [2(COUGH)2] [3(COUGH)3] 761.43 761.64 WENDY: [2No2], 761.64 763.32 [3he wasn't3] trying to sell [4us co4]lo[5gne5], 762.64 762.92 KEVIN: [4Well it_4] __ 763.17 763.46 [5No5]=, 763.46 764.37 I guess he was trying to like, 764.37 766.87 lure us to a .. place where they would sell, 766.87 767.12 like, 767.12 768.32 .. imitation cologne, 768.32 768.68 but he said, 768.68 769.67 , 769.78 770.65 MARCI: [2]. 770.65 771.81 MARCI: you can't [3refu=se VOX>3]. 771.03 773.03 KEVIN: [3because it's=3] [4made4] [5by the same peo5]ple, 771.81 772.09 MARCI: [4@4] 771.81 772.09 WENDY: [4I mean4], 772.09 772.79 [5this kid was5], 773.03 774.03 [6He looked like a=6], 773.03 774.47 KEVIN: [6but it's put in different6] bottle[7s? 774.42 775.77 WENDY: [7kind of a sloppy kind of guy7]. 774.47 774.97 KEVIN: And I'm like, 774.97 776.32 .. . 776.32 777.37 WENDY: .. (H) I mean he wasn't, 777.37 778.37 % .. he was dressed in like, 778.37 779.30 old jeans, 779.30 779.96 and a old jacket, 779.96 781.54 he just looked like [.. a vagabond]. 780.70 782.12 KEVIN: [(H) He pulled out this d]uffle bag, 782.12 782.87 @and @I'm like, 782.87 784.12 ? 783.49 784.09 WENDY: [And I was like, 784.09 784.75 I was ready to], 784.12 784.42 KEVIN: And he's like, 784.42 784.64 no=, 784.64 785.72 I] [2just want you to smell it2]. 784.75 785.95 WENDY: [2grab !Kevin and ru2][3=n3]. 784.75 786.19 MARCI: [2I wonder ripped2] [3it3] off, 786.19 786.69 in the, 786.69 787.49 .. in the sto=re. 787.49 788.32 KEVIN: ... No=. 788.32 788.49 WENDY: No, 788.49 789.03 because he w_ __ 789.03 789.97 he wasn't trying to sell it, 789.97 790.52 .. he was just saying, 790.52 792.21 does this smell like .. Drakkar, 792.21 792.52 .. or, 792.52 793.04 .. whatever, 793.04 793.97 (H) because, 793.97 795.22 ... they're gonna o_ __ 795.22 795.57 try % __ 795.57 797.47 see if there's a market for this sto=re, 797.47 798.37 .. that they want to open, 798.37 799.17 .. down the road, 799.17 800.12 .. that [sells], 799.39 800.47 KEVIN: [So he's a marketing] agent. 800.47 802.55 @[2= @@@@2] 801.15 802.55 WENDY: [2He's an MA @@2]. 801.55 802.77 KEN: [2@@@2]@ 802.77 804.09 (H) [3<@ He's an3] [4MA @>4]. 803.02 803.24 KEVIN: [3Oh=, 803.24 803.84 he's an M3][4A=. 803.56 804.29 KENDRA: [4MA4][5=5]. 803.56 804.29 WENDY: [4@@@4][5@5] 803.84 804.44 KEVIN: with an4][5 A5]A. 804.44 804.81 [6And a p_6] __ 804.29 805.16 KENDRA: [6Sca6]ry[7=7]. 805.01 806.31 KEVIN: [7And a7] pretty bad PVA=. 806.09 807.75 KEN: [8@8] [9@ @ @9] 806.09 807.75 MARCI: [8S8][9ca=ry=9]. 806.09 807.75 WENDY: [8@9][9=9] 806.31 808.54 KENDRA: [9@@@ Pretty bad9] [PVA=]. 807.75 809.87 WENDY: [@@@ I was like rea]dy to grab !Kevin and run. 809.87 810.67 ... [2Cause I thought2], 809.87 811.32 KENDRA: [2I='d2] [3say=3]. 810.67 811.32 MARCI: [3J=ee=sh3]. 810.67 812.42 WENDY: [3what is this guy=3] doing %. 812.42 813.72 MARCI: ... That's wild. 813.72 814.27 KEVIN: It was. 814.27 815.29 WENDY: ... It was [weir][2d2]. 814.72 814.92 KEN: [Mm]. 814.92 815.29 KENDRA: [2That2] __ 815.29 816.58 ... No more card[3s3], 816.43 817.78 KEVIN: [3And we3] turned around and our car was gone. 817.78 819.43 WENDY: ... @[4=4] 819.08 819.88 KEVIN: [4@4] Just kidding. 819.88 820.63 KENDRA: ... <@ Yeah, 820.63 821.08 really @>. 821.08 821.95 KEN: [@@@] 821.08 822.26 MARCI: [Not till Monday] night. 822.26 823.36 KENDRA: ... ]. 823.48 825.03 KEVIN: [<3]. 844.48 846.08 (H) . 851.23 851.78 KEVIN: . 851.55 852.07 KENDRA: [VOX>6] 854.27 855.43 WENDY: [6It happens so 6] quickly VOX>. 855.43 856.81 KEN: ... You got a food processor, 856.81 857.31 and everything. 857.31 858.31 KENDRA: ... ? 858.31 858.51 .. Hunh? 858.51 859.91 KEN: .. You got a food processor, 859.91 860.36 and a=, 860.36 861.71 ... what all did you guys get back. 861.71 862.56 ... Mixer? 862.56 864.16 ... What all did [you] __ 863.91 864.16 MARCI: [(TSK)] 864.16 864.66 KEVIN: From what. 864.66 865.81 KEN: ... From uh=, 865.81 866.31 .. !Gladys. 866.31 867.86 ... [(TSK)] 867.56 867.91 MARCI: []. 867.36 867.91 KEVIN: [Oh], 867.91 869.41 .. I don't think we took any[2thing from there2]. 868.71 870.91 MARCI: [2Don't take any2]thing from !Gladys's. 870.91 872.27 KENDRA: ... [3I got that little hand mixer3]. 871.31 872.21 KEN: [3Oh it's okay=3]. 872.25 875.64 MARCI: S=tuff isn't ... [4electrically4] sou=nd. 873.95 874.70 WENDY: [4Try it4]. 874.15 874.80 KENDRA: [4I want that4] __ 875.64 877.95 .. I want [5that .. che=st upstai5]=rs. 876.09 877.79 WENDY: [5@= Get a little extra jolt5]. 877.95 879.20 KENDRA: That wooden chest? 879.20 880.37 ... Da=ng. 880.37 881.05 [Ow=]. 880.37 881.55 MARCI: [Which wooden] chest. 881.55 882.06 KENDRA: [2(H) I don't know, 881.55 882.21 KEN: [2What wooden chest2]. 882.06 884.01 KENDRA: !K2]elly said she %= ... a=sked for it, 884.01 884.55 and I was like, 884.55 886.00 .. , 886.00 887.52 and I asked a long time ago. 887.52 888.40 and nobody said anything. 888.40 888.55 And, 888.55 890.17 (H) . 890.17 891.65 KEVIN: That's because you didn't say mother may I. 891.65 892.46 WENDY: @[=][2=2] __ 892.03 892.46 KEN: [Where's] [2that2]. 892.19 893.64 MARCI: [2@2][3@@3][4@@@4] 892.46 893.11 KENDRA: [3P>. 892.66 893.95 KEN: [4At .. !Gladys's4] house? 893.11 893.64 KENDRA: .. In the h_4] __ 893.95 894.26 KEN: [5Or what5]. 893.96 894.26 KENDRA: [5Yeah5]. 893.96 894.81 MARCI: [5@5]@ [6(H)6] 894.36 894.82 KENDRA: [6Upstairs6]. 894.82 895.76 MARCI: @@@@ 895.76 897.05 KENDRA: ... There's a chest, 897.05 897.41 It's like, 897.41 897.61 It l_ __ 897.61 898.91 It's [either] like a cedar=, 897.78 898.03 KEN: [(TSK)] 898.91 899.51 KENDRA: or something, 899.51 900.76 I [mean it's] swee=t. 899.61 900.01 KEN: [Mm=]. 900.76 902.36 KENDRA: ... A hope chest. 902.36 902.96 KEN: ... Hmm. 902.96 904.36 WENDY: ...

. 904.83 905.30 KEN: [Hm]. 905.30 905.85 MARCI: .. Oh. 905.85 907.31 ... Hm. 907.31 908.45 WENDY: So you want a hope chest [2!Kendie? 908.24 909.13 MARCI: [2Well happy birthday, 908.45 910.08 WENDY: I thought you already had a hope che2]st. 909.13 909.58 MARCI: !Kendie2]. 910.08 911.43 ... Happy happy. 911.43 912.12 KENDRA: .. . 916.43 917.68 WENDY: ... 917.68 919.23 .. (H) Now you'll have spatulas. 919.23 920.28 Those are good spatula[s]. 920.13 921.13 KENDRA: [. 921.13 923.33 MARCI: (H) Rubber Maid makes the best spatula[2s2]. 923.18 923.93 KENDRA: [2(H) No2]nbreakable. 923.93 924.68 .. What's this. 924.68 926.50 WENDY: ... <@ Another one of my hairs @>. 926.50 926.93 KENDRA: []. 926.65 928.76 MARCI: [@]@@[2@ (H)2] @@ 927.30 927.95 KEVIN: [2Ew=2]. 928.76 929.41 MARCI: (H) !Wendy, 929.41 929.78 [you] __ 929.41 929.78 WENDY: [Wha_] __ 929.78 931.00 MARCI: you gotta quit @shedding. 931.00 933.13 @[@ (H) @It's just gross]. 931.38 932.18 WENDY: [<% I= know= %>. 932.18 932.75 , 932.75 934.15 I've got]ta check this stuff out, 934.15 934.35 __ 934.35 934.85 cause if it's, 934.85 935.10 .. like, 935.10 935.80 gonna be junk, 935.80 936.85 .. I'm not gonna give it to [!Kendra, 936.47 937.32 KENDRA: [(SNEEZE)] 936.85 937.32 WENDY: because], 937.32 938.15 KEN: ...

. 938.00 938.66 WENDY: [she'll break it]. 938.05 938.66 KENDRA: [(Hx)] 938.66 939.76 MARCI: ... [2@@@@2] 939.21 940.18 WENDY: [2And then she'll cut2] herself, 940.18 941.06 and blame it on me. 941.06 941.51 .. [So=], 941.06 941.51 X: [(THROAT)] 941.51 942.29 KEVIN: [2@=@2] 941.61 942.24 MARCI: [2X2] 941.51 941.94 KENDRA: [2Yeah, 941.94 942.54 @real2][3l3][4y4]. 942.29 943.68 KEN: [3@3][4=4][5@@@5] 942.41 943.08 MARCI: [4Tha4][5t's righ5][6t6]. 942.93 943.88 WENDY: [6She'll6] [7sue me7]. 943.18 944.78 MARCI: [7She does that all7] the time. 944.78 945.75 WENDY: ... She'll [8sue me8]. 945.15 946.07 MARCI: [8Brea=ks8] stuff, 946.07 947.20 and .. cuts @herself, 947.20 948.56 [and blames it] on us. 947.20 948.02 KEVIN: [(THROAT)] 948.56 948.91 WENDY: And there __ 948.91 949.18 KEVIN: [(THROAT)] 948.91 949.09 KENDRA: [Yeah, 948.91 950.84 WENDY: [Do you have a] [2dishwa2]sher in your ... apartment, 949.09 949.49 KENDRA: I] [2know2]. 950.84 951.33 ... Nope, 951.33 952.40 I get to handwash everything. 952.40 953.15 WENDY: Oh honey. 953.15 955.10 ... (H) Oh you're gonna [have so much fun]. 954.12 955.22 KEN: [Isn't there a dishwasher in] there? 955.22 956.50 WENDY: % You're moving in the beginning of November? 956.50 957.47 KENDRA: . 957.47 959.87 ... Yeah. 959.87 962.62 (H) .. . 962.62 964.37 WENDY: ... Do you have any furniture yet? 964.37 966.17 KENDRA: ... I'm taking that couch, 966.17 968.02 ... (SNIFF) and [um=, 967.49 968.74 WENDY: [<@ The cat_pee c_ __ 968.02 969.29 KENDRA: .. that's what I'll have room for]. 968.74 971.09 WENDY: (H) The] cat_pee [2(H) cou_ couch@>2]. 969.96 971.09 KENDRA: [2The cat_pee couch2]. 971.09 971.97 [3@@@@@3] 971.24 971.97 KEVIN: [3@Gro=ss3]. 971.09 972.28 WENDY: [3@= @@3] (H) 972.43 973.35 KENDRA: [4And my be4]=d, 972.28 972.88 KEVIN: [4Yeah I remember, 972.88 973.05 I4] __ 973.35 975.30 .. I'd just bought [5a coat from5] [6uh6][7=7], 973.95 974.60 KENDRA: [5and my dresser, 974.60 975.05 that's it5][6=6]. 974.87 975.15 WENDY: [6Oh6], 975.15 975.55 [7goo7][8=d8]. 975.35 976.35 KEVIN: [8A8]pple[9baum9]s. 975.70 976.12 WENDY: [9Good9]. 976.35 978.15 KEVIN: (H) And [put it on that cat_ ..] couch, 976.75 977.80 WENDY: [(H) Well we've go=t] __ 978.15 979.45 KEVIN: and Tig[2ger2] puked @on @it. 978.45 978.65 KENDRA: [2@2] 979.45 981.00 KEVIN: [3@@@@ (H)3] 979.45 981.00 WENDY: [3(Hx) 3]? 979.65 981.00 KEN: [3@@@@@3] 981.00 982.32 KENDRA: [4<>5] 981.00 981.56 KEVIN: [4. 981.56 981.72 He __ 981.72 982.62 (H)4] [5My new5] clothes, 981.79 982.31 WENDY: [55] __ 982.62 983.12 KEVIN: I was [6lay_6] __ 982.85 984.92 MARCI: [6HI>7]. 984.80 985.78 WENDY: [78]? 984.60 985.78 KEVIN: [7I was7][8 laying em @down8], 985.78 987.02 KENDRA: [9Oh= Applebaums. 985.78 986.35 KEVIN: [9I bought __ 986.35 988.52 (H) I bought a coo=l bei=ge jacket, 987.02 988.32 KENDRA: That was a great place, 988.32 988.67 man9]. 988.52 989.80 KEVIN: that9] I thought was just like a __ 989.80 991.31 KENDRA: .. [That was a great place]. 989.90 991.75 KEVIN: [(H) just like a scientist] jacket. 991.75 992.37 [2%@And @I2] __ 991.85 992.37 KENDRA: [2(SNIFF)2] 992.37 994.22 KEVIN: (H)[3=3] And [4I had a4] pair of blue_jeans, 992.52 992.67 WENDY: [3@3] 992.77 993.32 KENDRA: [4@@4] 994.22 995.37 KEVIN: and I had a .. yellow, 995.37 995.82 .. or a, 995.82 997.62 ... I think it was a yellow Adidas shirt, 997.62 998.87 (H) and a [new b]elt. 998.14 998.49 WENDY: [U=m], 998.87 999.08 MARCI: S= __ 999.08 1000.14 WENDY: you are [2a @clothes @freak2]. 999.20 1001.08 KEVIN: [2And I laid it all2] [3out on the couch, 999.20 1001.20 MARCI: [2Isn't he a2] [3clo=thes frea=k3]. 1001.08 1002.65 KEVIN: and3] Tigger .. puked on it @. 1002.67 1003.80 KENDRA: [4@@@@@4] 1002.65 1003.75 MARCI: [4@@@4] 1002.65 1004.43 KEN: [4@@@4][5@@5] 1003.80 1004.47 KENDRA: [5Good answer5], 1003.80 1005.37 MARCI: [5Is this a5] [6clothes6] freak. 1004.47 1004.94 KENDRA: [6Tigger6]. 1005.37 1006.23 KEVIN: [7@@@@7] 1005.37 1006.59 WENDY: [7He remembers dis7]tinctly, 1006.59 1007.59 exactly what it was. 1007.59 1008.34 .. (H) [Um, 1008.03 1008.34 KENDRA: [Yeah, 1008.34 1008.89 I would say]. 1008.39 1009.64 WENDY: (H)] We have end_ __ 1009.64 1010.19 .. Well I don't __ 1010.19 1012.34 .. I don't think we'll be taking the end_tables to Bulgaria. 1012.34 1012.49 X: X 1012.49 1013.79 KEVIN: ... I'm sure we will not. 1013.79 1014.19 [(SNIFF)] 1013.96 1014.99 WENDY: [We have] .. end_tables. 1014.99 1015.99 ... [2Too= for you that w_2] __ 0.00 0.00 $ INDETERMINATE BETWEEN "TOO" AND "TWO" 1014.99 1015.39 KENDRA: [2What are_ __ 1015.39 1015.99 .. What are they2]. 1015.99 1016.24 WENDY: We_ __ 1016.24 1017.29 The ones we have in our living room. 1017.29 1017.80 KEVIN: [(Hx)] 1017.49 1018.11 WENDY: [The wood] ones? 1018.11 1018.40 KENDRA: [2What are they2] __ 1018.11 1018.73 KEVIN: [2They're the f2]ront end, 1018.73 1019.38 and the hind end. 1019.38 1020.23 WENDY: ... @@@ 1020.23 1021.88 KEN: @[@][2@2][3@@@3] 1020.43 1022.93 KEVIN: [@][2=2][3=3][4@@@@4] 1020.73 1023.38 MARCI: [2@@2][3@@@@3][4@@4][5@@@5] 1020.95 1021.88 WENDY: [3@ @ @3] 1021.88 1022.25 [4Oh, 1021.88 1023.88 KENDRA: [4@@ I'll show you4] [5a front end5] [6and a hind end, 1022.25 1022.73 WENDY: boo4]. 1022.93 1023.38 KEVIN: [5@@5] 1023.18 1023.95 WENDY: [6(H) They're the one_ __ 1023.95 1024.35 .. They're6] [7the w_ __ 1023.88 1024.90 KENDRA: pretty6] [7darn quick7]. 1024.19 1024.90 KEVIN: [7@@7] 1024.35 1025.25 WENDY: .. They're from Grandma7] [8!An_ __ 1024.90 1025.25 KENDRA: [8(H) 1025.25 1025.65 Buddy. 1025.25 1025.90 WENDY: %= No I mean, 1025.90 1026.20 KENDRA: (H)8] 1025.90 1026.70 WENDY: they're from8] Nanna. 1026.70 1027.58 KENDRA: ... Are they the squ_ __ 1027.58 1028.93 .. They're squa=re to=pped tables? 1028.93 1029.55 [How high] [2are they2]? 1029.03 1029.34 WENDY: [Mhm]. 1029.34 1030.09 KEVIN: [2Oh they're2] nice. 1030.09 1031.49 KENDRA: ... Oh that'd [3be3] grea=t. 1030.69 1030.79 WENDY: [3They're3] __ 1031.09 1032.39 KEVIN: [4You've never seen anything4] [5like5] them. 1031.09 1031.94 WENDY: [4They're end_tables4]. 1031.89 1032.22 KENDRA: [5(SNIFF)5] 1032.39 1033.19 Cause I'm not gonna have_ __ 1033.19 1033.44 % I __ 1033.44 1033.84 % I don't (Hx) __ 1033.84 1034.84 WENDY: ]. 1034.54 1035.29 KEN: [You have to] [2give em back, 1034.89 1035.29 KEVIN: [2. 1035.29 1035.94 KEN: when they come back, 1035.94 1036.24 though2]. 1035.29 1036.64 KEVIN: They fit inside of2] [3each other, 1036.26 1036.51 KENDRA: [3Yeah, 1036.51 1036.84 really, 1036.84 1037.04 man3]. 1036.64 1036.84 KEVIN: too. 1036.84 1037.84 (H)3] [4They stack up4]. 1037.19 1037.74 KEN: [4(THROAT)4] 1037.04 1037.84 WENDY: [4They_ they s_4] __ 1037.04 1038.44 KENDRA: [4Well by that time4] I'm gonna be married, 1038.44 1039.34 and I'm not gonna need em. 1039.34 1040.09 .. Bu=t. 1040.09 1042.15 KEVIN: ... (Hx) (TSK) 1042.15 1043.03 WENDY: ... @@ [You want, 1042.70 1043.25 KENDRA: [], 1043.03 1043.25 WENDY: What]. 1043.25 1044.08 [2You're gonna get m=arried, 1043.25 1044.61 KEVIN: [2Did you notice the room got deathly silent2]? 1044.08 1045.51 WENDY: and you'll have2] all [3kind of money3]? 1044.89 1045.19 KEN: [3Yeah. 1045.19 1045.88 What are you3] gonna [4say4]. 1045.67 1047.72 KEVIN: [4@4][5@ when5] [6!Kendie mentioned marriage6]? 1045.88 1046.52 KEN: [5@@5] 1045.88 1046.99 WENDY: [57]. 1048.23 1048.73 KEVIN: [7(DRINK)7] 1048.73 1050.83 WENDY: (H) You think you'll get married and have all kinds of money. 1050.83 1051.28 KENDRA: [Oh yeah. 1050.83 1052.45 WENDY: [(H) ]. 1051.28 1052.50 KENDRA: I'm the money]. 1052.50 1053.80 KEN: Ho [2ho ho=2]. 1052.80 1053.66 KENDRA: [2He's gonna be an engineer, 1053.66 1055.81 I'm2] gonna be a manager of a Merrill Lynch branch, 1055.81 1056.96 KEN: O[3=h .. ho ho3]. 1056.23 1057.91 KENDRA: [3(H) I'll be making3] well over seventy, 1057.91 1059.48 I'll be making a lot more than hi=[m]. 1059.18 1059.98 KEN: [O][2=h2]. 1059.48 1059.93 MARCI: [2Cough2], 1059.93 1060.43 choke, 1060.43 1061.18 sputter, 1061.18 1063.33 ... Well over [seven][2ty=2]? 1062.50 1062.90 KEVIN: [@] 1062.50 1062.95 KENDRA: [Dad's] __ 1062.95 1063.32 KEN: [2Good2]. 1063.32 1063.78 [3Yeah3]. 1063.49 1064.05 KENDRA: [3Dad's3] [4like, 1063.32 1064.73 KEVIN: [3That doesn't3] [4happen in America4]. 1064.05 1065.88 KENDRA: you won't make4] half of what I make. 1065.88 1066.48 Ha ha. 1066.48 1066.88 (H) 1066.88 1067.38 KEN: .. Wha=t? 1067.38 1067.68 WENDY: (Hx) 1067.68 1068.18 KENDRA: .. Dad's like, 1068.18 1069.38 you won't make half of [what I make. 1068.93 1069.33 KEN: [Oh, 1068.98 1070.83 MARCI: [By virtue of] [2being fe2]male, 1069.33 1069.58 KEN: no, 1069.58 1070.63 your salary] [2will be2] __ 1069.38 1069.88 KENDRA: Ha ha]. 1070.83 1071.33 KEN: 3]. 1072.83 1073.27 KENDRA: No, 1073.27 1074.15 by virtue of making_ __ 1074.15 1074.95 .. being fe[male, 1074.80 1076.75 WENDY: [Just go in some]time with a machine gun, 1074.95 1075.45 KENDRA: I might]. 1076.75 1077.05 WENDY: and, 1077.05 1078.25 ... [hold em all] [2up2]. 1077.55 1078.02 KEN: [(Hx)][2=2] 1078.02 1079.37 KEVIN: [2Dis2][3gruntled3] postal work[4er4]. 1078.24 1078.69 KEN: [3Yeah3]. 1079.22 1079.77 KENDRA: [4Let m4]e [5tell you5]. 1079.47 1079.77 WENDY: [5@5] 1079.47 1080.57 KEN: [5Tell em5] to be part of it. 1080.57 1081.27 (THROAT) 1081.27 1083.16 ... [Be fair] [2or be2] [3square3] (Hx). 1081.77 1083.00 MARCI: [> 1083.16 1086.40 MARCI: [4hap4][5py4] [6birthday to you=6], 1083.58 1084.03 KEN: [5Hey5][6=. 1083.88 1086.40 WENDY: [6. 1086.75 1089.62 [Happy birthday to <>]. 1086.75 1089.62 WENDY: [Happy birthday to you=]. 1086.75 1089.62 MARCI: [Happy birthday to you=]. 1086.75 1089.63 KEN: [Happy birthday to you=]. 1089.63 1090.25 KEVIN: . 1090.25 1090.80 MARCI: [@Happy_] __ 1090.25 1093.98 KEVIN: [Happy] [2birthday dear !Ke=ndra2][3=3], 1090.25 1093.98 KEN: [Happy] [2birthday dear !Ke=ndra2][3=3], 1090.25 1094.21 WENDY: [Happy] [2birthday dear !Ke=ndra2][3=3][4=4], 1093.73 1095.43 KENDRA: [35]. 1094.55 1098.15 KEN: [6ha6][7=ppy birth7][8day to you= SING>8]. 1094.90 1098.15 KEVIN: [7Happy birth7][8day to you= SING>8]. 1094.90 1098.15 WENDY: [7happy birth7][8day to you=8]. 1095.43 1096.10 KENDRA: goofball= X>7]. 1098.15 1100.05 KEVIN: [9(YELL)9][=] 1098.25 1101.45 WENDY: [9And ma9][ny mo][2=re SING> (THROAT)2]. 1099.10 1100.80 MARCI: [And many mo][2=re SING>. 1100.80 1103.90 Like the rest2] of the three_quarters of the century perhaps[3=3]. 1104.35 1105.38 KENDRA: [4It's4] a beautiful cake, 1105.38 1107.55 but why do you guys [5always5] give me ice cream cakes. 1107.55 1109.65 KEVIN: ... Because [6it's the only kind we're not6] [7allergic to7]. 1108.05 1109.09 MARCI: [6Don't you like ice cream6]? 1110.05 1111.35 WENDY: ... Do you like .. frozen yogurt? 1111.35 1112.85 KENDRA: ... I shouldn't blow this out. 1112.85 1113.10 .. Dad, 1113.10 1114.00 do you wanna try for me? 1114.00 1115.05 ... (SNORT) 1115.05 1115.90 KEVIN: VOX>]. 1117.77 1118.92 MARCI: Gro][2=2]ss VOX>. 1118.12 1118.42 KEVIN: [2@2] 1118.12 1118.42 WENDY: [2What2]. 1118.92 1119.89 KEVIN: Cause she has a co=ld. 1119.89 1121.40 [She's gonna] b=low it all [2over the2] cake. 1119.89 1120.19 WENDY: [@] 1120.79 1120.99 [2@2] 1121.40 1122.84 KENDRA: [3@3][4@4][5@@5] 1121.40 1121.87 MARCI: [3@3] 1121.87 1122.84 KEN: [4@4][5@@5] 1122.25 1122.84 KEVIN: [5Gross5]. 1122.84 1123.04 KENDRA: <@ Well, 1123.04 1123.49 plus that, 1123.49 1125.64 It's gonna take me like eight years to blow these [2ou=t @>2]. 1125.14 1126.09 KEVIN: [2Just use a2] [3filter3]. 1125.69 1126.69 WENDY: [3(H) Let's3] everybody. 1126.69 1127.16 [4R=4]eady? 1126.69 1126.89 KEN: [4@4] 1127.16 1127.49 (H) 1127.49 1129.79 MARCI: Gon[5na take5] [6eight6] [7years to blow these out7]. 1127.69 1128.36 KEN: [5@5][6@6] 1128.05 1128.36 WENDY: [6Ready6]? 1128.36 1129.30 [7(H) O=ne, 1129.30 1129.89 two7]=, 1129.89 1130.54 .. three. 1130.54 1132.14 MANY: (BLOW) 1132.14 1133.21 KEVIN: I think they're re=lightable. 1133.06 1133.64 WENDY: (BLOW) 1133.64 1134.19 .. They [a=re]. 1133.76 1134.19 KENDRA: [They are=]. 1134.19 1134.90 KEVIN: [2They .. %are2]. 1134.19 1134.90 WENDY: [22] __ 1134.19 1135.33 MARCI: [2I didn't think2] they were, 1135.33 1136.88 but I [3think they maybe are=3]. 1135.55 1136.10 KEVIN: [3They are, 1136.10 1138.05 when they .. 3] do [4that way=4]. 1137.15 1138.05 KEN: [4 splutter and4]. 1138.05 1138.55 KEVIN: (H) Yep. 1138.55 1141.55 (H) ... (BLOW) ... (H) (BLOW) 1141.55 1142.75 MARCI: .. Don't [spit, 1141.90 1143.40 KEN: [<@ Don't spit on em @>]. 1142.00 1143.70 KENDRA: [<@ Don't spit on] [2em @>2]. 1143.40 1143.70 KEVIN: [2(BLOW)2] 1142.75 1144.40 MARCI: @@][2@@]@@@ 1144.40 1145.65 KEVIN: (H) [3(BLOW) .. (H)3] 1144.77 1145.65 KEN: [3(H)= %3] 1145.65 1147.80 @[4@4][5@@@5] 1145.75 1146.24 KENDRA: [4Dang4], 1146.26 1147.86 KEVIN: [5(BLOW)=5] 1146.24 1147.86 KENDRA: [5you guys are getting ashes all over me5]. 1147.86 1149.54 [6(COUGH) (COUGH) (COUGH)6] [7(COUGH)7] 1147.86 1149.12 KEN: [6@@@6] 1149.12 1149.97 MARCI: [7@7]@@ 1149.97 1150.84 KENDRA: [8(COUGH)8] [9(COUGH)9] 1149.97 1150.60 KEN: [8@@8] 1150.60 1152.35 KEVIN: [9It's almost9] like [having a smoking probl][2em2]. 1151.07 1153.22 MARCI: [Smoke alarm's gonna] [2go2] [3off3] in a minute. 1152.20 1152.69 KENDRA: [2(COUGH)2][3=3] 1153.22 1154.34 [4(COUGH) (COUGH) (COUGH)4] 1153.22 1154.88 KEN: [4 your own4] [5cigarettes. 1153.22 1155.20 MARCI: [4@@@@@@4][5@@ (H)5] 1154.88 1155.25 KEN: @@@5] 1155.20 1156.50 MARCI: @[6@6]@@@ 1155.47 1155.72 KENDRA: [6(COUGH)6] 1156.50 1156.97 >ENV: ((WATER-ON)) 1156.97 1157.67 KENDRA: (COUGH) [(COUGH)] 1157.39 1160.04 MARCI: [Don't] put the whole cake under [2@the2] @fau[3cet3]. 1158.77 1159.19 [2@2] 1159.49 1160.04 KEVIN: [3@@@3] 1160.04 1160.95 [4<@No=4]. 1160.04 1161.89 MARCI: [4@@@4][5@5][6@@6] 1160.04 1160.75 KENDRA: [4<@Do it dad, 1160.75 1161.15 do4] [5it @>5]. 1161.15 1162.25 KEVIN: [6Last time you did that6] dad, 1162.25 1163.59 KEVIN: it washed half way down [7the drai7][8=n @>8]. 1163.17 1164.91 KENDRA: [7@ X7][8XXXXXX (H)8] 1163.46 1164.91 WENDY: [8Do you like frozen yogurt cakes8]? 1164.91 1166.36 ... You don't. 1166.36 1167.51 KENDRA: ... [I don't like] __ 1167.16 1168.31 KEVIN: [Do you like] shrimp cake? 1168.31 1169.11 WENDY: ... @@ 1169.11 1170.23 MARCI: .. @@@@@[@] 1170.08 1170.43 KEVIN: [Hm][2=2]. 1170.08 1171.15 WENDY: [Do you] [2like2] ? 1171.15 1171.96 [2@ @2] [3@3] 1171.15 1171.60 MARCI: [2@@2] 1171.60 1172.30 KEVIN: [3@@3][4@4] 1171.95 1173.41 MARCI: [4I can4] give you a [5rice cake, 1172.73 1173.83 WENDY: [5(H) (Hx)5] 1173.41 1174.38 MARCI: with ched5]dar on it, 1174.38 1175.33 if you'd like [6that, 1174.85 1175.25 KENDRA: [6I d_ __ 1175.33 1175.88 MARCI: .. tonight6]. 1175.25 1176.57 KENDRA: I don't want to6] hur=t you=, 1176.57 1177.48 I mean I like __ 1177.48 1178.48 .. Ice [cream's okay], 1177.68 1177.98 WENDY: [2] __ 1178.08 1180.70 MARCI: You've] [2never2] told us what you like and don't like, 1180.70 1180.99 [3dear, 1180.80 1182.09 KEVIN: [3I guess that would be=3], 1180.99 1182.49 MARCI: you just go off to your3] roo[4=m4]. 1182.16 1183.69 KENDRA: [4I think4] [5I walk around all5] the ti=me, 1182.16 1182.91 KEVIN: [4your4] [5fault, 1182.91 1183.26 then5]. 1183.69 1183.99 KENDRA: saying, 1183.99 1184.26 WENDY: [(THROAT)] 1183.99 1184.84 KENDRA: [I hate] ice [2cream2]. 1184.63 1184.84 WENDY: [2@@2] 1184.84 1185.59 KENDRA: I hate ice cream. 1185.59 1186.59 It makes [me too] cold. 1185.83 1186.24 KEVIN: [Never]. 1186.59 1187.44 KENDRA: . 1187.44 1189.54 ... Call up !Kelly right [now and] ask her. 1188.79 1189.14 KEVIN: [!Kelly]? 1189.54 1189.79 KENDRA: !Ken_ __ 1189.79 1189.79 >ENV: ((WATER-OFF)) 1189.79 1191.04 KENDRA: [Does] [2!Kendra like ice cream2]. 1189.79 1191.04 KEVIN: [Did] [2she ever tell you this2]. 1190.06 1190.41 MARCI: [2!Kelly? 1190.41 1191.64 .. Did she2] ever [3tell you3]. 1191.31 1192.56 WENDY: [3!Kelly3] is up in__ 1192.56 1193.34 KENDRA: .. Call !Damon. 1193.35 1193.89 Ask him. 1193.89 1194.61 WENDY: !K_ (Hx) __ 1194.61 1195.26 !Kelly=, 1195.26 1196.61 %= was your roommate though. 1196.61 1197.56 For many a moo=n. 1197.56 1198.74 KENDRA: ... Yeah=, 1198.74 1200.76 but that shouldn't mean that she should know [me any] [2]. 1200.11 1200.38 KEN: [Yeah], 1200.38 1200.76 [2she should2] __ 1200.46 1201.37 KEVIN: [23]. 1201.37 1204.47 MARCI: .. you3] can .. [4cut off4] [5the cake5] from every slice then and [6eat it6]. 1201.87 1202.32 KENDRA: [4This big4]? 1202.32 1202.87 KEN: [5(THROAT)5] 1204.10 1204.47 WENDY: [6@@6] 1204.47 1205.03 MARCI: [7How's that7]. 1204.47 1205.03 KENDRA: [7This big7]? 1205.03 1205.58 (H) No, 1205.58 1206.43 what I like is, 1206.43 1207.73 like real icing. 1207.73 1208.36 KEN: .. Oh=, 1208.36 1209.13 [yeah=]. 1208.36 1209.13 KENDRA: [(H) o=n], 1209.13 1209.90 [2on white cake, 1209.18 1210.21 KEVIN: [2Well that's real icing. 1209.90 1211.21 KENDRA: I like like wedding cake2]s. 1210.21 1210.71 KEVIN: right there. 1210.71 1211.01 Hey2]. 1211.21 1211.66 It's right_ __ 1211.66 1211.91 It's __ 1211.91 1212.51 It's the real stuff. 1212.51 1213.21 WENDY: Wedding [cakes. 1212.91 1213.61 KEN: [(SIGH)] 1213.21 1213.81 WENDY: The name] we_ __ 1213.81 1214.99 The word wedding comes up, 1214.99 1215.33 KENDRA: W[ell, 1215.06 1215.86 WENDY: [one more time]. 1215.33 1216.26 KENDRA: that kind of] ca=ke. 1216.26 1216.96 .. White ca=ke, 1216.96 1218.46 [with .. that kind of icing]? 1217.01 1218.46 MARCI: [That's such a pretty cake]. 1218.46 1219.49 KEN: (H) It is nice. 1219.52 1219.78 KENDRA: [Yeah, 1219.49 1220.14 MARCI: [That's yours, 1219.78 1220.33 KENDRA: this is a v_] __ 1220.14 1220.59 MARCI: !Ke]n. 1220.59 1221.20 KEVIN: .. [2Dad2], 1220.96 1221.20 KEN: [2What2]? 1221.20 1221.76 KEVIN: That's yours, 1221.76 1222.06 big guy. 1222.06 1223.26 KENDRA: This is [a real nice ca=ke]. 1222.33 1223.26 MARCI: [That was your=s]. 1223.26 1224.55 WENDY: !Kevin and I are gonna [2share it2]. 1223.92 1224.90 KENDRA: [2Don't get me2] wro=ng. 1224.90 1227.23 MARCI: ... Well it was the smallest I could think of. 1227.23 1227.53 KENDRA: Yeah=, 1227.53 1228.23 this is good. 1228.23 1229.43 ... as far as size. 1229.43 1230.08 MARCI: .. Well, 1230.08 1231.63 cut off the cake and eat it. 1231.63 1232.03 KENDRA: .. Mo=m, 1232.03 1232.33 no=. 1232.33 1232.78 Do=n't, 1232.78 1232.98 .. don't, 1232.98 1233.96 now don't take this to heart, 1233.96 1234.44 []. 1233.96 1235.49 MARCI: [!Kevin and !Wen]dy are gonna share one, 1235.49 1236.62 so if you don't want one, 1236.62 1237.37 don't cut it. 1237.37 1238.82 KENDRA: ... . 1241.07 1242.02 KEN: @@ How= @>. 1242.02 1243.42 @ (H) @ (H) 1243.42 1244.12 Which [one do you want. 1243.67 1244.57 WENDY: [Tempers flare]. 1244.12 1244.72 KEN: Do you want the end] one, 1244.72 1245.37 [2or do you want the_2] __ 1244.72 1245.49 KENDRA: [2You take the end2] one, 1245.49 1246.54 it's got [3n=uts on it3]. 1245.86 1246.64 KEVIN: [3(H)=3] 1246.64 1247.14 ... . 1247.14 1248.59 WENDY: ... . 1252.49 1252.94 WENDY: Want a bite FOOD>? 1252.94 1253.79 KEN: about perfect. 1253.79 1254.86 WENDY: ... [Want a bite]? 1254.45 1254.86 KENDRA: [X]? 1254.45 1254.86 KEVIN: [It's] __ 1254.86 1255.56 ... It's [2not worth it2]. 1255.11 1255.76 MARCI: [2No thank you2]. 1255.76 1256.86 ... <@ I don't want it @>. 1256.86 1258.46 (H) [If I'm gonna] take [2a bite, 1257.26 1257.81 WENDY: []. 1258.06 1258.56 KEVIN: [2Oh it's good, 1258.06 1258.76 KEN: [2XX2] 1258.56 1258.76 KEVIN: but2], 1258.56 1260.51 MARCI: .. I'm2] going to take a bite [3of my own d=_3] __ 1259.53 1260.51 KEVIN: [3it's not exceptional3], 1260.51 1261.20 I don't think. 1261.20 1262.80 MARCI: .. dark chocolate m=ousse, 1262.80 1264.45 with [ganache fros]ting. 1263.14 1264.12 KENDRA: [I would say=]. 1264.45 1265.25 (H) This is, 1265.25 1266.80 This is you=r favorite kind of cake, 1266.80 1267.05 mom. 1267.05 1268.25 KEN: .. (H) 1268.25 1268.61 WENDY: .. Actually, 1268.61 1271.00 we were the ones who said we didn't want ... a regular cake, 1271.00 1271.27 .. so=, 1271.27 1272.15 you can blame it on [us]. 1271.86 1272.37 KENDRA: [Oh]=, 1272.37 1273.43 !Kevin and !Wendy=, 1273.43 1274.07 I shou=ld. 1274.07 1275.77 MARCI: ... (H) Well listen_. 1275.77 1276.31 % Listen. 1276.31 1278.63 I figure I was doing well to have hit the steaks, 1278.63 1280.82 which I also [didn't know w]as your favorite thing. 1279.32 1279.77 KENDRA: [Yeah]. 1280.82 1281.92 ... Steaks are. 1281.92 1282.82 ... Steaks are very good. 1282.82 1283.67 .. Steaks are my favorite. 1283.67 1285.15 MARCI: ... Good. 1285.15 1286.25 KENDRA: .. And I don't get em enough. 1286.25 1287.05 MARCI: (H) So !Ken, 1287.05 1288.10 you can finish that off, 1288.10 1288.68 and if you don't, 1288.68 1289.29 !Kyle will. 1289.29 1290.26 KEN: ... Yeah. 1290.26 1290.73 KEVIN: @@ 1290.53 1291.08 WENDY: @Yeah=. 1291.08 1291.94 KEVIN: [Three years later], 1291.08 1291.26 KENDRA: [Yeah, 1291.26 1291.86 really]. 1291.94 1293.06 KEVIN: it'll be dug out of the freezer, 1293.06 1294.06 .. [(H)] 1293.16 1294.06 MARCI: [@@ (H) (Hx)] 1293.16 1294.36 KENDRA: [@@@@]@ 1294.36 1294.76 Q>]. 1295.34 1295.97 MARCI: [M=oldy=], 1295.97 1297.08 and scarfing (Hx). 1297.08 1298.68 WENDY: ... And [what]? 1298.48 1298.68 KEVIN: [. 1299.53 1300.58 KENDRA: . 1303.69 1304.24 WENDY: well see= FOOD>]. 1305.04 1306.14 ... Oh=. 1306.14 1306.56 [See X]? 1306.19 1307.50 MARCI: [That's n]ice of you to [2say, 1307.14 1308.22 KENDRA: [2And I did already have=2] __ 1307.50 1308.99 MARCI: but I'm sorry2] [3I3] missed it. 1308.22 1308.44 WENDY: [3@3] 1308.99 1309.44 MARCI: @[4@4] 1309.16 1311.00 KENDRA: [4I did4] already have a piece of .. wedding cake, 1311.00 1311.95 about this big. 1311.95 1312.60 WENDY: .. Wedding cake? 1312.60 1312.90 KENDRA: We=ll, 1312.90 1313.18 no=. 1313.18 1313.60 It was, 1313.60 1314.15 .. you know. 1314.15 1315.40 ... (H) It was cel[ebration cake, 1314.82 1316.77 WENDY: [ this word w=]edding keeps coming up. 1315.40 1315.57 KENDRA: but], 1316.77 1318.22 ... ]? 1321.82 1322.87 MARCI: [2Fluffy2] junk. 1322.87 1324.02 ... @@ @3], 1323.67 1324.37 KEVIN: [3(THROAT)3]= 1324.37 1326.02 WENDY: []. 1324.37 1326.02 MARCI: []. 1326.02 1327.03 KENDRA: [2Let me tell you2]. 1326.02 1328.04 MARCI: [2@@@@2]@@@@ 1328.04 1329.69 (H) @@@ .. @ (H) 1329.69 1331.79 KENDRA: ... Th[at i]=s what you think of. 1330.98 1331.09 KEVIN: [What]__ 1331.79 1332.54 .. What did it say? 1332.54 1332.99 .. on it? 1332.99 1334.54 MARCI: ... . 1334.54 1335.11 KEVIN: [The cake]. 1334.64 1334.95 MARCI: [Oh]. 1335.11 1335.57 KEVIN: [2(H)2] 1335.11 1336.07 WENDY: [2Happy birthday2] [3!Kendie3]. 1335.57 1336.80 MARCI: [3Happy birth3]day !Kendie. 1336.80 1337.40 KEVIN: ... Oh. 1337.40 1338.05 WENDY: ... [Why]. 1337.82 1338.27 MARCI: [Why's] [2that2]. 1338.05 1338.27 KEVIN: [2I2] __ 1338.27 1338.87 I didn't read it. 1338.87 1339.67 MARCI: ... Oh. 1339.67 1340.22 KENDRA: ... XX 1340.22 1341.77 KEVIN: >VOX>. 1341.77 1343.98 MARCI: @@@@@@@ [@Jeesh. 1343.30 1344.40 KEVIN: [@= @ @@] 1343.98 1344.93 MARCI: @@ (H)] 1344.93 1346.23 @Gad @zooks. 1346.23 1346.98 KEVIN: [(H)] 1346.23 1348.70 MARCI: [(H)] @We @are [2really off the deep2] end, 1347.36 1348.31 KEVIN: [2(Hx) (H)2] 1348.70 1348.96 [33], 1348.70 1349.21 MARCI: [3guy3]s. 1349.21 1350.61 WENDY: ... You're so strange, 1350.61 1350.86 honey, 1350.86 1351.91 it m_ really makes me wonder. 1351.91 1354.50 KEN: .. @[@@][2@@@@2] 1352.40 1353.05 MARCI: [@] 1352.40 1353.21 KENDRA: [<@ Oh really], 1353.21 1353.57 [2really. 1353.57 1355.57 Are you su=re you wanna2] go over there for four years? 1355.57 1356.87 He'll get you off in Bulgaria. 1356.87 1359.62 .. [You're not gonna have] [2any2]= ... salvation. 1357.17 1357.87 WENDY: [@@] 1357.87 1358.37 KEVIN: [2(THROAT)2] 1359.62 1360.75 KENDRA: Any= relief @>. 1360.75 1363.20 ... . 1363.20 1364.82 WENDY: ... [. 1365.91 1367.47 MARCI: ... That's right. 1367.47 1368.36 WENDY: We'll just leave him and go. 1368.36 1371.40 KENDRA: ... You might have to. 1371.40 1373.45 MARCI: ... [You and !Kelly will go to z_] __ 1371.87 1372.22 KENDRA: [What k_ __ 1372.22 1373.55 .. Is this ice=] __ 1373.55 1374.09 KEVIN: [2(H)2] 1373.55 1374.09 MARCI: [2Varna2]. 1374.09 1374.59 KEVIN: [3(Hx)3] 1374.09 1375.23 KENDRA: [3What's the3] .. ice cream. 1375.23 1375.84 KEVIN: .. [4(H)4] 1375.59 1376.21 KENDRA: [4Is this4] ice milk? 1376.21 1376.96 MARCI: Frozen yogurt. 1376.96 1377.51 KEVIN: .. [(TSK) Yeah, 1377.38 1378.08 KENDRA: [Oh is it]? 1377.51 1378.08 KEVIN: it's ice milk]. 1378.08 1378.54 MARCI: [2Mhm2]. 1378.08 1378.54 WENDY: [2Mhm2]. 1378.54 1378.94 KEVIN: .. Mhm. 1378.94 1379.49 MARCI: Low cal=, 1379.49 1380.19 .. frozen yo[gurt]. 1380.09 1380.39 KEVIN: [S]ure. 1380.39 1383.09 ... They scraped it off the inside of somebody's freezer. 1383.09 1383.89 KENDRA: ... (Hx) 1383.89 1384.29 MARCI: @ 1384.29 1385.04 KENDRA: (H) <@ !Kevin, 1385.04 1386.14 [(H) this piece], 1385.04 1386.14 KEVIN: [@@@] 1386.14 1386.49 MARCI: [2@2] 1386.14 1386.81 KEVIN: [2@2][3@@3] 1386.49 1387.47 KENDRA: [3is gonna be3] [4flipped4], 1386.81 1387.47 MARCI: [4!Kevin4], 1387.47 1388.47 KENDRA: .. at you real quick @>. 1388.47 1389.17 % (H) 1389.17 1391.87 MARCI: shall we p_ wrap him around one of the tires of his ca[=r, 1391.57 1391.97 WENDY: [@@ 1391.87 1392.22 MARCI: or], 1391.87 1394.50 WENDY: 3]. 1392.58 1393.53 MARCI: [2@ @@@2] 1393.75 1394.13 KENDRA: [3@@3] 1394.50 1395.15 KEVIN: ... [4@4] 1394.92 1395.57 MARCI: [4@4]@[5@5] 1395.34 1396.59 KEVIN: [5We got5] new tires on the front. 1396.59 1397.31 MARCI: [6@=6] 1396.59 1397.95 KENDRA: [6@@6] [7<@ Goo=d7]. 1397.31 1397.57 WENDY: [7Yeah, 1397.57 1397.95 we did7]. 1397.95 1398.51 KEN: [8@@@8] 1397.95 1398.71 KENDRA: [8All the better @>8]. 1398.15 1398.71 WENDY: [8We just8] __ 1397.95 1399.63 MARCI: [8Wrap him around a8] back tire <@ then. 1399.63 1401.33 They're [9probably square9] by now @>. 1399.93 1400.78 KEVIN: [9@@9] 1401.33 1401.73 MARCI: [@@] 1401.33 1401.73 WENDY: [We took] __ 1401.73 1402.73 MARCI: (H) @ 1402.73 1403.24 WENDY: took the car in, 1403.24 1404.88 and got it all taken care of Wednesday. 1404.88 1405.68 KEVIN: .. [(TSK) It's all set]. 1404.99 1405.85 WENDY: [Oil cha]=nge, 1405.85 1407.05 .. new windshield wiper=s, 1407.05 1407.90 MARCI: ... [Wow]. 1407.52 1408.77 KEVIN: [I love] new windshield wipers. 1408.77 1410.77 WENDY: (H) [2 a couple hundred dollars on the car2]. 1409.12 1410.77 KEVIN: [2There's nothing like new windshield wipers2]. 1410.77 1412.67 KENDRA: How much [3did3] [4your windshield4] [5wipers co=st5]? 1411.05 1411.93 WENDY: [3A3] [4.. couple hundred4]. 1411.22 1411.58 KEN: [4Yeah cause, 1411.58 1411.83 they __ 1411.83 1412.62 .. You4] [5needed em5]. 1412.67 1413.42 .. We need em too. 1413.42 1413.92 WENDY: .. I don't [know]. 1413.72 1414.67 KEVIN: [(H)]= [2(TSK) What2]? 1414.32 1414.67 KEN: [2Y_2] __ 1414.67 1415.12 I say, 1415.12 1416.37 you need[ed new windshield wipers]. 1415.43 1416.37 WENDY: [(H) !Kevin just s_] __ 1416.37 1417.01 KEVIN: .. [2I did. 1416.47 1417.63 WENDY: [2!Kevin just sent us2] __ 1417.01 1417.88 KEVIN: I didn't know I2] did, 1417.88 1418.38 .. but [3I d3]id. 1418.02 1418.18 WENDY: [3s_3] __ 1418.38 1419.98 ... sent it in and said, 1419.98 1421.03 .. check these thi=ngs, 1421.03 1422.83 an=d replace whatever needs to be replaced. 1422.83 1424.21 ... [(H) So], 1423.60 1426.00 MARCI: [And so they] replaced everything you said check? 1426.00 1426.80 KEVIN: ... No. 1426.80 1427.19 WENDY: No. 1427.19 1427.99 .. No [no no] no. 1427.29 1427.64 MARCI: [Really]? 1427.99 1428.19 WENDY: ... No. 1428.19 1428.44 MARCI: [Hm]. 1428.19 1428.44 KEVIN: [No]. 1428.44 1429.04 Not at all. 1429.04 1429.89 MARCI: .. That's pretty good. 1429.89 1430.19 KEVIN: They're __ 1430.19 1430.58 They're good, 1430.58 1431.18 I [trust] [2em2]. 1430.77 1431.27 KEN: [Where'd you] [2take2] [3it3]? 1430.97 1432.17 KENDRA: [2Why2] [3didn't3] [4you just go out and buy4], 1430.97 1431.87 WENDY: [2, 1431.87 1432.17 if they4] __ 1432.17 1432.42 KEVIN: [5Hm5]? 1432.17 1433.19 KENDRA: [5a five5] [6dollar pair of6] & 1432.47 1433.19 KEN: [6Where'd you take it6]? 1432.47 1433.95 MARCI: [6Who is this6] he goe[7s to7]? 1433.56 1434.41 KEVIN: [7Allen County7] [8Motors8]. 1433.95 1434.41 KENDRA: & [8wipers8], 1434.41 1435.08 [9and put em on9]. 1434.41 1435.30 WENDY: [9Allen County Mo9]tors. 1435.30 1436.35 That's where [we bought the] [2car at2]. 1435.52 1435.87 MARCI: [Oh]. 1435.87 1436.35 KEN: [22]. 1435.87 1436.91 KEVIN: [2They didn't do2] the ti=res, 1436.91 1437.31 [3% % %3] __ 1436.91 1437.31 WENDY: [3(TSK)3] 1437.30 1438.45 KEVIN: Allen County Motors told me, 1438.45 1440.90 ... (TSK) they recommended McMann Tire. 1440.90 1441.55 .. Downtown? 1441.50 1442.75 .. (H) And uh, 1442.75 1444.15 .. I already knew what I needed, 1444.15 1446.35 .. so I didn't have to haggle about what kind of tires, 1446.35 1446.86 or where to k_ __ 1446.86 1447.35 you know, 1447.35 1447.71 .. put em, 1447.71 1448.46 front or back, 1448.46 1450.21 ... Allen County Motors already told me, 1450.21 1451.16 ... (H) you know, 1451.16 1451.81 all that stuff. 1451.81 1454.91 MARCI: ... [That's not too bad]. 1453.51 1455.21 KENDRA: [I made them get me my] tire, 1455.21 1456.51 cause I <@ couldn't drive anywhere @>. 1456.51 1461.96 WENDY: ... We can't afford to mess around with our car. 1461.96 1462.96 KEVIN: ... M_m. 1462.96 1463.56 WENDY: You just can't. 1463.56 1463.86 %We're __ 1463.86 1464.19 We're like, 1464.19 1464.63 w_ __ 1464.63 1465.06 KENDRA: .. Yeah, 1465.06 1467.16 but I put great .. wipers on for five bucks. 1467.16 1468.63 Now if yours cost .. fiftee=n, 1468.63 1469.56 that's ri[diculous]. 1469.06 1470.16 WENDY: [I don't know how much] they cost. 1470.16 1470.86 KEVIN: .. They did. 1470.86 1471.96 WENDY: ... (TSK) They cost fif[teen]? 1471.76 1471.96 KEN: [They're a] __ 1471.96 1472.56 KEVIN: .. Fifteen, 1472.56 1473.56 [plus like] three dollars, 1472.56 1472.96 KEN: [(H)] 1473.56 1474.51 KEVIN: .. three dollars labor. 1474.51 1478.26 ... They're the [best wipers] money can buy. 1476.83 1477.48 MARCI: [(THROAT) .. (THROAT)] 1478.26 1479.41 KENDRA: ... ]. 1479.94 1481.14 KEN: [@] [2@ @2] 1480.64 1481.44 KEVIN: (H) Are they the_2] __ 1481.44 1482.69 (H) Are they the double [3whammy ones3]? 1482.16 1483.01 WENDY: [3(H) I'll te3]ll you what_, 1483.01 1483.41 %= though %, 1483.41 1484.06 .. for the effort, 1484.06 1484.91 .. this sounds really ba=d. 1484.91 1485.91 But for the effort, 1485.91 1488.11 (H) the ti=me that it takes to go out and get em, 1488.11 1489.01 ... and install em, 1489.01 1490.31 (H) I'd rather pay the money, 1490.31 1490.93 ... cause, 1490.94 1491.01 KEVIN: Oh, 1491.01 1491.62 I woul[d too]. 1491.19 1492.09 WENDY: [our ti][2me i=s2], 1491.69 1492.09 KENDRA: [2(THROAT)2] 1492.09 1493.24 WENDY: .. We just do not have time to p_ & 1493.24 1496.24 KENDRA: .. Well that['s why I spend so mu=ch=] .. money on clothes. 1493.65 1495.11 WENDY: & [putski around with stupid stuff]. 1496.24 1498.11 KEN: ... (H) You can't make em (Hx)? 1497.91 1499.06 WENDY: .. Cause [why]. 1498.73 1499.06 MARCI: [(COUGH)] 1499.06 1499.56 KEN: ... [2(H)2] 1499.31 1500.66 KENDRA: [2<@ Cause I2] [3can't make em @> @3]. 1499.56 1501.76 KEVIN: [3@=3] [4<@ You can't make clothes @>4]. 1500.56 1501.76 MARCI: [4@= @4] 1501.76 1502.36 KENDRA: [5@@5] 1501.76 1503.11 KEVIN: [5@@@5][6@=6] 1502.36 1504.01 WENDY: [6And you can't wear some6]thing [7twice. 1503.44 1505.59 MARCI: [7You certainly7] [8can't8] [9make wind9]shield wipers. 1504.01 1504.39 WENDY: Right7][8=8]? 1504.18 1504.83 KEVIN: [8@8][9@9] 1505.59 1506.50 MARCI: [We know] [2that2]. 1505.59 1506.04 WENDY: [@] 1506.04 1506.50 KEVIN: [2@2] 1506.50 1506.78 MARCI: [3(Hx)3] 1506.50 1506.98 KEN: [3@3] 1506.70 1506.88 WENDY: [3(Hx)3] 1506.50 1507.36 KEVIN: [34]. 1506.98 1507.36 KENDRA: [4@4] 1507.36 1507.74 KEN: [5@@5] 1507.36 1508.46 KENDRA: [5<@ I m5]ade [6it @>6]. 1507.91 1509.15 MARCI: [6. 1509.15 1511.40 ... @[7@@7] 1510.92 1513.12 KENDRA: [78], 1512.22 1513.92 WENDY: [8That's why I take8] [9all my al_9] __ 1513.12 1514.07 KENDRA: [9Woo9][_oo, 1513.38 1514.07 MARCI: [9]. 1514.07 1515.19 KENDRA: (H) .. woo_oo SING>]. 1515.29 1516.64 KENDRA: .. (H) [2@@2] 1516.23 1518.16 WENDY: [2All of our2] alterations go to !Edna, 1518.16 1518.41 MARCI: (H) 1518.41 1518.96 KEVIN: !Edna. 1518.96 1519.93 KENDRA: .. ]. 1519.49 1519.93 WENDY: [and] __ 1519.93 1521.38 MARCI: !Edna's left our church. 1521.38 1522.03 Did you know that? 1522.03 1522.68 .. [Did] she tell [2you2]? 1522.03 1522.19 KEVIN: [(DRINK)] 1522.59 1522.94 WENDY: [2Hm2]_m. 1522.94 1523.31 KEVIN: .. Hm_m. 1523.31 1525.51 MARCI: They've go=ne [.. to=] .. a sou=th, 1524.01 1524.50 KENDRA: [(THROAT)] 1525.51 1527.36 MARCI: .. a church down south, 1527.36 1528.36 a little tiny one? 1528.36 1528.51 KEVIN: (H) 1528.51 1530.66 MARCI: (H) And when !Edn=a told me about it, 1530.66 1533.36 .. %it was because they sort of wanted to go=, 1533.36 1534.96 .. to a smaller congregation. 1534.96 1535.56 KEVIN: [Hm]. 1535.01 1537.51 MARCI: [(H)] But when they announced it in church, 1537.51 1538.52 and we prayed for them, 1538.52 1539.48 it was becau=se, 1539.48 1540.03 they, 1540.03 1540.53 .. um, 1540.53 1542.03 ... they were gonna go out %, 1542.03 1543.68 ... because they felt called. 1543.68 1544.68 ... [So], 1544.33 1544.68 KEVIN: [Hm]. 1544.68 1546.48 MARCI: .. I don't know what the real story is, 1546.48 1546.73 but, 1546.73 1548.63 ... it sounded kinda neat. 1548.63 1548.98 KEVIN: .. [Hm]. 1548.74 1549.24 WENDY: [(TSK) Well it] must % __ 1549.24 1549.59 Their, 1549.59 1551.79 I think thei=r motives must .. be pretty solid, 1551.79 1553.09 if they're willing to talk to !Ron about it, 1553.09 1554.23 and [make it a pub]lic thing, 1553.25 1554.01 MARCI: [Oh yeah]. 1554.23 1554.59 Yeah[2=2], 1554.36 1554.59 WENDY: [2So2], 1554.59 1555.14 ... [3(H)3] 1554.84 1555.14 MARCI: [3Yeah3]. 1555.14 1555.44 WENDY: They're neat, 1555.44 1555.89 they're really neat, 1555.89 1556.24 in fact, 1556.24 1557.59 MARCI: .. Oh I love [!Edna]. 1556.96 1558.06 WENDY: [remember when he] had his __ 1558.06 1559.61 .. They had to cut his sweats, 1559.61 1561.56 ... when [he had his] sur[2gery, 1560.66 1561.06 MARCI: [Yeah]. 1561.36 1561.86 [2Yeah2]. 1561.56 1563.61 WENDY: and he was2] so upset ... about that, 1563.61 1564.58 ... [3so3], 1563.96 1565.36 MARCI: [3(TSK) You took3] em into !Edna? 1565.36 1566.01 WENDY: .. and she g_ __ 1566.01 1567.11 MARCI: ... She [fixed em]. 1566.56 1567.11 WENDY: [fixed em]. 1567.11 1567.61 For free. 1567.61 1568.94 MARCI: ... ]. 1568.50 1568.94 KENDRA: [Oh=]. 1568.50 1569.42 KEVIN: [(TSK) And you can't] even tell. 1569.42 1570.57 WENDY: And you can't even [2tell2] that they [3were3] __ 1569.84 1570.14 KEVIN: [2At all2]. 1570.37 1571.17 MARCI: [3@3]@ (H) 1571.17 1572.95 KEVIN: ... And I don't [4even think4] they cut em .. on a l_ __ 1571.66 1571.96 WENDY: [4cut4] __ 1572.95 1573.65 KEVIN: .. on a sea=m. 1573.65 1575.10 MARCI: .. Yeah they tried to. 1575.10 1575.95 KEVIN: .. Well they tried [to, 1575.82 1576.27 KENDRA: [(THROAT)] 1575.67 1576.72 MARCI: [They tried] to. 1575.95 1576.27 KEVIN: but], 1576.72 1577.32 WENDY: .. But [2I don't know2]. 1576.89 1578.14 KEVIN: [2she did a2] great job with it. 1578.14 1578.97 MARCI: .. Oh that's [3good3]. 1578.74 1580.09 WENDY: [3We've3] been taking a lot of [4stuff in to her, 1579.61 1580.09 MARCI: [4She's __ 1580.09 1580.59 WENDY: cause4] __ 1580.09 1581.59 MARCI: .. She's4] doing you know the k_ __ 1581.59 1582.29 [5the k_ @@5], 1581.59 1582.24 KENDRA: [5(THROAT)5] 1582.29 1582.89 MARCI: (H) I __ 1582.89 1583.64 I can't get over. 1583.64 1585.24 Grandma .. m=akes us a quilt, 1585.24 1588.09 .. and she makes a double_bed quilt for our king_size bed, 1588.09 1589.34 .. so of course it doesn't fit. 1589.34 1589.69 .. So, 1589.69 1590.69 [(H) @I] __ 1589.74 1590.69 KEVIN: [@=] 1589.69 1591.05 KENDRA: [So she's it] to me. 1591.05 1594.55 MARCI: .. I bought some extra= ... calico, 1594.55 1595.80 to put around [the e]dges, 1595.11 1595.47 WENDY: [Right], 1595.80 1596.50 MARCI: three sides. 1596.50 1597.10 (THROAT) 1597.10 1598.45 .. Three years it's been sitting here, 1598.45 1599.15 and I haven't done it, 1599.15 1600.15 so I took it in to !Edna, 1600.15 1601.40 so she's gonna do it. 1601.40 1602.50 KEN: .. (THROAT)[=] 1601.95 1602.75 KEVIN: [She does a good] job. 1602.75 1604.00 MARCI: ... Yeah. 1604.00 1604.65 KEVIN: ... Hm. 1604.65 1606.45 MARCI: .. (H) Well she made me the wedding outfit. 1606.45 1607.35 KENDRA: (COUGH)[= (COUGH)] 1606.60 1607.35 MARCI: [Did you see it]? 1607.35 1607.60 KEVIN: Mhm. 1607.60 1609.05 MARCI: .. I should've worn it tonight. 1609.05 1609.57 KEVIN: [(H) Yeah]. 1609.05 1611.76 MARCI: [I keep for]getting to wear that when you're over here. 1611.76 1612.15 KEVIN: should[2've2]. 1611.98 1612.48 WENDY: [2You2] shou=ld. 1612.48 1615.53 MARCI: .. Wear my [3Nigerian3] [4wedding outfit (Hx)4]. 1613.40 1614.55 KEVIN: [3(H) That's the prob3][4lem=. 1613.75 1614.25 WENDY: [3%=3] 1614.55 1616.95 KEVIN: We have= such4] nice .. African outfits, 1616.95 1617.72 but we can't wear em, 1617.72 1619.12 cause we're not missionaries to @Africa. 1619.12 1619.52 @= 1619.52 1621.07 MARCI: .. @@ (H) 1621.07 1624.12 .. [You should wear them] [2over here for your2] [3@birthday @party. 1621.37 1622.25 KENDRA: [(Hx)=] 1622.30 1623.10 KEN: [2(COUGH) (COUGH)2] 1623.10 1624.05 KENDRA: [3, 1624.12 1624.79 MARCI: @@3] 1624.05 1625.03 KENDRA: cut it ou3]=t. 1625.03 1625.70 WENDY: .. I got it. 1625.70 1626.40 KEVIN: .. [Good]. 1626.05 1626.40 MARCI: [@@] 1626.10 1626.72 WENDY: [Let me] see. 1626.72 1627.52 (H) .. Oh, 1627.52 1628.77 now you put it back @up (Hx). 1628.77 1629.19 KEVIN: [@=] 1628.77 1629.93 MARCI: [@@]@@@ 1629.93 1630.83 WENDY: (H) [2There2]. 1630.43 1630.83 MARCI: [2(Hx)2] 1630.43 1631.33 KEVIN: [2Has a2] homing device. 1631.33 1633.18 WENDY: .. <@ Homing devi=ce @>. 1633.18 1634.73 .. (H) Homing device fleck up. 1634.98 1635.36 [Gross]. 1634.78 1636.70 MARCI: [@@]@@@@ [2@Fleck @up2]. 1635.86 1636.31 KEVIN: [2What did you say, 1636.31 1636.70 !Kendie2]. 1636.70 1637.90 MARCI: .. (H) Gross. 1637.90 1638.50 KENDRA: .. Gross. 1638.50 1638.90 KEVIN: .. [Gross]. 1638.67 1639.67 MARCI: [She] said gross. 1639.72 1641.47 ... @@@ 1641.47 1642.27 .. (H) @ 1642.27 1642.67 KEVIN: Well, 1642.67 1643.57 WENDY: .. Well, 1643.57 1644.78 anyway,