@UTF8 @Begin @Languages: eng @Participants: PHIL PHIL Speaker, BRAD BRAD Speaker @Options: CA, caps, bullets @ID: eng|SBCSAE|PHIL|||||Speaker||| @ID: eng|SBCSAE|BRAD|||||Speaker||| @Media: 10, audio @Comment: Letter of Concerns @Comment: A business conversation recorded in New Mexico. Brad and Phil are board members of a local arts society. Phil wants to talk business, while Brad keeps trying to leave to pick up his wife who's waiting for him at a bookstore. *PHIL: (..) But 0_800 (.) &=in &{l=X But &}l=X anyways 800_1850 back to the ⌈ (.) the ⌉ first thing . 1850_2890 *BRAD: ⌊ Okay ⌋ . 2170_2370 *PHIL: what we were talking a⌈2bout was ⌉2 . 2890_3950 *BRAD: ⌊2 Yeah ⌋2 . 3650_4050 *PHIL: &=in &=lengthened . 3950_4430 *BRAD: I've gotta pick up ⌈ Pat . 4430_5400 *PHIL: ⌊ &=ex &=lengthened ⌋ . 5060_5450 *BRAD: (.) I l- ⌉ +/. 5400_5650 *BRAD: I dropped her off at the bookkeeper . 5650_7100 *PHIL: &{n=WRITING . 7100_7100 *BRAD: &=in Uh . 7100_8570 *PHIL: (..) &=tsk Uh I would prefer that &}n=WRITING 8570_10640 that you were there ʔuh on one hand 10640_12090 because I think that it would be most expedient . 12090_14090 *PHIL: But I think 14090_14960 &=in (.) what was (.) f:elt 14960_17250 was that at this point 17250_18400 rather than ha- +/. 18400_19150 *PHIL: than create &=in +/. 19150_20720 *PHIL: (..) &=tsk I don't really f:- find it to be 20720_24120 (.) you know 24120_24720 (.) a: (..) confrontation 24720_26410 by any means 26410_26960 but 26960_27210 (.) &=in . 27210_27710 *BRAD: ⌈ Mhm ⌉ . 27710_28360 *PHIL: ⌊ I just ⌋ think 28080_28630 (.) they wanna be able to just kind of (.) ʔuh (..) figure out 28630_31930 I think our board eh 31930_33130 (..) quite frankly we have more (..) problems to resolve interior 33130_36900 than we do (.) &=in &=tsk outside of it . 36900_39150 *BRAD: (.) ⌈ Hm ⌉ . 39150_39650 *PHIL: ⌊ I think ⌋ most of it is just attitudes . 39470_40750 *BRAD: ⌈2 Hm ⌉2 . 40750_41170 *PHIL: ⌊2 &=in &=lengthened ⌋2 (.) I think 40930_42180 ʔuh (..) you know 42180_44300 like I said 44300_44850 what we need to do 44850_45650 is this board has to realize 45650_47230 (..) in my opinion that 47230_48650 (.) that they have to come to grips with 48650_50400 &=in the fact that they are responsible 50400_52670 (..) for basically what they've created . 52670_54810 *BRAD: ⌈ Mhm ⌉ . 54810_55140 *PHIL: ⌊ Okay ⌋ 54900_55320 You know 55320_55770 &=in ⌈ &=lengthened . 55770_56170 *BRAD: ⌊ Mhm ⌋ . 56050_56370 *PHIL: You ⌉ can't th- penalize some⌈2body for (.) m- ⌉2 +... 56370_59000 *BRAD: ⌊2 &=in And the Vetters ⌋2 are &{l=@ somewhat ⌈3 responsible &}l=@ . 58480_60520 *PHIL: ⌊3 &=in That's right . 60520_60910 *BRAD: &=in &{l=@ and that's uh &}l=@ ⌉3 . 60910_61600 *PHIL: &{l=X Mhm &}l=X ⌋3 . 61600_61600 *BRAD: well it was far beyond our ⌈4 control . 61600_63200 *PHIL: ⌊4 &=tsk &=in Well 62920_63460 and the thing is I mean . 63460_64250 *BRAD: &=in That uh ⌉4 . 63710_64310 *PHIL: we're ⌋4 we're a different board . 64310_65560 *PHIL: (.) ⌈5 We are not the ⌉5 same . 65560_66480 *BRAD: ⌊5 Yeah ⌋5 . 65660_66130 *PHIL: ⌈6 And we have to do that ⌉6 . 66480_67280 *BRAD: ⌊6 &=in That's right ⌋6 . 67010_67330 *PHIL: but we have to realize that there's 67330_68680 &=in the faults here 68680_69780 (.) we have to claim responsibilities . 69780_71530 *PHIL: &=in ⌈ I mean ⌉ . 71530_72430 *BRAD: ⌊ Mhm ⌋ . 72020_72380 *PHIL: I think there was 72430_73170 (.) there's manners of- of speaking that I was very outspoken about 73170_75820 at this meeting 75820_76570 you know 76570_76970 w- that I talked (.) to &=in (.) uh Bill and Carmela and Nancy about 76970_81350 (.) you know 81350_81650 and they +/. 81650_82050 *PHIL: X +/. 82050_82400 *PHIL: we did +/. 82400_82800 *PHIL: they asked me to meet with them about (..) Teresa's thing . 82800_85100 *BRAD: (.) ⌈ Mhm ⌉ . 85100_85970 *PHIL: ⌊ &=in ⌋ 85480_87090 (..) that (.) I find v- really 87090_90340 (..) nothing 90340_91390 (..) to be honest 91390_92190 (.) nothing of any ⌈ validity . 92190_93430 *BRAD: ⌊ &=in Well I +/. 92810_93760 *BRAD: you know ⌋ . 93760_94110 *PHIL: (.) Okay ⌉ . 93910_94140 *BRAD: I have spoken ⌈2 twice with ⌉2 Teresa . 94140_96160 *PHIL: ⌊2 Did you ⌋2 95180_95550 (.) ⌈3 Unhunh ⌉3 . 96160_96660 *BRAD: ⌊3 Yeah ⌋3 . 96460_96660 *PHIL: (.) &=in ⌈4 &=lengthened ⌉4 . 96660_98140 *BRAD: ⌊4 And I told her ⌋4 exactly +/. 97390_98670 *BRAD: (.) well 98670_99100 i t- I simply told her what 99100_100400 &=in what I: know (..) to have happ- +/. 100400_103330 *BRAD: and I +/. 103330_103680 *BRAD: it's +/. 103680_103930 *BRAD: to me it's n- just ludicrous . 103930_105180 *BRAD: and I +/. 105180_105530 *BRAD: &=in anyway 105530_106160 we +/. 106160_106460 *BRAD: w- we went through the whole thing 106460_107610 and 107610_107860 &=in uh: 107860_108950 (..) and and I also said 108950_110300 that it would probably 110300_111250 be brought up 111250_111960 at b:oard retreat 111960_112950 or 112950_113250 D_I don't know . 113250_113900 *BRAD: ⌈ (.) Uh +... 113900_114320 *PHIL: ⌊ &=in Well I +/. 114060_114660 *PHIL: I'm gonna write a letter to Teresa . 114660_116210 *BRAD: &=in Uh 115170_115480 (.) &=THROAT &=in (.) um &=in ⌉ . 115480_117750 *PHIL: just to tell her that l- 116210_117150 you know ⌋ . 117150_117600 *PHIL: (.) d- Thank you for your l- +/. 117600_118900 *PHIL: you know 118900_119300 ʔy⌈: what you've ⌉ done for the board and so forth . 119300_121470 *BRAD: ⌊ Mhm ⌋ . 119680_120180 *PHIL: and just say 121470_122070 you know 122070_122370 I'm hoping 122370_122870 we are gonna address (.) this (.) letter of concerns that you've given us . 122870_126120 *PHIL: ⌈ &=in ⌉ &=lengthened . 126120_127200 *BRAD: ⌊ Mhm ⌋ . 126320_126660 *PHIL: (..) Um: &=ex 127200_128620 she's asked &=ex that 128620_130790 (..) you know 130790_132160 she want- +/. 132160_132560 *PHIL: she didn't really want her things to be kind of everywhere . 132560_135060 *PHIL: (.) ⌈ You know those th- ⌉ +... 135060_135510 *BRAD: ⌊ M:hm ⌋ . 135310_135760 *PHIL: what her comments: . 135760_136640 *PHIL: She really wanted em to be within this &{n=TAP p- &=nonvocal &=nonvocal committee &}n=TAP . 136640_138490 *PHIL: ⌈ &=in ⌉ . 138490_139390 *BRAD: ⌊ Mhm ⌋ . 138540_139160 *PHIL: (..) ʔuh: ⌈ my f- ⌉ +... 139390_140840 *BRAD: ⌊ Summar⌋ized ? 140520_141290 *BRAD: (.) ⌈2 or &{l=X something like that I guess &}l=X ⌉2 ? 141290_142240 *PHIL: ⌊2 S- they were her summar- ⌋2 +/. 141540_142390 *PHIL: her summary 142390_142830 th- you know . 142830_143120 *PHIL: She 143120_143420 (.) ⌈ kyu- very- m- ⌉ very concisely . 143420_144790 *BRAD: ⌊ Yeah ⌋ . 143600_143850 *PHIL: I don't know if she put it together 144790_145810 or if Nancy put it together . 145810_146830 *PHIL: ⌈ But . 146830_147050 *BRAD: ⌊ M:hm ⌋ . 146920_147490 *PHIL: &=in ⌉ (.) you know 147050_148040 that just says 148040_148790 (.) ʔuh they +/. 148790_149390 *PHIL: ʔI d- +/. 149390_149840 *PHIL: I really had a ho- +/. 149840_150640 *PHIL: everybody: there 150640_151520 including (.) Nancy . 151520_152820 *PHIL: &=in . 152820_153020 *BRAD: (.) M⌈hm ⌉ . 153020_153420 *PHIL: ⌊ You know ⌋ . 153240_153690 *PHIL: (.) Uh had very: (.) little (.) to- to: &=in +/. 153690_157760 *PHIL: (.) ʔuh you know 157760_158460 (.) to agree with the validity . 158460_159710 *PHIL: (.) ⌈ Okay ⌉ ? 159710_160210 *BRAD: ⌊ Yeah ⌋ . 159960_160210 *PHIL: It was a matter of +/. 160210_161110 *PHIL: (..) I just don't 161110_162940 ʔuh you know 162940_163740 (..) see (.) ⌈ where this is ⌉ coming from . 163740_166010 *BRAD: ⌊ Yeah ⌋ . 165070_165320 *BRAD: It's [% laugh] +/. 166010_166510 *BRAD: (.) ⌈ &=laugh &=in ⌉ . 166510_167170 *PHIL: ⌊ &=in Okay ⌋ 166760_167460 you know 167460_167760 these are- +/. 167760_168110 *PHIL: ⌈ these are roo⌉ted . 168110_168770 *BRAD: ⌊ I know ⌋ . 168040_168340 *BRAD: ⌈2 Jeez ⌉2 . 168770_169170 *PHIL: ⌊2 obviously ⌋2 in a personal (.) &=in issue 168770_171100 (.) ⌈3 &=in ⌉3 . 171100_171650 *BRAD: ⌊3 Yeah ⌋3 . 171400_171800 *PHIL: (..) Um 171800_172800 Teresa is a very sensitive person 172800_174800 (..) she f- +/. 174800_175700 *PHIL: (.) you know 175700_176200 ʔuh (.) I don't +/. 176200_176820 *PHIL: I have no doubt that she believes 176820_178630 (..) what happened happened . 178630_180210 *PHIL: &=in ⌈ But ⌉ . 180210_181540 *BRAD: ⌊ &=in ⌋ Well but . 181100_181830 *PHIL: My- (.) my feeling is 181830_182970 (.) as I told them 182970_183910 I said 183910_184410 &=in if it's that issue 184410_185810 (.) I says 185810_186510 (.) you know 186510_187260 (..) I said let's just get real here . 187260_189310 *PHIL: (.) I ⌈ said ⌉ . 189310_189680 *BRAD: ⌊ Yeah ⌋ . 189510_189760 *PHIL: we all know Brad 189760_190610 (..) &=in I said 190610_191860 we all know Teresa 191860_192760 I said 192760_193060 and I don't know anybody on this board who does not tiptoe around Teresa . 193060_196260 *PHIL: (..) ⌈ Period ⌉ . 196260_197020 *BRAD: ⌊ Yeah ⌋ . 196740_196890 *BRAD: (.) ⌈2 Unhunh ⌉2 . 197020_197620 *PHIL: ⌊2 &=in ⌋2 197320_197520 I says 197620_198070 I don't know anybody who would even go as far as to say (.) anything of that nature 198070_201520 (.) I said 201520_202220 &=in &=lengthened a:nd 202220_203190 (.) there- +/. 203190_203490 *PHIL: it was very clear . 203490_204540 *PHIL: You know . 204540_204940 *PHIL: (..) She: kept saying 204940_205940 (..) prefacing everything with 205940_207720 &=in (.) you know 207720_208980 this is no:t a personal attack . 208980_210630 *PHIL: (.) ⌈ This is no:t ⌉ a personal ⌈2 &=in (.) vendetta . 210630_212980 *BRAD: ⌊ Yeah [% laugh] ⌋ 210910_211300 ⌊2 yeah: yeah yeah . 212100_212920 *BRAD: Right . 212980_213420 *BRAD: Right ⌋2 . 213420_213720 *PHIL: &=in ⌉2 (.) Which tells you 213620_214570 (.) that it is . 214570_215270 *BRAD: Yeah . 215270_215520 *PHIL: That's immediately what it said . 215520_216620 *PHIL: ⌈ And that's ⌉ what every⌈2body perceived it . 216620_217890 *BRAD: ⌊ Yeah ⌋ . 216750_217000 *BRAD: ⌊2 &=in (.) There +... 217000_218050 *PHIL: &=in ⌉2 . 217850_218170 *BRAD: Yeah 218170_218570 there have been some ⌋2 uh 218570_219570 (.) I'll te- +/. 219570_220170 *BRAD: well it goes back to 220170_221420 if you can believe it I ha- +/. 221420_222820 *BRAD: &=in I know (.) she +/. 222820_224420 *BRAD: there was a (.) a +/. 224420_225320 *BRAD: (.) We had a number of people (.) once 225320_227520 at a party 227520_228220 &=in uh 228220_229130 like half of the board- +/. 229130_230280 *BRAD: &{l=@ it was a ⌈ big mistake &}l=@ ⌉ of mine . 230280_231530 *PHIL: ⌊ Yeah ⌋ . 230700_230950 *BRAD: &=in and I know 231530_232580 (.) she felt really snubbed 232580_234350 a:nd ⌈ uh ⌉ . 234350_235040 *PHIL: ⌊ Mhm ⌋ ? 234740_235150 *BRAD: &=in and it was +/. 235150_236050 *BRAD: and I- I called her in fact 236050_237250 later . 237250_237660 *BRAD: And I said Teresa . 237660_238510 *BRAD: &=in Thi- (.) this was not a w- +/. 238510_240660 *BRAD: I invited people that helped with the market that (.) ⌈ year ⌉ . 240660_243360 *PHIL: ⌊ Mhm ⌋ ? 243230_243500 *BRAD: I think it was two years ago 243360_244450 &=in And I know 244450_245500 (.) I mean that wa- really upset her . 245500_247250 *BRAD: (..) And jeez . 247250_248200 *BRAD: If that's gonna upset her 248200_249200 &=in ⌈ &=lengthened ⌉ Uh . 249200_250090 *PHIL: ⌊ &=tsk ⌋ ⌈ &=in Well that's (.) that's the thing that ⌉ . 249640_251290 *BRAD: ⌊ &=in but anyway ⌋ . 250590_251090 *PHIL: that see and the other thing that I've gotta do 251290_252990 too 252990_253340 is I wanna make sure 253340_254390 like 254390_254690 for example 254690_255290 &=in (..) Donna's awa:re that she: is not gonna be at this retreat . 255290_259890 *BRAD: M⌈hm ⌉ . 259890_260380 *PHIL: ⌊ See I ⌋ have not called her 260230_261280 (..) ⌈2 but I'm gonna call her ⌉2 to tell her (.) that . 261280_262880 *BRAD: ⌊2 Mhm ⌋2 . 261480_261930 *BRAD: Yeah . 262880_263230 *PHIL: You know 263230_263480 we're having a board retreat . 263480_264480 *PHIL: (.) you ⌈ know ⌉ . 264480_264830 *BRAD: ⌊ R:ight ⌋ . 264660_264950 *BRAD: that it's not gonna include staff 264830_266300 if that's what we decide . 266300_267200 *BRAD: Right . 266850_267150 *BRAD: (.) Unhunh . 267200_267800 *PHIL: (..) And what we will do &=ex 267300_269600 is I think 269600_270150 (.) what we're gonna probably wanna do 270150_271450 or what I would like to do 271450_272390 is I would like to take a day . 272390_274090 *BRAD: M⌈hm ⌉ . 274090_274790 *PHIL: ⌊ &=in ⌋ &=lengthened (..) ʔd:- during the week 274440_276960 and we'll just take a whole day . 276960_278110 *PHIL: (.) That day . 278110_278610 *PHIL: An:d myself 278610_279570 &=in uh 279570_280750 if we have a uh: facilitator . 280750_283060 *BRAD: (.) Mhm . 283060_283560 *PHIL: &=in &=lengthened U:m 283560_284940 that that person 284940_285690 you and Patricia and (.) ʔuh D: Donna . 285690_288470 *BRAD: (.) Mhm . 288470_289020 *PHIL: and maybe one other 289020_289970 or two other board members would 289970_291370 (.) actually spend that day and just say okay 291370_293020 this is what went on at that ⌈ retreat ⌉ . 293020_294470 *BRAD: ⌊ Mhm ⌋ . 294090_294390 *PHIL: &=in &=lengthened These &{l=X are the &}l=X con⌈2cer:ns ⌉2 . 294470_296170 *BRAD: ⌊2 Yeah ⌋2 . 295740_296210 *PHIL: &=in (.) These were comments 296170_297620 (.) ʔuh: these are the ones that we feel we can address . 297620_299720 *PHIL: (.) ⌈ These are the ones that ⌉ pertain to you . 299720_301170 *BRAD: ⌊ Unhunh ⌋ 299840_300140 (..) ⌈2 Yeah . 301170_301620 *PHIL: ⌊2 &=in &=lengthened ʔuh: ⌋2 . 301390_301960 *BRAD: &=in ⌉2 I- I am concerned Phil that 301960_303710 &=in &=lengthened (..) you mentioned it yesterday . 303710_305410 *BRAD: That (..) that there may [% laugh] be (.) a number of questions 305410_308060 (.) that (..) just cannot be answered . 308060_310160 *BRAD: (.) Without (..) ⌈ me ⌉ (..) being there . 310160_313990 *PHIL: ⌊ Yeah ⌋ . 312570_312860 *BRAD: (..) I (.) ⌈2 I- I think it's ⌉2 +... 313990_315990 *PHIL: ⌊2 Hi &{l=L2 gato &}l=L2 ⌋2 . 314990_315640 *BRAD: (..) &=laugh (.) &=in You know I'm gonna have +... 315990_317990 *PHIL: ⌈ Okay ⌉ . 317990_318350 *BRAD: ⌊ &=in Can we ⌋ talk l- +/. 318120_319120 *BRAD: uh: 319120_319520 (.) I bet Pat's gonna [% laugh] +/. 319520_320620 *BRAD: she's gonna start walking back to the office . 320620_322570 *PHIL: ⌈ Yeah . 322570_322990 *BRAD: ⌊ &=in I dropped her at the bookkeeper ⌋ . 322900_324250 *PHIL: (.) W- (.) w- (.) why don't you ⌉ call me 323350_325010 at least a little bit later ⌈2 maybe . 325010_326310 *BRAD: ⌊2 Yeah ⌋2 . 325960_326420 *PHIL: and ⌉2 we can ⌈3 &{l=X go &}l=X do that ⌉3 . 326310_326920 *BRAD: ⌊3 Can I ⌋3 do that 326610_327310 &=in Cause I +/. 327310_328010 *BRAD: (.) she'll be +... 328060_328560 *PHIL: ⌈ &=ex Ji- (.) Jim and I are gonna ⌉ have lunch . 328560_330280 *BRAD: ⌊ Uh +/. 328560_328820 *BRAD: (.) I don't want to get her uh ⌋ +... 328820_329870 *PHIL: I don't know if you have plans or not . 330280_331220 *PHIL: But 331220_331420 ⌈ we're gonna have lunch later ⌉ . 331420_332470 *BRAD: ⌊ &=in &=lengthened ⌋ . 331490_332340 *PHIL: at noon . 332470_333070 *BRAD: (.) Sure ⌈ &=ex ⌉ . 333070_334320 *PHIL: ⌊ If you wanna join ⌋ us 333640_334470 ⌈2 it'd be ⌉2 great . 334470_334940 *BRAD: ⌊2 sure ⌋2 . 334500_334940 *BRAD: (.) ⌈3 Yeah . 334940_335490 *PHIL: ⌊3 &=in &=lengthened (.) u:m ⌋3 . 335190_336710 *BRAD: (.) you wanna do it 335490_336330 where ⌉3 +/. 336330_336720 *BRAD: (.) what's the +... 336720_337110 *PHIL: I ʔuh +/. 337110_337340 *PHIL: you know 337340_337570 I don't +/. 337570_337920 *PHIL: my- my feeling is 337920_338910 I'm trying to 338910_340090 (.) I think 340090_340840 &=in (.) what I wanna do 340840_342690 is +/. 342690_343040 *PHIL: (..) my- my (.) point of wanting to push this retreat 343040_345990 I think it was really important was . 345990_347290 *BRAD: M⌈hm ⌉ . 347290_347590 *PHIL: ⌊ to ⌋ do it to e- +/. 347440_348440 *PHIL: (.) &=in (.) to make it sound like we're taking it seriously . 348440_351540 *BRAD: (.) ⌈ Oh: yeah: ⌉ . 351540_352600 *PHIL: ⌊ But (.) to ⌋ also (..) put into perspective 352070_356060 and see 356060_356470 w- ⌈ that was one ⌉ point of view why . 356470_357960 *BRAD: ⌊ Yeah: ⌋ . 356670_357040 *PHIL: you know 357960_358180 Like I said d- d- the facilitator 358180_359480 in in the beginning 359480_360230 I did not +/. 360230_360830 *PHIL: (.) wasn't really in support of one . 360830_362230 *PHIL: And only because ⌈ I felt ⌉ . 362230_363580 *BRAD: ⌊ Mhm ⌋ . 363230_363630 *PHIL: &=in I wanna make it ⌈2 sound important . 363630_366160 *BRAD: ⌊2 It would formalize it too much ? 365220_366720 *BRAD: Or ⌋2 . 366720_366870 *PHIL: (.) &=in I want- +/. 366870_366870 *PHIL: it ⌉2 formalizing it 366870_367770 but it's also say- +/. 367770_368720 *PHIL: I want it to come to the resolution that 368720_370420 (.) things aren't that ba:d . 370420_371720 *BRAD: Mhm . 371720_372120 *BRAD: (..) &=tsk &=in ⌈ No . 372120_373360 *PHIL: ⌊ &{l=% and that what &}l=% ⌋ +... 373030_373580 *BRAD: I ⌉ +... 373360_373530 *PHIL: what we +/. 373530_373880 *PHIL: and things aren't that bad . 373880_374780 *PHIL: ⌈ The thing is ⌉ that we h- do have our attitudes . 374780_376630 *BRAD: ⌊ Mhm ⌋ . 375000_375300 *BRAD: ⌈2 Mhm ⌉2 . 376630_377100 *PHIL: ⌊2 &=in &=lengthened ⌋2 Okay . 376740_378080 *BRAD: ⌈3 Mhm ⌉3 . 378080_378570 *PHIL: ⌊3 (.) We have an ⌋3 attitude 378120_379120 you know 379120_379330 even what Ray's attitude with (.) with Barbara . 379330_381420 *BRAD: (.) ⌈ Mhm ⌉ . 381420_382170 *PHIL: ⌊ &=in ⌋ is completely (.) unheard of 381740_383590 you know and I'm +/. 383590_384240 *PHIL: ⌈ that bothers ⌉ me a great deal . 384240_385840 *BRAD: ⌊ Jeez ⌋ . 384390_385040 *BRAD: (.) I just ⌈2 couldn't be⌉2lieve that . 385840_387090 *PHIL: ⌊2 &=in ⌋2 . 386190_386510 *BRAD: ⌈3 When I ⌉3 heard it . 387090_387710 *PHIL: ⌊3 I- ⌋3 +/. 387100_387300 *PHIL: (.) I had 387710_388390 you know 388390_388810 (.) I came real close to calling Ray 388810_390460 and ⌈ just sitting and ⌉ talking with him about it . 390460_391910 *BRAD: ⌊ Yeah ⌋ . 390680_390930 *PHIL: but I fi⌈2gured no ⌉2 . 391910_392860 *BRAD: ⌊2 Yeah ⌋2 . 392350_392560 *PHIL: (..) I'm ⌈3 just gonna blow it off ⌉3 . 392860_394750 *BRAD: ⌊3 I think 393850_394320 (.) he's ⌋3 off the ⌈4 board . 394320_395650 *PHIL: ⌊4 &=in I'm gonna ⌋4 blow it off . 395480_396730 *BRAD: (.) he's ⌉4 +... 395650_396100 *PHIL: &=in I'm not ⌈5 gonna ⌉5 give m- +... 396730_397900 *BRAD: ⌊5 Yeah ⌋5 . 397140_397340 *PHIL: you know 397900_398200 (.) we've done (.) everything we needed to do . 398200_400100 *BRAD: Right . 400100_400400 *PHIL: &=in . 400400_400890 *BRAD: Right . 400890_401190 *PHIL: I think 401190_401690 you know 401690_401990 what Barbara told me was that 401990_403440 (.) Dolores was incredibly embarrassed 403440_405250 (..) by his display 405250_406710 (.) at this time in front of her . 406710_407860 *PHIL: (.) Dolores apolo⌈gized for ⌉ Ray to him . 407860_410020 *BRAD: ⌊ Really ⌋ . 408990_409390 *BRAD: Oh ⌈2 gee ⌉2 . 410020_410770 *PHIL: ⌊2 &=in ⌋2 So Dolores is obviously aware that . 410270_412740 *BRAD: Oh gosh . 412740_413710 *PHIL: (..) you know 413710_414360 ⌈ and . 414360_414590 *BRAD: ⌊ &=in (.) Yeah . 414470_414940 *PHIL: she says 414590_415070 I don't know why he ⌉ resigned . 415120_416370 *BRAD: I don't know what's got &{l=X in &}l=X ⌋ +... 414940_415920 *PHIL: because he's been miserable 416370_417520 (..) &=in . 417520_418490 *BRAD: (..) &=laugh . 418490_419160 *PHIL: (.) because +/. 419160_420010 *PHIL: w- (.) which ⌈ w:e know ⌉ . 420010_421260 *BRAD: ⌊ Mhm ⌋ . 420480_420830 *PHIL: (.) that's why he was- kept trying to get involved and make it sound 421260_423660 you know 423660_423960 like he +/. 423960_424410 *PHIL: (.) and n_you know 424410_424860 he was trying to make it sound like 424860_425910 &=in same old complaint 425910_427210 same old everything 427210_427960 well 427960_428310 (..) we didn't ⌈ have any ⌉ complaints . 428310_429910 *BRAD: ⌊ &=laugh ⌋ 428790_428980 Yeah . 429910_430160 *PHIL: &=in &=lengthened I think this is ⌈2 one of the ⌉2 first years . 430160_432660 *BRAD: ⌊2 I [% laugh] know [% laugh] ⌋2 . 431250_431660 *PHIL: &=in &=lengthened that this has been so smooth . 432660_434660 *PHIL: And I think 434660_435060 had we ⌈ realized ⌉ it . 435060_436260 *BRAD: ⌊ Mhm ⌋ . 435610_436010 *PHIL: (.) we ⌈2 would have allowed ⌉2 him to take a break (..) four years ago . 436260_439010 *BRAD: ⌊2 Yeah ⌋2 . 436680_436880 *BRAD: Yeah . 439010_439560 *PHIL: &=in . 439560_439860 *BRAD: (.) Yeah . 439860_440570 *PHIL: (.) Because 440570_441070 (.) and it wasn't so much- +/. 441070_441970 *PHIL: it wasn't 441970_442420 you know like I told Jim 442420_443320 I said it wasn't anything (.) &=in (.) that &{n=POUND &=nonvocal y:ou &}n=POUND did 443320_446620 (.) wasn't any⌈thing (.) ⌉ else . 446620_447870 *BRAD: ⌊ Mhm ⌋ . 447220_447540 *PHIL: I said 447870_448100 it was a matter of 448100_448800 &=in you know 448800_449830 Brad did 449830_450710 (.) ʔuh and Pat did 450710_451730 the organization 451730_452570 (.) I said 452570_453270 (.) which was the best thing . 453270_454200 *PHIL: I th- ⌈ I agree ⌉ with that . 454200_455200 *BRAD: ⌊ Mhm ⌋ . 454600_454950 *PHIL: (.) I think that was the ⌈2 best thing ⌉2 to do . 455200_456500 *BRAD: ⌊2 Mhm ⌋2 . 455950_456250 *PHIL: It was a lot of time . 456500_457300 *BRAD: (.) ⌈ Yeah ⌉ . 457300_457950 *PHIL: ⌊ &=in ⌋ &=lengthened (.) But I think 457620_459150 (..) we need to +/. 459150_460450 *PHIL: we need to d- establish (..) duties . 460450_462780 *BRAD: (..) Mhm . 462780_463360 *PHIL: You know . 463360_463610 *PHIL: Which we decided . 463610_464510 *PHIL: (.) And see part of what we decided with these duties is 464510_466910 &=in (.) just deciding 466910_468290 (..) what we need (.) to do what . 468290_470800 *PHIL: (.) You know . 470800_471100 *PHIL: ⌈ There's gonna be ⌉ tasks . 471100_472150 *BRAD: ⌊ Mhm ⌋ . 471250_471580 *PHIL: &=in &=lengthened . 472150_472910 *BRAD: &=in ⌈ As specific⌉ally as ⌈2 we ca- +... 472910_475060 *PHIL: ⌊ &=in ʔuh ⌋ 473330_473950 ⌊2 &=ex ⌋2 . 474550_475070 *BRAD: yeah ⌉2 . 475070_475320 *PHIL: See and I'm (.) I'm +/. 475320_476320 *PHIL: (.) &=ex ⌈ on one hand I'd ⌉ like to take it back to where the secretary is responsible for the minutes . 476320_480800 *BRAD: ⌊ &=THROAT ⌋ 476410_477210 Un⌈2hunh ⌉2 . 480800_481210 *PHIL: ⌊2 You know ⌋2 . 481050_481300 *PHIL: (.) Pat does ⌈3 that ⌉3 . 481300_482200 *BRAD: ⌊3 Yeah [% laugh] ⌋3 481900_482300 &=in I [% laugh] know [% laugh] . 482300_483000 *BRAD: &=in There's +/. 483000_483590 *BRAD: (.) really the secretary serves almost no ⌈ function ⌉ . 483590_486150 *PHIL: ⌊ Just ⌋ i- th- ⌈2 not . 485920_486850 *BRAD: ⌊2 You know I 486630_487080 it's just uh ⌋2 . 487080_487730 *PHIL: (.) There signs +/. 487080_487530 *PHIL: she signs ⌉2 her name ⌈3 thirty times ⌉3 . 487530_489130 *BRAD: ⌊3 Yeah ⌋3 . 488530_488780 *PHIL: you know 489130_489330 ⌈ in the last ⌉ f- y- +... 489230_490030 *BRAD: ⌊ Right ⌋ . 489480_489730 *BRAD: ⌈2 &=laugh &=laugh Right [% laugh] &=laugh Phil . 489730_490700 *PHIL: ⌊2 two days ago . 490030_490710 *PHIL: &=in Well ⌋2 . 490710_491110 *BRAD: &=in That was ⌉2 it . 490700_491510 *BRAD: (.) ⌈3 That was it ⌉3 . 491510_492210 *PHIL: ⌊3 &=in ⌋3 That's a ⌈4 problem ⌉4 . 491510_493010 *BRAD: ⌊4 That um ⌋4 +... 492830_493310 *PHIL: I +/. 493310_493610 *PHIL: you know 493610_493860 and I think we wanna do that . 493860_494910 *PHIL: We need to say . 494910_495760 *PHIL: (..) You know 495760_496540 Pat's been: great enough to do this 496540_498240 ʔuh (..) and if she really wa:nts to do it . 498240_500590 *PHIL: (.) I'm not gonna ʔuh: dissuade ⌈ her from doing ⌉ it . 500590_502360 *BRAD: ⌊ Yeah ⌋ . 502080_502750 *PHIL: &=in &=lengthened But one ⌈2 thing we have to ⌉2 be careful of . 502750_504490 *BRAD: ⌊2 Yeah ⌋2 . 503520_503720 *PHIL: that I mentioned (.) to Jim 504490_505740 and I've mentioned it to Pat l:ightly . 505740_507290 *BRAD: (.) Yeah . 507290_507690 *PHIL: Which is (.) to be careful abou:t &=in &=lengthened saying things . 507690_512380 *PHIL: You know 512380_512660 like in board meetings ? 512660_513690 *PHIL: (.) In- interjecting too much . 513690_515170 *BRAD: (.) ⌈ Yes . 515170_516080 *PHIL: ⌊ Okay ? 515540_516020 *PHIL: &=in ⌋ . 516080_516330 *BRAD: I know ⌉ . 516130_516530 *PHIL: Because in board discussion 516530_517830 (.) I mean . 517830_518580 *BRAD: ⌈ Yeah ⌉ . 518580_518960 *PHIL: ⌊ o- ⌋ on one hand 518780_519480 as a member she has every right . 519480_520980 *PHIL: To- (.) to speak what she wants . 520980_522380 *PHIL: (.) ⌈ Bu:t ⌉ . 522380_522980 *BRAD: ⌊ Mhm ⌋ . 522530_522980 *PHIL: &=in . 522980_523630 *BRAD: (.) &=in No . 523630_524120 *BRAD: But that's⌈: ⌉ +... 524120_524770 *PHIL: ⌊ The thing ⌋ is 524440_525240 (.) you know . 525240_525690 *PHIL: I've just seen (.) some of the looks 525690_527690 (.) from some of the people 527690_528940 you know 528940_529190 who feel 529190_529690 &{l=Q I'm a board member &}l=Q . 529690_530490 *BRAD: &=tsk ⌈ Yeah ⌉ . 530490_531040 *PHIL: ⌊ &=in ⌋ And whether +/. 530810_531660 *PHIL: the board you know 531660_532190 if they don't interject anything 532190_533510 but whether they do or not . 533510_534560 *PHIL: (.) I think we have to be careful . 534560_536260 *BRAD: (.) Mhm . 536260_536940 *BRAD: (.) &=in Well Phil 536940_537990 that 537990_538240 (.) ⌈ I mean that goes +... 538240_539090 *PHIL: ⌊ be- because 538360_539110 (.) where that came in ⌋ . 539110_539760 *BRAD: That goes for ⌉ me as well then . 539160_540610 *BRAD: It +... 540610_540910 *PHIL: &=in Yeah 540910_541210 it does . 541210_541560 *PHIL: ⌈ But . 541560_541800 *BRAD: ⌊ It um: ⌋ . 541680_542180 *PHIL: I think ⌉ what's different is 541930_543100 ⌈2 You ⌉2 +... 543100_543410 *BRAD: ⌊2 um ⌋2 . 543100_543350 *PHIL: (.) you've been much more re⌈3sponsive in ⌉3 this sense . 543410_545360 *BRAD: ⌊3 I mean ⌋3 . 544480_544730 *PHIL: (.) Okay ? 545360_545860 *PHIL: &=in ⌈ Pat's more ⌉ opinionated in ⌈2 that sense . 545860_548210 *BRAD: ⌊ You know I ⌋ +/. 546330_546730 *BRAD: ⌊2 Unhunh . 547780_548100 *PHIL: Okay ⌉2 ? 548210_548660 *BRAD: &=in ⌋2 I +/. 548660_549060 *BRAD: (.) what I try to do 549060_549960 is (.) is is just respo:nd ⌈ to question- ⌉ +... 549960_552740 *PHIL: ⌊ &=tsk &=in X ⌋ +... 552140_552740 *BRAD: and if I need to fill in blanks 552740_554340 ⌈ which ⌉ . 554340_554970 *PHIL: ⌊ Oh yeah ⌋ . 554450_554900 *PHIL: &=in ⌈2 That's fine ⌉2 . 554970_555850 *BRAD: ⌊2 You know ⌋2 . 555220_555570 *PHIL: That +... 555850_556050 *BRAD: But +... 556050_556250 *PHIL: See but that +/. 556250_556800 *PHIL: (.) your +/. 556800_557300 *PHIL: (.) your position (.) is different . 557300_559000 *BRAD: M⌈hm . 559000_559630 *PHIL: ⌊ &=in Okay ? 559290_560190 *BRAD: (.) That's +/. 559840_560190 *BRAD: Yeah that's true ⌉ . 560190_560990 *PHIL: Yours is in a ⌋ +/. 560290_561040 *PHIL: (.) is a much more official capacity 561040_562690 because you: are the one who answers to the board . 562690_564540 *BRAD: Yeah . 564540_564890 *PHIL: &=in . 564890_565070 *BRAD: Right . 565070_565290 *PHIL: You have to do that . 565290_566270 *PHIL: (.) And you are- th- ca:n voice an opinion about things . 566270_568720 *PHIL: ⌈ &=in ⌉ . 568720_569180 *BRAD: ⌊ Yeah ⌋ . 568950_569250 *PHIL: But the biggest deal 569250_570250 (.) where I thought it ʔuh was an issue 570250_571800 th- where I heard things about it was 571800_573600 (.) &=in during the annual meeting 573600_576010 right after 576010_576460 when we had the discussion about the poster . 576460_578110 *BRAD: (.) Oh⌈: . 578110_579250 *PHIL: ⌊ &=in When we brought up the ⌋ thing . 578680_580330 *BRAD: Was Pat uh ⌉ +... 579480_579980 *PHIL: Pat was ⌈2 right in the middle of it . 580330_581430 *BRAD: ⌊2 See 580700_580980 I +/. 580980_581280 *BRAD: (.) I wasn't there ⌋2 . 581280_582230 *PHIL: &=in and she was ⌉2 saying 581680_582480 well this is a great piece 582480_583480 and this is this . 583480_584030 *PHIL: &=in Well . 584030_584580 *BRAD: (.) Yeah . 584580_585000 *PHIL: you know 585000_585380 (.) ⌈ I didn't wanna em⌉barrass her . 585380_586780 *BRAD: ⌊ She shouldn't &{l=X have done that &}l=X ⌋ . 585430_586210 *PHIL: and I didn't ⌈2 wanna do anything ⌉2 . 586780_587660 *BRAD: ⌊2 I know ⌋2 . 587100_587700 *PHIL: But I just saw 587700_588400 ⌈ &=in people ⌉ kinda going . 588400_589770 *BRAD: ⌊ That was out ⌋ +/. 588560_589080 *BRAD: (.) Yeah . 589770_590740 *PHIL: You ⌈ know ⌉ ? 590740_591140 *BRAD: ⌊ Yeah ⌋ . 590790_591390 *PHIL: And 591390_591840 ⌈ &=in ⌉ . 591840_592240 *BRAD: ⌊ That's true ⌋ . 591840_592290 *BRAD: She shouldn't've been ⌈2 in on that &{l=X at all &}l=X ⌉2 . 592290_593730 *PHIL: ⌊2 She shouldn't've been ⌋2 593090_593760 ʔuh you know 593760_594160 cause that's not part of her capacity 594160_595660 she's not ⌈ on that com⌉mittee . 595660_596910 *BRAD: ⌊ Mhm ⌋ . 596300_596560 *BRAD: ⌈2 Mhm ⌉2 . 596910_597330 *PHIL: ⌊2 you know ⌋2 597090_597330 and if she wants +/. 597330_598130 *PHIL: &=in you know 598130_598980 (.) ʔuh basically the thing is 598980_600380 you know 600380_600600 if she wanted to be a boa:rd person . 600600_602480 *BRAD: Mhm . 602480_603010 *PHIL: That's fine . 603010_603540 *PHIL: I ⌈ mean let's look ⌉ into b- pursuing that . 603540_605410 *BRAD: ⌊ Right ⌋ . 603810_604160 *BRAD: Right . 605410_605790 *PHIL: &=in &=lengthened But see I'm afraid we're gonna lose Jim because of that . 605790_608410 *PHIL: (..) he feels there's a conflict . 608410_609610 *PHIL: And uh 609610_610110 it's definitely gonna ⌈ happen ⌉ . 610110_611310 *BRAD: ⌊ &=in ⌋ I mean he says . 611110_612110 *BRAD: (.) There's no question about it 612110_613310 we've ⌈ talked ⌉ . 613310_613760 *PHIL: ⌊ Yeah ⌋ 613480_613730 and maybe it's right . 613760_614610 *PHIL: (.) Maybe it s- ⌈ it is ⌉ gonna be right . 614610_616060 *BRAD: ⌊ Yeah ⌋ . 615280_615480 *PHIL: (.) You know ? 616060_616610 *BRAD: &=in (.) Well he +/. 616610_617410 *BRAD: (..) dʔ: +/. 617410_618170 *BRAD: I mean he doesn't seem to +/. 618170_619320 *BRAD: (.) ʔuh ʔuh you've talked to him and I've ⌈ talked to him and ⌉ . 619320_621470 *PHIL: ⌊ &=in Well ⌋ 620990_621610 (.) he ⌈2 seems to be ⌉2 +... 621610_622620 *BRAD: ⌊2 I mean he says ⌋2 mayb- +/. 622110_622960 *BRAD: you know 622960_623410 after the board retreat . 623410_624660 *BRAD: ⌈ now ⌉ . 624660_624900 *PHIL: ⌊ Yeah ⌋ . 624780_625130 *BRAD: (.) But not . 625130_625780 *PHIL: &=in Well ⌈ I a- ⌉ +... 625780_626330 *BRAD: ⌊ &{l=X you know &}l=X ⌋ . 626150_626350 *PHIL: I wanted him 626350_626900 I said I want you to stay through the board retreat . 626900_628650 *BRAD: (.) ⌈ Yeah ⌉ . 628650_629050 *PHIL: ⌊ I says ⌋ 628900_629250 and the reason is 629250_630050 because I said we need people who know 630050_631800 &=in I said right now we have 631800_633400 (..) You know 633400_634100 (.) f:our new board members ? 634100_635300 *PHIL: (.) Or ⌈ five ⌉ . 635300_635850 *BRAD: ⌊ Yeah ⌋ . 635470_635770 *PHIL: (.) You know . 635850_636200 *BRAD: (.) ⌈ Yeah ⌉ . 636200_636700 *PHIL: ⌊ Four ⌋ 636350_636550 whatever . 636700_636950 *BRAD: (.) Four new board +/. 636950_637500 *BRAD: (.) ⌈ yeah ⌉ . 637500_637800 *PHIL: ⌊ &=in ⌋ (.) And 637750_638500 (..) we're at this point of saying okay . 638500_640990 *PHIL: Uh: 640990_641550 (.) &=in (..) &=ex (..) All of a sudden 641550_644390 (.) &=in we have t- all these 644390_646140 (.) you know 646140_646590 questions ⌈ to answer ⌉ . 646590_647440 *BRAD: ⌊ Mhm ⌋ . 647240_647540 *PHIL: You know . 647540_647740 *PHIL: we have all these things that ⌈ we have to do ⌉ . 647740_648790 *BRAD: ⌊ Mhm ⌋ . 648610_648960 *PHIL: and we have &=in this commitment of time . 648960_650960 *PHIL: (..) Uh: 650960_652440 (..) ʔand but they don't know 652440_653990 everything that's gone on 653990_654940 ⌈ in the last (.) years . 654940_656290 *BRAD: ⌊ They need to be educated as to +... 654960_656510 *PHIL: &=in See this ⌉ . 656510_657460 *BRAD: no . 656560_656960 *BRAD: (.) no ⌋ . 656960_657510 *PHIL: this retreat 657510_658160 that's why you see 658160_658810 I think it's important . 658810_660010 *PHIL: (.) Because 660010_660900 (..) I mean I realized 660900_662250 (.) that I'd never seen the bylaws 662250_664000 (.) since I was ⌈ on the board ⌉ until (.) ⌈2 I asked for a ⌉2 copy . 664000_666400 *BRAD: ⌊ Mhm ⌋ . 664550_665000 *BRAD: ⌊2 Mhm ⌋2 . 665650_666080 *BRAD: Right . 666400_666940 *BRAD: (..) Yeah . 666940_668010 *BRAD: (..) &=in Now what I +/. 668010_668960 *BRAD: (.) what I have done though 668960_670110 is to 670110_670560 (.) you know 670560_670810 (.) any new board member that (.) jumps on 670810_672960 I send them . 672960_673660 *PHIL: Good . 673660_674060 *BRAD: (..) ⌈ copies of the +... 674060_675160 *PHIL: ⌊ &=in because 674330_675180 (.) I wanna ⌋ +... 675180_675680 *BRAD: (.) Yeah ⌉ . 675430_675680 *PHIL: I wanna ⌈2 get these (.) b:ooks ⌉2 . 675680_677180 *BRAD: ⌊2 but ty- ⌋2 +/. 676130_676580 *BRAD: (.) typically they &{l=@ no one reads ⌈3 em &}l=@ . 676580_678280 *PHIL: ⌊3 &=in Well that's fine ⌋3 . 678080_679120 *BRAD: &=in You know ⌉3 . 678470_679100 *BRAD: But it's +/. 679100_679430 *BRAD: ⌈ At least they've got ⌉ +... 679430_680140 *PHIL: ⌊ B:ut I think 679430_679980 what ⌋ I wanna do is 679980_680920 I'm gonna +/. 680920_681320 *PHIL: I wanna draft a letter . 681320_682520 *BRAD: (..) ⌈ Mhm ⌉ . 682570_683020 *PHIL: ⌊ Like I said ⌋ which . 682840_683640 *BRAD: M⌈2hm ⌉2 . 683640_684040 *PHIL: ⌊2 ʔuh says ⌋2 to them you know 683840_684950 this is what we're doing 684950_685610 this is the purpose of this retreat . 685610_686960 *BRAD: ⌈ Mhm ⌉ . 686960_687480 *PHIL: ⌊ &=in ⌋ &=lengthened (.) To new board members 687220_688890 and 688890_689210 (.) you know 689210_689760 (.) board members 689760_690360 for a while it was 690360_690880 we need to find out (.) what it is we're doing . 690880_692580 *BRAD: (.) ⌈ Yeah ⌉ . 692580_693180 *PHIL: Whe⌊ther ⌋ we're doing (.) something right or not . 692940_694730 *PHIL: ⌈2 You know ⌉2 . 694730_695210 *BRAD: ⌊2 Right ⌋2 . 694860_695210 *PHIL: &=in . 695210_695460 *BRAD: (.) ⌈ Right ⌉ . 695460_695810 *PHIL: ⌊ I think ⌋ we are . 695710_696430 *PHIL: (.) B- ⌈2 but ⌉2 . 696430_697180 *BRAD: ⌊2 Oh yeah ⌋2 . 696800_697300 *BRAD: (.) ⌈3 Sure we are ⌉3 . 697300_698150 *PHIL: ⌊3 I think ⌋3 697540_698020 &=in . 698150_698400 *BRAD: Sure ⌈ we are ⌉ . 698400_698950 *PHIL: ⌊ the thing ⌋ i:s 698670_699420 ʔuh: (.) I don't +/. 699420_700520 *PHIL: (..) I need to b- +/. 700520_701420 *PHIL: (.) them to (.) kind of commit . 701420_703070 *PHIL: (.) To (..) to being responsible . 703070_704820 *BRAD: Mhm . 704820_705070 *BRAD: (.) Yeah . 705070_705620 *PHIL: (.) And uh 705620_706820 (.) &=in I mean I kinda hate to feel like I'm taking (.) charge 706820_709620 but th- I guess that's what I'm (.) I'm needing to do . 709620_711520 *BRAD: (.) Well yeah for +... 711520_712470 *PHIL: ⌈ You know but . 712470_713280 *BRAD: ⌊ y- (.) y- (.) you do 712870_713770 and you're +... 713770_714320 *PHIL: &=in (.) and that's (.) kind of why I'm ⌉ +... 713820_715090 *BRAD: and you're present ⌋ . 714320_715140 *PHIL: (.) I'm going to assign things . 715090_716650 *BRAD: ⌈ Unhunh ⌉ . 716650_716950 *PHIL: ⌊ you know 716800_716980 at some ⌋ point we're gonna ha:ve committees 716980_718750 (.) and we're gonna have 718750_719650 &=in (.) you know . 719650_720800 *BRAD: (.) Mhm . 720800_721350 *PHIL: ʔb:- (.) people 721350_722440 (.) that'll be given tasks . 722440_723740 *BRAD: Yeah . 723740_724030 *PHIL: You know 724030_724360 Specifically . 724360_725190 *BRAD: ⌈ Yeah ⌉ . 725190_725680 *PHIL: ⌊ &=in ⌋ Like 725430_725980 you know 725980_726180 I didn't need to do all this calling aro- (.) to find a r- a r- retreat space 726180_729970 but I figured 729970_730520 (.) if I don't do it . 730520_731670 *BRAD: ⌈ That's right ⌉ . 731670_732260 *PHIL: ⌊ &=in ⌋ it's gonna fall on you or Pat . 732090_733540 *BRAD: (.) Yeah . 733540_733840 *BRAD: (.) Of course . 733840_734590 *BRAD: (.) Yeah . 734590_734970 *PHIL: You know . 734970_735420 *PHIL: &=in . 735420_735670 *BRAD: And normally that's (.) ⌈ that's what happens . 735670_737580 *PHIL: ⌊ ʔuh: That's okay 736720_737820 but ⌋ . 737820_738150 *BRAD: I mean ⌉ 737550_737860 (.) uh: . 738150_739030 *PHIL: You know 739030_739330 I I'm a- I'm a- +/. 739330_740100 *PHIL: I'm aware of a lot of the things that are going on . 740100_741850 *PHIL: (.) You ⌈ know . 741850_742060 *BRAD: ⌊ Yeah ⌋ . 742050_742300 *PHIL: I know that ⌉ you're getting ready to leave 742100_743580 and Pat's (.) doing things so 743580_744710 &=tsk &=in ⌈ I'd better let you ⌉ go get her . 744710_746010 *BRAD: ⌊ Yeah ⌋ . 744960_745360 *BRAD: (.) I know . 746010_746630 *BRAD: ⌈ Okay ⌉ . 746630_747130 *PHIL: ⌊ And we'll contin⌋ue ⌈2 this ⌉2 . 746630_747780 *BRAD: ⌊2 Well ⌋2 747400_747870 (.) yeah . 747870_748270 *BRAD: ⌈ There ⌉ +... 748270_748650 *PHIL: ⌊ In some ⌋ manner 748310_748900 but we don't have to talk about it at lunch if you don't want . 748900_750620 *PHIL: But I ⌈ think . 750620_751040 *BRAD: ⌊ No 750940_751210 that's fine ⌋ . 751210_751660 *PHIL: if we can ⌉ 751160_751660 (.) ⌈2 &=in ⌉2 . 751660_752160 *BRAD: ⌊2 That's fine ⌋2 . 751810_752260 *PHIL: (.) If we can ⌈3 go ahead and ⌉3 carry on . 752260_754160 *BRAD: ⌊3 Um ⌋3 . 753110_753460 *PHIL: (..) at some point 754160_755450 you and I ⌈ I think ⌉ . 755450_756350 *BRAD: ⌊ Yeah ⌋ . 756100_756630 *PHIL: &=in &=lengthened ⌈2 Because ⌉2 +... 756630_757470 *BRAD: ⌊2 One thing that ⌋2 comes to mind is 757000_758400 (.) is the 758400_759000 (.) &=in well the question of (.) meeting quarterly 759000_761720 (.) is that (.) enough . 761720_763120 *BRAD: (..) Meaning having 763120_764270 &=in you know (.) the +... 764270_765420 *PHIL: (.) It would ⌈ be ⌉ enough ⌈2 if committees ⌉2 were to meet . 765420_767220 *BRAD: ⌊ ʔuh ⌋ 765770_765970 ⌊2 uh ⌋2 766220_766430 If committees yeah . 767220_768210 *BRAD: (..) ⌈ and ⌉ (.) that's the +... 768210_769510 *PHIL: ⌊ but ⌋ +... 768510_768810 *BRAD: (.) that +/. 769510_769800 *BRAD: (..) that's +/. 769800_770550 *BRAD: (.) that was Paul's (.) uh (.) desire . 770550_772550 *PHIL: (..) &=in &=tsk ⌈ And I think ⌉ . 772550_774080 *BRAD: ⌊ was uh ⌋ +... 773520_774090 *PHIL: (.) that's what ⌈2 we wanna ⌉2 talk ab- +... 774090_775760 *BRAD: ⌊2 &=THROAT ⌋2 . 775220_775600 *PHIL: we'll talk about that there too . 775760_776910 *PHIL: ⌈ And say ⌉ look . 776910_777570 *BRAD: ⌊ Mhm ⌋ . 777090_777340 *PHIL: you know 777570_777820 is quarterly +/. 777820_778570 *PHIL: (..) &=in you know 778570_779620 we- would we need to meet every other month . 779620_781320 *BRAD: ⌈ Mhm ⌉ . 781320_781540 *PHIL: ⌊ You know ⌋ 781410_781630 do we need t- +/. 781630_782180 *PHIL: do we need to meet 782180_783180 you know 783180_783580 (.) &=in . 783580_784330 *BRAD: as a full board every oth- +/. 784330_785680 *BRAD: &=in wʔ: +/. 785680_786580 *BRAD: We shouldn't have to . 786580_787620 *PHIL: ⌈ We shouldn't ⌉ . 787620_788140 *BRAD: ⌊ If the com⌋mittees 787730_788630 (..) ⌈2 uh . 788630_789480 *PHIL: ⌊2 &=in but these committees ⌋2 need (.) to be active . 789050_791790 *BRAD: function properly ⌉2 . 789480_790390 *PHIL: (.) and to &{l=X do their things &}l=X . 791790_792590 *PHIL: ⌈ &=in ⌉ . 792590_792900 *BRAD: ⌊ Right ⌋ . 792690_792940 *PHIL: Basically 792940_793470 you know 793470_793660 the publications committee 793660_794870 needs to be more involved than just making decisions on what we publish . 794870_798490 *PHIL: ⌈ &=in ⌉ . 798490_798970 *BRAD: ⌊ Yeah ⌋ . 798670_799000 *PHIL: You know . 799000_799520 *BRAD: (.) Yeah . 799520_800070 *PHIL: (.) They need to become (.) somewhat self-sufficient . 800070_802170 *PHIL: (.) Collections committee . 802170_803020 *BRAD: (..) ⌈ &=laugh ⌉ . 803020_804050 *PHIL: ⌊ needs ⌋ 803830_804160 (.) you know . 804160_804430 *PHIL: (.) I would like to create (.) collections committee to be something where we're almost matching ? 804430_808230 *BRAD: (..) Yeah . 808230_809550 *PHIL: (.) ʔuh (.) Funds they can raise maybe ? 809550_811300 *BRAD: (.) Unhunh . 811300_811850 *BRAD: (..) ⌈ Yeah ⌉ . 811850_812940 *PHIL: ⌊ You know ⌋ . 812640_812940 *PHIL: If they can raise ten grand . 812940_813990 *BRAD: Well [% laugh] 813990_814390 (.) &=laugh &=laugh ⌈ &=laugh &=in ⌉ . 814390_815680 *PHIL: ⌊ you know ⌋ . 815180_815530 *BRAD: ⌈2 and have some +... 815530_816380 *PHIL: ⌊2 I mean realistically ⌋2 +... 815800_816850 *BRAD: have some ⌉2 incentive . 816380_817450 *PHIL: &=in Right . 817450_818100 *BRAD: For them to +/. 818100_818750 *BRAD: ⌈ yeah ⌉ . 818850_819040 *PHIL: ⌊ So that ⌋ basically they'd be 818840_820010 they'd get to a point of saying . 820010_821360 *BRAD: (..) ⌈ Mhm ⌉ . 821360_823050 *PHIL: ⌊ Okay we ⌋ need to be responsible &{l=X with &}l=X this 822760_824030 so that (.) collections . 824030_824860 *BRAD: Yeah . 824860_825120 *PHIL: and publications will be all (.) ⌈ fund raising ⌉ too . 825120_827830 *BRAD: ⌊ &=laugh ⌋ 827120_827270 Right . 827830_828490 *PHIL: &=in ⌈ &=lengthened ⌉ . 828490_828810 *BRAD: ⌊ Oh boy ⌋ Phil 828600_829300 that's +... 829300_829750 *PHIL: (.) Yeah 829750_830000 ⌈ it's not gonna be pretty ⌉ . 830000_830870 *BRAD: ⌊ Yeah 830130_830430 that's where ⌋ +... 830430_830920 *PHIL: (.) Because that's +/. 830920_831620 *PHIL: ⌈ &=ex &=lengthened ⌉ . 831620_833470 *BRAD: ⌊ You know also 831870_832470 we may consider ⌋ 832470_833480 you know 833480_833830 we have one board (.) opening . 833830_835590 *BRAD: And I +/. 835590_835940 *BRAD: (.) we may think about Gail . 835940_837240 *PHIL: (.) &=in Well Gail is very interested 837240_839090 and so is this +/. 839090_839640 *PHIL: we met with another person by the name of Bill Ashby . 839640_841840 *BRAD: (..) Hm: . 841840_842520 *BRAD: (..) ⌈ Yeah &{l=X I know &}l=X ⌉ . 842520_843370 *PHIL: ⌊ &=in ⌋ Jack and I and Jim (.) met with him . 842940_845040 *BRAD: (.) Oh 845040_845340 you mean his 845340_845940 (.) Jack's ⌈ financial ⌉ friend that +... 845940_847860 *PHIL: ⌊ Jack's friend ⌋ . 846630_847250 *BRAD: (.) is retired . 847860_848810 *PHIL: Yeah . 848810_849260 *PHIL: (.) ⌈ He's a ⌉ banker . 849260_850060 *BRAD: ⌊ Yeah ⌋ . 849230_849580 *PHIL: (.) and he'd be good on one hand . 850060_851410 *PHIL: (.) ⌈ But ⌉ . 851410_851780 *BRAD: ⌊ Yeah ⌋ . 851560_851810 *PHIL: I would like 851810_852500 &=in ideally XX I'd want em both . 852500_854370 *BRAD: (.) Yeah . 854370_854870 *BRAD: (..) ⌈ Yeah ⌉ . 854870_855540 *PHIL: ⌊ You know ⌋ . 855380_855800 *PHIL: (.) And 855800_856250 (..) ⌈ I'm hoping ⌉ . 856250_858290 *BRAD: ⌊ &=in Yeah I ⌋ +... 857540_858390 *PHIL: what I'm gonna +/. 858390_859140 *PHIL: (.) what I'm anticipating doing is ʔuh +/. 859140_860740 *PHIL: this retreat (.) might urge people (.) &=in to say 860740_864040 I'm not interested in doing that much ⌈ work ⌉ . 864040_865540 *BRAD: ⌊ Yeah ⌋ . 865390_865670 *BRAD: (..) And so I'm getting 865670_867070 ⌈ yeah ⌉ . 867070_867290 *PHIL: ⌊ &=in ⌋ And (.) it might just f- (..) get (.) like Nancy (.) and Kay 867180_870730 (.) ⌈ I mean I like Kay XX ⌉ . 870730_872180 *BRAD: ⌊ &=tsk &=in See Nancy was ⌋ going off . 870830_872880 *BRAD: She +/. 872880_873180 *BRAD: she told [% laugh] me [% laugh] she was going off this year . 873180_875080 *BRAD: &=in And she uh . 875080_876430 *PHIL: &=in . 876430_876680 *BRAD: and Kay convinced +/. 876680_877610 *BRAD: (.) said well Nancy you can't leave right away 877610_879430 and uh 879430_879980 (.) &=in uh: 879980_881340 (.) she said okay 881340_882090 I'll stay another year . 882090_883080 *BRAD: (.) But 883080_883330 (.) I don't (.) know why . 883330_884580 *PHIL: &=in . 884580_884830 *BRAD: You know 884830_885330 and +/. 885330_885480 *BRAD: and then we can +/. 885480_886230 *BRAD: (.) ʔuh: why +/. 886230_887130 *BRAD: tha- +/. 887130_887330 *BRAD: I think that's: very important to discuss . 887330_889230 *BRAD: (.) At the board (.) ⌈ retreat ⌉ . 889230_890530 *PHIL: ⌊ &=tsk &=in ⌋ I think it is 889980_891180 because 891180_891480 I mean 891480_891780 the thing is that we need to get to a point and 891780_893520 the reason we've set terms is because 893520_895420 (.) basically 895420_895920 (.) people here 895920_896670 ⌈ &=in ⌉ . 896670_897130 *BRAD: ⌊ Mhm ⌋ . 896900_897150 *PHIL: majority of us have been here a long time . 897150_898950 *BRAD: &=tsk Yeah . 898950_899450 *BRAD: (.) That's right . 899450_900000 *PHIL: (.) You know 900000_900500 (.) and 900500_901000 (.) ⌈ there's a point ⌉ +... 901000_901500 *BRAD: ⌊ well that's why we ⌋ have this 901130_902300 the term limitation . 902300_903470 *PHIL: (.) Unhunh . 903470_903900 *BRAD: ⌈ XXX &=in ⌉ . 903900_905040 *PHIL: ⌊ I'm +/. 904070_904370 *PHIL: (.) I +/. 904370_904740 *PHIL: I'm ⌋ uh full agreement 904740_905740 cause I'm ready . 905740_906490 *PHIL: (.) ⌈ You know ⌉ ? 906490_906890 *BRAD: ⌊ Yeah ⌋ . 906640_906940 *PHIL: &=in ⌈2 I've a⌉2greed to do this term . 906940_908540 *BRAD: ⌊2 Yeah ⌋2 . 907340_907540 *BRAD: (.) Mhm . 908540_908940 *PHIL: (.) but . 908940_909290 *BRAD: (.) ⌈ Mhm ⌉ . 909290_909790 *PHIL: ⌊ my feeling ⌋ is 909440_910090 I'm ready 910090_910590 (..) for (.) a year off . 910590_911790 *BRAD: Yeah . 911790_912120 *PHIL: &=in ⌈ You know ⌉ . 912120_912910 *BRAD: ⌊ Mhm ⌋ . 912660_913090 *PHIL: a:nd I'll still be volunteering 913090_914540 (.) but 914540_914860 I really am ready fo:r 914860_916380 some time to say . 916380_917310 *BRAD: Mhm . 917310_917810 *PHIL: &=in You know 917810_918610 and I wanted Jim to consider being market manager 918610_920660 even if he goes off the board . 920660_921710 *BRAD: (.) Yeah . 921710_922260 *BRAD: (.) &=in I know 922260_923140 he was wavering a little bit [% laugh] on [% laugh] that 923140_924540 (.) whether or not he would volunteer 924540_926440 (.) at the marketing center . 926440_927590 *PHIL: (.) &=in Yeah . 927590_928540 *PHIL: ⌈ I mean there's ʔuh: +... 928540_929310 *BRAD: ⌊ I've gotta run now ⌋ . 928720_929490 *PHIL: O⌉kay . 929490_929870 *PHIL: j- +/. 929870_930070 *PHIL: ⌈ See you Brad ⌉ . 930070_930570 *BRAD: ⌊ Um ⌋ 930120_930370 (.) but 930570_931070 (.) the lun- +/. 931070_931520 *BRAD: (.) ⌈ uh: ⌉ . 931520_931920 *PHIL: ⌊ &=in We're gonna ⌋ meet here . 931720_932720 *BRAD: (..) Oh you're gonna ⌈2 have x ⌉2 +... 932720_933970 *PHIL: ⌊2 so we can d- ⌋2 either swing by for you 933440_934940 or we can decide 934940_935440 we'll call you . 935440_935990 *BRAD: (..) Oh +/. 935990_936640 *BRAD: (..) ⌈ so &{l=X you're not &}l=X ⌉ +... 936640_937440 *PHIL: ⌊ when I know what we're ⌋ doing 936840_937740 if you want . 937740_938140 *BRAD: (..) Okay 938140_938660 that'd be great . 938660_939310 *BRAD: (..) ⌈ Alright ⌉ . 939310_939910 *PHIL: ⌊ XXX ⌋ +... 939610_939910 *BRAD: Talk to you in a bit . 939910_940540 @End