@UTF8 @Begin @Languages: eng @Participants: LENO LENORE Speaker, LYNN LYNNE Speaker, DORI DORIS Speaker, ENV ENV Environment @Options: CA, bullets @ID: eng|SBCSAE|LENO|||||Speaker||| @ID: eng|SBCSAE|LYNN|||||Speaker||| @ID: eng|SBCSAE|DORI|||||Speaker||| @ID: eng|SBCSAE|ENV|||||Environment||| @Media: 01, audio @Comment: Actual Blacksmithing. @Comment: This is a conversation recorded in rural Hardin, Montana. Mae Lynne is a student of equine science, and is the main speaker. She is telling Lenore (a visitor and near stranger) about her studies. Doris, Mae Lynne's mother, is doing housework, but joins the conversation near the end to discuss friends of their family. *LENO: (..) So you don't need to go (..) borrow equipment from anybody 0_9210 to +/. 9210_9520 *LENO: (..) to do the feet ? 9520_14100 *LENO: (..) ⌈ Do the hooves ⌉ ? 14100_15780 *LYNN: ⌊ &=in &=lengthened ⌋ ΫWell 15010_16780 we're gonna have to find somewhere 16780_18320 to get 18330_18850 &=ex (..) somethingΫ &=ex . 18850_20690 *DORI: (.) So 20690_21190 ⌈ Mae- ⌉ +... 21190_21740 *LYNN: ⌊ I'm gonna ⌋ &=ex +... 21260_22240 *DORI: ⌈Mae Lynne XX ⌉ . 22240_23230 *LYNN: ⌊&=in We're not⌋ gonna do the feet today 22280_24250 I'm gonna wait till like 24250_25070 early in the morning: 25070_26140 (.) to do those 26140_26620 cause y- +/. 26620_26870 *LYNN: I mean you get s:o ti:red . 26870_28370 *LYNN: &=in (..) n- you just 28370_30100 (..) it takes ʔuh +/. 30100_32360 *LYNN: well 32360_32590 it takes me longer than most people 32590_33900 cause you know 33900_34220 I'm not as stro:ng and 34220_35230 &=in (..) and I'm not as good 35230_36880 as like somebody that would do it (.) all the ti:me . 36880_39300 *LYNN: (.) You know . 39300_39800 *LYNN: (.) I mean 39800_40270 (.) &=in ʔuh &{l=X Oh &}l=X +/. 40270_41390 *LYNN: I mean I trim horses: 41390_42840 and stuff like that 42840_43660 but I mean 43660_44200 I'm not like 44200_44920 &=in (.) &{l=@ I'm no:t uh: &}l=@ 44920_47600 &=laugh 47600_48000 &=in I don't know how to say it . 48000_48960 *LYNN: But you know 48960_49390 they do it for a living . 49390_50390 *LYNN: you know 50390_50840 (..) most people that you would get to trim your horse do it (.) all the ti:me . 50840_53790 *LYNN: (.) &=in &=lengthened and I'm not &=ex (..) that good or 53790_56790 (.) ⌈ and I'm not ⌉ very strong . 56790_58290 *LENO: ⌊ Did they train you- ⌋ +... 56940_57790 *LYNN: ⌈2 yeah ⌉2 . 58290_58690 *LENO: ⌊2 Did ⌋2 they train you that +/. 58340_59290 *LENO: x⌈x ⌉ . 59290_60060 *LYNN: ⌊yeah⌋ . 59570_59920 *LYNN: (..) yeah . 60060_60730 *LENO: (.) ⌈ So you have your ⌉ own equipment . 60730_61800 *LYNN: ⌊ &=in ⌋ . 60760_61310 *LENO: but . 61800_62050 *LYNN: (.) &=tsk &=in No . 62050_62930 *LYNN: I don't have my own equipment at all . 62930_65030 *LYNN: (..) Da:d 65030_65730 (..) you know 65730_66300 has done some of it . 66300_67170 *LYNN: That's another thing too 67170_68020 is I kinda had a b:- general idea: 68020_69670 (.) &=in (.) of kinda how to do it 69670_70970 just watching hi:m . 70970_71820 *LYNN: or: +/. 71820_72120 *LYNN: and watching 72120_72870 (.) &=in people come to our place 72870_74520 and doing it and stuff you know . 74520_75670 *LYNN: &=in &=lengthened (.) and 75670_76950 (..) &=tsk (..) I don't know . 76950_79570 *LYNN: thenʔ 79570_80020 (..) down there: 80020_81070 um: 81070_81410 it's mandatory: . 81410_82310 *LYNN: you have to ʔuh +/. 82310_82910 *LYNN: to graduate 82910_83660 you know 83660_84160 or well 84160_84560 to get the degree 84560_85660 you know 85660_85990 &=in (.) you have to take this class . 85990_88130 *LYNN: &=in And you can only take- +/. 88130_89430 *LYNN: if you want to 89430_90060 you can only take it for eight weeks . 90060_91870 *LYNN: &=in &=lengthened And 91870_92870 (..) if you wanna go on in it 92870_94570 you n- +/. 94570_94950 *LYNN: then 94950_95180 you can go on . 95180_95970 *LYNN: you know . 95970_96390 *LYNN: (.) And I decided to go ahead and go on in it . 96390_98130 *LYNN: (.) And the first part of it 98130_99020 (.) is like 99020_99380 &=in well we have lecture 99380_100470 (.) then we have la:b . 100470_101280 *LYNN: &=in (.) And like 101280_102130 the first part of it 102130_103230 (.) we just go into the classroo:m 103230_105150 and he like 105150_105870 &=in &=lengthened (.) In the beginning of the year there was a lot of classroom work . 105870_109420 *LYNN: (.) I mean 109420_110070 (..) it- +/. 110070_110620 *LYNN: that's just kinda: how it happens 110620_112220 you know 112220_112410 because he kinda has to tell you 112410_113660 &=in &=lengthened (..) they go over: 113660_116090 (.) the who:le 116090_117010 (..) the who:le part (.) of the horse . 117010_119680 *LYNN: (.) I mean 119680_120070 &=in (.) all the skeleton: (.) part of it you know: 120070_123070 and- +/. 123070_123480 *LYNN: and they go through (.) ʔevery kinda ligament . 123480_124980 *LYNN: and I mean 124980_125380 there's 125380_125770 (..) &=in millions of ligaments 125770_128150 and millions of (.) tendons 128150_129570 you know 129570_129860 well not millions 129860_130640 but 130640_130860 (.) I mean . 130860_131390 *LENO: yeah 131390_131590 ⌈ I bet ⌉ . 131590_131930 *LYNN: ⌊ &=in and &{l=X then &}l=X ⌋ 131590_131960 so we had to know these tendons 131990_133190 and ligaments 133190_133870 &=in and then 133870_134660 all the bones 134660_135750 (..) and 135750_136880 (.) you know 136880_137410 all the way up- from the shou:lder down 137410_139090 and then from the hip down . 139090_140310 *LYNN: (.) You know 140310_140810 all the way down to the hoof 140810_141960 &=in and then 141960_142610 ʔuh the bo:ne in the hoof 142610_143910 and 143910_144090 &=in &=lengthened (.) then all the (.) wall 144090_145870 and 145870_146090 ʔuh you know 146090_146700 of the hoof 146700_147420 and 147420_147590 what everything was called there 147590_149080 and then 149080_149380 &=in he went over on how: to trim it 149380_151530 and where you- +/. 151530_152070 *LYNN: th- there's a white line 152070_153270 that you go by 153270_153830 and a horse (.) has this little white line 153830_155470 &=in and you clean it out with the +/. 155470_157120 *LYNN: (..) &=tsk with the hoof knife ? 157120_158590 *LYNN: you know ? 158590_158900 *LYNN: &=in and then there- +/. 158900_159560 *LYNN: ʔuh and then you can see this little white line ? 159560_161210 *LYNN: &=in and that's kinda where you go by 161210_162810 to +/. 162810_163160 *LYNN: &{l=SM ʔuh (.) you know 163160_163720 the horse kinda helps you out 163720_164620 because it 164620_165020 (.) has that (.) little white line right the⌈re . 165020_166710 *LENO: ⌊ mhm ⌋ . 166650_167050 *LYNN: and that⌉'s where you kinda &}l=SM +/. 166700_167650 *LYNN: (..) &=in kinda need a little guide 167650_169440 of where you trim . 169440_170460 *LYNN: (.) &=tsk &=in And 170460_171760 (..) I: am still scared to do it . 171760_173850 *LYNN: because 173850_174440 ʔuh_you know 174440_175020 (.) I mean 175020_175520 &{l=HI you can make &}l=HI a horse go lame 175520_177240 &=in By doing ⌈ it- ⌉ . 177240_178470 *LENO: ⌊ really ⌋ . 178230_178440 *LYNN: Well you can trim em too short . 178470_179890 *LYNN: (..) ʔuh &=in And make em 179890_181060 you know 181060_181320 and they're just (.) a little bit 181320_182620 for f- +/. 182620_183060 *LYNN: the first couple of days 183060_184300 you know 184300_184670 I mean they're just (.) sore . 184670_186220 *LYNN: &=in That's not bad 186220_187390 but sometimes you can get it really bad . 187390_188780 *LYNN: You can really make a horse really bad . 188780_190750 *LYNN: &=in &=lengthened And they m- +/. 190750_191890 *LYNN: you know then: 191890_192590 ʔuh they have to 192590_193300 like 193300_193700 (..) &=in keep em &=ex 193700_195720 (..) away from anything 195720_197430 you know 197430_197730 get em really in the so:ft ground 197730_199410 and 199410_199660 (.) no: (.) hard pebbles 199660_201120 or hard (.) clods of dirt or anything ? 201120_202910 *LYNN: &=in &=lengthened So ʔuh 202910_204030 (..) ʔuh &=ex &=tsk &=in I don't know . 204030_206350 *LYNN: I'm: (.) a little scared (.) about doing it yet . 206350_208550 *LYNN: you know 208550_208940 I get em really long . 208940_210060 *LYNN: I mean they're still long . 210060_211160 *LYNN: (.) When I get done with them 211160_212260 &=in &{l=SM A lo:t of times 212260_213580 like I'll get done 213580_214410 and I'll think I'm done 214410_215210 and I'll look at- +/. 215210_215760 *LYNN: look down at the horse's hoof &}l=SM 215760_217180 (.) and it's still 217180_217960 (.) it's too: (.) long . 217960_219010 *LYNN: (.) &=in &=lengthened And then like 219010_220410 (..) I would never 220410_221810 (.) ever 221810_222420 (.) ever 222420_222860 trust myself 222860_223760 (.) to shoe a horse . 223760_224960 *LYNN: (.) See we did that too . 224960_226020 *LYNN: we did +/. 226020_226330 *LYNN: &=in &=lengthened We: did a lot of stuff . 226330_228130 *LYNN: we did a lot of stuff with the +/. 228130_229220 *LYNN: like we had the 229220_230070 um 230070_230470 (..) &=tsk the bur:ners ? 230470_231970 *LYNN: you know 231970_232310 and you'd put the +/. 232310_232940 *LYNN: &=in you'd have +/. 232940_233690 *LYNN: you started out with the straight (.) iron ? 233690_235540 *LYNN: (.) you know ? 235540_236390 *LYNN: &=in and you'd stick it into the 236390_238090 (.) into the 238090_238850 (.) &=in you know like 238850_239650 &{l=SM actual bla:cksmithing . 239650_241050 *LYNN: (.) &=in And you'd put it into the ho:t &}l=SM (.) coa:ls 241050_243400 you know ? 243400_243800 *LYNN: &=in And then 243800_244450 we'd ʔuh +/. 244450_244800 *LYNN: ʔi- ʔi- straight bar 244800_245790 and we'd make it a- +/. 245790_246390 *LYNN: a horseshoe out of it 246390_247380 you know: ? 247380_247880 *LYNN: (.) &=in But 247880_248730 ʔuh +/. 248730_248970 *LYNN: these shoes we never did put on a horse . 248970_251370 *LYNN: &=in (.) We just ⌈ put ⌉ the shoes that were already made . 251370_254120 *LENO: ⌊ &=THROAT ⌋ 252540_252740 ⌈2 &=THROAT ⌉2 . 254120_254640 *LYNN: ⌊2 on ⌋2 a horse . 254120_255100 *LYNN: &=in (.) And that's as far as we got . 255100_256700 *LYNN: I mean 256700_256970 if you would really get into it 256970_258670 &=in Well as a matter of fact 258670_260220 &=in this is really funny . 260220_261370 *LYNN: You know 261370_261620 there isn't (.) really (.) any girl farriers (.) around anywhere . 261620_265180 *LYNN: They're ⌈ really ⌉ +... 265180_265680 *LENO: ⌊ farrier ⌋ ? 265430_265730 *LYNN: &=in (.) th- Yeah . 265730_266370 *LYNN: farrier is what they're called . 266370_267780 *LYNN: (.) &=in And the m- ʔuh +/. 267780_268780 *LYNN: (.) the reason they were showing us this at college 268780_270930 was just 270930_271620 (.) to get us 271620_272520 &=in to know if our: trimmer: 272520_274340 and shoer were_s (.) doing it right 274340_276150 and- +/. 276150_276280 *LYNN: &=in plus the knowledge of knowing the bones and ligaments . 276280_278470 *LYNN: which we: 278470_279070 (.) we had it in another class too . 279070_280800 *LYNN: we +/. 280800_281100 *LYNN: &=in that was kind of a double thing that 281100_282850 ʔuh we had in- +/. 282850_283550 *LYNN: (..) in another class 283550_284800 so it was kinda review for us . 284800_286160 *LYNN: &=in well it was a review for some people 286160_287530 depend on what time of the year you took it . 287530_289020 *LYNN: You know . 289020_289400 *LYNN: &=in if it was a review or not . 289400_290960 *LYNN: &=in But 290960_291610 (..) &=tsk anyway 291610_293080 um 293080_293470 (..) &{l=PAR &{l=P what was I gonna say . 293470_296770 *LYNN: (.) I forgot what I was think- +... 296770_297670 *LENO: You sai⌈d you never ⌉ made the horseshoes . 297670_299690 *LYNN: ⌊ gonna say ⌋ &}l=P &}l=PAR . 298420_298810 *LENO: but . 299690_299900 *LYNN: (..) &=in Well 299900_301070 ʔuh (.) ʔw- u:m 301070_302070 ʔuh: when we put em on a horse's hoof 302070_304370 all we do 304370_305220 &=in they're already made . 305220_306880 *LYNN: (.) they're round . 306880_307930 *LYNN: (.) we pick out a size . 307930_309430 *LYNN: (.) you know we'd 309430_309850 like look at the horse's hoof 309850_311110 and say 311110_311440 okay 311440_311980 &=in this is a double-aught . 311980_313430 *LYNN: this is an aught . 313430_314430 *LYNN: (.) &=in this is 314430_315230 you know . 315230_315670 *LYNN: (.) what s- +/. 315670_316120 *LYNN: what size . 316120_317050 *LYNN: (.) and double-aught and aught 317050_318100 ʔuh are the (.) ones that are most popular . 318100_319800 *LYNN: &=in &=lengthened (..) ʔuh For: 319800_321510 (..) &=tsk you know 321510_322210 the light horse . 322210_323130 *LYNN: You know 323130_323320 I mean 323320_323630 you get into the big horses 323630_325020 the +/. 325020_325220 *LYNN: like the Clydesdales 325220_326520 Shires 326520_326970 that's a d- +/. 326970_327370 *LYNN: a whole different thing . 327370_328320 *LYNN: &=in Or ponies 328320_329120 that's a whole different thing . 329120_330020 *LYNN: &=in But we're talking just the regular 330020_331520 (.) light horses you know . 331520_332620 *LYNN: &=in (.) A:nd 332620_333710 aught and aught +/. 333710_334360 *LYNN: &{l=X ʔuh &}l=X ʔaugh:t 334360_334870 and double-aught 334870_335520 are the two sizes . 335520_336620 *LYNN: (.) &=in Well anyway 336620_337320 you go get your +/. 337320_338170 *LYNN: (.) Okay 338170_338650 this is after you trimmed em . 338650_339750 *LYNN: (.) &=in And you go get your shoe 339750_341550 (.) It's already made . 341550_342400 *LYNN: It's already round . 342400_343270 *LYNN: You pick out your size . 343270_344250 *LYNN: &=in &=lengthened (.) ʔuh_You go look 344250_345620 and every horse's hoof is shaped different . 345620_347700 *LYNN: It doesn't matter . 347700_348390 *LYNN: every horse is gonna have (.) a little (.) different shape . 348390_350810 *LYNN: &=in (.) And so ⌈ what you have ⌉ to ⌈2 do: ⌉2 . 350810_352940 *LENO: ⌊ So every ⌋ +/. 352070_352570 *LENO: ⌊2 every ⌋2 uh: 352570_353420 horseshoe is made +/. 353420_354530 *LENO: custom-made for the horse then ? 354530_355620 *LYNN: &=in No no . 355620_356370 *LYNN: (.) &=in No . 356370_357220 *LYNN: What +/. 357220_357470 *LYNN: What we do 357470_358320 then that's (.) that's where the ferrier comes in . 358320_360340 *LYNN: (.) &=in Every shoe 360340_361860 is like 361860_362440 (.) you get- order 362440_363880 you know 363880_364280 I would like a b- case of double-aught shoes: . 364280_366650 *LYNN: You'd get- +/. 366650_367100 *LYNN: (.) &=in The ferrier gets em . 367100_368450 *LYNN: (.) You know 368450_368850 that's the way it goes 368850_369750 &=in (.) And then: 369750_370750 (..) &=tsk ʔuh_Our job 370750_372280 is to shape the shoe 372280_373680 (.) to the horse's foot . 373680_374980 *LYNN: (..) &=in And that 374980_376550 it d- it sounds easy 376550_378000 (.) but it's really hard to do . 378000_379400 *LYNN: (.) I mean 379400_379820 &=in some of em you have to 379820_381650 ʔuh you know 381650_382200 like say 382200_382640 okay 382640_382920 say your shoe's ʔuh like thi:s ? 382920_384570 *LYNN: (.) &=in and your horse's foot is just really wide or something: ? 384570_387870 *LYNN: (.) &=in Well then you have to put it on the anvil 387870_389430 and get the shoe stretched out 389430_391020 &=in well then once you stretch the shoe out 391020_392850 (.) well then 392850_393270 &=in the two corners . 393270_394590 *LYNN: they go out 394590_395230 too . 395230_395570 *LYNN: (.) you know 395570_395880 okay your shoe's like this ? 395880_396900 *LYNN: &=in You stretch this out 396900_397960 well then it's gonna make these go way out 397960_399800 too 399800_399980 and they get like this ? 399980_400940 *LENO: ⌈ Right ⌉ . 400940_401150 *LYNN: ⌊ &=in ⌋ then you have to round these back 400940_402660 (.) you know ? 402660_403310 *LYNN: (..) &=in It's just 403310_404310 (..) ʔuh ʔit s- it sounds easy 404310_405910 but it's really hard to do 405910_407100 and then 407100_407490 &=in I would never do it 407490_408690 cause I'd never trust myself to do it . 408690_410190 *LYNN: &=in I mean we ha:d to ⌈ do it ⌉ . 410190_411590 *LENO: ⌊ &=THROAT ⌋ . 411190_411540 *LYNN: but 411590_411910 it's just that people would volunteer their horses to the college 411910_414700 because 414700_414980 &=in &=lengthened (.) it costs like thirty bucks to get your horse shod . 414980_417930 *LYNN: (.) I mean 417930_418260 that's just how much it costs . 418260_419240 *LYNN: Could you imagine all those horses out there 419240_420640 if we had em all shod ? 420640_421500 *LYNN: that's +... 421500_421780 *LENO: ⌈ How many have you got ⌉ . 421780_422690 *LYNN: ⌊ &=in thirty ⌋ bucks 421780_422980 for twenty horses- +... 422980_424040 *LENO: twen⌈ty ⌉ . 424040_424290 *LYNN: ⌊ twen⌋ty-eight horses 424060_424990 you know: ? 424990_425410 *LYNN: &=in I mean 425410_426150 (..) Jesus 426150_427520 that would be a th- (.) nine hundred dollars 427520_429270 &{n=SNAP &=nonvocal just &}n=SNAP like tha:t . 429270_430170 *LYNN: (..) &{l=SM I mean 430170_430510 could you imagine &}l=SM ? 430510_431260 *LYNN: &=in So 431260_431920 (..) w- you know 431920_433700 (..) like 433700_434000 a lot of people 434000_434900 (.) that have a lot of horses and stuff 434900_436450 (.) and that they're riding a lot 436450_437710 they'll just 437710_438210 &=in (..) let the college kids do em . 438210_440610 *LYNN: (.) For em you know . 440610_441640 *LYNN: &=in They're taking the risk 441640_443120 (.) of having their horse (..) get lame 443120_445620 but 445620_445940 &=in (.) It really never happens 445940_447700 cause we have our s- instructor right there 447700_449590 telling us 449590_450190 this is what you do . 450190_450850 *LYNN: &=in And it's not like 450850_451800 (.) there's a person that's just gung ho 451800_453510 and goes and just 453510_454160 &=in &=lengthened trims their feet 454160_455910 and puts the shoe on 455910_456960 you know: 456960_457410 you d- you d- you ca:n't do that . 457410_459160 *LYNN: And so we have our instructor right there 459160_460630 and we asked a million questions 460630_462080 (.) all the time I mean 462080_462980 &=in he e- +/. 462980_463530 *LYNN: he just runs around . 463530_464430 *LYNN: everywhere . 464430_464950 *LYNN: (.) you know . 464950_465530 *LYNN: (..) &=SWALLOW so it's ʔuh +/. 465530_466930 *LYNN: (.) &=in (.) But uh 466930_469000 (..) &{l=P &{l=PAR What was I gonna say &}l=PAR &}l=P . 469000_472790 *LYNN: (..) &=tsk ʔuh Oh 472790_476510 and it's really tiring though . 476510_477670 *LYNN: (..) &=in And it ʔuh +/. 477670_478570 *LYNN: you know like 478570_479190 (..) you get so- +/. 479190_480320 *LYNN: I:'ve (..) only done like 480320_481920 &=in (..) well &=ex 481920_484610 (..) at theʔ end of the year 484610_486560 now see 486560_486910 I took the second half of the course . 486910_488820 *LYNN: (.) &=in And 488820_489820 ʔuh (.) right now 489820_491520 I've probably 491520_492450 (.) only shod about 492450_494050 (.) five horses . 494050_495150 *LYNN: (.) &=in Trimmed a lot of em . 495150_496410 *LYNN: &=in And you know what we start out with ? 496410_497850 *LYNN: ⌈ This is the ⌉ grossest of everything . 497850_499630 *LENO: ⌊ &{l=X What &}l=X ⌋ . 497850_498290 *LYNN: &=in We start out 499630_501070 &=in (.) with 501070_501930 (.) dead horse hooves . 501930_503740 *LYNN: (.) &=in &=lengthened I mean 503740_505060 ʔuh ʔuh you know 505060_505660 &{l=X theʔ &}l=X the canneries 505660_507160 you know and stuff you know: ? 507160_508360 *LYNN: (.) The people that +/. 508360_509060 *LYNN: &=in &=lengthened (..) that +/. 509060_510150 *LYNN: (.) kill the horses for meat and stuff ? 510150_512160 *LYNN: (.) You know they have all these le:gs and stuff ? 512160_514060 *LYNN: &=in &=lengthened And +/. 514060_514960 *LYNN: (.) I don't know 514960_515860 everybody ⌈ ʔuh: ⌉ +... 515860_517360 *LENO: ⌊ I thought ⌋ they used the &=THROAT the horsehooves in (.) for gelatin 516710_519310 That's not so ? 519310_520060 *LYNN: (..) &=in &{l=HI You know 520060_521230 I think they do &}l=HI 521230_521970 I think a lot of times 521970_523050 but 523050_523300 (.) then they 523300_524250 (.) they probably use em for everything- +/. 524250_525910 *LYNN: I don't know what all they use em for . 525910_527120 *LYNN: &=in But anyway 527120_528090 we: (.) &=tsk get (.) these horse hooves 528090_530120 from this one cannery 530120_531470 (.) &=in they +/. 531470_532420 *LYNN: they have to go 532420_533200 (.) a long ways to go get em 533200_534270 like back East somewhere 534270_535290 to get these (.) horse hooves . 535290_536800 *LYNN: &=in For the college . 536800_538150 *LYNN: &=in They go back ʔuh (.) East 538150_539390 and they get em . 539390_540010 *LYNN: and they freeze em you know ? 540010_541320 *LYNN: (.) &=in So we have this frozen horse hoof 541320_543290 that we have to start out on 543290_544420 cause you don't want to (.) cripple up a (.) &=in really good horse 544420_547070 and like 547070_547370 my first hoof 547370_548370 &=in (.) that horse would have been 548370_550020 (.) lame 550020_550920 &=laugh &=laugh &{l=@ like cra:zy . 550920_552070 *LYNN: &=laugh &=laugh &=in But &}l=@ 552070_552870 &=in it was just 552870_553820 and 553820_554040 oh 554040_554360 God 554360_554560 it's so: gross 554560_555200 because 555200_555600 &=in (.) sometimes if you get one that's been thawed out a little bit 555600_558350 (.) they start really stinking and stuff ? 558350_559900 *LYNN: Oh 559900_560200 it's the grossest thing . 560200_561260 *LYNN: Oh 561260_561720 it's just so icky . 561720_562820 *LYNN: &=in &{l=HI I mean 562820_563270 you have this &}l=HI &=in (..) piece of horse [% laugh] &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh +/. 563270_567700 *LYNN: &{l=@ &{l=HI I mean this leg that's &}l=@ &}l=HI 567700_568860 oh 568860_569130 it's just gross . 569130_569750 *LYNN: &=in And like in some of em ? 569750_571100 *LYNN: (..) &=tsk blood will spurt out 571100_573150 you know 573150_573510 and I mean 573510_574040 oh . 574040_574450 *LYNN: &=in It's nothing [% laugh] &=laugh +/. 574450_575590 *LYNN: &{l=@ SM &=in it's the grossest thing SM &}l=@ . 575590_577340 *LYNN: &=in And that's why +/. 577340_578390 *LYNN: (..) that's probably why they have to make that class mandatory 578390_580880 because at the beginning of the year 580880_581930 it's just theʔ +/. 581930_582580 *LYNN: it's the pits . 582580_583330 *LYNN: &=in But once you get into it 583330_584630 it's the funnest thing and: 584630_585880 you know 585880_586160 it's really interesting 586160_587180 to do stuff like tha:t . 587180_588430 *LYNN: &=in (.) But 588430_589270 (..) I would have never got into that class 589270_591670 if +/. 591670_592100 *LYNN: (.) &=in there's no way 592100_593550 if I didn't have to have it 593550_594510 there's no way . 594510_595160 *LYNN: I mean 595210_595500 &=in (.) I heard everybody saying um- +/. 595500_597250 *LYNN: you know 597250_597600 like the people that took the class before 597600_599400 &=in talking about 599400_600350 (..) &{l=VOX Oh 600350_601930 you have to do this 601950_602890 you have to do that 602890_603620 there's dead horse hooves 603620_604920 you know you gotta 604920_605710 &=in and they stink &}l=VOX 605710_607000 and all this other stuff 607000_607860 and I was just going 607860_608510 &{l=Q oh my G:o:d 608510_609650 I'm never +/. 609650_610110 *LYNN: I: don't want to take that class . 610110_611360 *LYNN: so maybe I'll wait till next year &}l=Q 611360_612550 and then I thought 612550_612970 no 612970_613240 I'll get it out of the way now . 613240_614350 *LYNN: &=in &=lengthened And then once I got into it 614350_616250 geez 616250_616480 I wanna take the second half of it 616480_617980 it was just really interesting to me 617980_619500 you know ? 619500_619960 *LYNN: &=in (.) But 619960_620760 &=ex (.) &=tsk at first it was kind of a bummer . 620760_622560 *LYNN: (..) But 622560_624480 &=in I'm glad I took it . 624480_625880 *LYNN: (..) Really glad . 625880_626780 *LYNN: (..) &=tsk It pays off . 626780_629270 *LYNN: Especially 629270_629780 ʔuh_you know 629780_630150 &=in (.) twelve bucks 630150_631400 for a trim . 631400_632060 *LYNN: (..) I mean that's twelve bucks 632060_634140 every time I can go out 634140_635270 and trim my own horse's hooves . 635270_636920 *LENO: ⌈ Right ⌉ . 636970_637340 *LYNN: ⌊ &=in &=lengthened ⌋ You know 636920_637700 and I wouldn't trust myself to do it 637700_639420 (.) with 639420_639920 (.) a horse that I was really using a lot 639920_641560 or anything 641560_642060 but the ones that are standing around 642060_643810 &=in (..) that's still twelve dollars 643810_646820 you know 646820_647090 I mean whether the horse being used a lot or not 647090_649030 that's twelve bucks . 649030_649980 *LYNN: and 649980_650190 &=in &=lengthened (..) shoot 650190_651250 I can do those 651250_652150 you know ? 652150_652600 *LYNN: (..) But 652600_654850 I always have 654850_655690 anybody +/. 655690_656280 *LYNN: &=in I always have somebody that really knows what they're doing 656280_658960 for the horses that I'm really really using . 658960_660960 *LYNN: (..) &=tsk &=in But anyway 660960_668440 &=tsk (..) I wanna wait until the morning . 668440_670970 *LYNN: (.) to do that . 670970_671770 *LYNN: (.) because 671770_672420 &=in &=lengthened It's just 672420_673660 (..) too hot in the afternoon 673660_675310 to try to sit out there . 675310_676310 *LYNN: &=in I mean you can get 676310_677310 (.) just 677310_677630 (.) exhausted . 677630_678380 *LYNN: &=in Anyway 678380_678860 I was gonna tell you about that ʔuh- +/. 678860_680110 *LYNN: (..) the girl 680110_680750 you know 680750_681000 there isn't mary- (.) very many 681000_682290 (.) ferrier girl:s you know ? 682290_683540 *LYNN: And her heart . 1381910_1382660 *LYNN: That do this ? 683900_684350 *LYNN: &=in This summer I met one . 684350_685850 *LYNN: &=in Jorgensen's 685850_686910 they have (..) one (.) shoer 686910_689690 that comes to their house 689690_690760 all the time 690760_691350 they've had him for years and years and years . 691350_692920 *LYNN: &=in And I guess like in Minnesota it's real we:t 692920_695380 (.) and stuff you know ? 695380_696630 *LYNN: So like 696630_697280 (.) they really have to watch their shoes 697280_698630 for not coming off 698630_699360 because the hoof wall 699360_700360 is so much softer . 700360_701450 *LYNN: &=in It's like 701450_701930 when you're down there 701930_702480 your hands are softer and everything you know 702480_704180 and they're not (.) as dry: or anything ? 704180_705610 *LYNN: &=in When you get back here 705610_706710 we have dry hooves . 706710_707540 *LYNN: we have to watch out for like uh 707540_709280 &=in (..) like the hooves being too: dry . 709280_711780 *LYNN: we have to put ointment on em and stuff . 711780_713320 *LYNN: &=in The- +/. 713320_713670 *LYNN: Back there they're too we:t . 713670_715110 *LYNN: &=in Not this time of the year 715110_716430 because 716430_716870 (.) you know 716870_717180 they've had a dry year 717180_717970 but 717970_718100 &=in &=lengthened usually they're too wet 718100_719600 and that- +/. 719600_720150 *LYNN: (..) that shoe can just pull righ:t o:ff: 720150_722410 because it's just 722410_723200 &=in (.) the hoof wall is so soft . 723200_725310 *LENO: (..) ⌈ Yeah ⌉ . 725310_726080 *LYNN: ⌊ It seems ⌋ weird 725740_726440 that that's ⌈2 like ⌉2 that . 726440_727240 *LENO: ⌊2 X ⌋2 . 726690_726890 *LYNN: &=in you know 727240_727670 and I nei- +/. 727670_728170 *LYNN: I never knew that 728170_728870 until I took this class 728870_729950 either . 729950_730210 *LYNN: (.) I didn't realize that in- +/. 730210_731460 *LYNN: &=in you know 731460_731970 if you think about it 731970_732740 yeah 732740_732940 if it rains a lot 732940_733790 the horse is always we:t ? 733790_735040 *LYNN: And it's always moist 735040_735830 and it's always on something moi:st ? 735830_737160 *LENO: ⌈ Yeah ⌉ . 737160_737440 *LYNN: ⌊ &=tsk &=in ⌋ Sure it's gonna be softer . 737180_738500 *LYNN: &=in But I never even thought about that until I took this class . 738500_741000 *LYNN: So it's +/. 741000_741250 *LYNN: you know that's (.) kinda stuff too that you think about . 741250_743300 *LYNN: &=in But anyway 743300_744450 (..) &=tsk they always have this one horseshoer 744450_746920 and 746920_747130 &=in this girl's been (.) in this f:errier 747130_749630 (..) uh 749630_751180 she's going to an actual (.) ferrier college . 751180_753700 *LYNN: &=in They have a lo:t of those around . 753700_755210 *LYNN: (.) a lo:t . 755210_756000 *LYNN: &=in And she's going to one of em 756000_757720 and she's been going for 757720_758810 (.) like nine months . 758810_759900 *LYNN: (.) to this one 759900_760700 and she's still got ⌈ a lot more: ⌉ . 760700_762450 *DORI: ⌊ &{l=X Where is the 761520_762070 uh: &}l=X ⌋ . 762070_762450 *LYNN: (.) &=in left to go . 762450_763580 *LYNN: (..) What ? 763580_764240 *DORI: Where ⌈ is the XX ⌉ . 764240_765340 *LYNN: ⌊ Oh . 764870_765060 *LYNN: Right ⌋ here . 765060_765590 *DORI: (..) Guess I'll put it o:n 765590_767590 it's not on 767590_768170 ⌈ XX ⌉ . 768170_768380 *LYNN: ⌊ &=tsk ⌋ But ʔanyway: 768170_769910 She ha:s 769910_770740 (.) um 770740_771340 (..) &=in she +/. 771340_772830 *LYNN: he's like taking her as a- +/. 772830_773930 *LYNN: (..) ʔuh you know: 773930_775750 hel:ping her ou:t 775750_776710 and stuff 776710_777230 you know 777230_777500 for the summer 777500_778120 she's been working with him all summer ? 778120_779650 *LYNN: (..) &=in And 779650_781520 (..) it's [% laugh] really different 781520_783230 to see a girl doing it . 783230_784470 *LYNN: you know . 784470_784850 *LYNN: you just ʔuh don't see that . 784850_786420 *ENV: &=AIR_CONDITIONER_FAN_BEGINS . 786420_786420 *LYNN: (..) at all . 786420_787430 *LYNN: (.) ever . 787430_787860 *LYNN: &=in Jorgensen's have a: (..) g:irl- +/. 787860_790860 *LYNN: (.) or a g- +/. 790860_791510 *LYNN: (.) you know a guy 791510_792090 they've had a guy: being a horseshoer for 792090_793840 a long time you know ? 793840_794880 *LYNN: &=in And they 794880_795870 are um 795870_796480 (..) &=tsk &=in there's this girl 796480_798100 that's working with him 798100_799130 for the summer ? 799130_799830 *DORI: Unhunh . 799830_800530 *LYNN: And she's gonna be a ferrier . 800530_801780 *DORI: (..) Yeah . 801780_802430 *LYNN: (..) I couldn't believe it . 802430_803670 *LYNN: &{l=HI And she's just little &}l=HI . 803670_804720 *LYNN: (..) She's a tiny girl 804720_806390 but 806390_806630 boy I tell you 806630_807250 she's got ar:ms the size of +/. 807250_808660 *LYNN: (.) &=in they're hu:ge . 808660_810120 *LYNN: but she must only +/. 810120_810960 *LYNN: (..) &{l=HI What is m- (..) blowing out of there &}l=HI . 810960_813370 *DORI: Well 813370_813630 that's what happens with that air conditioner . 813630_815370 *DORI: it's just +/. 815370_815780 *DORI: (..) it gets dust accumulated in it 815780_817750 see it's all over the TV: . 817750_819190 *LYNN: (..) It was just o:n last night 819190_823100 how does it get du:st ⌈ in it already ⌉ . 823100_824540 *DORI: ⌊ We:ll 823920_824270 I ⌋ +/. 824270_824540 *DORI: It (.) Mae Lynne 824540_825490 (.) for one thing the (.) filters are dirty because it (.) it so +/. 825490_829090 *DORI: (.) been so dry . 829090_829900 *DORI: (..) And the +/. 829900_830870 *DORI: (.) it all comes acrost 830870_832040 (..) the road . 832040_833550 *DORI: (.) you know ? 833550_834300 *DORI: (.) and 834300_834930 (.) and then it builds up real bad with 834930_836680 (..) &=in &=COUGH deposits 836680_838840 out of the water . 838840_839770 *LYNN: Oh: . 839770_840920 *DORI: ⌈ In other words ⌉ I (.) should be (.) change filters . 840920_842840 *LYNN: ⌊ Ugh: ⌋ . 841080_841390 *LYNN: (..) Go:d . 842840_843820 *DORI: (..) I know . 843820_844830 *DORI: (..) It won't last long . 844830_846100 *DORI: (..) But 846100_849830 (.) it sure does make a mess in the house . 849830_851430 *LYNN: Yeah: . 851430_852030 *LYNN: it ⌈ makes a mess ⌉ . 852080_852830 *DORI: ⌊ &{l=X I need &}l=X new ⌋ filters . 852390_853190 *DORI: XX . 853190_853660 *LYNN: (..) Anyway 853660_857450 this girl must only weigh like 857450_858510 a hundred and ten pou:nds . 858510_859800 *LYNN: &=in (.) I mean 859800_860600 she's just a little shit . 860600_861850 *LYNN: and she's out there 861850_862560 and she's got hu:ge arms . 862560_863780 *LYNN: I mean she's in shape like you can't believe . 863780_865620 *LYNN: &=in (.) She's out [% laugh] there just 865620_867380 &=in (.) working away . 867380_868750 *LYNN: (..) And 868750_870320 those guys are so u:sed to it 870320_871520 that they do it all day long . 871520_872850 *LYNN: you know . 872850_873350 *LENO: M⌈hm ⌉ . 873350_873760 *LYNN: ⌊ And ⌋ that doesn't bother em a bit 873700_875150 to just go out there and 875150_876350 (.) trim and trim and trim . 876350_877750 *LYNN: &=in (.) And shoe 877750_879190 and everything 879190_879850 but 879850_880100 (.) for me: &=ex 880100_881100 (.) that's something I'm not used to . 881100_882470 *LYNN: and boy I tell you . 882470_883320 *LYNN: &=in you just +/. 883320_884320 *LYNN: sweat just ro:lls off of you &=laugh . 884320_886000 *LYNN: I [% laugh] &=laugh just 886000_886430 &=in &{l=HI it's &}l=HI tiring . 886430_887710 *LYNN: (..) The very +/. 887710_890460 *LYNN: ʔuh (..) at the very beginning: 890460_892980 (.) when we first started doing it 892980_894190 we only did like one hoof ? 894190_895580 *LYNN: &=in Then we moved up to two: 895580_896900 (.) Then we moved up to a full horse 896900_898480 you know ? 898480_898880 *LYNN: &=in &=lengthened And 898880_900220 (..) We were just slowly got in shape . 900220_902610 *LYNN: doing that . 902610_903200 *LYNN: you know ? 903200_903650 *LYNN: (.) &=in But now if I went to do that ? 903650_905370 *LYNN: Ho:ly smokes . 905370_906430 *LYNN: (..) I'd never be able to handle [% laugh] it . 906430_908360 *LENO: &=tsk Why: . 908360_909060 *LYNN: (..) It's just +/. 909060_910360 *LYNN: it's a +/. 910360_910700 *LYNN: it's har:d wor:k . 910700_911830 *LYNN: (.) It is really hard work . 911830_913330 *LYNN: &=in (..) You're bent o:ver: 913330_915290 and it's ʔuh +/. 915290_916250 *LYNN: (..) you know 916250_917080 it takes &{l=% like &}l=% +/. 917080_917880 *LYNN: (..) I don't know why you sweat so bad doing it either 917880_920830 but you jus:t 920830_921430 oh 921430_921780 it's just 921780_922230 &=in (..) it's just har:d hard work . 922230_924770 *LYNN: It's- +/. 924770_925260 *LYNN: &=in it doesn't seem like it would be 925260_926710 but 926710_926970 (..) &=SWALLOW it is . 926970_928660 *LYNN: It's really takes a lot of muscles to do it too . 928660_930650 *LYNN: I mean a lo:t . 930650_931710 *LYNN: &=in Those +/. 931710_932760 *LYNN: (..) It's hard . 932760_934080 *LENO: &{l=X You don't &}l=X get kicked a lot ? 934080_935230 *LYNN: (.) &=tsk I've never been kicked 935230_937230 ever . 937230_937550 *LYNN: (.) &=in But like 937550_938350 it- those college h- is course 938350_939520 you know 939520_939790 like I was talking 939790_940460 our horses are a little better than 940460_941890 &=in most people's horse 941890_942890 cause they've been arou:nd people a lo:t ? 942890_944340 *LYNN: &=in And theyʔ 944340_945370 (..) they don't get by with stuff . 945370_946480 *LYNN: I mean 946480_946720 we do get mad at our horses for 946720_948520 (..) &=laugh &=in you know 948520_950450 whatever they do wrong 950450_951320 we do get mad at em 951320_952130 &=tsk like I noticed 952130_953070 &=in horses at college 953070_954310 they just haven't been disciplined enough . 954310_955810 *LYNN: and they're just 955810_956320 (.) &=in it's like a kid 956320_957800 they're just 957800_958310 (..) are ornery 958310_959350 you know ? 959350_959710 *LYNN: &=in And like 959710_960480 they'll move arou:nd 960480_961520 and 961520_961780 ʔuh (..) kinda be ornery about half way 961780_964100 but not (..) not too bad . 964100_965550 *LYNN: (..) I've never been (.) kicked doing it at all . 965550_967600 *LYNN: &=in And that's another thing we had to learn in the class you know 967600_970350 just had to learn (..) our safety of 970350_972880 &=in where to stand 972880_974350 and how to stand 974350_975310 (.) &=in You have to stand like these certain ways 975310_977850 and 977850_978060 (.) oh and it's a killer on your back 978060_979070 cause you're standing like this . 979070_980410 *LYNN: Oh I'm sorry Berry . 980410_981320 *LYNN: &=in You're ⌈ standing ⌉ +... 981320_982620 *ENV: ⌊ &=MICROPHONE ⌋ &=lengthened . 982120_983510 *LYNN: Whoops . 983510_983940 *LYNN: &=laugh &=in 983940_984610 (..) You're standing like thi:s you know ? 984610_988690 *LYNN: &=in And like 988690_989590 ʔwhen you're in the back 989590_990450 the horse's hoof (..) ʔuh_lays like this right over you ? 990450_992810 *LYNN: and you're 992810_993330 (.) like this working ? 993330_994360 *LYNN: you know ? 994360_994700 *LYNN: &=in This is like a hoof knife 994700_996020 then a +/. 996020_996280 *LYNN: you [% laugh] ⌈ know [% laugh] ⌉ . 996280_996630 *LENO: ⌊ So you're always bent over ⌋ . 996560_997500 *LYNN: You're always bent over . 997500_998580 *LYNN: (.) And like in the front ? 998580_999640 *LYNN: &=in You stick the horse's hoof (.) between your leg 999640_1002430 you know ? 1002430_1002870 *LYNN: (..) &=tsk &=in Kinda like that 1002870_1004340 and you kinda 1004340_1004730 you go like this 1004730_1005580 you kinda bend down like this 1005580_1006750 and you have the horse's hoof ⌈ right here ⌉ ? 1006750_1008060 *LENO: ⌊ It's hard on your back ⌋ . 1007450_1008060 *LYNN: &=in &=lengthened It's really hard on your back . 1008060_1010290 *LYNN: (.) Like 1010290_1010640 (.) I noticed that girl's back muscles were just tremendous . 1010640_1013240 *LYNN: too you know . 1013240_1013890 *LYNN: (..) Couldn't believe it . 1013890_1015770 *LYNN: (..) She had like on this (.) really (.) p- kinda short shirt 1015770_1018820 you know ? 1018820_1019170 *LYNN: &=in 1019170_1019670 &{l=X There's this &}l=X +/. 1019670_1020270 *LYNN: (..) &=in I think that's cold . 1020270_1022120 *LENO: (..) Just don't +/. 1022120_1023320 *LENO: (.) it's +/. 1023320_1023670 *LENO: if you rub something against it 1023670_1024750 it's just +... 1024750_1025200 *LYNN: (.) Makes a sound ? 1025200_1026050 *LYNN: (..) &=in Nka:y . 1026050_1028380 *LENO: (..) So what +/. 1028380_1032450 *LENO: (.) what were you gonna do out there today . 1032450_1033570 *LENO: What other +/. 1033570_1034050 *LENO: (.) what other things &{l=X were you &}l=X gonna +... 1034050_1035120 *LYNN: (..) &=in Just go out and um . 1035120_1038100 *LENO: (..) &=tsk Look at the filly ? 1038100_1039470 *LYNN: (..) &=in Yeah: . 1039470_1041010 *LYNN: (.) &=in (.) I think more or less &=ex 1041010_1043160 it's getting about 1043160_1043910 (.) so late now . 1043910_1045260 *LYNN: (..) Pretty much all we're gonna do is go out 1045260_1048350 (.) I don't know what her plans really are . 1048350_1050050 *LYNN: (.) But I think pretty much just go out and take care of em and then 1050050_1052770 &=in maybe go to that (..) seasonal dance 1052770_1055430 or whatever it is . 1055430_1056410 *LYNN: (..) Is that what it's called ? 1056410_1059230 *LENO: (..) I don't know . 1059230_1060750 *LYNN: (..) I don't know what it's called either . 1060750_1062300 *LYNN: (..) &=in You know 1062300_1065240 he said there was four guy:s doing that ? 1065240_1067230 *LENO: (..) Doing what . 1067230_1068780 *LYNN: (.) ʔuh The dance 1068780_1069680 you know ? 1069680_1070130 *LYNN: (.) How he said there's four guys 1070130_1071280 I wonder if that means like 1071280_1072180 (.) &=in Since there's four seasons 1072180_1074140 you know ? 1074140_1074340 *LYNN: I wonder if ⌈ that has ⌉ something to do with it . 1074340_1075590 *LENO: ⌊ Unhunh ⌋ . 1074640_1074770 *LYNN: since he called it a seasonal ⌈2 dance ⌉2 . 1075590_1076990 *LENO: ⌊2 XX ⌋2 . 1076840_1076990 *LYNN: &=in &=lengthened (..) He's a pretty neat guy . 1076990_1083270 *LYNN: (..) I thought . 1083270_1084390 *LENO: (..) &{l=@ Yeah 1084390_1086800 he spoke Crow okay &}l=@ . 1086800_1088660 *LENO: &=in . 1088660_1089160 *LYNN: (..) &=laugh &=in 1089160_1090510 (..) I got a kick out of him when he kept saying it- 1090510_1093580 &=in &{l=@ See this little cat &}l=@ . 1093580_1095230 *LYNN: (.) &=ex &=in (..) ⌈ Little cat- ⌉ +... 1095230_1099750 *LENO: ⌊ I don't wanna ⌋ see the little cat . 1099490_1100650 *LENO: (..) ⌈2 I know . 1100650_1101300 *LYNN: ⌊2 I know . 1100750_1101290 *LENO: that sounds like kit⌉2ten . 1101300_1102300 *LYNN: that sounds like kit- ⌋2 +... 1101300_1102150 *LENO: &{l=@ I don't wanna &}l=@ say kitten 1102300_1103500 that sounds stupid . 1103500_1104300 *LYNN: (.) ⌈ &=laugh &=laugh ⌉ &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=in . 1104300_1105950 *LENO: ⌊ &=in ⌋ . 1104320_1104970 *LYNN: (..) So she named everybody in the class except for +... 1105950_1108800 *LENO: (.) &=tsk About (.) four people . 1108800_1110250 *LENO: Well 1110250_1110500 (.) I think they asked for names . 1110500_1111800 *LYNN: (.) &{l=@ Oh did they &}l=@ ? 1111800_1113150 *LYNN: (..) Hunh . 1113150_1114770 *LYNN: (..) That's funny . 1114770_1116310 *LYNN: (..) &=in (..) Look at how much that air conditioner blew on that blue bag right there . 1116310_1121360 *LENO: (..) Yeah 1121360_1122140 I noticed on the +/. 1122140_1122790 *LENO: (..) on the case for the tape recorder too 1122790_1125000 &{l=X that it's all &}l=X +/. 1125000_1125430 *LENO: that it's all covered today . 1125430_1126400 *LENO: (..) ⌈ Look right here ⌉ . 1126400_1127490 *LYNN: ⌊ Look at your cig⌋arettes even . 1127100_1128450 *LENO: Look . 1128450_1128800 *LENO: Right here ? 1128800_1129300 *LENO: (.) ⌈ Just +... 1129300_1129850 *LYNN: ⌊ Gee:z ⌋ . 1129520_1130370 *LENO: just from ⌉ sitting here . 1129850_1130620 *LENO: For just a minute . 1130620_1131430 *LENO: (.) ⌈ That's ⌉ +... 1131430_1131650 *LYNN: ⌊ Look at the cigarettes ⌋ . 1131630_1132600 *LENO: (..) It's like a:sh . 1132600_1133680 *LENO: Is it from +/. 1133680_1134140 *LENO: (.) that must be from the fi:res ? 1134140_1135290 *LENO: Or what . 1135290_1135780 *LYNN: (..) You know 1135780_1136580 maybe it i:s . 1136590_1137680 *LYNN: (..) Maybe it i:s . 1137680_1138880 *LENO: (..) ⌈ Uh ⌉ +... 1138880_1139480 *LYNN: ⌊ Cause ⌋ that one ʔuh whole day 1139180_1140170 you couldn't even see or anything 1140170_1141570 (.) from 1141570_1141970 &=in but look at your cigarettes . 1141970_1143470 *LYNN: (..) ⌈ Just sitting there ⌉ . 1143470_1144750 *LENO: ⌊ Oh yeah ⌋ . 1144110_1144910 *LENO: (..) On the way into r- +/. 1144910_1147790 *LENO: (.) from (.) Roundup 1147790_1148700 (.) yesterday morning 1148700_1149490 the radio was on ? 1149490_1150370 *LENO: (..) And they were 1150370_1151110 (.) talking about the weather and they said 1151110_1152320 (.) &=in how we- 1152320_1153060 everybody woke up with ash all over their car today 1153060_1155270 and . 1155270_1155470 *LYNN: (..) In Roundup ? 1155470_1157340 *LENO: (.) On the way from Roundup . 1157340_1158690 *LENO: (.) I was listening to the radio . 1158690_1159840 *LENO: (..) Yesterday morning . 1159840_1161230 *LENO: (..) ⌈ And they were talking ⌉ +... 1161230_1162180 *LYNN: ⌊ And so this was ⌋ probably like a Billings radio station 1161400_1163750 or ⌈2 something like that ? 1163750_1164550 *LENO: ⌊2 Yeah 1163850_1164200 (.) Unhunh ⌋2 . 1164200_1165050 *LYNN: &=in ⌉2 (.) Is that ri:ght . 1164550_1166150 *LENO: And they said well everybody woke up with ashes on their car today . 1165950_1168320 *LENO: (..) And I guess just from the fires . 1168320_1170220 *DORI: Yeah 1170170_1170500 it is . 1170500_1170840 *LYNN: &=in . 1170840_1171090 *DORI: I was telling ⌈ Mae Lynne ⌉ . 1171090_1172340 *LYNN: ⌊ Hunh ⌋ . 1171700_1172160 *DORI: (..) Uh 1172340_1173190 (..) day before yesterday 1173190_1174860 it was the most weird day I've ever seen in my entire adult l:ife . 1174860_1178460 *DORI: (..) It was um 1178460_1179760 (..) the wind was blowing real hot when I first got up . 1179760_1182860 *DORI: (..) And it was early . 1182860_1184160 *DORI: (.) Real early 1184160_1184770 like seven o'clock in the morning 1184770_1186160 that +/. 1186160_1186450 *DORI: (.) that wind was just hot . 1186450_1187850 *DORI: &=in &=lengthened And 1187850_1188870 n:ext thing you knew 1188870_1189600 it was just overcast 1189600_1190720 (.) well the smoke all blew in . 1190720_1192010 *DORI: Just like there was a fire . 1192010_1193090 *DORI: right around close . 1193090_1193990 *DORI: &=in And it was just (.) dense . 1193990_1195920 *DORI: You couldn't even hardly see 1195920_1197070 very far away . 1197070_1197820 *DORI: &=in Okay then 1197820_1198960 (..) it +/. 1198960_1199800 *DORI: (.) that +/. 1199800_1200320 *DORI: (.) s- +/. 1200320_1200610 *DORI: (.) it just kinda blew the smoke in 1200610_1201990 and then blew it out 1201990_1202680 but 1202680_1202910 &=in then it was real hazy 1202910_1204220 and there was just dust particles 1204220_1205600 all over . 1205600_1206170 *DORI: and it was 1206170_1206650 &=in you'd look at the sun 1206650_1207820 and it would just look red . 1207820_1208620 *DORI: I mean you couldn't see: the sun . 1208620_1209920 *DORI: (.) It was just +... 1209920_1210890 *LYNN: (.) She said people were driving around with their lights on . 1210890_1213020 *DORI: Yeah . 1213020_1213280 *DORI: And the lights were +/. 1213280_1214020 *DORI: (..) they didn't look like they were +/. 1214020_1215880 *DORI: (..) it's just from the drought and the dust 1215880_1218870 (.) you know 1218870_1219250 (.) and the smoke in the air . 1219250_1220370 *DORI: (..) I've never seen anything like it . 1220370_1222370 *LYNN: (.) And she said like 1222370_1223670 (.) the lights looked: (.) a greenish color . 1223670_1225670 *DORI: Yeah . 1225670_1225950 *DORI: ⌈ They look a green XXXX ⌉ . 1225950_1227680 *LYNN: ⌊ You know how they look yellow at night 1226050_1227410 you know ⌋ ? 1227410_1227810 *DORI: (..) Yeah . 1227810_1228830 *DORI: they just looked green . 1228830_1229550 *DORI: (..) It was a wei:rd . 1229550_1231040 *DORI: (.) ugly . 1231040_1231520 *DORI: (.) ugly day . 1231520_1232270 *DORI: (.) Rana Lee's gonna have a baby by the way . 1232270_1234170 *LYNN: Who is ? 1234170_1234720 *DORI: &{l=P Rana Lee &}l=P . 1234720_1235320 *LYNN: (..) ⌈ Brian's (.) ⌉ wife ? 1235320_1237900 *DORI: ⌊ Brian's wife ⌋ . 1236620_1237200 *LYNN: (..) I didn't even know she was pregnant 1237900_1240270 three months ago . 1240270_1241130 *LYNN: (..) ⌈ Of course I guess they can get big in three months ⌉ . 1241130_1245070 *DORI: ⌊ &{l=X Well 1242780_1243420 (.) I (.) I told you &}l=X ⌋ . 1243420_1245070 *LYNN: too . 1245070_1245370 *LENO: What's her name ? 1245370_1245920 *LYNN: (..) Bran- +/. 1245920_1247070 *LYNN: &=in &{l=F what's her name ? 1247070_1248020 *DORI: (.) Rana Lee . 1248020_1249170 *LYNN: (..) Rana Lee &}l=F ? 1249170_1250640 *DORI: (.) Unhunh . 1250640_1251250 *LYNN: (..) Rana Lee . 1251250_1252200 *LENO: Hm . 1252200_1252420 *LYNN: &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=in 1252420_1253120 (..) &=laugh &=laugh &=laugh &=in &{l=@ I don't know why I told you that &}l=@ . 1253120_1257600 *LYNN: (..) &{l=SING Rana Lee &}l=SING . 1257600_1260510 *LYNN: (..) &=in &{l=YWN She had a brother that died from asthma too &}l=YWN . 1260510_1263360 *LYNN: (..) Seem like a lot of people . 1263360_1267360 *LYNN: (..) I mean that's weird 1267360_1270050 that I would know two: people that died from asthma . 1270050_1272400 *LYNN: You know ? 1272400_1272800 *DORI: Why don't ⌈ we (.) ⌉ go . 1272800_1273800 *LENO: ⌊ just in ⌋ +... 1273110_1273420 *DORI: except +... 1273800_1274200 *LYNN: Just in a matter of a (.) year's time ? 1274200_1276050 *DORI: This washing is XXX . 1276050_1277500 *LENO: (..) Really . 1277500_1278940 *LYNN: (..) Yeah . 1278940_1279890 *LYNN: (..) Her brother was like 1279890_1281930 (..) &=in just right out of high school ? 1281930_1284470 *LYNN: (.) &=in I mean 1284470_1285320 you know 1285320_1285620 did mom tell you 1285620_1286420 (.) about Deb at all ? 1286420_1287470 *LYNN: (.) She probably really couldn't 1287470_1288620 since Genetta was there . 1288620_1289720 *LYNN: &=in You know 1289720_1290520 she was- +/. 1290520_1290770 *LYNN: like she was in the hospital 1290770_1291970 in and out of the hospital all the time and stuff 1291970_1294110 ever since she was little 1294110_1295160 (.) &=in she was in and out of the hospital . 1295160_1297060 *DORI: (.) Who was that . 1297060_1297960 *DORI: Debby ? 1297960_1298260 *LYNN: (.) Debby . 1298260_1299130 *LYNN: (..) &=in I mean she was in- +... 1299130_1301030 *DORI: ⌈ X ⌉ . 1301030_1301310 *LYNN: ⌊ she ⌋ &=in loved horses ⌈2 so mu:ch . 1301070_1303420 *DORI: ⌊2 XXXX &{l=X stuff on it &}l=X ⌋2 . 1302800_1303690 *LYNN: &=in and she ⌉2 was always 1303420_1304690 like 1304690_1305140 &=in she's allergic to horsehair 1305140_1306990 horse sweat . 1306990_1307690 *LENO: (..) Oh . 1307690_1308380 *LENO: ⌈ X ⌉ . 1308380_1308700 *LYNN: ⌊ You know ⌋ 1308540_1308740 stuff like that 1308740_1309340 but she wouldn't quit riding em . 1309340_1310640 *LYNN: so . 1310640_1310990 *DORI: (..) ⌈ Well XX ⌉ . 1310990_1312890 *LYNN: ⌊ she's allergic to ⌋ everything 1312260_1313410 ⌈2 it doesn't matter ⌉2 . 1313410_1314100 *DORI: ⌊2 XXX was saying ⌋2 1313590_1314200 it didn't matter what she di:d . 1314200_1315450 *LENO: (..) ⌈ Did she ever go to a allergy ⌉ doctor: . 1315450_1321180 *LYNN: ⌊ XXXX ⌋ . 1319890_1320690 *LENO: (.) or anybody like ⌈2 that ⌉2 ? 1321180_1322230 *LYNN: ⌊2 &=in ⌋2 Oh: yeah: . 1322100_1323050 *LYNN: She: (.) t- +/. 1323050_1324050 *LYNN: (.) &=in (..) well they +/. 1324050_1325050 *LYNN: she never did take shots . 1325050_1326350 *LYNN: ⌈ Did she ⌉ . 1326350_1326850 *DORI: ⌊ No 1326450_1326800 I don't ⌋ know why . 1326800_1327450 *DORI: They should've 1327450_1327950 (.) they should have gotten her +... 1327950_1329400 *LYNN: (..) I don't know why they didn't ⌈ either ⌉ . 1329400_1331400 *DORI: ⌊ I +/. 1331070_1331370 *DORI: ʔuh I ⌋ w- always wondered about that 1331400_1333050 and she was s- +/. 1333050_1333650 *DORI: (.) she had such severe asthma 1333650_1335400 that 1335400_1335700 &=in I would have done a ⌈ little bit more for her I think ⌉ . 1335700_1337950 *LYNN: ⌊ &=in If you wanna talk about somebody ⌋ tired 1336600_1338450 that girl 1338450_1339000 (..) that girl couldn't (..) walk down to the street and back 1339000_1343200 without taking a nap . 1343200_1344280 *LYNN: (..) And me and mom always accused her of being lazy . 1344280_1346850 *LYNN: (..) You know 1346850_1347690 because she was just 1347690_1348640 (..) &{l=HI all she did was sleep &}l=HI . 1348640_1350390 *LENO: (..) She sounded like she had ⌈ more problems than ⌉ +... 1350390_1352340 *LYNN: ⌊ and now that when ⌋ we think about it 1351560_1353240 (..) she probably wasn't really (..) lazy 1353240_1355930 she's probably just exhausted 1355930_1357260 I mean 1357260_1357520 &=in you know 1357520_1358110 if you think about it 1358110_1358820 we like take (.) everything for granted . 1358820_1360620 *LYNN: We take our air for granted . 1360620_1362020 *LYNN: You know ? 1362020_1362420 *LYNN: (..) Then somebody like that 1362420_1363870 (..) every little breath is like (.) and effort to em 1363870_1366690 d- +/. 1366690_1366820 *LYNN: and you know 1366820_1367260 and if I had to go through an effort 1367260_1368520 just in breathing 1368520_1369330 all the time 1369330_1370020 &=in . 1370020_1370330 *DORI: (.) Well Deb⌈by got- ⌉ +... 1370330_1371770 *LYNN: ⌊ I would be ⌋ tired too . 1371320_1372390 *DORI: (.) Debby got to the point 1372390_1373800 where all she would do is 1373800_1374870 when she did 1374870_1375550 (..) you know every- +/. 1375550_1376350 *DORI: (.) just 1376350_1376600 (.) really often she would go &=in &=lengthened 1376600_1378350 to try to get enough air in 1378350_1380040 (.) and her 1380040_1380470 they had an autopsy done on her . 1380470_1381910 *DORI: And her heart 1381910_1382700 (.) was just hard 1382700_1383440 on one side 1383440_1384190 from 1384190_1384450 &=in labored breathing all of her life . 1384450_1386640 *DORI: It had just labored her heart so bad . 1386640_1388140 *DORI: &=in She actually died of a heart attack . 1388140_1390040 *LYNN: She did . 1390040_1390640 *DORI: Yeah . 1390640_1390940 *LYNN: (..) They did have an autopsy done on ⌈ her ⌉ . 1390940_1394190 *DORI: ⌊ Yes ⌋ . 1393710_1394190 *DORI: (..) It surprised me . 1394190_1395340 *DORI: (..) But they +/. 1395340_1398230 *DORI: they did . 1398230_1398730 *DORI: (..) And it was actually a +... 1398730_1400610 *LYNN: And her heart was ⌈ ha:rd ⌉ ? 1400610_1401980 *DORI: ⌊ cardiac arrest ⌋ . 1401440_1402360 *DORI: (.) Mhm . 1402360_1402840 *DORI: &=in One side of her heart was just hard . 1402840_1404740 *DORI: from 1404740_1405040 (..) the muscle +/. 1405040_1406570 *DORI: the muscle was just hard 1406570_1407660 from just (.) ⌈ labored breathing . 1407660_1409050 *LYNN: ⌊ Gee:z ⌋ . 1408240_1409500 *DORI: &{l=X trying ⌉ to breathe all the time &}l=X . 1409050_1410300 *LYNN: (..) That's just sick . 1410300_1411950 *DORI: (..) Yeah 1411950_1413950 we thought she was just lazy 1413950_1415220 and kind of worthless 1415220_1416080 but 1416080_1416270 (..) we didn't realize what she was going through . 1416270_1418770 *LYNN: (..) And you know &=ex 1418770_1420730 (..) maybe that's another reason why she didn't really +/. 1420730_1424000 *LYNN: &=in maybe mom she kinda knew about all this stuff . 1424000_1426100 *LYNN: And maybe that's why she didn't really 1426100_1427400 (..) pay that much attention to Amanda . 1427400_1429950 *LYNN: I mean no:t because 1429950_1431060 &=in I mean it seems like she'd pay more attention to her 1431060_1433350 but maybe it's because she wanted to have a little fun in her life too 1433350_1436080 and knew it wasn't gonna 1436080_1437130 &=in last forever for her . 1437130_1439190 *LYNN: You know ? 1439190_1439630 *LYNN: (..) I mean 1439630_1440600 I guess like right before she died and stuff 1440600_1442330 she's like telling her mom like 1442330_1443820 (..) well if I go: 1443820_1445090 I want this here 1445090_1445950 and I want that there 1445950_1446940 and 1446940_1447190 (..) You know 1447190_1448430 just little things⌈: ⌉ . 1448430_1449730 *LENO: ⌊ Is Amanda ⌋ her kid 1449400_1450250 or . 1450250_1450500 *LYNN: (.) Yeah . 1450500_1451260 *LENO: ⌈ Oh ⌉ . 1451260_1451620 *DORI: ⌊ she had ⌋ a little three-year-old daughter . 1451440_1452960 *LYNN: (..) It's just too bad . 1452960_1457320 *LYNN: (..) I just hope Orville and Genetta get that little girl . 1457320_1461170 *DORI: Oh they won't . 1461170_1462150 *DORI: there's no +... 1462150_1462900 *LYNN: Are they even ⌈ trying ⌉ ? 1462900_1463900 *DORI: ⌊ &{l=X They can't &}l=X ⌋ +/. 1463250_1463900 *DORI: (.) They want her three months out of the year 1463900_1465690 but they have no legal grounds . 1465690_1467180 *DORI: I mean 1467180_1467620 (..) You know 1467620_1468800 he is the legal father 1468800_1469920 and 1469920_1470170 (..) there's not much they can do . 1470170_1471570 *LENO: &{l=X Oh &}l=X she was divorced ? 1471570_1472460 *DORI: (.) ⌈ Mhm ⌉ . 1472460_1473360 *LYNN: ⌊ &=in ⌋ &=lengthened (.) Yeah 1472710_1473740 and he is such a weirdo . 1473740_1474830 *LYNN: (..) Thi:s is the type of person 1474830_1477690 (..) that (..) is like (..) a hermit . 1477690_1481110 *LYNN: (.) &{l=@ I don't know what you'd call him &}l=@ . 1481110_1482700 *LYNN: &=in . 1482700_1483050 *DORI: Well ⌈ they were ⌉ (.) rai- (.) raised (..) backward . 1483050_1485280 *LYNN: ⌊ He's like ⌋ +... 1483290_1483570 *DORI: (..) Uh 1485280_1485780 (.) back woods . 1485780_1486690 *LYNN: (.) Back ⌈ woodsy ⌉ . 1486690_1487780 *DORI: ⌊ raised in the ⌋ mountains . 1487370_1488310 *DORI: didn't d- +... 1488310_1488760 *LYNN: (..) Never came down out of the mountains . 1488760_1490960 *LYNN: (.) He doesn't have any +/. 1490960_1492310 *LYNN: (..) He doesn't know what's going on in this wo:rld . 1492310_1495220 *DORI: (.) No he doesn't . 1495220_1496060 *DORI: (.) ⌈ He was ⌉ just not ⌈2 properly brought up ⌉2 . 1496060_1498060 *LYNN: ⌊ He ⌋ +/. 1496360_1496560 *LYNN: ⌊2 I mean he wouldn't even have the ⌋2 slightest ⌈3 idea XX ⌉3 . 1497010_1498860 *LENO: ⌊3 Where was he from ⌋3 . 1498280_1498930 *DORI: (..) U:m 1498930_1500300 (..) ⌈ &{l=X I forget &}l=X ⌉ . 1500300_1501150 *LYNN: ⌊ Idaho⌋: ? 1500720_1501220 *DORI: Idaho: 1501220_1501820 ⌈ and ⌉ . 1501820_1502140 *LYNN: ⌊ up ⌋ in the mountains 1502080_1503030 ⌈2 In Idaho ⌉2 . 1503030_1503540 *DORI: ⌊2 XXX ⌋2 1503080_1503590 (..) Um Macley 1503590_1505830 and . 1505830_1506080 *LYNN: (..) Arco ? 1506080_1508060 *LYNN: (..) Isn't that where Deb (.) kinda was ? 1508060_1509960 *LYNN: (..) But he's just really really really strange . 1509960_1515320 @End