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Computational linguistics; psycholinguistics; corpus linguistics; speech perception; language variation, change, and evolution; phonology and its interactions with morphology and syntax
2019 Ph.D., Stanford University
I am a computational psycholinguist with a focus on speech perception. A central theme in my work is the way that small-scale cognitive processes associated with in-the-moment listening can have large-scale, long-term implications for linguistic knowledge and behavior. To this end, my research aims to identify the biases and constraints underlying speech perception and to understand their implications for the way that language is used and for the way that language use changes over time. I use a three-pronged approach to this goal, combining computational modeling, psycholinguistic experiments, and large-scale corpus analysis. I also have a secondary interest in interactions between phonology and higher-order morphological and syntactic structure.
I direct the CPLS (Computational Psycholinguistics of Listening and Speaking) Lab and the CEILing (Computation and Experiments in Linguistics) group, both of which meet regularly to discuss research in the area of computational psycholinguistics, broadly construed. Anyone is welcome to join biweekly CEILing meetings; to join the mailing list, click here and click the Ask to join button.
I am also affiliated with the Department of Computer Science and the Ph.D. emphases in Cognitive Science, Quantitative Methods in the Social Sciences, and Information Technology & Society; I welcome requests to serve on advising committees for students in those programs.
Please see my website and my lab website for an overview of my research.
Please see my Google Scholar Profile for my past publications and my lab website for publications coming out of my lab.
- LING 102 & 205: Programming for Linguists
- LING 110 & 208: Foundations of Computational Linguistics
- LING 111 & 210: Advanced Computational Linguistics: Text Processing
- LING 119 & 209: Advanced Computational Linguistics: Speech Processing
- LING 247: Topics in Psycholinguistics: Computational Cognitive Models of Language